// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import cpp
module CommonPatterns {
* Predicate to check if a function call is not followed by a return statement
* within the same or immediately after in any block.
predicate isCallNotFollowedByReturn(FunctionCall call) {
exists(Function f |
call.getEnclosingFunction() = f and
// Ignore any calls with a returnStatement in the same enclosing block.
not exists(ReturnStmt returnStmt |
call.getEnclosingBlock() = returnStmt.getEnclosingBlock()
) and
// Ignore any calls with a returnStatement immediately after in the block.
exists(Stmt stmtAfterCall |
stmtAfterCall.getEnclosingFunction() = f and
stmtAfterCall.getLocation().getStartLine() > call.getLocation().getStartLine() and
not stmtAfterCall instanceof ReturnStmt and
not exists(ReturnStmt returnBetween |
returnBetween.getEnclosingFunction() = f and
returnBetween.getLocation().getStartLine() > call.getLocation().getStartLine() and
returnBetween.getLocation().getStartLine() < stmtAfterCall.getLocation().getStartLine()