// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "Util.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticSema.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendPluginRegistry.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Pragma.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
namespace chrome_checker {
// Stores `true` if the filename (key) should be checked for errors, and `false`
// if it should not be. If the filename is not present, the choice is up to the
// plugin to determine from the path prefixes control file.
llvm::StringMap<bool> g_checked_files_cache;
struct CheckFilePrefixes {
// Owns the memory holding the strings.
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> buffer;
// Pointers into the `buffer`, in sorted order.
std::vector<llvm::StringRef> opt_out;
// Pointers into the `buffer`, in sorted order.
std::vector<llvm::StringRef> opt_in;
// Sort the prefixes and remove duplicates.
void NormalizePrefixList(std::vector<llvm::StringRef>& prefixes) {
// TODO(danakj): Use std::ranges::sort when Clang is build with C++20.
std::sort(prefixes.begin(), prefixes.end());
// Remove ~duplicate in a general sense, where a prefix is a prefix of another
// prefix. This is useful when two unrelated patches are merged/reverted
// around the same time and the prefixes overlap. This avoids one to hide the
// other when searching them via std::upper_bound.
// Note that we could use std::unique here, but its behavior is not
// guaranteed by the standard when the predicate is not an equivalence
// relation.
auto it = prefixes.begin();
for (auto next = std::next(it); next != prefixes.end(); ++next) {
if (next->starts_with(*it)) {
continue; // Skip the prefix.
// Fill in the gap in between the two iterators.
if (it != next) {
*it = std::move(*next);
prefixes.erase(std::next(it), prefixes.end());
class UnsafeBuffersDiagnosticConsumer : public clang::DiagnosticConsumer {
UnsafeBuffersDiagnosticConsumer(clang::DiagnosticsEngine* engine,
clang::DiagnosticConsumer* next,
clang::CompilerInstance* instance,
CheckFilePrefixes check_file_prefixes)
: engine_(engine),
"See //docs/unsafe_buffers.md for help.")) {}
~UnsafeBuffersDiagnosticConsumer() override = default;
void clear() override {
if (next_) {
NumErrors = next_->getNumErrors();
NumWarnings = next_->getNumWarnings();
void BeginSourceFile(const clang::LangOptions& opts,
const clang::Preprocessor* pp) override {
if (next_) {
next_->BeginSourceFile(opts, pp);
NumErrors = next_->getNumErrors();
NumWarnings = next_->getNumWarnings();
void EndSourceFile() override {
if (next_) {
NumErrors = next_->getNumErrors();
NumWarnings = next_->getNumWarnings();
void finish() override {
if (next_) {
NumErrors = next_->getNumErrors();
NumWarnings = next_->getNumWarnings();
bool IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const override {
return next_ && next_->IncludeInDiagnosticCounts();
void HandleDiagnostic(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level level,
const clang::Diagnostic& diag) override {
const unsigned diag_id = diag.getID();
if (inside_handle_diagnostic_) {
// Avoid handling the diagnostics which we emit in here.
return PassthroughDiagnostic(level, diag);
// The `-Runsafe-buffer-usage-in-container` warning gets enabled along with
// `-Runsafe-buffer-usage`, but it's a hardcoded warning about std::span
// constructor. We don't want to emit these, we instead want the span ctor
// (and our own base::span ctor) to be marked [[clang::unsafe_buffer_usage]]
// and have that work: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/80482
if (diag_id == clang::diag::warn_unsafe_buffer_usage_in_container) {
// Drop the note saying "pass -fsafe-buffer-usage-suggestions to receive
// code hardening suggestions" since that's not simple for Chrome devs to
// do anyway. We can provide a GN variable in the future and point to that
// if needed, or just turn it on always in this plugin, if desired.
if (diag_id == clang::diag::note_safe_buffer_usage_suggestions_disabled) {
if (!(diag_id == clang::diag::warn_unsafe_buffer_variable ||
diag_id == clang::diag::warn_unsafe_buffer_operation ||
diag_id == clang::diag::note_unsafe_buffer_operation ||
diag_id == clang::diag::note_unsafe_buffer_variable_fixit_group ||
diag_id == clang::diag::note_unsafe_buffer_variable_fixit_together ||
diag_id == clang::diag::note_safe_buffer_debug_mode)) {
return PassthroughDiagnostic(level, diag);
// Note that we promote from Remark directly to Error, rather than to
// Warning, as -Werror will not get applied to whatever we choose here.
const auto elevated_level =
(diag_id == clang::diag::warn_unsafe_buffer_variable ||
diag_id == clang::diag::warn_unsafe_buffer_operation)
? (engine_->getWarningsAsErrors()
? clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Error
: clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Warning)
: clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Note;
const clang::SourceManager& sm = instance_->getSourceManager();
const clang::SourceLocation loc = diag.getLocation();
// -Wunsage-buffer-usage errors are omitted conditionally based on what file
// they are coming from.
if (FileHasSafeBuffersWarnings(sm, loc)) {
// Elevate the Remark to a Warning, and pass along its Notes without
// changing them. Otherwise, do nothing, and the Remark (and its notes)
// will not be displayed.
// We don't count warnings/errors in this DiagnosticConsumer, so we don't
// call up to the base class here. Instead, whenever we pass through to
// the `next_` DiagnosticConsumer, we record its counts.
// Construct the StoredDiagnostic before Clear() or we get bad data from
// `diag`.
auto stored = clang::StoredDiagnostic(elevated_level, diag);
inside_handle_diagnostic_ = true;
if (elevated_level != clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level::Note) {
// For each warning, we inject our own Note as well, pointing to docs.
engine_->Report(loc, diag_note_link_);
inside_handle_diagnostic_ = false;
void PassthroughDiagnostic(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Level level,
const clang::Diagnostic& diag) {
if (next_) {
next_->HandleDiagnostic(level, diag);
NumErrors = next_->getNumErrors();
NumWarnings = next_->getNumWarnings();
// Depending on where the diagnostic is coming from, we may ignore it or
// cause it to generate a warning.
bool FileHasSafeBuffersWarnings(const clang::SourceManager& sm,
clang::SourceLocation loc) {
// ClassifySourceLocation() does not report kMacro as the location unless it
// happens to be inside a scratch buffer, which not all macro use does. For
// the unsafe-buffers warning, we want the SourceLocation where the macro is
// expanded to always be the decider about whether to fire a warning or not.
// The reason we do this is that the expansion site should be wrapped in
// UNSAFE_BUFFERS() if the unsafety is warranted. It can be done inside the
// macro itself too (in which case the warning will not fire), but the
// finest control is always at each expansion site.
while (loc.isMacroID()) {
loc = sm.getExpansionLoc(loc);
// TODO(crbug.com/40284755): Expand this diagnostic to more code. It should
// include everything except kSystem eventually.
LocationClassification loc_class =
ClassifySourceLocation(instance_->getHeaderSearchOpts(), sm, loc);
switch (loc_class) {
case LocationClassification::kSystem:
return false;
case LocationClassification::kGenerated:
return false;
case LocationClassification::kThirdParty:
case LocationClassification::kChromiumThirdParty:
case LocationClassification::kFirstParty:
case LocationClassification::kBlink:
case LocationClassification::kMacro:
// We default to everything opting into checks (except categories that early
// out above) unless it is removed by the paths control file or by pragma.
// TODO(danakj): It would be an optimization to find a way to avoid creating
// a std::string here.
std::string filename = GetFilename(sm, loc, FilenameLocationType::kExactLoc,
// Avoid searching `check_file_prefixes_` more than once for a file.
auto cache_it = g_checked_files_cache.find(filename);
if (cache_it != g_checked_files_cache.end()) {
return cache_it->second;
llvm::StringRef cmp_filename = filename;
// If the path is absolute, drop the prefix up to the current working
// directory. Some mac machines are passing absolute paths to source files,
// but it's the absolute path to the build directory (the current working
// directory here) then a relative path from there.
llvm::SmallVector<char> cwd;
if (llvm::sys::fs::current_path(cwd).value() == 0) {
if (cmp_filename.consume_front(llvm::StringRef(cwd.data(), cwd.size()))) {
// Drop the ../ prefixes.
while (cmp_filename.consume_front("./") ||
if (cmp_filename.empty()) {
return false;
// Look for prefix match (whether any of `check_file_prefixes_` is a prefix
// of the filename). We first check for opt-ins, as these force checking for
// the file. If none are found, we look for opt-outs, which have lower
// precedence and remove checks from the file. If there's neither, the file
// is checked.
if (!check_file_prefixes_.opt_in.empty()) {
const auto begin = check_file_prefixes_.opt_in.begin();
const auto end = check_file_prefixes_.opt_in.end();
auto it = std::upper_bound(begin, end, cmp_filename);
if (it != begin) {
--it; // Now `it` will be either the exact or prefix match.
if (*it == cmp_filename.take_front(it->size())) {
g_checked_files_cache.insert({filename, true});
return true;
if (!check_file_prefixes_.opt_out.empty()) {
const auto begin = check_file_prefixes_.opt_out.begin();
const auto end = check_file_prefixes_.opt_out.end();
auto it = std::upper_bound(begin, end, cmp_filename);
if (it != begin) {
--it; // Now `it` will be either the exact or prefix match.
if (*it == cmp_filename.take_front(it->size())) {
g_checked_files_cache.insert({filename, false});
return false;
g_checked_files_cache.insert({filename, true});
return true;
// Used to prevent recursing into HandleDiagnostic() when we're emitting a
// diagnostic from that function.
bool inside_handle_diagnostic_ = false;
clang::DiagnosticsEngine* engine_;
clang::DiagnosticConsumer* next_;
clang::CompilerInstance* instance_;
CheckFilePrefixes check_file_prefixes_;
unsigned diag_note_link_;
class UnsafeBuffersASTConsumer : public clang::ASTConsumer {
UnsafeBuffersASTConsumer(clang::CompilerInstance* instance,
CheckFilePrefixes check_file_prefixes)
: instance_(instance) {
// Replace the DiagnosticConsumer with our own that sniffs diagnostics and
// can omit them.
clang::DiagnosticsEngine& engine = instance_->getDiagnostics();
old_client_ = engine.getClient();
old_owned_client_ = engine.takeClient();
new UnsafeBuffersDiagnosticConsumer(&engine, old_client_, instance_,
// Enable the -Wunsafe-buffer-usage warning as a remark. This prevents it
// from stopping compilation, even with -Werror. If we see the remark go by,
// we can re-emit it as a warning for the files we want to include in the
// check.
~UnsafeBuffersASTConsumer() {
// Restore the original DiagnosticConsumer that we replaced with our own.
clang::DiagnosticsEngine& engine = instance_->getDiagnostics();
if (old_owned_client_) {
} else {
engine.setClient(old_client_, /*owned=*/false);
clang::CompilerInstance* instance_;
clang::DiagnosticConsumer* old_client_;
std::unique_ptr<clang::DiagnosticConsumer> old_owned_client_;
class UnsafeBuffersASTAction : public clang::PluginASTAction {
std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(
clang::CompilerInstance& instance,
llvm::StringRef ref) override {
assert(!moved_prefixes_); // This would mean we move the prefixes twice.
moved_prefixes_ = true;
// The ASTConsumer can outlive `this`, so we can't give it references to
// members here and must move the `check_file_prefixes_` vector instead.
return std::make_unique<UnsafeBuffersASTConsumer>(
&instance, std::move(check_file_prefixes_));
bool ParseArgs(const clang::CompilerInstance& instance,
const std::vector<std::string>& args) override {
bool found_file_arg = false;
for (size_t i = 0u; i < args.size(); ++i) {
// Look for any switches first (there are currently none).
if (found_file_arg) {
<< "[unsafe-buffers] Extra argument to unsafe-buffers plugin: '"
<< args[i] << ". Usage: [SWITCHES] PATH_TO_CHECK_FILE'\n";
return false;
} else {
found_file_arg = true;
if (!LoadCheckFilePrefixes(args[i])) {
llvm::errs() << "[unsafe-buffers] Failed to load paths from file '"
<< args[i] << "'\n";
return true;
bool LoadCheckFilePrefixes(std::string_view path) {
if (auto buffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFileAsStream(path)) {
check_file_prefixes_.buffer = std::move(buffer.get());
} else {
llvm::errs() << "[unsafe-buffers] Error reading file: '"
<< buffer.getError().message() << "'\n";
return false;
// Parse out the paths into `check_file_prefixes_.prefixes`.
// The file format is as follows:
// * Lines that begin with `#` are comments are are ignored.
// * Empty lines are ignored.
// * Every other line is a path prefix from the source tree root using
// unix-style delimiters.
// * Each line either removes a path from checks or adds a path to checks.
// * If the line starts with `+` paths matching the line will be
// checked. This takes precedence over the `-` operation.
// * If the line starts with `-` paths matching the line will not be
// checked.
// * For instance `+a/b` will match the file at `//a/b/c.h` but will *not*
// match `//other/a/b/c.h`.
// * Exact file paths look like `+a/b/c.h` and directory prefixes should end
// with a `/` such as `+a/b/`.
// * Files that do not match anything in the file will be checked.
// Example:
// ```
// # A file of path prefixes.
// # Matches anything under the directory //foo/bar, opting them into
// # checks.
// +foo/bar/
// # Avoids checks in the //my directory.
// -my/
// # Matches a specific file at //my/file.cc, overriding the `-my/` above
// # for this one file.
// +my/file.cc
llvm::StringRef string = check_file_prefixes_.buffer->getBuffer();
while (!string.empty()) {
auto [lhs, rhs] = string.split('\n');
string = rhs;
bool keep_lhs = false;
for (char c : lhs) {
if (c != ' ') {
keep_lhs = c != '#';
if (keep_lhs) {
if (lhs[0u] == '+' && lhs.size() > 1u) {
} else if (lhs[0u] == '-' && lhs.size() > 1u) {
} else {
llvm::errs() << "[unsafe-buffers] Invalid line in paths file, must "
"start with +/-: '"
<< lhs << "'\n";
return false;
return true;
CheckFilePrefixes check_file_prefixes_;
bool moved_prefixes_ = false;
class AllowUnsafeBuffersPragmaHandler : public clang::PragmaHandler {
static constexpr char kName[] = "allow_unsafe_buffers";
AllowUnsafeBuffersPragmaHandler() : clang::PragmaHandler(kName) {}
void HandlePragma(clang::Preprocessor& preprocessor,
clang::PragmaIntroducer introducer,
clang::Token& token) override {
// TODO(danakj): It would be an optimization to find a way to avoid creating
// a std::string here.
std::string filename =
GetFilename(preprocessor.getSourceManager(), introducer.Loc,
// The pragma opts the file out of checks.
g_checked_files_cache.insert({filename, false});
class CheckUnsafeBuffersPragmaHandler : public clang::PragmaHandler {
static constexpr char kName[] = "check_unsafe_buffers";
CheckUnsafeBuffersPragmaHandler() : clang::PragmaHandler(kName) {}
void HandlePragma(clang::Preprocessor& preprocessor,
clang::PragmaIntroducer introducer,
clang::Token& token) override {
// TODO(danakj): It would be an optimization to find a way to avoid creating
// a std::string here.
std::string filename =
GetFilename(preprocessor.getSourceManager(), introducer.Loc,
// The pragma opts the file into checks.
g_checked_files_cache.insert({filename, true});
static clang::FrontendPluginRegistry::Add<UnsafeBuffersASTAction> X1(
"Enforces -Wunsafe-buffer-usage during incremental rollout");
static clang::PragmaHandlerRegistry::Add<AllowUnsafeBuffersPragmaHandler> X2(
"Avoid reporting unsafe-buffer-usage warnings in the file");
static clang::PragmaHandlerRegistry::Add<CheckUnsafeBuffersPragmaHandler> X3(
"Report unsafe-buffer-usage warnings in the file");
} // namespace chrome_checker