// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <type_traits>
// This file (and other gen-*-test.cc files) tests generation of output for
// --field-filter-file and therefore the expectations file
// (gen-char-expected.txt) needs to be compared against the raw output of the
// rewriter (rather than against the actual edits result). This makes the test
// incompatible with other tests, which require passing --apply-edits switch to
// test_tool.py and so to disable the test it is named *-test.cc rather than
// *-original.cc.
// To run the test use tools/clang/rewrite_raw_ptr_fields/tests/run_all_tests.py
class ReinterpretedClass1 {
// The field below should be emitted as candidates for the
// --field-filter-file, because `ReinterpretedClass1*` is used as the
// target type of `reinterpret_cast` expressions. See also
// https://crbug.com/1165613.
int* ptr_;
// All fields in ReinterpretedClass1 should be emitted.
int* ptr2_;
"ReinterpretedClass1 is trivial");
class ReinterpretedClass2 {
// The field below should be emitted as candidates for the
// --field-filter-file, because `const ReinterpretedClass2*` is used as the
// target type of `reinterpret_cast` expressions. See also
// https://crbug.com/1165613.
int* ptr_;
"ReinterpretedClass2 is trivial");
class ReinterpretedNonTrivialClass3 {
// User-defined constructor means that ReinterpretedNonTrivialClass3 is
// non-trivial.
ReinterpretedNonTrivialClass3() : ptr_(nullptr) {}
// This field should not be emitted as a candidate for --field-filter-file,
// because we only want to exclude cases where a `reinterpret_cast` is 1)
// valid before the rewrite and 2) invalid after the rewrite (e.g. because it
// skips raw_ptr's constructors). A reinterpret_cast of a pointer to
// non-trivial type would have been invalid before the rewrite if it skipped
// the (non-trivial) constructors. See also the discussion in
// https://groups.google.com/a/google.com/g/chrome-memory-safety/c/MwnBj_EuILg/m/1cVmcBOMBAAJ
int* ptr_;
"ReinterpretedNonTrivialClass3 is *not* trivial");
class SomeOtherClass {
// This field should not be emitted as a candidate for --field-filter-file.
int* ptr_;
"SomeOtherClass is trivial");
void foo() {
void* void_ptr = nullptr;
auto* p1 = reinterpret_cast<ReinterpretedClass1*>(void_ptr);
auto* p2 = reinterpret_cast<const ReinterpretedClass2*>(void_ptr);
auto* p3 = reinterpret_cast<const ReinterpretedNonTrivialClass3*>(void_ptr);