#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittest for android_xml.py."""
import os
import sys
import unittest
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
from io import StringIO
from grit import util
from grit.format import android_xml
from grit.node import message
from grit.tool import build
class AndroidXmlUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
def testMessages(self):
root = util.ParseGrdForUnittest(r"""
<message name="IDS_SIMPLE" desc="A vanilla string">
<message name="IDS_ONE_LINE" desc="On one line">sat and wondered</message>
<message name="IDS_QUOTES" desc="A string with quotation marks">
out loud, "Why don't I build a flying car?"
<message name="IDS_MULTILINE" desc="A string split over several lines">
She gathered
wood, charcoal, and
a sledge hammer.
<message name="IDS_WHITESPACE" desc="A string with extra whitespace.">
''' How old fashioned -- she thought. '''
<message name="IDS_PLACEHOLDERS" desc="A string with placeholders">
I'll buy a <ph name="WAVELENGTH">%d<ex>200</ex></ph> nm laser at <ph name="STORE_NAME">%s<ex>the grocery store</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_PLURALS" desc="A string using the ICU plural format">
{NUM_THINGS, plural,
=1 {Maybe I'll get one laser.}
other {Maybe I'll get # lasers.}}
<message name="IDS_PLURALS_NO_SPACE" desc="A string using the ICU plural format with no space">
<message name="IDS_PLURALS_PSEUDO_LONG" desc="A string using the ICU plurals format after being transformed to en-XA">
{MSG_COUNT, plural,
=1 {Only one message}
other {# messages}} - one two three four
buf = StringIO()
build.RcBuilder.ProcessNode(root, DummyOutput('android', 'en'), buf)
output = buf.getvalue()
expected = r"""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<string name="simple">"Martha"</string>
<string name="one_line">"sat and wondered"</string>
<string name="quotes">"out loud, \"Why don\'t I build a flying car?\""</string>
<string name="multiline">"She gathered
wood, charcoal, and
a sledge hammer."</string>
<string name="whitespace">" How old fashioned -- she thought. "</string>
<string name="placeholders">"I\'ll buy a %d nm laser at %s."</string>
<plurals name="plurals">
<item quantity="one">"Maybe I\'ll get one laser."</item>
<item quantity="other">"Maybe I\'ll get %d lasers."</item>
<plurals name="plurals_no_space">
<item quantity="one">"OneMississippi"</item>
<item quantity="other">"ManyMississippis"</item>
<plurals name="plurals_pseudo_long">
<item quantity="one">"Only one message - one two three four"</item>
<item quantity="other">"%d messages - one two three four"</item>
self.assertEqual(output.strip(), expected.strip())
def testConflictingPlurals(self):
root = util.ParseGrdForUnittest(r"""
<message name="IDS_PLURALS" desc="A string using the ICU plural format">
{NUM_THINGS, plural,
=1 {Maybe I'll get one laser.}
one {Maybe I'll get one laser.}
other {Maybe I'll get # lasers.}}
buf = StringIO()
build.RcBuilder.ProcessNode(root, DummyOutput('android', 'en'), buf)
output = buf.getvalue()
expected = r"""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<plurals name="plurals">
<item quantity="one">"Maybe I\'ll get one laser."</item>
<item quantity="other">"Maybe I\'ll get %d lasers."</item>
self.assertEqual(output.strip(), expected.strip())
def testTaggedOnly(self):
root = util.ParseGrdForUnittest(r"""
<message name="IDS_HELLO" desc="" formatter_data="android_java">
<message name="IDS_WORLD" desc="">
msg_hello, msg_world = root.GetChildrenOfType(message.MessageNode)
self.assertTrue(android_xml.ShouldOutputNode(msg_hello, tagged_only=True))
self.assertFalse(android_xml.ShouldOutputNode(msg_world, tagged_only=True))
self.assertTrue(android_xml.ShouldOutputNode(msg_hello, tagged_only=False))
self.assertTrue(android_xml.ShouldOutputNode(msg_world, tagged_only=False))
class DummyOutput:
def __init__(self, type, language):
self.type = type
self.language = language
def GetType(self):
return self.type
def GetLanguage(self):
return self.language
def GetOutputFilename(self):
return 'hello.gif'
if __name__ == '__main__':