
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// lineNumber defaults to 1 if it doesn't parse as an int or is zero.
function openFile(filepath, lineNumber) {
  lineNumber = parseInt(lineNumber);
  if (!lineNumber)
    lineNumber = 1;
  fetch('' + filepath + '&l=' + lineNumber);

function openFiles(filepaths) {
  fetch('' + filepaths.join(',,'));

function openByLink(info, tabId) {
  let pageHostname = new URL(info.pageUrl).hostname;
  let linkUrl = new URL(info.linkUrl);

  if (pageHostname == '') {
    chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, 'getFile', (res) => {
      return res && res.file && openFile(res.file);
  } else if (pageHostname == '') {
    let match = linkUrl.pathname.match(/^\/chromium\/src\/(.*)/);
    let line = linkUrl.searchParams.get('l');
    if (match)
      openFile(match[1], line);
  } else if (pageHostname == '') {
    // 'patch' links don't contain the filename so we query the page.
    if (linkUrl.pathname.match(/^\/\d+\/patch\//)) {
      chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, 'getFile', (res) => {
        if (res.file)

    // See if it's a 'diff' link with the filename in the pathname.
    let match = linkUrl.pathname.match(/^\/\d+\/diff\/\d+\/(.*)/);
    if (!match)
    filepath = match[1];

    // Comment links may have the line number in the hash component.
    let line = linkUrl.hash.replace(/#newcode/, '')
    openFile(filepath, line);

function csOpenCurrentFile(tabId, pageUrl) {
  chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, 'getLine', (res) => {
    let filepath = pageUrl.pathname.replace(/\/chromium\/src\//, '');
    // If we couldn't get the line number by inspecting the clicked element,
    // try to get it from the query params.
    let line = res.line ? res.line : pageUrl.searchParams.get('l');
    openFile(filepath, line);

function crOpenAllInPatchset(tabId) {
  chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, 'getFiles', (res) => {
    return res && res.files && openFiles(res.files);

chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => {
  if (info.menuItemId == 'ome-selection') {
    openFile(info.selectionText.replace(/\s*/g, ''));
  } else if (info.menuItemId == 'ome-link') {
  } else if (info.menuItemId == 'ome') {
    let pageUrl = new URL(info.pageUrl);
    if (pageUrl.hostname == '') {
      csOpenCurrentFile(, pageUrl);
    } else if (pageUrl.hostname == '') {
    } else if (pageUrl.hostname == '') {

chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(() => {
    'title': 'Open My Editor',
    'id': 'ome',
    'contexts': ['page'],
    'documentUrlPatterns': [
    'title': 'Open My Editor by Link',
    'id': 'ome-link',
    'contexts': ['link'],
    'documentUrlPatterns': [
    'title': 'Open My Editor for "%s"',
    'id': 'ome-selection',
    'contexts': ['selection'],
    'documentUrlPatterns': [
      // TODO(chaopeng) Should be only except CS and CR, But I dont know how to.
      // So only list the sites here.
      '*', '*'