
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Handling of the <include> element.

import os

from grit import util
import grit.format.html_inline
import grit.format.rc
from grit.format import minifier
from grit.node import base

class IncludeNode(base.Node):
  """An <include> element."""

  def __init__(self):

    # Cache flattened data so that we don't flatten the same file
    # multiple times.
    self._flattened_data = None
    # Also keep track of the last filename we flattened to, so we can
    # avoid doing it more than once.
    self._last_flat_filename = None

  def _IsValidChild(self, child):
    return False

  def _GetFlattenedData(
      self, allow_external_script=False, preprocess_only=False):
    if not self._flattened_data:
      filename = self.ToRealPath(self.GetInputPath())
      self._flattened_data = (
          grit.format.html_inline.InlineToString(filename, self,
    return self._flattened_data.encode('utf-8')

  def MandatoryAttributes(self):
    return ['name', 'type', 'file']

  def DefaultAttributes(self):
       translateable:         False if the node has contents that should not be
       resource_path:         If provided, is used to populate the |path|
                              property of the generated ResourcePath struct.
       preprocess:            Takes the same code path as flattenhtml, but it
                              disables any  processing/inlining outside of <if>
                              and <include>.
       compress:              The format to compress the data with, e.g. 'gzip'
                              or 'false' if data should not be compressed.
       skip_in_resource_map:  If true, do not add to the resource map.
    return {
        'translateable': 'true',
        'generateid': 'true',
        'filenameonly': 'false',
        'mkoutput': 'false',
        'preprocess': 'false',
        'flattenhtml': 'false',
        'compress': 'default',
        'allowexternalscript': 'false',
        'relativepath': 'false',
        'use_base_dir': 'true',
        'skip_in_resource_map': 'false',
        'resource_path': '',

  def GetInputPath(self):
    # Do not mess with absolute paths, that would make them invalid.
    if os.path.isabs(os.path.expandvars(self.attrs['file'])):
      return self.attrs['file']

    # We have no control over code that calls ToRealPath later, so convert
    # the path to be relative against our basedir.
    if self.attrs.get('use_base_dir', 'true') != 'true':
      # Normalize the directory path to use the appropriate OS separator.
      # GetBaseDir() may return paths\like\this or paths/like/this, since it is
      # read from the base_dir attribute in the grd file.
      norm_base_dir = util.normpath(self.GetRoot().GetBaseDir())
      return os.path.relpath(self.attrs['file'], norm_base_dir)

    return self.attrs['file']

  def FileForLanguage(self, lang, output_dir):
    """Returns the file for the specified language.  This allows us to return
    different files for different language variants of the include file.
    input_path = self.GetInputPath()
    if input_path is None:
      return None

    return self.ToRealPath(input_path)

  def GetDataPackValue(self, lang, encoding):
    '''Returns bytes or a str represenation for a data_pack entry.'''
    filename = self.ToRealPath(self.GetInputPath())
    if self.attrs['flattenhtml'] == 'true':
      allow_external_script = self.attrs['allowexternalscript'] == 'true'
      data = self._GetFlattenedData(allow_external_script=allow_external_script)
    elif self.attrs['preprocess'] == 'true':
      data = self._GetFlattenedData(preprocess_only=True)
      data = util.ReadFile(filename, util.BINARY)

    # Note that the minifier will only do anything if a minifier command
    # has been set in the command line.
    data = minifier.Minify(data, filename)

    # Include does not care about the encoding, because it only returns binary
    # data.
    return self.CompressDataIfNeeded(data)

  def Process(self, output_dir):
    """Rewrite file references to be base64 encoded data URLs.  The new file
    will be written to output_dir and the name of the new file is returned."""
    filename = self.ToRealPath(self.GetInputPath())
    flat_filename = os.path.join(output_dir,
        self.attrs['name'] + '_' + os.path.basename(filename))

    if self._last_flat_filename == flat_filename:

    with open(flat_filename, 'wb') as outfile:

    self._last_flat_filename = flat_filename
    return os.path.basename(flat_filename)

  def GetHtmlResourceFilenames(self):
    """Returns a set of all filenames inlined by this file."""
    allow_external_script = self.attrs['allowexternalscript'] == 'true'
    return grit.format.html_inline.GetResourceFilenames(

  def IsResourceMapSource(self):
    skip = self.attrs.get('skip_in_resource_map', 'false') == 'true'
    return not skip

  def Construct(parent, name, type, file, translateable=True,
                filenameonly=False, mkoutput=False, relativepath=False):
    """Creates a new node which is a child of 'parent', with attributes set
    by parameters of the same name.
    # Convert types to appropriate strings
    translateable = util.BoolToString(translateable)
    filenameonly = util.BoolToString(filenameonly)
    mkoutput = util.BoolToString(mkoutput)
    relativepath = util.BoolToString(relativepath)

    node = IncludeNode()
    node.StartParsing('include', parent)
    node.HandleAttribute('name', name)
    node.HandleAttribute('type', type)
    node.HandleAttribute('file', file)
    node.HandleAttribute('translateable', translateable)
    node.HandleAttribute('filenameonly', filenameonly)
    node.HandleAttribute('mkoutput', mkoutput)
    node.HandleAttribute('relativepath', relativepath)
    return node