# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Produces localized strings.xml files for Android.
In cases where an "android" type output file is requested in a grd, the classes
in android_xml will process the messages and translations to produce a valid
strings.xml that is properly localized with the specified language.
For example if the following output tag were to be included in a grd file
<output filename="values-es/strings.xml" type="android" lang="es" />
for a grd file with the following messages:
<message name="IDS_HELLO" desc="Simple greeting">Hello</message>
<message name="IDS_WORLD" desc="The world">world</message>
and there existed an appropriate xtb file containing the Spanish translations,
then the output would be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<string name="hello">"Hola"</string>
<string name="world">"mundo"</string>
which would be written to values-es/strings.xml and usable by the Android
resource framework.
Advanced usage
To process only certain messages in a grd file, tag each desired message by
adding "android_java" to formatter_data. Then set the environmental variable
ANDROID_JAVA_TAGGED_ONLY to "true" when building the grd file. For example:
<message name="IDS_HELLO" formatter_data="android_java">Hello</message>
To generate Android plurals (aka "quantity strings"), use the ICU plural syntax
in the grd file. This will automatically be transformed into a <purals> element
in the output xml file. For example:
<message name="IDS_CATS">
{NUM_CATS, plural,
=1 {1 cat}
other {# cats}}
will produce
<plurals name="cats">
<item quantity="one">1 Katze</item>
<item quantity="other">%d Katzen</item>
import os
import re
import xml.sax.saxutils
from grit import lazy_re
from grit.node import message
# When this environmental variable has value "true", only tagged messages will
# be outputted.
# In tagged-only mode, only messages with this tag will be ouputted.
_EMIT_TAG = 'android_java'
_NAME_PATTERN = lazy_re.compile(r'IDS_(?P<name>[A-Z0-9_]+)\Z')
# Most strings are output as a <string> element. Note the double quotes
# around the value to preserve whitespace.
_STRING_TEMPLATE = '<string name="%s">"%s"</string>\n'
# Some strings are output as a <plurals> element.
_PLURALS_TEMPLATE = '<plurals name="%s">\n%s</plurals>\n'
_PLURALS_ITEM_TEMPLATE = ' <item quantity="%s">%s</item>\n'
# Matches e.g. "{HELLO, plural, HOW ARE YOU DOING}", while capturing
# "HOW ARE YOU DOING" in <items>. The en-XA pseudolocale adds a set of words
# beginning with " - one" after the plural block which is also captured.
_PLURALS_PATTERN = lazy_re.compile(
r'\{[A-Z_]+,\s*plural,(?P<items>.*)\}(?P<pseudolong> - one.*)?$', flags=re.S)
# Repeatedly matched against the <items> capture in _PLURALS_PATTERN,
# to match "<quantity>{<value>}".
_PLURALS_ITEM_PATTERN = lazy_re.compile(r'(?P<quantity>\S+?)\s*'
'=0': 'zero',
'zero': 'zero',
'=1': 'one',
'one': 'one',
'=2': 'two',
'two': 'two',
'few': 'few',
'many': 'many',
'other': 'other',
def Format(root, lang='en', output_dir='.'):
yield ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n'
'<resources '
tagged_only = _TAGGED_ONLY_DEFAULT
if _TAGGED_ONLY_ENV_VAR in os.environ:
tagged_only = os.environ[_TAGGED_ONLY_ENV_VAR].lower()
if tagged_only == 'true':
tagged_only = True
elif tagged_only == 'false':
tagged_only = False
raise Exception('env variable ANDROID_JAVA_TAGGED_ONLY must have value '
'true or false. Invalid value: %s' % tagged_only)
for item in root.ActiveDescendants():
with item:
if ShouldOutputNode(item, tagged_only):
yield _FormatMessage(item, lang)
yield '</resources>\n'
def ShouldOutputNode(node, tagged_only):
"""Returns true if node should be outputted.
node: a Node from the grd dom
tagged_only: true, if only tagged messages should be outputted
return (isinstance(node, message.MessageNode) and
(not tagged_only or _EMIT_TAG in node.formatter_data))
def _FormatPluralMessage(message):
"""Compiles ICU plural syntax to the body of an Android <plurals> element.
1. In a .grd file, we can write a plural string like this:
<message name="IDS_THINGS">
{NUM_THINGS, plural,
=1 {1 thing}
other {# things}}
2. The Android equivalent looks like this:
<plurals name="things">
<item quantity="one">1 thing</item>
<item quantity="other">%d things</item>
This method takes the body of (1) and converts it to the body of (2).
If the message is *not* a plural string, this function returns `None`.
If the message includes quantities without an equivalent format in Android,
it raises an exception.
ret = {}
plural_match = _PLURALS_PATTERN.match(message)
if not plural_match:
return None
body_in = plural_match.group('items').strip()
# If this is the en-XA pseudolocale get the extra words added.
psudolong_extra = plural_match.group('pseudolong')
if not psudolong_extra:
psudolong_extra = ''
lines = []
quantities_so_far = set()
for item_match in _PLURALS_ITEM_PATTERN.finditer(body_in):
quantity_in = item_match.group('quantity')
quantity_out = _PLURALS_QUANTITY_MAP.get(quantity_in)
value_in = item_match.group('value') + psudolong_extra
value_out = '"' + value_in.replace('#', '%d') + '"'
if quantity_out:
# only one line per quantity out (https://crbug.com/787488)
if quantity_out not in quantities_so_far:
lines.append(_PLURALS_ITEM_TEMPLATE % (quantity_out, value_out))
raise Exception('Unsupported plural quantity for android '
'strings.xml: %s' % quantity_in)
return ''.join(lines)
def _FormatMessage(item, lang):
"""Writes out a single string as a <resource/> element."""
mangled_name = item.GetTextualIds()[0]
match = _NAME_PATTERN.match(mangled_name)
if not match:
raise Exception('Unexpected resource name: %s' % mangled_name)
name = match.group('name').lower()
value = item.ws_at_start + item.Translate(lang) + item.ws_at_end
# Replace < > & with < > & to ensure we generate valid XML and
# replace ' " with \' \" to conform to Android's string formatting rules.
value = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(value, {"'": "\\'", '"': '\\"'})
plurals = _FormatPluralMessage(value)
if plurals:
return _PLURALS_TEMPLATE % (name, plurals)
return _STRING_TEMPLATE % (name, value)