# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Formats as a .json file that can be used to localize Google Chrome
from json import JSONEncoder
from grit import constants
from grit.node import message
def Format(root, lang='en', output_dir='.'):
"""Format the messages as JSON."""
yield '{'
encoder = JSONEncoder(ensure_ascii=False)
format = '"%s":{"message":%s%s}'
placeholder_format = '"%i":{"content":"$%i"}'
first = True
for child in root.ActiveDescendants():
if isinstance(child, message.MessageNode):
id = child.attrs['name']
if id.startswith('IDR_') or id.startswith('IDS_'):
id = id[4:]
translation_missing = child.GetCliques()[0].clique.get(lang) is None;
if (child.ShouldFallbackToEnglish() and translation_missing
and lang not in constants.PSEUDOLOCALES):
# Skip the string if it's not translated. Chrome will fallback
# to English automatically.
loc_message = encoder.encode(child.ws_at_start + child.Translate(lang) +
# Replace $n place-holders with $n$ and add an appropriate "placeholders"
# entry. Note that chrome.i18n.getMessage only supports 9 placeholders:
# https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/i18n#method-getMessage
placeholders = ''
for i in range(1, 10):
if loc_message.find('$%d' % i) == -1:
loc_message = loc_message.replace('$%d' % i, '$%d$' % i)
if placeholders:
placeholders += ','
placeholders += placeholder_format % (i, i)
if not first:
yield ','
first = False
if placeholders:
placeholders = ',"placeholders":{%s}' % placeholders
yield format % (id, loc_message, placeholders)
yield '}'