# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''The 'grit resize' tool.
import getopt
import os
import sys
from grit import grd_reader
from grit import pseudo
from grit import util
from grit.format import rc
from grit.format import rc_header
from grit.node import include
from grit.tool import interface
# Template for the .vcproj file, with a couple of [[REPLACEABLE]] parts.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
ProjectType="Visual C++"
Name="Resource Files"
# Template for the .rc file with a couple of [[REPLACEABLE]] parts.
# TODO(joi) Improve this (and the resource.h template) to allow saving and then
# reopening of the RC file in Visual Studio. Currently you can only open it
# once and change it, then after you close it you won't be able to reopen it.
// This file is automatically generated by GRIT and intended for editing
// the layout of the dialogs contained in it. Do not edit anything but the
// dialogs. Any changes made to translateable portions of the dialogs will
// be ignored by GRIT.
#include "resource.h"
#include <winresrc.h>
#define IDC_STATIC (-1)
#pragma code_page([[CODEPAGE_NUM]])
# Template for the resource.h file with a couple of [[REPLACEABLE]] parts.
// This file is automatically generated by GRIT. Do not edit.
#pragma once
// Edit commands
#define ID_EDIT_CLEAR 0xE120
#define ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL 0xE121
#define ID_EDIT_COPY 0xE122
#define ID_EDIT_CUT 0xE123
#define ID_EDIT_FIND 0xE124
#define ID_EDIT_PASTE 0xE125
#define ID_EDIT_PASTE_LINK 0xE126
#define ID_EDIT_REPEAT 0xE128
#define ID_EDIT_REPLACE 0xE129
#define ID_EDIT_UNDO 0xE12B
#define ID_EDIT_REDO 0xE12C
class ResizeDialog(interface.Tool):
'''Generates an RC file, header and Visual Studio project that you can use
with Visual Studio's GUI resource editor to modify the layout of dialogs for
the language of your choice. You then use the RC file, after you resize the
dialog, for the language or languages of your choice, using the <skeleton> child
of the <structure> node for the dialog. The translateable bits of the dialog
will be ignored when you use the <skeleton> node (GRIT will instead use the
translateable bits from the original dialog) but the layout changes you make
will be used. Note that your layout changes must preserve the order of the
translateable elements in the RC file.
Usage: grit resize [-f BASEFOLDER] [-l LANG] [-e RCENCODING] DIALOGID*
DIALOGID The 'name' attribute of a dialog to output for resizing. Zero
or more of these parameters can be used. If none are
specified, all dialogs from the input .grd file are output.
-f BASEFOLDER The project will be created in a subfolder of BASEFOLDER.
The name of the subfolder will be the first DIALOGID you
specify. Defaults to '.'
-l LANG Specifies that the RC file should contain a dialog translated
into the language LANG. The default is a cp1252-representable
pseudotranslation, because Visual Studio's GUI RC editor only
supports single-byte encodings.
-c CODEPAGE Code page number to indicate to the RC compiler the encoding
of the RC file, default is something reasonable for the
language you selected (but this does not work for every single
language). See details on codepages below. NOTE that you do
not need to specify the codepage unless the tool complains
that it's not sure which codepage to use. See the following
page for codepage numbers supported by Windows:
-D NAME[=VAL] Specify a C-preprocessor-like define NAME with optional
value VAL (defaults to 1) which will be used to control
conditional inclusion of resources.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For now, the tool outputs a UTF-8 encoded file for any language
that can not be represented in cp1252 (i.e. anything other than Western
European languages). You will need to open this file in a text editor and
save it using the codepage indicated in the #pragma code_page(XXXX) command
near the top of the file, before you open it in Visual Studio.
# TODO(joi) It would be cool to have this tool note the Perforce revision
# of the original RC file somewhere, such that the <skeleton> node could warn
# if the original RC file gets updated without the skeleton file being updated.
# TODO(joi) Would be cool to have option to add the files to Perforce
def __init__(self):
self.lang = pseudo.PSEUDO_LANG
self.defines = {}
self.base_folder = '.'
self.codepage_number = 1252
self.codepage_number_specified_explicitly = False
def SetLanguage(self, lang):
'''Sets the language code to output things in.
self.lang = lang
if not self.codepage_number_specified_explicitly:
self.codepage_number = util.LanguageToCodepage(lang)
def GetEncoding(self):
if self.codepage_number == 1200:
return 'utf_16'
if self.codepage_number == 65001:
return 'utf_8'
return 'cp%d' % self.codepage_number
def ShortDescription(self):
return 'Generate a file where you can resize a given dialog.'
def Run(self, opts, args):
own_opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'l:f:c:D:', ('help',))
for key, val in own_opts:
if key == '-l':
if key == '-f':
self.base_folder = val
if key == '-c':
self.codepage_number = int(val)
self.codepage_number_specified_explicitly = True
if key == '-D':
name, val = util.ParseDefine(val)
self.defines[name] = val
elif key == '--help':
res_tree = grd_reader.Parse(opts.input, debug=opts.extra_verbose)
# Dialog IDs are either explicitly listed, or we output all dialogs from the
# .grd file
dialog_ids = args
if not len(dialog_ids):
for node in res_tree:
if node.name == 'structure' and node.attrs['type'] == 'dialog':
self.Process(res_tree, dialog_ids)
def Process(self, grd, dialog_ids):
'''Outputs an RC file and header file for the dialog 'dialog_id' stored in
resource tree 'grd', to self.base_folder, as discussed in this class's
grd: grd = grd_reader.Parse(...); grd.RunGatherers()
project_name = dialog_ids[0]
dir_path = os.path.join(self.base_folder, project_name)
if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
# If this fails then we're not on Windows (or you don't have the required
# win32all Python libraries installed), so what are you doing mucking
# about with RC files anyway? :)
# pylint: disable=import-error
import pythoncom
# Create the .vcproj file
project_text = PROJECT_TEMPLATE.replace(
'[[PROJECT_GUID]]', str(pythoncom.CreateGuid())
).replace('[[DIALOG_NAME]]', project_name)
fname = os.path.join(dir_path, '%s.vcproj' % project_name)
self.WriteFile(fname, project_text)
print("Wrote %s" % fname)
# Create the .rc file
# Output all <include> nodes since the dialogs might depend on them (e.g.
# for icons and bitmaps).
include_items = []
for node in grd.ActiveDescendants():
if isinstance(node, include.IncludeNode):
include_items.append(rc.FormatInclude(node, self.lang, '.'))
rc_text = RC_TEMPLATE.replace('[[CODEPAGE_NUM]]',
rc_text = rc_text.replace('[[INCLUDES]]', ''.join(include_items))
# Then output the dialogs we have been asked to output.
dialogs = []
for dialog_id in dialog_ids:
node = grd.GetNodeById(dialog_id)
assert node.name == 'structure' and node.attrs['type'] == 'dialog'
# TODO(joi) Add exception handling for better error reporting
dialogs.append(rc.FormatStructure(node, self.lang, '.'))
rc_text = rc_text.replace('[[DIALOGS]]', ''.join(dialogs))
fname = os.path.join(dir_path, '%s.rc' % project_name)
self.WriteFile(fname, rc_text, self.GetEncoding())
print("Wrote %s" % fname)
# Create the resource.h file
header_defines = ''.join(rc_header.FormatDefines(grd))
header_text = HEADER_TEMPLATE.replace('[[DEFINES]]', header_defines)
fname = os.path.join(dir_path, 'resource.h')
self.WriteFile(fname, header_text)
print("Wrote %s" % fname)
def WriteFile(self, filename, contents, encoding='cp1252'):
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
writer = util.WrapOutputStream(f, encoding)