// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gen/thing.h"
namespace v8 {
class InterfaceOutsideOfBlink {
virtual void nonBlinkVirtual() = 0;
} // namespace v8
namespace blink {
class InsideOfBlink : public v8::InterfaceOutsideOfBlink {
// This function overrides something outside of blink so don't rename it.
void nonBlinkVirtual() override {}
// This function is in blink so rename it.
virtual void blinkVirtual() {}
class MyIterator {};
using my_iterator = char*;
class Task {
// Already style-compliant methods shouldn't change.
void OutputDebugString() {}
// Tests that the declarations for methods are updated.
void doTheWork();
// Overload to test using declarations that introduce multiple shadow
// declarations.
void doTheWork(int);
virtual void reallyDoTheWork() = 0;
// Note: this is purposely copyable and assignable, to make sure the Clang
// tool doesn't try to emit replacements for things that aren't explicitly
// written.
// Overloaded operators should not be rewritten.
Task& operator++() {
return *this;
// Conversion functions should not be rewritten.
explicit operator int() const {
return 42;
// These are special functions that we don't rename so that range-based
// for loops and STL things work.
MyIterator begin() { return {}; }
my_iterator end() { return {}; }
my_iterator rbegin() { return {}; }
MyIterator rend() { return {}; }
// The trace() method is used by Oilpan, but we plan to tweak the Oilpan's
// clang plugin, so that it recognizes the new method name.
void trace() {}
// These are used by std::unique_lock and std::lock_guard.
void lock() {}
void unlock() {}
void try_lock() {}
class Other {
// Static begin/end/trace don't count, and should be renamed.
static MyIterator begin() { return {}; }
static my_iterator end() { return {}; }
static void trace() {}
static void lock() {}
// Test that the actual method definition is also updated.
void Task::doTheWork() {
template <typename T>
class Testable {
typedef T Testable::*UnspecifiedBoolType;
// This method has a reference to a member in a "member context" and a
// "non-member context" to verify both are rewritten.
operator UnspecifiedBoolType() { return m_ptr ? &Testable::m_ptr : 0; }
int m_ptr;
namespace subname {
class SubnameParent {
virtual void subnameMethod() {}
} // namespace subname
class SubnameChild : public subname::SubnameParent {
// This subclasses from blink::subname::SubnameParent and should be renamed.
void subnameMethod() override {}
class GenChild : public blink::GenClass {
// This subclasses from the blink namespace but in the gen directory so it
// should not be renamed.
void genMethod() override {}
} // namespace blink
// Test that overrides from outside the Blink namespace are also updated.
class BovineTask : public blink::Task {
using Task::doTheWork;
void reallyDoTheWork() override;
class SuperBovineTask : public BovineTask {
using BovineTask::reallyDoTheWork;
void BovineTask::reallyDoTheWork() {
// Calls via an overridden method should also be updated.
// Finally, test that method pointers are also updated.
void F() {
void (blink::Task::*p1)() = &blink::Task::doTheWork;
void (blink::Task::*p2)() = &BovineTask::doTheWork;
void (blink::Task::*p3)() = &blink::Task::reallyDoTheWork;
void (BovineTask::*p4)() = &BovineTask::reallyDoTheWork;
bool G() {
// Use the Testable class to rewrite the method.
blink::Testable<int> tt;
return tt;
class SubclassOfInsideOfBlink : public blink::InsideOfBlink {
// This function overrides something outside of blink so don't rename it.
void nonBlinkVirtual() override {}
// This function overrides something in blink so rename it.
void blinkVirtual() override {}
class TestSubclassInsideOfBlink : public SubclassOfInsideOfBlink {
// This function overrides something outside of blink so don't rename it.
void nonBlinkVirtual() override {}
// This function overrides something in blink so rename it.
void blinkVirtual() override {}
namespace blink {
struct StructInBlink {
// Structs in blink should rename their methods to capitals.
bool function() { return true; }
class BitVector {
class OutOfLineBits {};
enum Foo { Blah };
struct Bar {};
class Baz {};
class FooBar {};
// Should be renamed to GetReadyState, because of
// ShouldPrefixFunctionName heuristic.
int readyState() { return 123; }
template <typename T>
class MyRefPtr {};
// Naive renaming will break the build, by leaving return type the same
// as the method name - to avoid this "Get" prefix needs to be prepended
// as suggested in https://crbug.com/582312#c17.
const OutOfLineBits* outOfLineBits() const { return nullptr; }
Foo foo() { return Blah; }
const Bar& bar() const { return m_bar; }
MyRefPtr<Baz> baz() { return MyRefPtr<Baz>(); }
const MyRefPtr<FooBar>& fooBar() { return foobar_; }
Bar m_bar;
MyRefPtr<FooBar> foobar_;
namespace get_prefix_vs_inheritance {
// Regression test for https://crbug.com/673031:
// 1. |frame| accessor/method should be renamed in the same way for
// WebFrameImplBase and WebLocalFrameImpl.
// 2. Need to rename |frame| to |GetFrame| (not to |Frame|) to avoid
// a conflict with the Frame type.
class FrameFoo {};
class LocalFrame : public FrameFoo {};
class WebFrameImplBase {
// Using |frameFoo| to test inheritance, and NOT just the presence on the
// ShouldPrefixFunctionName list.
virtual FrameFoo* frameFoo() const = 0;
class WebLocalFrameImpl : public WebFrameImplBase {
LocalFrame* frameFoo() const override { return nullptr; }
// This is also a regression test for https://crbug.com/673031. We should NOT
// rewrite in a non-virtual case, because walking the inheritance chain of the
// return type depends too much on unrelated context (i.e. walking the
// inheritance chain might not be possible if the return type is
// forward-declared).
class LayoutObjectFoo {};
class LayoutBoxModelObject : public LayoutObjectFoo {};
class PaintLayerStackingNode {
// |layoutObjectFoo| should NOT be renamed to |GetLayoutObjectFoo| (just to
// |LayoutObjectFoo|) - see the big comment above. We use layoutObject*Foo*
// to test inheritance-related behavior and avoid testing whether method name
// is covered via ShouldPrefixFunctionName.
LayoutBoxModelObject* layoutObjectFoo() { return nullptr; }
} // namespace get_prefix_vs_inheritance
namespace blocklisting_of_method_and_function_names {
class Foo {
// Expecting |swap| method to be renamed to |Swap| - we blocklist renaming of
// |swap| *function*, because it needs to have the same casing as std::swap,
// so that ADL can kick-in and pull it from another namespace depending on the
// bargument. We have a choice to rename or not rename |swap| *methods* - we
// chose to rename to be consistent (i.e. we rename |clear| -> |Clear|) and
// because Google C++ Styke Guide uses "Swap" in examples.
void swap() {}
static void swap(Foo& x, Foo& y) {}
// We don't rename |begin|, so that <algorithms> and other templates that
// expect |begin|, |end|, etc. continue to work. This is only necessary
// for instance methods - renaming static methods and funcitons is okay.
void begin() {}
static void begin(int x) {}
// https://crbug.com672902: std-like names should not be rewritten.
void emplace_back(int x) {}
void insert(int x) {}
void push_back(int x) {}
int* back() { return nullptr; }
int* front() { return nullptr; }
void erase() {}
bool empty() { return true; }
void begin(int x) {}
void swap(Foo& x, Foo& y) {}
} // blocklisting_of_method_and_function_names
} // namespace blink
namespace WTF {
struct StructInWTF {
// Structs in WTF should rename their methods to capitals.
bool function() { return true; }
} // namespace WTF
void F2() {
blink::StructInBlink b;
WTF::StructInWTF w;
namespace blink {
class ClassDeclaredInsideBlink {
static void methodDefinedOutsideBlink();
namespace internal {
class InternalClass {
static void method();
} // namespace internal
// Tests for --method-blocklist cmdline parameter.
class IdlTestClass {
static int notBlocklistedMethod() { return 123; }
int notBlocklistedMethod(int x) { return 123; }
static int idlStaticMethod() { return 123; }
int idlInstanceMethod() { return 123; }
template <typename T>
int idlTemplateMethod(T x) {
return 123;
template <typename T>
class IdlTemplateClass {
int idlInstanceMethod(T x) { return 123; }
} // namespace blink
// https://crbug.com/640688 - need to rewrite method name below.
void blink::ClassDeclaredInsideBlink::methodDefinedOutsideBlink() {}
void blink::internal::InternalClass::method() {}