
  CATEGORY !!Cat_Google
    CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleDesktopSearch
      KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop"

      CATEGORY !!Cat_Preferences
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences"

        CATEGORY !!Cat_IndexAndCaptureControl
          POLICY !!Blocklist_Email
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Email
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
            VALUENAME "1"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Gmail
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Gmail
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-pop"
            VALUENAME "gmail"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_WebHistory
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_WebHistory
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
            VALUENAME "2"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Chat
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Chat
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "3"    VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Text
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Text
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "4"    VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Media
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Media
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "5"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Contact
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Contact
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "9"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Calendar
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Calendar
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "10"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Task
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Task
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "11"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Note
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Note
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "12"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Journal
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Journal
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "13"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Word
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Word
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "DOC"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Excel
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Excel
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "XLS"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Powerpoint
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Powerpoint
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "PPT"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_PDF
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_PDF
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "PDF"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_ZIP
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_ZIP
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "ZIP"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_HTTPS
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_HTTPS
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-3"
            VALUENAME "HTTPS"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_PasswordProtectedOffice
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_PasswordProtectedOffice
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-13"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_URI_Contains
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_URI_Contains
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-6"
            PART !!Blocklist_URI_Contains LISTBOX
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Extensions
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Extensions
            PART !!Blocklist_Extensions EDITTEXT
              VALUENAME "file_extensions_to_skip"
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Pol_Disallow_UserSearchLocations
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Disallow_UserSearchLocations
            VALUENAME user_search_locations
            VALUEON NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Pol_Search_Location_Allowlist
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Search_Location_Allowlist
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\policy_search_location_allowlist"
            PART !!Search_Locations_Allowlist LISTBOX
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Email_Retention
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Email_Retention
            PART !!Email_Retention_Edit NUMERIC
              VALUENAME "email_days_to_retain"
              MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 30 SPIN 1
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Webpage_Retention
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Webpage_Retention
            PART !!Webpage_Retention_Edit NUMERIC
              VALUENAME "webpage_days_to_retain"
              MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 30 SPIN 1
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!File_Retention
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_File_Retention
            PART !!File_Retention_Edit NUMERIC
              VALUENAME "file_days_to_retain"
              MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 30 SPIN 1
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!IM_Retention
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_IM_Retention
            PART !!IM_Retention_Edit NUMERIC
              VALUENAME "im_days_to_retain"
              MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 30 SPIN 1
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Pol_Remove_Deleted_Items
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Remove_Deleted_Items
            VALUENAME remove_deleted_items
            VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Pol_Allow_Simultaneous_Indexing
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Allow_Simultaneous_Indexing
            VALUENAME simultaneous_indexing
            VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY


        POLICY !!Pol_TurnOffAdvancedFeatures
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_TurnOffAdvancedFeatures
          VALUENAME error_report_on
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_TurnOffImproveGd
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_TurnOffImproveGd
          VALUENAME improve_gd
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_NoPersonalizationInfo
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_NoPersonalizationInfo
          VALUENAME send_personalization_info
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_OneBoxMode
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_OneBoxMode
          VALUENAME onebox_mode
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_EncryptIndex
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_EncryptIndex
          VALUENAME encrypt_index
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Hyper
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Hyper
          VALUENAME hyper_off
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Display_Mode
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Display_Mode
          PART !!Pol_Display_Mode DROPDOWNLIST
            VALUENAME display_mode
              NAME !!Sidebar VALUE NUMERIC 1
              NAME !!Deskbar VALUE NUMERIC 8
              NAME !!FloatingDeskbar VALUE NUMERIC 4
              NAME !!None VALUE NUMERIC 0
            END ITEMLIST
          END PART
        END POLICY

      END CATEGORY  ; Preferences

      CATEGORY !!Cat_Enterprise
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Enterprise"

        POLICY !!Pol_Autoupdate
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Autoupdate
          VALUENAME autoupdate_host
          VALUEON ""
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_AutoupdateAsSystem
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoupdateAsSystem
          VALUENAME autoupdate_impersonate_user
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_EnterpriseTab
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_EnterpriseTab
          PART !!EnterpriseTabText EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_text
          END PART
          PART !!EnterpriseTabHomepage EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_homepage
          END PART
          PART !!EnterpriseTabHomepageQuery CHECKBOX
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_homepage_query
          END PART
          PART !!EnterpriseTabResults EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_results
          END PART
          PART !!EnterpriseTabResultsQuery CHECKBOX
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_results_query
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_GSAHosts
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_GSAHosts
          KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Enterprise\GSAHosts"
          PART !!Pol_GSAHosts LISTBOX
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_PolicyUnawareClientProhibitedFlag
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_PolicyUnawareClientProhibitedFlag
          KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop"
          VALUENAME PolicyUnawareClientProhibitedFlag
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_MinimumAllowedVersion
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_MinimumAllowedVersion
          PART !!Pol_MinimumAllowedVersion EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME minimum_allowed_version
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_MaximumAllowedVersion
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_MaximumAllowedVersion
          PART !!Pol_MaximumAllowedVersion EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME maximum_allowed_version
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Disallow_Gadgets
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Disallow_Gadgets
          VALUENAME disallow_gadgets
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
          PART !!Disallow_Only_Non_Builtin_Gadgets CHECKBOX DEFCHECKED
            VALUENAME disallow_only_non_builtin_gadgets
            VALUEON  NUMERIC 1
            VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Gadget_Allowlist
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Gadget_Allowlist
          KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Enterprise\gadget_allowlist"
          PART !!Pol_Gadget_Allowlist LISTBOX
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Gadget_Install_Confirmation_Allowlist
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Gadget_Install_Confirmation_Allowlist
          KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Enterprise\install_confirmation_allowlist"
          PART !!Pol_Gadget_Install_Confirmation_Allowlist LISTBOX
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Alternate_User_Data_Dir
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Alternate_User_Data_Dir
          PART !!Pol_Alternate_User_Data_Dir EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME alternate_user_data_dir
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_MaxAllowedOutlookConnections
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_MaxAllowedOutlookConnections
          PART !!Pol_MaxAllowedOutlookConnections NUMERIC
            VALUENAME max_allowed_outlook_connections
            MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 400 SPIN 1
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_DisallowSsdService
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_DisallowSsdService
          VALUENAME disallow_ssd_service
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_DisallowSsdOutbound
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_DisallowSsdOutbound
          VALUENAME disallow_ssd_outbound
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Disallow_Store_Gadget_Service
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Disallow_Store_Gadget_Service
          VALUENAME disallow_store_gadget_service
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_MaxExchangeIndexingRate
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_MaxExchangeIndexingRate
          PART !!Pol_MaxExchangeIndexingRate NUMERIC
            VALUENAME max_exchange_indexing_rate
            MIN 1 MAX 1000 DEFAULT 60 SPIN 1
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_EnableSafeweb
          EXPLAIN  !!Explain_Safeweb
          VALUENAME safe_browsing
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

      END CATEGORY  ; Enterprise

    END CATEGORY  ; GoogleDesktopSearch
  END CATEGORY  ; Google

  CATEGORY !!Cat_Google
    CATEGORY !!Cat_GoogleDesktopSearch
      KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop"

      CATEGORY !!Cat_Preferences
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences"

        CATEGORY !!Cat_IndexAndCaptureControl
          POLICY !!Blocklist_Email
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Email
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
            VALUENAME "1"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Gmail
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Gmail
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-pop"
            VALUENAME "gmail"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_WebHistory
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_WebHistory
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
            VALUENAME "2"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Chat
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Chat
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "3"    VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Text
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Text
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "4"    VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Media
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Media
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "5"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Contact
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Contact
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "9"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Calendar
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Calendar
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "10"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Task
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Task
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "11"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Note
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Note
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "12"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Journal
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Journal
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-1"
              VALUENAME "13"   VALUE NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Word
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Word
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "DOC"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Excel
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Excel
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "XLS"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Powerpoint
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Powerpoint
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "PPT"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_PDF
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_PDF
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "PDF"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_ZIP
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_ZIP
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-2"
            VALUENAME "ZIP"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_HTTPS
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_HTTPS
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-3"
            VALUENAME "HTTPS"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_PasswordProtectedOffice
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_PasswordProtectedOffice
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-13"
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_URI_Contains
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_URI_Contains
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\blocklist-6"
            PART !!Blocklist_URI_Contains LISTBOX
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Blocklist_Extensions
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Blocklist_Extensions
            PART !!Blocklist_Extensions EDITTEXT
              VALUENAME "file_extensions_to_skip"
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Pol_Disallow_UserSearchLocations
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Disallow_UserSearchLocations
            VALUENAME user_search_locations
            VALUEON NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Pol_Search_Location_Allowlist
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Search_Location_Allowlist
            KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Preferences\policy_search_location_allowlist"
            PART !!Search_Locations_Allowlist LISTBOX
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Email_Retention
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Email_Retention
            PART !!Email_Retention_Edit NUMERIC
              VALUENAME "email_days_to_retain"
              MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 30 SPIN 1
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Webpage_Retention
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Webpage_Retention
            PART !!Webpage_Retention_Edit NUMERIC
              VALUENAME "webpage_days_to_retain"
              MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 30 SPIN 1
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!File_Retention
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_File_Retention
            PART !!File_Retention_Edit NUMERIC
              VALUENAME "file_days_to_retain"
              MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 30 SPIN 1
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!IM_Retention
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_IM_Retention
            PART !!IM_Retention_Edit NUMERIC
              VALUENAME "im_days_to_retain"
              MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 30 SPIN 1
            END PART
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Pol_Remove_Deleted_Items
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Remove_Deleted_Items
            VALUENAME remove_deleted_items
            VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY

          POLICY !!Pol_Allow_Simultaneous_Indexing
            EXPLAIN !!Explain_Allow_Simultaneous_Indexing
            VALUENAME simultaneous_indexing
            VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
          END POLICY


        POLICY !!Pol_TurnOffAdvancedFeatures
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_TurnOffAdvancedFeatures
          VALUENAME error_report_on
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_TurnOffImproveGd
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_TurnOffImproveGd
          VALUENAME improve_gd
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_NoPersonalizationInfo
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_NoPersonalizationInfo
          VALUENAME send_personalization_info
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_OneBoxMode
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_OneBoxMode
          VALUENAME onebox_mode
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_EncryptIndex
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_EncryptIndex
          VALUENAME encrypt_index
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Hyper
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Hyper
          VALUENAME hyper_off
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Display_Mode
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Display_Mode
          PART !!Pol_Display_Mode DROPDOWNLIST
            VALUENAME display_mode
              NAME !!Sidebar VALUE NUMERIC 1
              NAME !!Deskbar VALUE NUMERIC 8
              NAME !!FloatingDeskbar VALUE NUMERIC 4
              NAME !!None VALUE NUMERIC 0
            END ITEMLIST
          END PART
        END POLICY

      END CATEGORY  ; Preferences

      CATEGORY !!Cat_Enterprise
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Enterprise"

        POLICY !!Pol_Autoupdate
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Autoupdate
          VALUENAME autoupdate_host
          VALUEON ""
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_AutoupdateAsSystem
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_AutoupdateAsSystem
          VALUENAME autoupdate_impersonate_user
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_EnterpriseTab
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_EnterpriseTab
          PART !!EnterpriseTabText EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_text
          END PART
          PART !!EnterpriseTabHomepage EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_homepage
          END PART
          PART !!EnterpriseTabHomepageQuery CHECKBOX
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_homepage_query
          END PART
          PART !!EnterpriseTabResults EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_results
          END PART
          PART !!EnterpriseTabResultsQuery CHECKBOX
            VALUENAME enterprise_tab_results_query
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_GSAHosts
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_GSAHosts
          KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Enterprise\GSAHosts"
          PART !!Pol_GSAHosts LISTBOX
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Disallow_Gadgets
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Disallow_Gadgets
          VALUENAME disallow_gadgets
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
          PART !!Disallow_Only_Non_Builtin_Gadgets CHECKBOX DEFCHECKED
            VALUENAME disallow_only_non_builtin_gadgets
            VALUEON  NUMERIC 1
            VALUEOFF NUMERIC 0
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Gadget_Allowlist
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Gadget_Allowlist
          KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Enterprise\gadget_allowlist"
          PART !!Pol_Gadget_Allowlist LISTBOX
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Gadget_Install_Confirmation_Allowlist
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Gadget_Install_Confirmation_Allowlist
          KEYNAME "Software\Policies\Google\Google Desktop\Enterprise\install_confirmation_allowlist"
          PART !!Pol_Gadget_Install_Confirmation_Allowlist LISTBOX
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Alternate_User_Data_Dir
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Alternate_User_Data_Dir
          PART !!Pol_Alternate_User_Data_Dir EDITTEXT
            VALUENAME alternate_user_data_dir
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_MaxAllowedOutlookConnections
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_MaxAllowedOutlookConnections
          PART !!Pol_MaxAllowedOutlookConnections NUMERIC
            VALUENAME max_allowed_outlook_connections
            MIN 1 MAX 65535 DEFAULT 400 SPIN 1
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_DisallowSsdService
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_DisallowSsdService
          VALUENAME disallow_ssd_service
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_DisallowSsdOutbound
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_DisallowSsdOutbound
          VALUENAME disallow_ssd_outbound
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_Disallow_Store_Gadget_Service
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_Disallow_Store_Gadget_Service
          VALUENAME disallow_store_gadget_service
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_MaxExchangeIndexingRate
          EXPLAIN !!Explain_MaxExchangeIndexingRate
          PART !!Pol_MaxExchangeIndexingRate NUMERIC
            VALUENAME max_exchange_indexing_rate
            MIN 1 MAX 1000 DEFAULT 60 SPIN 1
          END PART
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!Pol_EnableSafeweb
          EXPLAIN  !!Explain_Safeweb
          VALUENAME safe_browsing
          VALUEON   NUMERIC 1
        END POLICY

      END CATEGORY  ; Enterprise

    END CATEGORY  ; GoogleDesktopSearch
  END CATEGORY  ; Google


Cat_GoogleDesktopSearch="Google Desktop"

; Preferences
Explain_Preferences="Controls Google Desktop preferences"

Cat_IndexAndCaptureControl="Indexing and Capture Control"
Explain_IndexAndCaptureControl="Controls what files, web pages, and other content will be indexed by Google Desktop."

Blocklist_Email="Prevent indexing of email"
Explain_Blocklist_Email="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing emails.\n\nIf this policy is not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index emails."
Blocklist_Gmail="Prevent indexing of Gmail"
Explain_Blocklist_Gmail="Enabling this policy prevents Google Desktop from indexing Gmail messages.\n\nThis policy is in effect only when the policy "Prevent indexing of email" is disabled. When that policy is enabled, all email indexing is disabled, including Gmail indexing.\n\nIf both this policy and "Prevent indexing of email" are disabled or not configured, a user can choose whether or not to index Gmail messages."
Blocklist_WebHistory="Prevent indexing of web pages"
Explain_Blocklist_WebHistory="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing web pages.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index web pages."
Blocklist_Text="Prevent indexing of text files"
Explain_Blocklist_Text="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing text files.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index text files."
Blocklist_Media="Prevent indexing of media files"
Explain_Blocklist_Media="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing media files.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index media files."
Blocklist_Contact="Prevent indexing of contacts"
Explain_Blocklist_Contact="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing contacts.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index contacts."
Blocklist_Calendar="Prevent indexing of calendar entries"
Explain_Blocklist_Calendar="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing calendar entries.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index calendar entries."
Blocklist_Task="Prevent indexing of tasks"
Explain_Blocklist_Task="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing tasks.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index tasks."
Blocklist_Note="Prevent indexing of notes"
Explain_Blocklist_Note="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing notes.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index notes."
Blocklist_Journal="Prevent indexing of journal entries"
Explain_Blocklist_Journal="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing journal entries.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index journal entries."
Blocklist_Word="Prevent indexing of Word documents"
Explain_Blocklist_Word="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing Word documents.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index Word documents."
Blocklist_Excel="Prevent indexing of Excel documents"
Explain_Blocklist_Excel="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing Excel documents.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index Excel documents."
Blocklist_Powerpoint="Prevent indexing of PowerPoint documents"
Explain_Blocklist_Powerpoint="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing PowerPoint documents.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index PowerPoint documents."
Blocklist_PDF="Prevent indexing of PDF documents"
Explain_Blocklist_PDF="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing PDF documents.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index PDF documents."
Blocklist_ZIP="Prevent indexing of ZIP files"
Explain_Blocklist_ZIP="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing ZIP files.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index ZIP files."
Blocklist_HTTPS="Prevent indexing of secure web pages"
Explain_Blocklist_HTTPS="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing secure web pages (pages with HTTPS in the URL).\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index secure web pages."
Blocklist_URI_Contains="Prevent indexing of specific web sites and folders"
Explain_Blocklist_URI_Contains="This policy allows you to prevent Google Desktop from indexing specific websites or folders.  If an item's URL or path name contains any of these specified strings, it will not be indexed.  These restrictions will be applied in addition to any websites or folders that the user has specified.\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."
Blocklist_Chat="Prevent indexing of IM chats"
Explain_Blocklist_Chat="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing IM chat conversations.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index IM chat conversations."
Blocklist_PasswordProtectedOffice="Prevent indexing of password-protected Office documents (Word, Excel)"
Explain_Blocklist_PasswordProtectedOffice="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from indexing password-protected office documents.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to index password-protected office documents."
Blocklist_Extensions="Prevent indexing of specific file extensions"
Explain_Blocklist_Extensions="This policy allows you to prevent Google Desktop from indexing files with specific extensions.  Enter a list of file extensions, separated by commas, that you wish to exclude from indexing.\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."
Pol_Disallow_UserSearchLocations="Disallow adding search locations for indexing"
Explain_Disallow_UserSearchLocations="Enabling this policy will prevent the user from specifying additional drives or networked folders to be indexed by Google Desktop.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, users may specify additional drives and networked folders to be indexed."
Pol_Search_Location_Allowlist="Allow indexing of specific folders"
Explain_Search_Location_Allowlist="This policy allows you to add additional drives and networked folders to index."
Search_Locations_Allowlist="Search these locations"
Email_Retention="Only retain emails that are less than x days old"
Explain_Email_Retention="This policy allows you to configure Google Desktop to only retain emails that are less than the specified number of days old in the index.  Enter the number of days to retain emails for\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."
Email_Retention_Edit="Number of days to retain emails"
Webpage_Retention="Only retain webpages that are less than x days old"
Explain_Webpage_Retention="This policy allows you to configure Google Desktop to only retain webpages that are less than the specified number of days old in the index.  Enter the number of days to retain webpages for\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."
Webpage_Retention_Edit="Number of days to retain webpages"
File_Retention="Only retain files that are less than x days old"
Explain_File_Retention="This policy allows you to configure Google Desktop to only retain files that are less than the specified number of days old in the index.  Enter the number of days to retain files for\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."
File_Retention_Edit="Number of days to retain files"
IM_Retention="Only retain IM that are less than x days old"
Explain_IM_Retention="This policy allows you to configure Google Desktop to only retain IM that are less than the specified number of days old in the index.  Enter the number of days to retain IM for\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."
IM_Retention_Edit="Number of days to retain IM"

Pol_Remove_Deleted_Items="Remove deleted items from the index."
Explain_Remove_Deleted_Items="Enabling this policy will remove all deleted items from the index and cache. Any items that are deleted will no longer be searchable."

Pol_Allow_Simultaneous_Indexing="Allow historical indexing for multiple users simultaneously."
Explain_Allow_Simultaneous_Indexing="Enabling this policy will allow a computer to generate first-time indexes for multiple users simultaneously. \n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, historical indexing will happen only for the logged-in user that was connected last; historical indexing for any other logged-in user will happen the next time that other user connects."

Pol_TurnOffAdvancedFeatures="Turn off Advanced Features options"
Explain_TurnOffAdvancedFeatures="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from sending Advanced Features data to Google (for either improvements or personalization), and users won't be able to change these options. Enabling this policy also prevents older versions of Google Desktop from sending data.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured and the user has a pre-5.5 version of Google Desktop, the user can choose whether or not to enable sending data to Google. If the user has version 5.5 or later, the 'Turn off Improve Google Desktop option' and 'Do not send personalization info' policies will be used instead."

Pol_TurnOffImproveGd="Turn off Improve Google Desktop option"
Explain_TurnOffImproveGd="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from sending improvement data, including crash reports and anonymous usage data, to Google.\n\nIf this policy is disabled, improvement data will be sent to Google and the user won't be able to change the option.\n\nIf this policy is not configured, the user can choose whether or not to enable the Improve Google Desktop option.\n\nNote that this policy applies only to version 5.5 or later and doesn't affect previous versions of Google Desktop.\n\nAlso note that this policy can be overridden by the 'Turn off Advanced Features options' policy."

Pol_NoPersonalizationInfo="Do not send personalization info"
Explain_NoPersonalizationInfo="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from displaying personalized content, such as news that reflects the user's past interest in articles. Personalized content is derived from anonymous usage data sent to Google.\n\nIf this policy is disabled, personalized content will be displayed for all users, and users won't be able to disable this feature.\n\nIf this policy is not configured, users can choose whether or not to enable personalization in each gadget that supports this feature.\n\nNote that this policy applies only to version 5.5 or later and doesn't affect previous versions of Google Desktop.\n\nAlso note that this policy can be overridden by the 'Turn off Advanced Features options' policy."

Pol_OneBoxMode="Turn off Google Web Search Integration"
Explain_OneBoxMode="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from displaying Desktop Search results in queries to\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to include Desktop Search results in queries to"

Pol_EncryptIndex="Encrypt index data"
Explain_EncryptIndex="Enabling this policy will cause Google Desktop to turn on Windows file encryption for the folder containing the Google Desktop index and related user data the next time it is run.\n\nNote that Windows EFS is only available on NTFS volumes.  If the user's data is stored on a FAT volume, this policy will have no effect.\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_Hyper="Turn off Quick Find"
Explain_Hyper="Enabling this policy will cause Google Desktop to turn off Quick Find feature. Quick Find allows you to see results as you type.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose whether or not to enable it."

Pol_Display_Mode="Choose display option"
Explain_Display_Mode="This policy sets the Google Desktop display option: Sidebar, Deskbar, Floating Deskbar or none.\n\nNote that on 64-bit systems, a setting of Deskbar will be interpreted as Floating Deskbar.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, the user can choose a display option."
FloatingDeskbar="Floating Deskbar"

; Enterprise
Cat_Enterprise="Enterprise Integration"
Explain_Enterprise="Controls features specific to Enterprise installations of Google Desktop"

Pol_Autoupdate="Block Auto-update"
Explain_Autoupdate="Enabling this policy prevents Google Desktop from automatically checking for and installing updates from\n\nIf you enable this policy, you must distribute updates to Google Desktop using Group Policy, SMS, or a similar enterprise software distribution mechanism.  You should check for updates.\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, Google Desktop will periodically check for updates from"

Pol_AutoupdateAsSystem="Use system proxy settings when auto-updating"
Explain_AutoupdateAsSystem="Enabling this policy makes Google Desktop use the machine-wide proxy settings (as specified using e.g. proxycfg.exe) when performing autoupdates (if enabled).\n\nIf this policy is disabled or not configured, Google Desktop will use the logged-on user's Internet Explorer proxy settings when checking for auto-updates (if enabled)."

Pol_EnterpriseTab="Enterprise search tab"
Explain_EnterpriseTab="This policy allows you to add a search tab for your Google Search Appliance to Google Desktop and web pages.\n\nYou must provide the name of the tab, such as "Intranet", as well as URLs for the search homepage and for retrieving search results.  Use [DISP_QUERY] in place of the query term for the search results URL.\n\nSee the administrator's guide for more details."
EnterpriseTabText="Tab name"
EnterpriseTabHomepage="Search homepage URL"
EnterpriseTabHomepageQuery="Check if search homepage supports '&&q=<query>'"
EnterpriseTabResults="Search results URL"
EnterpriseTabResultsQuery="Check if search results page supports '&&q=<query>'"

Pol_GSAHosts="Google Search Appliances"
Explain_GSAHosts="This policy allows you to list any Google Search Appliances in your intranet.  When properly configured, Google Desktop will insert Google Desktop results into the results of queries on the Google Search Appliance"

Pol_PolicyUnawareClientProhibitedFlag="Prohibit Policy-Unaware versions"
Explain_PolicyUnawareClientProhibitedFlag="Prohibits installation and execution of versions of Google Desktop that are unaware of group policy.\n\nEnabling this policy will prevent users from installing or running version 1.0 of Google Desktop.\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_MinimumAllowedVersion="Minimum allowed version"
Explain_MinimumAllowedVersion="This policy allows you to prevent installation and/or execution of older versions of Google Desktop by specifying the minimum version you wish to allow.  When enabling this policy, you should also enable the "Prohibit Policy-Unaware versions" policy to block versions of Google Desktop that did not support group policy.\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_MaximumAllowedVersion="Maximum allowed version"
Explain_MaximumAllowedVersion="This policy allows you to prevent installation and/or execution of newer versions of Google Desktop by specifying the maximum version you wish to allow.\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_Disallow_Gadgets="Disallow gadgets and indexing plug-ins"
Explain_Disallow_Gadgets="This policy prevents the use of all Google Desktop gadgets and indexing plug-ins. The policy applies to gadgets that are included in the Google Desktop installation package (built-in gadgets), built-in indexing plug-ins (currently only the Lotus Notes plug-in), and to gadgets or indexing plug-ins that a user might want to add later (non-built-in gadgets and indexing plug-ins).\n\nYou can prohibit use of all non-built-in gadgets and indexing plug-ins, but allow use of built-in gadgets and indexing plug-ins. To do so, enable this policy and then select the option "Disallow only non-built-in gadgets and indexing plug-ins.\n\nYou can supersede this policy to allow specified built-in and non-built-in gadgets and indexing plug-ins. To do so, enable this policy and then specify the gadgets and/or indexing plug-ins you want to allow under "Gadget and Plug-in Allowlist.""
Disallow_Only_Non_Builtin_Gadgets="Disallow only non-built-in gadgets and indexing plug-ins"

Pol_Gadget_Allowlist="Gadget and plug-in allowlist"
Explain_Gadget_Allowlist="This policy specifies a list of Google Desktop gadgets and indexing plug-ins that you want to allow, as exceptions to the "Disallow gadgets and indexing plug-ins" policy. This policy is valid only when the "Disallow gadgets and indexing plug-ins" policy is enabled.\n\nFor each gadget or indexing plug-in you wish to allow, add the CLSID or PROGID of the gadget or indexing plug-in (see the administrator's guide for more details).\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_Gadget_Install_Confirmation_Allowlist="Allow silent installation of gadgets"
Explain_Gadget_Install_Confirmation_Allowlist="Enabling this policy lets you specify a list of Google Desktop gadgets or indexing plug-ins that can be installed without confirmation from the user.\n\nAdd a gadget or indexing plug-in by placing its class ID (CLSID) or program identifier (PROGID) in the list, surrounded with curly braces ({ }).\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_Alternate_User_Data_Dir="Alternate user data directory"
Explain_Alternate_User_Data_Dir="This policy allows you to specify a directory to be used to store user data for Google Desktop (such as index data and cached documents).\n\nYou may use [USER_NAME] or [DOMAIN_NAME] in the path to specify the current user's name or domain. If [USER_NAME] is not specified, the user name will be appended at the end of the path.\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_MaxAllowedOutlookConnections="Maximum allowed Outlook connections"
Explain_MaxAllowedOutlookConnections="This policy specifies the maximum number of open connections that Google Desktop maintains with the Exchange server.  Google Desktop opens a connection for each email folder that it indexes. If insufficient connections are allowed, Google Desktop cannot index all the user email folders.\n\nThe default value is 400. Because users rarely have as many as 400 email folders, Google Desktop rarely reaches the limit.\n\nIf you set this policy's value above 400, you must also configure the number of open connections between Outlook and the Exchange server. By default, approximately 400 connections are allowed. If Google Desktop uses too many of these connections, Outlook might be unable to access email.\n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_DisallowSsdService="Disallow sharing and receiving of web history and documents across computers"
Explain_DisallowSsdService="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from sharing the user's web history and document contents across the user's different Google Desktop installations, and will also prevent it from receiving such shared items from the user's other machines.  To allow reception but disallow sharing, use DisallowSsdOutbound.\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_DisallowSsdOutbound="Disallow sharing of web history and documents to user's other computers."
Explain_DisallowSsdOutbound="Enabling this policy will prevent Google Desktop from sending the user's web history and document contents from this machine to the user's other machines.  It does not prevent reception of items from the user's other machines; to disallow both, use DisallowSsdService.\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_Disallow_Store_Gadget_Service="Disallow storage of gadget content and settings."
Explain_Disallow_Store_Gadget_Service="Enabling this policy will prevent users from storing their gadget content and settings with Google. Users will be unable to access their gadget content and settings from other computers and all content and settings will be lost if Google Desktop is uninstalled."

Pol_MaxExchangeIndexingRate="Maximum allowed Exchange indexing rate"
Explain_MaxExchangeIndexingRate="This policy allows you to specify the maximum number of emails that are indexed per minute. \n\nThis policy has no effect when disabled or not configured."

Pol_EnableSafeweb="Enable or disable safe browsing"
Explain_Safeweb="Google Desktop safe browsing informs the user whenever they visit any site which is a suspected forgery site or may harm their computer. Enabling this policy turns on safe browsing; disabling the policy turns it off. \n\nIf this policy is not configured, the user can select whether to turn on safe browsing."