
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

namespace blink {

// Simple global constants.
const char helloWorldConstant[] = "Hello world!";
// Make sure a one-character constant doesn't get mangled.
const float e = 2.718281828;
// Some constants start with a capital letter already.
const int SpeedOfLightInMetresPerSecond = 299792458;

// Already Chrome style, so shouldn't change.
const float kPi = 3.141592654;

class C {
  // Static class constants.
  static const int usefulConstant = 8;
  // Note: s_ prefix should not be retained.
  static const int s_staticConstant = 9;
  // Note: m_ prefix should not be retained even though the proper prefix is s_.
  static const int m_superNumber = 42;

  // Not a constant even though it has static storage duration.
  static const char* m_currentEvent;

  static int Function();

  static void FunctionWithConstant() {
    const int kFunctionConstant = 4;
    const int kFunctionConstantFromExpression = 4 + 6;
    const int kFunctionConstantFromOtherConsts =
        kFunctionConstant + kFunctionConstantFromExpression;
    // These are constants but they are hacker_case, so we just leave them as
    // is since the author explicitly did this.
    const int should_not_be_renamed_to_a_const = 9 - 2;
    const int should_not_also_be_renamed_to_a_const =
        kFunctionConstant + kFunctionConstantFromOtherConsts;
    const int not_compile_time_const = kFunctionConstant + Function();

// |constParam| should not be renamed to |kConstParam|.
void F(const bool constParam = true) {
  // Constant in function body.
  static const char staticString[] = "abc";
  // Constant-style naming, since it's initialized with a literal.
  const char* const nonStaticStringConstant = "def";
  // Not constant-style naming, since it's not initialized with a literal.
  const char* const nonStaticStringUnconstant = nonStaticStringConstant;

}  // namespace blink