// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
namespace ash::smb_client {
// Creates a FileSystemId by concatenating a random filesystem identifier and
// |share_path| with a delimiter. The random ID is used so that the same share
// path can be mounted multiple times. If |is_kerberos_chromad| is set, an
// additional symbol is appended.
std::string CreateFileSystemId(const base::FilePath& share_path,
bool is_kerberos_chromad);
// Creates a FileSystemId by concatenating a random filesystem identifier,
// |share_path|, and |username| with a delimiter. The random ID is used so that
// the same share path can be mounted multiple times. |username| must be either
// a name without a domain/workgroup, or in the "[email protected]" format
// parsable by ParseUserPrincipalName().
std::string CreateFileSystemIdForUser(const base::FilePath& share_path,
const std::string& username);
// Returns the SharePath component of a |file_system_id|. |file_system_id| must
// be well-formed (e.g. 2@@smb://
base::FilePath GetSharePathFromFileSystemId(const std::string& file_system_id);
// Returns whether |file_system_id| corresponds to a share that was mounted
// using ChromAD Kerberos.
bool IsKerberosChromadFileSystemId(const std::string& file_system_id);
// Returns the username if |file_system_id| was constructed with
// CreateFileSystemIdForUser(). Returns nullopt if |file_system_id| does not
// store the username.
std::optional<std::string> GetUserFromFileSystemId(
const std::string& file_system_id);
} // namespace ash::smb_client