Common Metadata:
gn_args=var1=true var2="foo"
Old Metadata:
bar=[1, 2, 3]
New Metadata:
bar=[1, 3]
Section Sizes (Total=0 bytes (0 bytes)):
.bss: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (not included in totals)
.data: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%) 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%) 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%)
.other: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%)
.pak.nontranslated: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%)
.pak.translations: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%)
.rel.dyn: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%) (counted in .other)
.rodata: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%)
.text: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (0.0%)
Other section sizes:
.ARM.attributes: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.ARM.exidx: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.ARM.extab: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.dynamic: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.dynstr: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.dynsym: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.fini_array: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.gnu.version: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.gnu.version_d: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.gnu.version_r: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.got: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.hash: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.init_array: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.interp: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other) 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other) 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.plt: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.rel.plt: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.shstrtab: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.strtab: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
.symtab: 0 bytes (0 bytes) (counted in .other)
2 symbols added (+), 1 changed (~), 3 removed (-), 269 unchanged (not shown)
Added/Removed by section: .data: +2 .pak.translations: -3
Of changed symbols, 3 grew, 3 shrank
Number of unique symbols 277 -> 276 (-1)
0 paths added, 0 removed, 1 changed
Changed files:
Showing 6 symbols (4 -> 3 unique) with total pss: -94 bytes
Histogram of symbols based on PSS:
(-128,-64]: 1 (-32,-16]: 1 (-16,-8]: 1 [4,8): 2 [8,16): 1
Sizes: .text=0 bytes .rodata=10 bytes bytes .data=8 bytes .bss=0 bytes .pak.translations=-112 bytes .pak.nontranslated=0 bytes .other=0 bytes total=-94 bytes
Counts: .text=0 .rodata=1 .data=2 .bss=0 .pak.translations=3 .pak.nontranslated=0 .other=0
Number of unique paths: 3
Section Legend: t=.text, r=.rodata,,, b=.bss, p=.pak.translations, P=.pak.nontranslated, o=.other
Index | Running Total | Section@Address | ...
- 0) -80 (85.1%) p@0x0 -80 (80->0) num_aliases=1
source_path= object_path=
full_name=../../android_webview/ui/aw_strings.grd: IDS_AW_WEBPAGE_PARENTAL_PERMISSION_NEEDED
- 1) -103 (109.6%) p@0x0 -23 (23->0) num_aliases=1
source_path= object_path=
flags={} name=IDS_WEB_FONT_FAMILY
full_name=../../ui/strings/app_locale_settings.grd: IDS_WEB_FONT_FAMILY
- 2) -112 (119.1%) p@0x0 -9 (9->0) num_aliases=1
source_path= object_path=
flags={} name=IDS_WEB_FONT_SIZE
full_name=../../ui/strings/app_locale_settings.grd: IDS_WEB_FONT_SIZE
~ 3) -102 (108.5%) r@0x284e398 +10 (22->32) num_aliases=1
source_path=third_party/container/container.c object_path=third_party/sub/ContiguousContainer.o
flags={} name=chrome::mojom::FilePatcher::Name_
+ 4) -98 (104.3%) d@0x2de7000 +4 (0->4) num_aliases=1
source_path=base/ object_path=base/base/page_allocator.o
flags={} name=google::protobuf::internal::pLinuxKernelCmpxchg
+ 5) -94 (100.0%) d@0x2de7004 +4 (0->4) num_aliases=1
source_path=third_party/container/container.c object_path=third_party/sub/ContiguousContainer.o
flags={} name=google::protobuf::internal::pLinuxKernelMemoryBarrier