# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Base types for nodes in a GRIT resource tree.
import ast
import os
import struct
import sys
from xml.sax import saxutils
from grit import constants
from grit import clique
from grit import exception
from grit import util
from grit.node import brotli_util
import grit.format.gzip_string
class Node:
'''An item in the tree that has children.'''
# Valid content types that can be returned by _ContentType()
_CONTENT_TYPE_NONE = 0 # No CDATA content but may have children
_CONTENT_TYPE_CDATA = 1 # Only CDATA, no children.
_CONTENT_TYPE_MIXED = 2 # CDATA and children, possibly intermingled
# Types of files to be compressed by default.
_COMPRESS_BY_DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS = ('.js', '.html', '.css', '.svg')
# Types of files to disallow compressing, as it provides no benefit, and can
# potentially even make the file larger.
# Default nodes to not allowlist skipped
_allowlist_marked_as_skip = False
# A class-static cache to speed up EvaluateExpression().
# Keys are expressions (e.g. 'is_ios and lang == "fr"'). Values are tuples
# (code, variables_in_expr) where code is the compiled expression and can be
# directly eval'd, and variables_in_expr is the list of variable and method
# names used in the expression (e.g. ['is_ios', 'lang']).
eval_expr_cache = {}
def __init__(self):
self.children = [] # A list of child elements
self.mixed_content = [] # A list of u'' and/or child elements (this
# duplicates 'children' but
# is needed to preserve markup-type content).
self.name = '' # The name of this element
self.attrs = {} # The set of attributes (keys to values)
self.parent = None # Our parent unless we are the root element.
self.uberclique = None # Allows overriding uberclique for parts of tree
self.source = None # File that this node was parsed from
# This context handler allows you to write "with node:" and get a
# line identifying the offending node if an exception escapes from the body
# of the with statement.
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_type is not None:
print('Error processing node %s: %s' % (str(self), exc_value))
def __iter__(self):
'''A preorder iteration through the tree that this node is the root of.'''
return self.Preorder()
def Preorder(self):
'''Generator that generates first this node, then the same generator for
any child nodes.'''
yield self
for child in self.children:
yield from child.Preorder()
def ActiveChildren(self):
'''Returns the children of this node that should be included in the current
configuration. Overridden by <if>.'''
return [node for node in self.children if not node.AllowlistMarkedAsSkip()]
def ActiveDescendants(self):
'''Yields the current node and all descendants that should be included in
the current configuration, in preorder.'''
yield self
for child in self.ActiveChildren():
yield from child.ActiveDescendants()
def GetRoot(self):
'''Returns the root Node in the tree this Node belongs to.'''
curr = self
while curr.parent:
curr = curr.parent
return curr
# TODO(joi) Use this (currently untested) optimization?:
#if hasattr(self, '_root'):
# return self._root
#curr = self
#while curr.parent and not hasattr(curr, '_root'):
# curr = curr.parent
#if curr.parent:
# self._root = curr._root
# self._root = curr
#return self._root
def StartParsing(self, name, parent):
'''Called at the start of parsing.
name: u'elementname'
parent: grit.node.base.Node or subclass or None
assert isinstance(name, str)
assert not parent or isinstance(parent, Node)
self.name = name
self.parent = parent
def AddChild(self, child):
'''Adds a child to the list of children of this node, if it is a valid
child for the node.'''
assert isinstance(child, Node)
if (not self._IsValidChild(child) or
self._ContentType() == self._CONTENT_TYPE_CDATA):
explanation = 'invalid child %s for parent %s' % (str(child), self.name)
raise exception.UnexpectedChild(explanation)
def RemoveChild(self, child_id):
'''Removes the first node that has a "name" attribute which
matches "child_id" in the list of immediate children of
this node.
child_id: String identifying the child to be removed
index = 0
# Safe not to copy since we only remove the first element found
for child in self.children:
name_attr = child.attrs['name']
if name_attr == child_id:
index += 1
def AppendContent(self, content):
'''Appends a chunk of text as content of this node.
content: u'hello'
assert isinstance(content, str)
if self._ContentType() != self._CONTENT_TYPE_NONE:
elif content.strip() != '':
raise exception.UnexpectedContent()
def HandleAttribute(self, attrib, value):
'''Informs the node of an attribute that was parsed out of the GRD file
for it.
attrib: 'name'
value: 'fooblat'
assert isinstance(attrib, str)
assert isinstance(value, str)
if self._IsValidAttribute(attrib, value):
self.attrs[attrib] = value
raise exception.UnexpectedAttribute(attrib)
def EndParsing(self):
'''Called at the end of parsing.'''
# TODO(joi) Rewrite this, it's extremely ugly!
if len(self.mixed_content):
if isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], str):
# Remove leading and trailing chunks of pure whitespace.
while (len(self.mixed_content)
and isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], str)
and self.mixed_content[0].strip() == ''):
self.mixed_content = self.mixed_content[1:]
# Strip leading and trailing whitespace from mixed content chunks
# at front and back.
if (len(self.mixed_content) and isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], str)):
self.mixed_content[0] = self.mixed_content[0].lstrip()
# Remove leading and trailing ''' (used to demarcate whitespace)
if (len(self.mixed_content) and isinstance(self.mixed_content[0], str)):
if self.mixed_content[0].startswith("'''"):
self.mixed_content[0] = self.mixed_content[0][3:]
if len(self.mixed_content):
if isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], str):
# Same stuff all over again for the tail end.
while (len(self.mixed_content)
and isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], str)
and self.mixed_content[-1].strip() == ''):
self.mixed_content = self.mixed_content[:-1]
if (len(self.mixed_content)
and isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], str)):
self.mixed_content[-1] = self.mixed_content[-1].rstrip()
if (len(self.mixed_content)
and isinstance(self.mixed_content[-1], str)):
if self.mixed_content[-1].endswith("'''"):
self.mixed_content[-1] = self.mixed_content[-1][:-3]
# Check that all mandatory attributes are there.
for node_mandatt in self.MandatoryAttributes():
mandatt_list = []
if node_mandatt.find('|') >= 0:
mandatt_list = node_mandatt.split('|')
mandatt_option_found = False
for mandatt in mandatt_list:
assert mandatt not in self.DefaultAttributes()
if mandatt in self.attrs:
if not mandatt_option_found:
mandatt_option_found = True
raise exception.MutuallyExclusiveMandatoryAttribute(mandatt)
if not mandatt_option_found:
raise exception.MissingMandatoryAttribute(mandatt)
# Add default attributes if not specified in input file.
for defattr in self.DefaultAttributes():
if not defattr in self.attrs:
self.attrs[defattr] = self.DefaultAttributes()[defattr]
# Check that |file| does not point to a TypeScript (.ts) file, as those
# files should not be included in the final build.
if self.attrs.get('file'):
assert not self.attrs.get('file').endswith('.ts'), (
'TypeScript files should not be added to Grit: Found \'%s\'' %
def GetCdata(self):
'''Returns all CDATA of this element, concatenated into a single
string. Note that this ignores any elements embedded in CDATA.'''
return ''.join([c for c in self.mixed_content if isinstance(c, str)])
def __str__(self):
'''Returns this node and all nodes below it as an XML document in a Unicode
header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
return header + self.FormatXml()
# Some Python 2 glue.
__unicode__ = __str__
def FormatXml(self, indent = '', one_line = False):
'''Returns this node and all nodes below it as an XML
element in a Unicode string. This differs from __unicode__ in that it does
not include the <?xml> stuff at the top of the string. If one_line is true,
children and CDATA are layed out in a way that preserves internal
assert isinstance(indent, str)
content_one_line = (one_line or
self._ContentType() == self._CONTENT_TYPE_MIXED)
inside_content = self.ContentsAsXml(indent, content_one_line)
# Then the attributes for this node.
attribs = ''
default_attribs = self.DefaultAttributes()
for attrib, value in sorted(self.attrs.items()):
# Only print an attribute if it is other than the default value.
if attrib not in default_attribs or value != default_attribs[attrib]:
attribs += ' %s=%s' % (attrib, saxutils.quoteattr(value))
# Finally build the XML for our node and return it
if len(inside_content) > 0:
if one_line:
return '<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (self.name, attribs, inside_content,
elif content_one_line:
return '%s<%s%s>\n%s %s\n%s</%s>' % (
indent, self.name, attribs,
indent, inside_content,
indent, self.name)
return '%s<%s%s>\n%s\n%s</%s>' % (
indent, self.name, attribs,
indent, self.name)
return '%s<%s%s />' % (indent, self.name, attribs)
def ContentsAsXml(self, indent, one_line):
'''Returns the contents of this node (CDATA and child elements) in XML
format. If 'one_line' is true, the content will be laid out on one line.'''
assert isinstance(indent, str)
# Build the contents of the element.
inside_parts = []
last_item = None
for mixed_item in self.mixed_content:
if isinstance(mixed_item, Node):
inside_parts.append(mixed_item.FormatXml(indent + ' ', one_line))
if not one_line:
message = mixed_item
# If this is the first item and it starts with whitespace, we add
# the ''' delimiter.
if not last_item and message.lstrip() != message:
message = "'''" + message
last_item = mixed_item
# If there are only child nodes and no cdata, there will be a spurious
# trailing \n
if len(inside_parts) and inside_parts[-1] == '\n':
inside_parts = inside_parts[:-1]
# If the last item is a string (not a node) and ends with whitespace,
# we need to add the ''' delimiter.
if (isinstance(last_item, str) and last_item.rstrip() != last_item):
inside_parts[-1] = inside_parts[-1] + "'''"
return ''.join(inside_parts)
def SubstituteMessages(self, substituter):
'''Applies substitutions to all messages in the tree.
Called as a final step of RunGatherers.
substituter: a grit.util.Substituter object.
for child in self.children:
def _IsValidChild(self, child):
'''Returns true if 'child' is a valid child of this node.
Overridden by subclasses.'''
return False
def _IsValidAttribute(self, name, value):
'''Returns true if 'name' is the name of a valid attribute of this element
and 'value' is a valid value for that attribute. Overriden by
subclasses unless they have only mandatory attributes.'''
return (name in self.MandatoryAttributes() or
name in self.DefaultAttributes())
def _ContentType(self):
'''Returns the type of content this element can have. Overridden by
subclasses. The content type can be one of the _CONTENT_TYPE_XXX constants
return self._CONTENT_TYPE_NONE
def MandatoryAttributes(self):
'''Returns a list of attribute names that are mandatory (non-optional)
on the current element. One can specify a list of
"mutually exclusive mandatory" attributes by specifying them as one
element in the list, separated by a "|" character.
return []
def DefaultAttributes(self):
'''Returns a dictionary of attribute names that have defaults, mapped to
the default value. Overridden by subclasses.'''
return {}
def GetCliques(self):
'''Returns all MessageClique objects belonging to this node. Overridden
by subclasses.
[clique1, clique2] or []
return []
def ToRealPath(self, path_from_basedir):
'''Returns a real path (which can be absolute or relative to the current
working directory), given a path that is relative to the base directory
set for the GRIT input file.
path_from_basedir: '..'
return util.normpath(os.path.join(self.GetRoot().GetBaseDir(),
def GetInputPath(self):
'''Returns a path, relative to the base directory set for the grd file,
that points to the file the node refers to.
# This implementation works for most nodes that have an input file.
return self.attrs['file']
def UberClique(self):
'''Returns the uberclique that should be used for messages originating in
a given node. If the node itself has its uberclique set, that is what we
use, otherwise we search upwards until we find one. If we do not find one
even at the root node, we set the root node's uberclique to a new
uberclique instance.
node = self
while not node.uberclique and node.parent:
node = node.parent
if not node.uberclique:
node.uberclique = clique.UberClique()
return node.uberclique
def IsTranslateable(self):
'''Returns false if the node has contents that should not be translated,
otherwise returns false (even if the node has no contents).
if not 'translateable' in self.attrs:
return True
return self.attrs['translateable'] == 'true'
def IsAccessibilityWithNoUI(self):
'''Returns true if the node is marked as an accessibility label and the
message isn't shown in the UI. Otherwise returns false. This label is
used to determine if the text requires screenshots.'''
if not 'is_accessibility_with_no_ui' in self.attrs:
return False
return self.attrs['is_accessibility_with_no_ui'] == 'true'
def GetNodeById(self, id):
'''Returns the node in the subtree parented by this node that has a 'name'
attribute matching 'id'. Returns None if no such node is found.
for node in self:
if 'name' in node.attrs and node.attrs['name'] == id:
return node
return None
def GetChildrenOfType(self, type):
'''Returns a list of all subnodes (recursing to all leaves) of this node
that are of the indicated type (or tuple of types).
type: A type you could use with isinstance().
A list, possibly empty.
return [child for child in self if isinstance(child, type)]
def GetTextualIds(self):
'''Returns a list of the textual ids of this node.
if 'name' in self.attrs:
return [self.attrs['name']]
return []
def EvaluateExpression(cls, expr, defs, target_platform, extra_variables={}):
'''Worker for EvaluateCondition (below) and conditions in XTB files.'''
if target_platform == 'chromeos':
assert defs.get('chromeos_ash', False) != defs.get(
False), 'The chromeos target must be either ash or lacros'
assert not defs.get('chromeos_ash', False) and not defs.get(
False), 'Non-chromeos targets cannot be ash or lacros'
if expr in cls.eval_expr_cache:
code, variables_in_expr = cls.eval_expr_cache[expr]
# Get a list of all variable and method names used in the expression.
syntax_tree = ast.parse(expr, mode='eval')
variables_in_expr = [node.id for node in ast.walk(syntax_tree) if
isinstance(node, ast.Name) and node.id not in ('True', 'False')]
code = compile(syntax_tree, filename='<string>', mode='eval')
cls.eval_expr_cache[expr] = code, variables_in_expr
# Set values only for variables that are needed to eval the expression.
variable_map = {}
for name in variables_in_expr:
if name == 'os':
value = target_platform
elif name == 'defs':
value = defs
elif name == 'is_linux':
value = target_platform == 'linux'
elif name == 'is_chromeos':
value = target_platform == 'chromeos'
elif name == 'is_macosx':
value = target_platform == 'darwin'
elif name == 'is_win':
value = target_platform in ('cygwin', 'win32')
elif name == 'is_android':
value = target_platform == 'android'
elif name == 'is_ios':
value = target_platform == 'ios'
elif name == 'is_fuchsia':
value = target_platform == 'fuchsia'
elif name == 'is_bsd':
value = 'bsd' in target_platform
elif name == 'is_posix':
value = (target_platform in ('linux', 'darwin', 'sunos5', 'android',
'ios', 'chromeos')
or 'bsd' in target_platform)
elif name == 'pp_ifdef':
def pp_ifdef(symbol):
return symbol in defs
value = pp_ifdef
elif name == 'pp_if':
def pp_if(symbol):
return defs.get(symbol, False)
value = pp_if
elif name in defs:
value = defs[name]
elif name in extra_variables:
value = extra_variables[name]
# Undefined variables are disallowed. All variables appearing in
# <if expr> conditions need to be defined.
assert False, 'undefined Grit variable found: ' + name
variable_map[name] = value
eval_result = eval(code, {}, variable_map)
assert isinstance(eval_result, bool)
return eval_result
def EvaluateCondition(self, expr):
'''Returns true if and only if the Python expression 'expr' evaluates
to true.
The expression is given a few local variables:
- 'lang' is the language currently being output
(the 'lang' attribute of the <output> element).
- 'context' is the current output context
(the 'context' attribute of the <output> element).
- 'defs' is a map of C preprocessor-style symbol names to their values.
- 'os' is the current platform (likely 'linux', 'win32' or 'darwin').
- 'pp_ifdef(symbol)' is a shorthand for "symbol in defs".
- 'pp_if(symbol)' is a shorthand for "symbol in defs and defs[symbol]".
- 'is_linux', 'is_macosx', 'is_win', 'is_posix' are true if 'os'
matches the given platform.
root = self.GetRoot()
lang = getattr(root, 'output_language', '')
context = getattr(root, 'output_context', '')
defs = getattr(root, 'defines', {})
target_platform = getattr(root, 'target_platform', '')
extra_variables = {
'lang': lang,
'context': context,
return Node.EvaluateExpression(
expr, defs, target_platform, extra_variables)
def OnlyTheseTranslations(self, languages):
'''Turns off loading of translations for languages not in the provided list.
languages: ['fr', 'zh_cn']
for node in self:
if (hasattr(node, 'IsTranslation') and
node.IsTranslation() and
node.GetLang() not in languages):
def FindBooleanAttribute(self, attr, default, skip_self):
'''Searches all ancestors of the current node for the nearest enclosing
definition of the given boolean attribute.
attr: 'fallback_to_english'
default: What to return if no node defines the attribute.
skip_self: Don't check the current node, only its parents.
p = self.parent if skip_self else self
while p:
value = p.attrs.get(attr, 'default').lower()
if value != 'default':
return (value == 'true')
p = p.parent
return default
def PseudoIsAllowed(self):
'''Returns true if this node is allowed to use pseudo-translations. This
is true by default, unless this node is within a <release> node that has
the allow_pseudo attribute set to false.
return self.FindBooleanAttribute('allow_pseudo',
default=True, skip_self=True)
def ShouldFallbackToEnglish(self):
'''Returns true iff this node should fall back to English when
pseudotranslations are disabled and no translation is available for a
given message.
return self.FindBooleanAttribute('fallback_to_english',
default=False, skip_self=True)
def AllowlistMarkedAsSkip(self):
'''Returns true if the node is marked to be skipped in the output by a
return self._allowlist_marked_as_skip
def SetAllowlistMarkedAsSkip(self, mark_skipped):
'''Sets AllowlistMarkedAsSkip.
self._allowlist_marked_as_skip = mark_skipped
def ExpandVariables(self):
'''Whether we need to expand variables on a given node.'''
return False
def IsResourceMapSource(self):
'''Whether this node is a resource map source.'''
return False
def CompressDataIfNeeded(self, data):
'''Compress data using the format specified in the compress attribute.
data: The data to compressed.
The data in gzipped or brotli compressed format. If the format is
unspecified then this returns the data uncompressed.
compress = self.attrs.get('compress')
assert not (
compress != 'default' and compress != 'false' and
), 'Disallowed |compress| attribute found for %s' % self.attrs.get('name')
# Compress JS, HTML, CSS and SVG files by default (gzip), unless |compress|
# is explicitly specified.
compress_by_default = (compress == 'default'
and self.attrs.get('file').endswith(
if compress == 'gzip' or compress_by_default:
return grit.format.gzip_string.GzipString(data)
if compress == 'brotli':
# The length of the uncompressed data as 8 bytes little-endian.
size_bytes = struct.pack("<q", len(data))
data = brotli_util.BrotliCompress(data)
# BROTLI_CONST is prepended to brotli decompressed data in order to
# easily check if a resource has been brotli compressed.
# The length of the uncompressed data is also appended to the start,
# truncated to 6 bytes, little-endian. size_bytes is 8 bytes,
# need to truncate further to 6.
formatter = b'%ds %dx %ds' % (6, 2, len(size_bytes) - 8)
return (constants.BROTLI_CONST +
b''.join(struct.unpack(formatter, size_bytes)) +
if compress == 'false' or compress == 'default':
return data
raise Exception('Invalid value for compression')
class ContentNode(Node):
'''Convenience baseclass for nodes that can have content.'''
def _ContentType(self):