// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gc_api.h"
// The stackmap section in the binary has a non-trivial layout. We give it a
// char type so it can be iterated byte-by-byte, and re-cast as necessary by the
// parser.
extern const char __LLVM_StackMaps;
namespace stackmap {
// These structs group together fields in the stackmap section to be used by the
// parser. They are packed to prevent clang adding its own alignment. We don't
// care about constants. The LLVM docs for stackmaps can be found here:
// https://llvm.org/docs/StackMaps.html#stack-map-format
// As per the docs, a version 3 stackmap has the following layout:
// Header {
// uint8 : Stack Map Version (current version is 3)
// uint8 : Reserved (expected to be 0)
// uint16 : Reserved (expected to be 0)
// }
// uint32 : NumFunctions
// uint32 : NumConstants
// uint32 : NumRecords
// StkSizeRecord[NumFunctions] {
// uint64 : Function Address
// uint64 : Stack Size
// uint64 : Record Count
// }
// Constants[NumConstants] {
// uint64 : LargeConstant
// }
// StkMapRecord[NumRecords] {
// uint64 : PatchPoint ID
// uint32 : Instruction Offset
// uint16 : Reserved (record flags)
// uint16 : NumLocations
// Location[NumLocations] {
// uint8 : Register | Direct | Indirect | Constant | ConstantIndex
// uint8 : Reserved (expected to be 0)
// uint16 : Location Size
// uint16 : Dwarf RegNum
// uint16 : Reserved (expected to be 0)
// int32 : Offset or SmallConstant
// }
// uint32 : Padding (only if required to align to 8 byte)
// uint16 : Padding
// uint16 : NumLiveOuts
// LiveOuts[NumLiveOuts]
// uint16 : Dwarf RegNum
// uint8 : Reserved
// uint8 : Size in Bytes
// }
// uint32 : Padding (only if required to align to 8 byte)
// }
struct __attribute__((packed)) StkMapHeader {
uint8_t version;
uint8_t reserved1;
uint16_t reserved2;
uint32_t num_functions;
uint32_t num_constants;
uint32_t num_records;
struct __attribute__((packed)) StkSizeRecord {
uint64_t address;
uint64_t stack_size;
uint64_t record_count; // see https://reviews.llvm.org/D23487
struct __attribute__((packed)) StkMapRecordHeader {
uint64_t patchpoint_id;
uint32_t return_addr; // from the entry of the function
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t num_locations;
enum LocationKind {
kRegister = 0x1,
kDirect = 0x2,
kIndirect = 0x3,
kConstant = 0x4,
kConstIndex = 0x5
struct __attribute__((packed)) StkMapLocation {
uint8_t kind; // 1 byte sized `LocationKind` variant
uint8_t flags; // expected to be 0
uint16_t location_size;
uint16_t reg_num; // Dwarf register num
uint16_t reserved; // expected to be 0
int32_t offset; // either an offset or a "Small Constant"
struct __attribute__((packed)) LiveOutsHeader {
uint16_t padding;
uint16_t num_liveouts;
struct __attribute__((packed)) LiveOut {
uint16_t reg_num; // Dwarf register num
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t size; // in bytes
// A StackmapV3Parser encapsulates the parsing logic for reading from an
// .llvm_stackmap section in the ELF file. The .llvm_stackmap section is
// versioned and *not* backwards compatible.
class StackmapV3Parser {
StackmapV3Parser() : cursor_(&__LLVM_StackMaps) {}
SafepointTable Parse();
static constexpr uint8_t kStackmapVersion = 3;
static constexpr uint8_t kSizeConstantEntry = 8; // size in bytes
static constexpr uint8_t kSkipLocs = 2;
const char* cursor_;
const StkMapRecordHeader* cur_frame_;
// Get a new pointer of the same type to the one passed in arg0 + some byte(s)
// offset. Useful to prevent littering code with constant char* casting when
// all that's needed is to bump the ptr by a set amount of bytes. Note this
// *does not* perform any alignment.
template <typename T, typename U>
inline T ptr_offset(U ptr, int bytes) {
auto* newptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr);
newptr += bytes;
return reinterpret_cast<T>(newptr);
// Align a pointer to the next 8 byte boundary
template <typename T>
inline T* align_8(T* ptr) {
auto* c = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(((uintptr_t)c + 7) & ~7);
// Creates a FrameRoot entry for a callsite's stack map record. This jumps
// over and ignores a bunch of values in the stack map record that are not of
// interest to precise stack scanning in V8 / Blink. Stack map records make up
// the bulk of the .llvm_stackmap section. For reference, the format is shown
// below:
// StkMapRecord[NumRecords] {
// uint64 : PatchPoint ID
// uint32 : Instruction Offset
// uint16 : Reserved (record flags)
// uint16 : NumLocations
// Location[NumLocations] {
// uint8 : Register | Direct | Indirect | Constant | ConstantIndex
// uint8 : Reserved (expected to be 0)
// uint16 : Location Size
// uint16 : Dwarf RegNum
// uint16 : Reserved (expected to be 0)
// int32 : Offset or SmallConstant
// }
// uint32 : Padding (only if required to align to 8 byte)
// uint16 : Padding
// uint16 : NumLiveOuts
// LiveOuts[NumLiveOuts]
// uint16 : Dwarf RegNum
// uint8 : Reserved
// uint8 : Size in Bytes
// }
FrameRoots ParseFrame();
} // namespace stackmap