#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This script is used to analyze #include graphs.
It produces the .js file that accompanies include-analysis.html.
$ gn gen --args="show_includes=true symbol_level=0 enable_precompiled_headers=false" out/Debug
$ autoninja -C out/Debug -v chrome | tee /tmp/build_log
$ analyze_includes.py --target=chrome --revision=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \
--json-out=/tmp/include-analysis.js /tmp/build_log
(If you have reclient access, add use_reclient=true to the gn args, but not on
Windows due to crbug.com/1223741#c9)
The script takes roughly half an hour on a fast machine for the chrome build
target, which is considered fast enough for batch job purposes for now.
If --json-out is not provided, the script exits after printing some statistics
to stdout. This is significantly faster than generating the full JSON data. For
$ autoninja -C out/Debug -v chrome | analyze_includes.py - 2>/dev/null
build_size 270237664463
import argparse
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import unittest
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
def parse_build(build_log, root_filter=None):
"""Parse the build_log (generated as in the Usage note above) to capture the
include graph. Returns a (roots, includes) pair, where roots is a list of root
nodes in the graph (the source files) and includes is a dict from filename to
list of filenames included by that filename."""
build_dir = '.'
file_stack = []
includes = {}
roots = set()
# Note: A file might include different files for different compiler
# invocations depending on -D flags. For such cases, includes[file] will be
# the union of those includes.
# Normalize paths.
normalized = {}
def norm(fn):
if fn not in normalized:
x = fn.replace('\\\\', '\\')
# Use Path.resolve() rather than path.realpath() to get the canonical
# upper/lower-case version of the path on Windows.
p = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(build_dir, x)).resolve()
x = os.path.relpath(p)
x = x.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
normalized[fn] = x
return normalized[fn]
# ninja: Entering directory `out/foo'
ENTER_DIR_RE = re.compile(r'ninja: Entering directory `(.*?)\'$')
# [M/N] clang... -c foo.cc -o foo.o ...
# [M/N] .../clang... -c foo.cc -o foo.o ...
# [M/N] clang-cl.exe /c foo.cc /Fofoo.o ...
# [M/N] ...\clang-cl.exe /c foo.cc /Fofoo.o ...
COMPILE_RE = re.compile(r'\[\d+/\d+\] (.*[/\\])?clang.* [/-]c (\S*)')
# . a.h
# .. b.h
# . c.h
INCLUDE_RE = re.compile(r'(\.+) (.*)$')
skipping_root = False
for line in build_log:
m = INCLUDE_RE.match(line)
if m:
if skipping_root:
prev_depth = len(file_stack) - 1
depth = len(m.group(1))
filename = norm(m.group(2))
includes.setdefault(filename, set())
if depth > prev_depth:
if sys.platform != 'win32':
# TODO(crbug.com/40187759): Always assert.
assert depth == prev_depth + 1
elif depth > prev_depth + 1:
# Until the bug is fixed, skip these includes.
print('missing include under', file_stack[0])
for _ in range(prev_depth - depth + 1):
m = COMPILE_RE.match(line)
if m:
skipping_root = False
filename = norm(m.group(2))
if root_filter and not root_filter.match(filename):
skipping_root = True
file_stack = [filename]
includes.setdefault(filename, set())
m = ENTER_DIR_RE.match(line)
if m:
build_dir = m.group(1)
return roots, includes
class TestParseBuild(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
x = [
'ninja: Entering directory `out/foo\'',
'[1/3] clang -c ../../a.cc -o a.o',
'. ../../a.h',
'[2/3] clang -c gen/c.c -o a.o',
(roots, includes) = parse_build(x)
self.assertEqual(roots, set(['a.cc', 'out/foo/gen/c.c']))
set(['a.cc', 'a.h', 'out/foo/gen/c.c']))
self.assertEqual(includes['a.cc'], set(['a.h']))
self.assertEqual(includes['a.h'], set())
self.assertEqual(includes['out/foo/gen/c.c'], set())
def test_more(self):
x = [
'ninja: Entering directory `out/foo\'',
'[20/99] clang -c ../../a.cc -o a.o',
'. ../../a.h',
'. ../../b.h',
'.. ../../c.h',
'... ../../d.h',
'. ../../e.h',
(roots, includes) = parse_build(x)
self.assertEqual(roots, set(['a.cc']))
self.assertEqual(includes['a.cc'], set(['a.h', 'b.h', 'e.h']))
self.assertEqual(includes['b.h'], set(['c.h']))
self.assertEqual(includes['c.h'], set(['d.h']))
self.assertEqual(includes['d.h'], set())
self.assertEqual(includes['e.h'], set())
def test_multiple(self):
x = [
'ninja: Entering directory `out/foo\'',
'[123/234] clang -c ../../a.cc -o a.o',
'. ../../a.h',
'[124/234] clang -c ../../b.cc -o b.o',
'. ../../b.h',
(roots, includes) = parse_build(x)
self.assertEqual(roots, set(['a.cc', 'b.cc']))
self.assertEqual(includes['a.cc'], set(['a.h']))
self.assertEqual(includes['b.cc'], set(['b.h']))
def test_root_filter(self):
x = [
'ninja: Entering directory `out/foo\'',
'[9/100] clang -c ../../a.cc -o a.o',
'. ../../a.h',
'[10/100] clang -c ../../b.cc -o b.o',
'. ../../b.h',
(roots, includes) = parse_build(x, re.compile(r'^a.cc$'))
self.assertEqual(roots, set(['a.cc']))
self.assertEqual(set(includes.keys()), set(['a.cc', 'a.h']))
self.assertEqual(includes['a.cc'], set(['a.h']))
def test_windows(self):
x = [
'ninja: Entering directory `out/foo\'',
'[1/3] path\\clang-cl.exe /c ../../a.cc /Foa.o',
'. ../../a.h',
'[2/3] clang-cl.exe /c gen/c.c /Foa.o',
(roots, includes) = parse_build(x)
self.assertEqual(roots, set(['a.cc', 'out/foo/gen/c.c']))
set(['a.cc', 'a.h', 'out/foo/gen/c.c']))
self.assertEqual(includes['a.cc'], set(['a.h']))
self.assertEqual(includes['a.h'], set())
self.assertEqual(includes['out/foo/gen/c.c'], set())
def post_order_nodes(root, child_nodes):
"""Generate the nodes reachable from root (including root itself) in
post-order traversal order. child_nodes maps each node to its children."""
visited = set()
def walk(n):
if n in visited:
for c in child_nodes[n]:
for x in walk(c):
yield x
yield n
return walk(root)
def compute_doms(root, includes):
"""Compute the dominators for all nodes reachable from root. Node A dominates
node B if all paths from the root to B go through A. Returns a dict from
filename to the set of dominators of that filename (including itself).
The implementation follows the "simple" version of Lengauer & Tarjan "A Fast
Algorithm for Finding Dominators in a Flowgraph" (TOPLAS 1979).
parent = {}
ancestor = {}
vertex = []
label = {}
semi = {}
pred = defaultdict(list)
bucket = defaultdict(list)
dom = {}
def dfs(v):
semi[v] = len(vertex)
label[v] = v
for w in includes[v]:
if w not in semi:
parent[w] = v
def compress(v):
if ancestor[v] in ancestor:
if semi[label[ancestor[v]]] < semi[label[v]]:
label[v] = label[ancestor[v]]
ancestor[v] = ancestor[ancestor[v]]
def evaluate(v):
if v not in ancestor:
return v
return label[v]
def link(v, w):
ancestor[w] = v
# Step 1: Initialization.
for w in reversed(vertex[1:]):
# Step 2: Compute semidominators.
for v in pred[w]:
u = evaluate(v)
if semi[u] < semi[w]:
semi[w] = semi[u]
link(parent[w], w)
# Step 3: Implicitly define the immediate dominator for each node.
for v in bucket[parent[w]]:
u = evaluate(v)
dom[v] = u if semi[u] < semi[v] else parent[w]
bucket[parent[w]] = []
# Step 4: Explicitly define the immediate dominator for each node.
for w in vertex[1:]:
if dom[w] != vertex[semi[w]]:
dom[w] = dom[dom[w]]
# Get the full dominator set for each node.
all_doms = {}
all_doms[root] = {root}
def dom_set(node):
if node not in all_doms:
# node's dominators is itself and the dominators of its immediate
# dominator.
all_doms[node] = {node}
return all_doms[node]
return {n: dom_set(n) for n in vertex}
class TestComputeDoms(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
includes = {}
includes[1] = [2]
includes[2] = [1]
includes[3] = [2]
includes[4] = [1]
includes[5] = [4, 3]
root = 5
doms = compute_doms(root, includes)
self.assertEqual(doms[1], set([5, 1]))
self.assertEqual(doms[2], set([5, 2]))
self.assertEqual(doms[3], set([5, 3]))
self.assertEqual(doms[4], set([5, 4]))
self.assertEqual(doms[5], set([5]))
def test_larger(self):
# Fig. 1 in the Lengauer-Tarjan paper.
includes = {}
includes['a'] = ['d']
includes['b'] = ['a', 'd', 'e']
includes['c'] = ['f', 'g']
includes['d'] = ['l']
includes['e'] = ['h']
includes['f'] = ['i']
includes['g'] = ['i', 'j']
includes['h'] = ['k', 'e']
includes['i'] = ['k']
includes['j'] = ['i']
includes['k'] = ['i', 'r']
includes['l'] = ['h']
includes['r'] = ['a', 'b', 'c']
root = 'r'
doms = compute_doms(root, includes)
# Fig. 2 in the Lengauer-Tarjan paper.
self.assertEqual(doms['a'], set(['a', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['b'], set(['b', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['c'], set(['c', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['d'], set(['d', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['e'], set(['e', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['f'], set(['f', 'c', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['g'], set(['g', 'c', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['h'], set(['h', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['i'], set(['i', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['j'], set(['j', 'g', 'c', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['k'], set(['k', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['l'], set(['l', 'd', 'r']))
self.assertEqual(doms['r'], set(['r']))
def trans_size(root, includes, sizes):
"""Compute the transitive size of a file, i.e. the size of the file itself and
all its transitive includes."""
return sum([sizes[n] for n in post_order_nodes(root, includes)])
def log(*args, **kwargs):
"""Log output to stderr."""
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def analyze(target, revision, build_log_file, json_file, root_filter):
log('Parsing build log...')
(roots, includes) = parse_build(build_log_file, root_filter)
log('Getting file sizes...')
sizes = {name: os.path.getsize(name) for name in includes}
log('Computing transitive sizes...')
trans_sizes = {n: trans_size(n, includes, sizes) for n in includes}
build_size = sum([trans_sizes[n] for n in roots])
print('build_size', build_size)
if json_file is None:
log('--json-out not set; exiting.')
return 0
log('Counting prevalence...')
prevalence = {name: 0 for name in includes}
for r in roots:
for n in post_order_nodes(r, includes):
prevalence[n] += 1
# Map from file to files that include it.
log('Building reverse include map...')
included_by = {k: set() for k in includes}
for k in includes:
for i in includes[k]:
log('Computing added sizes...')
# Split each src -> dst edge in includes into src -> (src,dst) -> dst, so that
# we can compute how much each include graph edge adds to the size by doing
# dominance analysis on the (src,dst) nodes.
augmented_includes = {}
for src in includes:
augmented_includes[src] = set()
for dst in includes[src]:
augmented_includes[src].add((src, dst))
augmented_includes[(src, dst)] = {dst}
added_sizes = {node: 0 for node in augmented_includes}
for r in roots:
doms = compute_doms(r, augmented_includes)
for node in doms:
if node not in sizes:
# Skip the (src,dst) pseudo nodes.
for dom in doms[node]:
added_sizes[dom] += sizes[node]
# Assign a number to each filename for tighter JSON representation.
names = []
name2nr = {}
for n in sorted(includes.keys()):
name2nr[n] = len(names)
def nr(name):
return name2nr[name]
log('Writing output...')
# Provide a JS object for convenient inclusion in the HTML file.
# If someone really wants a proper JSON file, maybe we can reconsider this.
json_file.write('data = ')
'target': target,
'revision': revision,
'date': datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'),
'files': names,
'roots': [nr(x) for x in sorted(roots)],
'includes': [[nr(x) for x in sorted(includes[n])] for n in names],
'included_by': [[nr(x) for x in included_by[n]] for n in names],
'sizes': [sizes[n] for n in names],
'tsizes': [trans_sizes[n] for n in names],
'asizes': [added_sizes[n] for n in names],
'esizes': [[added_sizes[(s, d)] for d in sorted(includes[s])]
for s in names],
'prevalence': [prevalence[n] for n in names],
}, json_file)
log('All done!')
def main():
result = unittest.main(argv=sys.argv[:1], exit=False, verbosity=2).result
if len(result.failures) > 0 or len(result.errors) > 0:
return 1
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Analyze an #include graph.')
type=argparse.FileType('r', errors='replace'),
help='The build log to analyze (- for stdin).')
help='The target that was built (e.g. chrome).')
help='The revision that was built (e.g. 016588d4ee20).')
help='Write full analysis data to a JSON file (- for stdout).')
help='Regex to filter which root files are analyzed.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.json_out and not (args.target and args.revision):
print('error: --json-out requires both --target and --revision to be set')
return 1
root_filter = re.compile(args.root_filter) if args.root_filter else None
except Exception:
print('error: --root-filter is not a valid regex')
return 1
analyze(args.target, args.revision, args.build_log, args.json_out,
if __name__ == '__main__':