// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"
namespace ash::smb_client {
// Represents an SMB URL.
// This class stores a URL using url::Component and can contain either a
// resolved or unresolved host. The host can be replaced when the address is
// resolved by using ReplaceHost(). The passed URL must start with either
// "smb://" or "\\" when constructed.
class SmbUrl {
explicit SmbUrl(const std::string& url);
SmbUrl(SmbUrl&& smb_url);
// Allow copying.
SmbUrl(const SmbUrl& url);
SmbUrl& operator=(const SmbUrl& url);
// Returns the host of the URL which can be resolved or unresolved.
std::string GetHost() const;
// Returns the share component of the URL. This does not have to be
// set for IsValid() to be true (but some clients may require it).
std::string GetShare() const;
// Returns the full, canonicalized URL |url_| in the form
// smb://server/share/path (where share and path are optional). Will
// not have trailing slashes.
const std::string& ToString() const;
// Replaces the host to |new_host| and returns the full URL. Does not
// change the original URL.
SmbUrl ReplaceHost(const std::string& new_host) const;
// Returns true if the passed URL is valid and was properly parsed. This
// should be called after the constructor. Callers should verify this
// before trying to use ToString(), GetHost(), GetShare() etc.
bool IsValid() const;
// Returns |url_| in the format \\server\share.
std::string GetWindowsUNCString() const;
// Canonicalize |url| and saves the output as url_ and host_ if successful.
void CanonicalizeSmbUrl(const std::string& url);
// Parse |url| into a Windows UNC |windows_unc_|.
void CreateWindowsUnc(const std::string& url);
// Resets url_ and parsed_. Makes the SmbUrl invalid.
void Reset();
// String form of the canonical url.
std::string url_;
// String form of the Windows Universal Naming Convention of the url.
// MS-DTYP section 2.2.57
std::string windows_unc_;
// Holds the identified host of the URL. This does not store the host itself.
url::Component host_;
// Share name component of the URL.
std::string share_;
} // namespace ash::smb_client