
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

'''The 'grit menufromparts' tool.'''

from grit import grd_reader
from grit import util
from grit import xtb_reader
from grit.tool import interface
from grit.tool import transl2tc

import grit.extern.tclib

class MenuTranslationsFromParts(interface.Tool):
  '''One-off tool to generate translated menu messages (where each menu is kept
in a single message) based on existing translations of the individual menu
items.  Was needed when changing menus from being one message per menu item
to being one message for the whole menu.'''

  def ShortDescription(self):
    return ('Create translations of whole menus from existing translations of '
            'menu items.')

  def Run(self, globopt, args):
    assert len(args) == 2, "Need exactly two arguments, the XTB file and the output file"

    xtb_file = args[0]
    output_file = args[1]

    grd = grd_reader.Parse(self.o.input, debug=self.o.extra_verbose)
    grd.OnlyTheseTranslations([])  # don't load translations

    xtb = {}
    def Callback(msg_id, parts):
      msg = []
      for part in parts:
        if part[0]:
          msg = []
          break  # it had a placeholder so ignore it
      if len(msg):
        xtb[msg_id] = ''.join(msg)
    with open(xtb_file, 'rb') as f:
      xtb_reader.Parse(f, Callback)

    translations = []  # list of translations as per transl2tc.WriteTranslations
    for node in grd:
      if == 'structure' and node.attrs['type'] == 'menu':
        assert len(node.GetCliques()) == 1
        message = node.GetCliques()[0].GetMessage()
        translation = []

        contents = message.GetContent()
        for part in contents:
          if isinstance(part, str):
            id = grit.extern.tclib.GenerateMessageId(part)
            if id not in xtb:
              print("WARNING didn't find all translations for menu %s" %
              translation = []

        if len(translation):
          translations.append([message.GetId(), ''.join(translation)])

    with util.WrapOutputStream(open(output_file, 'wb')) as f:
      transl2tc.TranslationToTc.WriteTranslations(f, translations)