// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
struct S {};
class A {
// Expected rewrite: A(const std::vector<raw_ptr<S>>& arg);
A(const std::vector<S*>& arg) : member(arg) {}
// Expected rewrite: A(const std::vector<raw_ptr<S>>* arg);
A(const std::vector<S*>* arg) : member(*arg) {}
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> member;
std::vector<S*> member;
struct obj {
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> member;
std::vector<S*> member;
void fct() {
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> temp;
std::vector<S*> temp;
A a(temp);
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> temp;
std::vector<S*> temp;
A* a = new A(temp);
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> temp;
std::vector<S*> temp;
A a(&temp);
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> temp;
std::vector<S*> temp;
A* a = new A(&temp);
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> temp;
std::vector<S*>* temp;
A a(*temp);
// Expected rewrite: -> std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> { return {}; };
auto fct = []() -> std::vector<S*> { return {}; };
A a(fct());
// Expected rewrite: -> std::vector<raw_ptr<S>>* { return nullptr; };
auto fct = []() -> std::vector<S*>* { return nullptr; };
A a(*fct());
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> temp;
std::vector<S*> temp;
obj o{temp};
// Expected rewrite: std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> temp;
std::vector<S*> temp;
obj* o = new obj{temp};
// Expected rewrite: -> std::vector<raw_ptr<S>> { return {}; };
auto fct = []() -> std::vector<S*> { return {}; };
obj o{fct()};