#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittest for policy_templates_json.py.
import os
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..'))
import grit.extern.tclib
import json
import tempfile
import unittest
from io import StringIO
from grit import grd_reader
from grit.tool import build
class PolicyTemplatesJsonUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
def testPolicyTranslation(self):
# Create test policy_templates.json data.
caption = "The main policy"
caption_translation = "Die Hauptrichtlinie"
message = \
"Red cabbage stays red cabbage and wedding dress stays wedding dress"
message_translation = \
"Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid"
schema_key_description = "Number of users"
schema_key_description_translation = "Anzahl der Nutzer"
policy_templates_script = '''
def GetPolicyTemplates():
policy_template = {
'policy_definitions': [
'name': 'MainPolicy',
'type': 'main',
'owners': ['[email protected]'],
'schema': {
'properties': {
'default_launch_container': {
'enum': [
'type': 'string',
'users_number': {
'description': '%s',
'type': 'integer',
'type': 'object',
'supported_on': ['chrome_os:29-'],
'features': {
'can_be_recommended': True,
'dynamic_refresh': True,
'example_value': True,
'caption': '%s',
'tags': [],
'desc': 'This policy does stuff.'
'policy_atomic_group_definitions': [],
'placeholders': [],
'messages': {
'message_string_id': {
'desc': 'The description is removed from the grit output',
'text': '%s',
return policy_template''' % (schema_key_description, caption, message)
# Create translations. The translation IDs are hashed from the English text.
caption_id = grit.extern.tclib.GenerateMessageId(caption);
message_id = grit.extern.tclib.GenerateMessageId(message);
schema_key_description_id = grit.extern.tclib.GenerateMessageId(
policy_xtb = """
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE translationbundle>
<translationbundle lang="de">
<translation id="%s">%s</translation>
<translation id="%s">%s</translation>
<translation id="%s">%s</translation>
</translationbundle>""" % (caption_id, caption_translation,
message_id, message_translation,
# Write both to a temp file.
tmp_dir_name = tempfile.gettempdir()
policy_templates_py = os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, 'policy_templates.py')
with open(policy_templates_py, 'w') as f:
xtb_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir_name, 'test.xtb')
with open(xtb_file_path, 'w') as f:
# Assemble a test grit tree, similar to policy_templates.grd.
grd_text = '''
<grit base_dir="." latest_public_release="0" current_release="1" source_lang_id="en">
<file path="%s" lang="de" />
<release seq="1">
<structure name="IDD_POLICY_SOURCE_FILE" file="%s" type="policy_template_metafile" />
</grit>''' % (xtb_file_path, policy_templates_py)
grd_string_io = StringIO(grd_text)
# Parse the grit tree and load the policies' JSON with a gatherer.
grd = grd_reader.Parse(grd_string_io, dir=tmp_dir_name, defines={'_google_chrome': True})
# Remove the temp files.
# Run grit with en->de translation.
env_lang = 'en'
out_lang = 'de'
env_defs = {'_google_chrome': '1'}
buf = StringIO()
build.RcBuilder.ProcessNode(grd, DummyOutput('policy_templates', out_lang), buf)
output = buf.getvalue()
# Caption and message texts get taken from xtb.
# desc is 'translated' to some pseudo-English
# 'ThïPïs pôPôlïPïcýPý dôéPôés stüPüff'.
expected = """{
"policy_definitions": [
"caption": "%s",
"desc": "Th\xefP\xefs p\xf4P\xf4l\xefP\xefc\xfdP\xfd d\xf4\xe9P\xf4\xe9s st\xfcP\xfcff.",
"example_value": true,
"features": {"can_be_recommended": true, "dynamic_refresh": true},
"name": "MainPolicy",
"owners": ["[email protected]"],
"schema": {
"properties": {
"default_launch_container": {
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"users_number": {
"description": "%s",
"type": "integer"
"type": "object"
"supported_on": ["chrome_os:29-"],
"tags": [],
"type": "main"
"policy_atomic_group_definitions": [
"messages": {
"message_string_id": {
"text": "%s"
}""" % (caption_translation, schema_key_description_translation,
self.assertEqual(expected, output)
class DummyOutput:
def __init__(self, type, language):
self.type = type
self.language = language
def GetType(self):
return self.type
def GetLanguage(self):
return self.language
def GetOutputFilename(self):
return 'hello.gif'