// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Utilities to handle vendored third-party crates.
use crate::config::BuildConfig;
use crate::deps;
use crate::manifest;
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use std::fs;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use anyhow::Context;
use log::error;
use semver::Version;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Visibility {
/// The crate can be used by any build targets.
/// The crate can be used by only third-party crates.
/// The crate can be used by any test target, and in production by
/// third-party crates.
/// Returns a default of `ThirdParty`, which is the most conservative option and
/// generally what we want if one isn't explicitly computed.
impl std::default::Default for Visibility {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A normalized version as used in third_party/rust crate paths.
/// A crate version is identified by the major version, if it's >= 1, or the
/// minor version, if the major version is 0. There is a many-to-one
/// relationship between crate versions and epochs.
/// `Epoch` is serialized as a version string: e.g. "1" or "0.2".
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Serialize)]
#[serde(from = "EpochString", into = "EpochString")]
pub enum Epoch {
/// Epoch with major version == 0. The field is the minor version. It is an
/// error to use 0: methods may panic in this case.
/// Epoch with major version >= 1. It is an error to use 0: methods may
/// panic in this case.
impl Epoch {
/// Get the semver version string for this Epoch. This will only have a
/// non-zero major component, or a zero major component and a non-zero minor
/// component. Note this differs from Epoch's `fmt::Display` impl.
pub fn to_version_string(&self) -> String {
match *self {
// These should never return Err since formatting an integer is
// infallible.
Epoch::Minor(minor) => {
assert_ne!(minor, 0);
Epoch::Major(major) => {
assert_ne!(major, 0);
/// A `semver::VersionReq` that matches any version of this epoch.
pub fn to_version_req(&self) -> semver::VersionReq {
let (major, minor) = match self {
Self::Minor(x) => (0, Some(*x)),
Self::Major(x) => (*x, None),
semver::VersionReq {
comparators: vec![semver::Comparator {
// "^1" is the same as "1" in Cargo.toml.
op: semver::Op::Caret,
patch: None,
pre: semver::Prerelease::EMPTY,
/// Compute the Epoch from a `semver::Version`. This is useful since we can
/// parse versions from `cargo_metadata` and in Cargo.toml files using the
/// `semver` library.
pub fn from_version(version: &Version) -> Self {
match version.major {
0 => Self::Minor(version.minor),
x => Self::Major(x),
/// Get the requested epoch from a supported dependency version string.
/// `req` should be a version request as used in Cargo.toml's [dependencies]
/// section.
/// `req` must use the default strategy as defined in
/// https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-dependencies.html#specifying-dependencies-from-cratesio
pub fn from_version_req_str(req: &str) -> Self {
// For convenience, leverage semver::VersionReq for parsing even
// though we don't need the full expressiveness.
let req = semver::VersionReq::from_str(req).unwrap();
// We require the spec to have exactly one comparator, which must use
// the default strategy.
assert_eq!(req.comparators.len(), 1);
let comp: &semver::Comparator = &req.comparators[0];
// Caret is semver's name for the default strategy.
assert_eq!(comp.op, semver::Op::Caret);
match (comp.major, comp.minor) {
(0, Some(0) | None) => panic!("invalid version req {req}"),
(0, Some(x)) => Epoch::Minor(x),
(x, _) => Epoch::Major(x),
// This gives us a ToString implementation for free.
impl Display for Epoch {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
// These should never return Err since formatting an integer is
// infallible.
Epoch::Minor(minor) => {
assert_ne!(minor, 0);
Epoch::Major(major) => {
assert_ne!(major, 0);
impl FromStr for Epoch {
type Err = EpochParseError;
/// A valid input string is of the form:
/// * "v{i}", where i >= 1, or
/// * "v0_{i}", where i >= 1
/// Any other string is invalid. If the "v" is missing, there are extra
/// underscore-separated components, or there are two numbers but both
/// are 0 or greater than zero are all invalid strings.
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
// Split off the "v" prefix.
let mut iter = s.split_inclusive('v');
if iter.next() != Some("v") {
return Err(EpochParseError::BadFormat);
let s = iter.next().ok_or(EpochParseError::BadFormat)?;
if iter.next().is_some() {
return Err(EpochParseError::BadFormat);
// Split the major and minor version numbers.
let mut parts = s.split('_');
let major: Option<u64> =
parts.next().map(|s| s.parse().map_err(EpochParseError::InvalidInt)).transpose()?;
let minor: Option<u64> =
parts.next().map(|s| s.parse().map_err(EpochParseError::InvalidInt)).transpose()?;
// Get the final epoch, checking that the (major, minor) pair is valid.
let result = match (major, minor) {
(Some(0), Some(0)) => Err(EpochParseError::BadVersion),
(Some(0), Some(minor)) => Ok(Epoch::Minor(minor)),
(Some(major), None) => Ok(Epoch::Major(major)),
(Some(_), Some(_)) => Err(EpochParseError::BadVersion),
(None, None) => Err(EpochParseError::BadFormat),
_ => unreachable!(),
// Ensure there's no remaining parts.
if parts.next().is_none() { Ok(result) } else { Err(EpochParseError::BadFormat) }
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum EpochParseError {
/// An integer could not be parsed where expected.
/// The string was not formatted correctly. It was missing the 'v' prefix,
/// was missing the '_' separator, or had a tail after the last integer.
/// The epoch had an invalid combination of versions: e.g. "v0_0", "v1_0",
/// "v1_1".
impl Display for EpochParseError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use EpochParseError::*;
match self {
InvalidInt(parse_int_error) => parse_int_error.fmt(f),
BadFormat => f.write_str("epoch string had incorrect format"),
BadVersion => f.write_str("epoch string had invalid version"),
impl std::error::Error for EpochParseError {}
/// A crate name normalized to the format we use in //third_party.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct NormalizedName(String);
impl NormalizedName {
/// Wrap a normalized name, checking that it is valid.
pub fn new(normalized_name: &str) -> Option<NormalizedName> {
let converted_name = Self::from_crate_name(normalized_name);
if converted_name.0 == normalized_name { Some(converted_name) } else { None }
/// Normalize a crate name. `crate_name` is the name Cargo uses to refer to
/// the crate.
pub fn from_crate_name(crate_name: &str) -> NormalizedName {
.map(|c| match c {
'-' | '.' => '_',
c => c,
/// Get the wrapped string.
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl fmt::Display for NormalizedName {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// Identifies a crate available in some vendored source. Each crate is uniquely
/// identified by its Cargo.toml package name and version.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct VendoredCrate {
pub name: String,
pub version: Version,
impl fmt::Display for VendoredCrate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{} {}", self.name, self.version)
impl VendoredCrate {
pub fn normalized_name(&self) -> NormalizedName {
pub struct CrateFiles {
/// The list of all source files that are part of the crate and may be used
/// by rustc when building any part of the crate, as absolute paths. These
/// files are those found under the crate root.
pub sources: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// The list of all input files that are part of the crate and may be used
/// by rustc when building any part of the crate, as absolute paths. This
/// may contain .rs files as well that are part of other crates and which
/// may be include()'d or used through module paths.
pub inputs: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// The list of all native lib files that are part of the crate and may be
/// depended on through `#[link]` directives. These files are those found
/// under the crate root.
pub native_libs: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Like `sources` but for the crate's build script.
pub build_script_sources: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// Like `inputs` but for the crate's build script.
pub build_script_inputs: Vec<PathBuf>,
impl CrateFiles {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
sources: vec![],
inputs: vec![],
native_libs: vec![],
build_script_sources: vec![],
build_script_inputs: vec![],
/// Sorts the CrateFiles for a deterministic output.
fn sort(&mut self) {
/// Get the subdir name containing `id` in a `cargo vendor` directory.
pub fn std_crate_path(id: &VendoredCrate) -> PathBuf {
format!("{}-{}", id.name, id.version).into()
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum IncludeCrateTargets {
/// Collect the source and input files (i.e. `CrateFiles`) for each library that
/// is part of the build.
pub fn collect_crate_files(
p: &deps::Package,
config: &BuildConfig,
include_targets: IncludeCrateTargets,
) -> anyhow::Result<(VendoredCrate, CrateFiles)> {
let crate_config = config.per_crate_config.get(&p.crate_id().name);
let mut files = CrateFiles::new();
struct RootDir {
path: PathBuf,
collect: CollectCrateFiles,
let mut root_dirs = Vec::new();
if let Some(lib_target) = p.lib_target.as_ref() {
let lib_root = lib_target.root.parent().expect("lib target has no directory in its path");
root_dirs.push(RootDir { path: lib_root.to_owned(), collect: CollectCrateFiles::Internal });
.flat_map(|crate_config| &crate_config.extra_src_roots)
.map(|path| RootDir {
path: lib_root.join(path),
collect: CollectCrateFiles::ExternalSourcesAndInputs,
.flat_map(|crate_config| &crate_config.extra_input_roots)
.map(|path| RootDir {
path: lib_root.join(path),
collect: CollectCrateFiles::ExternalInputsOnly,
.flat_map(|crate_config| &crate_config.extra_build_script_src_roots)
.map(|path| RootDir {
path: lib_root.join(path),
collect: CollectCrateFiles::BuildScriptExternalSourcesAndInputs,
.flat_map(|crate_config| &crate_config.extra_build_script_input_roots)
.map(|path| RootDir {
path: lib_root.join(path),
collect: CollectCrateFiles::BuildScriptExternalInputsOnly,
.flat_map(|crate_config| &crate_config.native_libs_roots)
.map(|path| RootDir {
path: lib_root.join(path),
collect: CollectCrateFiles::LibsOnly,
if include_targets == IncludeCrateTargets::LibAndBin {
for bin in &p.bin_targets {
let bin_root = bin.root.parent().expect("bin target has no directory in its path");
.push(RootDir { path: bin_root.to_owned(), collect: CollectCrateFiles::Internal });
for root_dir in root_dirs {
recurse_crate_files(&root_dir.path, &mut |filepath| {
collect_crate_file(&mut files, root_dir.collect, filepath)
let crate_id = VendoredCrate { name: p.package_name.clone(), version: p.version.clone() };
Ok((crate_id, files))
/// Traverse vendored third-party crates in the Rust source package. Each
/// `VendoredCrate` is paired with the package metadata from its manifest. The
/// returned list is in unspecified order.
pub fn collect_std_vendored_crates(vendor_path: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<VendoredCrate>> {
let mut crates = Vec::new();
for vendored_crate in fs::read_dir(vendor_path)? {
let vendored_crate: fs::DirEntry = vendored_crate?;
if !vendored_crate.file_type()?.is_dir() {
let Some(crate_id) = get_vendored_crate_id(&vendored_crate.path())? else {
"Cargo.toml not found at {}. cargo vendor would not do that to us.",
// Vendored crate directories can be named "{package_name}" or
// "{package_name}-{version}", but for now we only use the latter for
// std vendored deps. For simplicity, accept only that.
let dir_name = vendored_crate.file_name().to_string_lossy().into_owned();
let std_path = std_crate_path(&crate_id).to_str().unwrap().to_string();
let std_path_no_version = std_path
.map(|pos| std_path[..pos].to_string())
if std_path != dir_name && std_path_no_version != dir_name {
return Err(io::Error::new(
"directory name {dir_name} does not match package information for {crate_id:?}"
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum CollectCrateFiles {
/// Collect .rs files and store them as `sources` and other files as
/// `inputs`. These are part of the crate directly.
/// Collect .rs files, .md files and other file types that may be
/// include!()'d into the crate, and store them as `inputs`. These are not
/// directly part of the crate.
/// Like ExternalSourcesAndInputs but excludes .rs files.
/// Like `ExternalSourcesAndInputs` but for build scripts.
/// Like `ExternalInputsOnly` but for build scripts.
/// Collect .lib files and store them as `native_libs`. These can be
/// depended on by the crate through `#[link]` directives.
// Adds a `filepath` to `CrateFiles` depending on the type of file and the
// `mode` of collection.
fn collect_crate_file(files: &mut CrateFiles, mode: CollectCrateFiles, filepath: &Path) {
use CollectCrateFiles::*;
match filepath.extension().and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str) {
Some("rs") => match mode {
Internal => files.sources.push(filepath.to_owned()),
ExternalSourcesAndInputs => files.inputs.push(filepath.to_owned()),
ExternalInputsOnly => (),
BuildScriptExternalSourcesAndInputs => {
BuildScriptExternalInputsOnly => (),
LibsOnly => (),
// md: Markdown files are commonly include!()'d into source code as docs.
// h: cxxbridge_cmd include!()'s its .h file into it.
// json: json files are include!()'d into source code in the wycheproof crate
Some("md") | Some("h") | Some("json") => match mode {
Internal | ExternalSourcesAndInputs | ExternalInputsOnly => {
BuildScriptExternalSourcesAndInputs | BuildScriptExternalInputsOnly => {
LibsOnly => (),
Some("lib") if mode == LibsOnly => files.native_libs.push(filepath.to_owned()),
_ => (),
/// Recursively visits all files under `path` and calls `f` on each one.
/// The `path` may be a single file or a directory.
pub fn recurse_crate_files(path: &Path, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&Path)) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
fn recurse(path: &Path, root: &Path, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&Path)) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let meta = std::fs::metadata(path).with_context(|| format!("missing path {:?}", path))?;
if !meta.is_dir() {
// Working locally can produce files in tree that should not be considered, and
// which are not part of the git repository.
// * `.devcontainer/` may contain .md files such as a README.md that are never
// part of the build.
// * `.vscode/` may contain .md files such as a README.md generated there.
// * `target/` may contain .rs files generated by build scripts when compiling
// the crate with cargo or rust-analyzer.
// Ideally we should just include files that are listed in `git ls-files`.
const SKIP_PREFIXES: [&str; 3] = [".devcontainer", ".vscode", "target"];
for skip in SKIP_PREFIXES {
if path.starts_with(root.join(Path::new(skip))) {
return Ok(());
} else {
for r in std::fs::read_dir(path).with_context(|| format!("dir at {:?}", path))? {
let entry = r?;
let path = entry.path();
recurse(&path, root, f)?;
recurse(path, path, f)
/// Get a crate's ID and parsed manifest from its path. Returns `Ok(None)` if
/// there was no Cargo.toml, or `Err(_)` for other IO errors.
fn get_vendored_crate_id(package_path: &Path) -> io::Result<Option<VendoredCrate>> {
let manifest_file = match fs::read_to_string(package_path.join("Cargo.toml")) {
Ok(f) => f,
Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(None),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
let manifest: manifest::CargoManifest = toml::de::from_str(&manifest_file).unwrap();
let crate_id = VendoredCrate {
name: manifest.package.name.as_str().into(),
version: manifest.package.version.clone(),
/// Proxy for [de]serializing epochs to/from strings. This uses the "1" or "0.1"
/// format rather than the `Display` format for `Epoch`.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct EpochString(String);
impl From<Epoch> for EpochString {
fn from(epoch: Epoch) -> Self {
impl From<EpochString> for Epoch {
fn from(epoch: EpochString) -> Self {
mod tests {
use super::Epoch::*;
use super::*;
fn epoch_from_str() {
use EpochParseError::*;
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_str("v1"), Ok(Major(1)));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_str("v2"), Ok(Major(2)));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_str("v0_3"), Ok(Minor(3)));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_str("0_1"), Err(BadFormat));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_str("v1_9"), Err(BadVersion));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_str("v0_0"), Err(BadVersion));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_str("v0_1_2"), Err(BadFormat));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_str("v1_0"), Err(BadVersion));
assert!(matches!(Epoch::from_str("v1_0foo"), Err(InvalidInt(_))));
assert!(matches!(Epoch::from_str("vx_1"), Err(InvalidInt(_))));
fn epoch_to_string() {
assert_eq!(Major(1).to_string(), "v1");
assert_eq!(Major(2).to_string(), "v2");
assert_eq!(Minor(3).to_string(), "v0_3");
fn epoch_from_version() {
use semver::Version;
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_version(&Version::new(0, 1, 0)), Minor(1));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_version(&Version::new(1, 2, 0)), Major(1));
fn epoch_from_version_req_string() {
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_version_req_str("0.1.0"), Minor(1));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_version_req_str("1.0.0"), Major(1));
assert_eq!(Epoch::from_version_req_str("2.3.0"), Major(2));