// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace my_namespace {
class SomeClass {
void Method(char) {}
// No error expected.
int data_member;
template <typename T>
struct SomeTemplate {
// No error expected.
T t;
struct MyStruct {
// Error expected.
SomeClass** double_ptr;
// Error expected.
void* void_ptr;
// Error expected.
bool* bool_ptr;
const bool* const_bool_ptr;
// Pointers to templates.
// Error expected.
std::string* string_ptr;
std::vector<char>* vector_ptr;
SomeTemplate<char>* template_ptr;
// Various integer types.
// Error expected.
int* int_spelling1;
signed int* int_spelling2;
long int* int_spelling3;
unsigned* int_spelling4;
// Various structs and classes.
// Error expected.
SomeClass* class_spelling1;
class SomeClass* class_spelling2;
my_namespace::SomeClass* class_spelling3;
// Function pointers.
// No error expected. Because they won't ever be allocated by PartitionAlloc.
int (*func_ptr)();
void (SomeClass::*member_func_ptr)(char); // ~ pointer to SomeClass::Method
int SomeClass::*member_data_ptr; // ~ pointer to SomeClass::data_member
typedef void (*func_ptr_typedef)(char);
func_ptr_typedef func_ptr_typedef_field;
// Typedef-ed or type-aliased pointees.
typedef SomeClass SomeClassTypedef;
using SomeClassAlias = SomeClass;
typedef void (*func_ptr_typedef2)(char);
// Error expected.
SomeClassTypedef* typedef_ptr;
// Error expected.
SomeClassAlias* alias_ptr;
// Error expected.
func_ptr_typedef2* ptr_to_function_ptr;
// Error expected.
SomeClassTypedef& typedef_ref;
// Error expected.
SomeClassAlias& alias_ref;
// Error expected.
func_ptr_typedef2& ref_to_function_ptr;
// Char pointer fields.
// Error expected.
char* char_ptr;
// No error expected. crbug.com/1381955
const char* const_char_ptr;
// Error expected.
wchar_t* wide_char_ptr;
// No error expected. crbug.com/1381955
const wchar_t* const_wide_char_ptr;
// Error expected.
char8_t* char8_ptr;
// No error expected. crbug.com/1381955
const char8_t* const_char8_ptr;
// Error expected.
char16_t* char16_ptr;
// No error expected. crbug.com/1381955
const char16_t* const_char16_ptr;
char32_t* char32_ptr;
// No error expected. crbug.com/1381955
const char32_t* const_char32_ptr;
// Error expected.
const uint8_t* const_unsigned_char_ptr;
// Error expected.
const int8_t* const_signed_char_ptr;
// Error expected.
const unsigned char* const_unsigned_char_ptr2;
// Error expected.
const signed char* const_signed_char_ptr2;
// |array_of_ptrs| is an array 123 of pointer to SomeClass.
// No error expected. (this is not a pointer - this is an array).
SomeClass* ptr_array[123];
// |ptr_to_array| is a pointer to array 123 of const SomeClass.
// This test is based on EqualsFramesMatcher from
// //net/websockets/websocket_channel_test.cc
// No error expected. Because this rewrite was tricky and not supported by the
// rewriter.
// crbug.com/1381969
const SomeClass (*ptr_to_array)[123];
// References to templates.
// Error expected.
std::string& string_ref;
std::vector<char>& vector_ref;
SomeTemplate<char>& template_ref;
// Various integer types.
// Error expected.
int& int_ref_spelling1;
signed int& int_ref_spelling2;
long int& int_ref_spelling3;
unsigned& int_ref_spelling4;
// Various structs and classes.
// Error expected.
SomeClass& class_ref_spelling1;
class SomeClass& class_ref_spelling2;
my_namespace::SomeClass& class_ref_spelling3;
} // namespace my_namespace