// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ash/system_logs/keyboard_info_log_source.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "ui/events/ash/keyboard_capability.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/device_data_manager.h"
namespace system_logs {
namespace {
using DeviceType = ui::KeyboardCapability::DeviceType;
using KeyboardTopRowLayout = ui::KeyboardCapability::KeyboardTopRowLayout;
const char* GetDeviceTypeString(DeviceType device_type) {
switch (device_type) {
case DeviceType::kDeviceUnknown:
return "Unknown";
case DeviceType::kDeviceInternalKeyboard:
return "Internal Keyboard";
case DeviceType::kDeviceInternalRevenKeyboard:
return "Internal Reven Keyboard";
case DeviceType::kDeviceExternalAppleKeyboard:
return "External Apple Keyboard";
case DeviceType::kDeviceExternalChromeOsKeyboard:
return "External ChromeOs Keyboard";
case DeviceType::kDeviceExternalNullTopRowChromeOsKeyboard:
return "External Null Top Row ChromeOs Keyboard";
case DeviceType::kDeviceExternalGenericKeyboard:
return "External Generic Keyboard";
case DeviceType::kDeviceExternalUnknown:
return "External Unknown";
case DeviceType::kDeviceHotrodRemote:
return "Hotrod Remote";
case DeviceType::kDeviceVirtualCoreKeyboard:
return "Virtual Core Keyboard";
const char* GetTopRowLayoutString(KeyboardTopRowLayout top_row_layout) {
switch (top_row_layout) {
case KeyboardTopRowLayout::kKbdTopRowLayout1:
return "Layout1";
case KeyboardTopRowLayout::kKbdTopRowLayout2:
return "Layout2";
case KeyboardTopRowLayout::kKbdTopRowLayoutWilco:
return "Wilco";
case KeyboardTopRowLayout::kKbdTopRowLayoutDrallion:
return "Drallion";
case KeyboardTopRowLayout::kKbdTopRowLayoutCustom:
return "Custom";
} // namespace
: SystemLogsSource("KeyboardInfo") {}
void KeyboardInfoLogSource::Fetch(SysLogsSourceCallback callback) {
auto response = std::make_unique<SystemLogsResponse>();
ui::KeyboardCapability* keyboard_capability =
const auto& keyboards =
std::ostringstream output;
for (uint index = 0; index < keyboards.size(); ++index) {
const auto keyboard = keyboards[index];
// Print a new line before each keyboard info if it's not the first one.
if (index != 0) {
output << "\n";
const auto device_type = keyboard_capability->GetDeviceType(keyboard);
const auto top_row_layout = keyboard_capability->GetTopRowLayout(keyboard);
const auto* top_row_action_keys =
const auto* top_row_scan_code =
output << "keyboard name: " << keyboard.name << "\n";
output << "device type: " << GetDeviceTypeString(device_type) << "\n";
output << "top_row_layout: " << GetTopRowLayoutString(top_row_layout)
<< "\n";
output << "top_row_action_keys: ";
if (top_row_action_keys != nullptr) {
for (const auto action_key : *top_row_action_keys) {
output << static_cast<uint32_t>(action_key) << " ";
output << "\n";
output << "top_row_scan_code: ";
if (top_row_scan_code != nullptr) {
for (const auto code : *top_row_scan_code) {
output << code << " ";
output << "\n";
response->emplace("keyboard_info", output.str());
} // namespace system_logs