# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Interface for all gatherers.
import os.path
from grit import clique
from grit import util
class GathererBase:
'''Interface for all gatherer implementations. Subclasses must implement
all methods that raise NotImplemented.'''
def __init__(self, rc_file, extkey=None, encoding='cp1252', is_skeleton=False):
'''Initializes the gatherer object's attributes, but does not attempt to
read the input file.
rc_file: The 'file' attribute of the <structure> node (usually the
relative path to the source file).
extkey: e.g. 'ID_MY_DIALOG'
encoding: e.g. 'utf-8'
is_skeleton: Indicates whether this gatherer is a skeleton gatherer, in
which case we should not do some types of processing on the
translateable bits.
self.rc_file = rc_file
self.extkey = extkey
self.encoding = encoding
# A default uberclique that is local to this object. Users can override
# this with the uberclique they are using.
self.uberclique = clique.UberClique()
# Indicates whether this gatherer is a skeleton gatherer, in which case
# we should not do some types of processing on the translateable bits.
self.is_skeleton = is_skeleton
# Stores the grd node on which this gatherer is running. This allows
# evaluating expressions.
self.grd_node = None
def SetAttributes(self, attrs):
'''Sets node attributes used by the gatherer.
By default, this does nothing. If special handling is desired, it should be
overridden by the child gatherer.
attrs: The mapping of node attributes.
def SetDefines(self, defines):
'''Sets global defines used by the gatherer.
By default, this does nothing. If special handling is desired, it should be
overridden by the child gatherer.
defines: The mapping of define values.
def SetGrdNode(self, node):
'''Sets the grd node on which this gatherer is running.
self.grd_node = node
def SetUberClique(self, uberclique):
'''Overrides the default uberclique so that cliques created by this object
become part of the uberclique supplied by the user.
self.uberclique = uberclique
def Parse(self):
'''Reads and parses the contents of what is being gathered.'''
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetData(self, lang, encoding):
'''Returns the data to be added to the DataPack for this node or None if
this node does not add a DataPack entry.
return None
def GetText(self):
'''Returns the text of what is being gathered.'''
raise NotImplementedError()
def GetTextualIds(self):
'''Returns the mnemonic IDs that need to be defined for the resource
being gathered to compile correctly.'''
return []
def GetCliques(self):
'''Returns the MessageClique objects for all translateable portions.'''
return []
def GetAbsoluteInputPath(self):
if os.path.isabs(self.GetInputPath()):
return self.GetInputPath()
return self.grd_node.ToRealPath(self.GetInputPath())
def GetInputPath(self):
return self.rc_file
def GetHtmlResourceFilenames(self):
"""Returns a set of all filenames inlined by this gatherer."""
return []
def Translate(self, lang, pseudo_if_not_available=True,
skeleton_gatherer=None, fallback_to_english=False):
'''Returns the resource being gathered, with translateable portions filled
with the translation for language 'lang'.
If pseudo_if_not_available is true, a pseudotranslation will be used for any
message that doesn't have a real translation available.
If no translation is available and pseudo_if_not_available is false,
fallback_to_english controls the behavior. If it is false, throw an error.
If it is true, use the English version of the message as its own
If skeleton_gatherer is specified, the translation will use the nontranslateable
parts from the gatherer 'skeleton_gatherer', which must be of the same type
as 'self'.
If fallback_to_english
lang: 'en'
pseudo_if_not_available: True | False
skeleton_gatherer: other_gatherer
fallback_to_english: True | False
e.g. 'ID_THIS_SECTION TYPE\n...BEGIN\n "Translated message"\n......\nEND'
grit.exception.NotReady() if used before Parse() has been successfully
grit.exception.NoSuchTranslation() if 'pseudo_if_not_available' and
fallback_to_english are both false and there is no translation for the
requested language.
raise NotImplementedError()
def SubstituteMessages(self, substituter):
'''Applies substitutions to all messages in the gatherer.
substituter: a grit.util.Substituter object.
def SetFilenameExpansionFunction(self, fn):
'''Sets a function for rewriting filenames before gathering.'''
# TODO(benrg): Move this elsewhere, since it isn't part of the interface.
def _LoadInputFile(self):
'''A convenience function for subclasses that loads the contents of the
input file.
if isinstance(self.rc_file, str):
return util.ReadFile(self.GetAbsoluteInputPath(), self.encoding)
return self.rc_file.read()