// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/feedback/system_logs/system_logs_source.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace system_logs {
// Gathers log data from a single source, possibly incrementally.
class SingleLogFileLogSource : public SystemLogsSource {
enum class SupportedSource {
// For /var/log/messages.
// For /var/log/ui/ui.LATEST.
// For /var/log/atrus.log.
// For /var/log/net.log.
// For /var/log/eventlog.txt.
// For /var/log/update_engine.log.
// For /var/log/power_manager/powerd.LATEST.
// For /var/log/power_manager/powerd.PREVIOUS.
explicit SingleLogFileLogSource(SupportedSource source);
SingleLogFileLogSource(const SingleLogFileLogSource&) = delete;
SingleLogFileLogSource& operator=(const SingleLogFileLogSource&) = delete;
~SingleLogFileLogSource() override;
// During testing, use this to set a custom Chrome start time to override the
// actual start time. Does not take ownership of |start_time|. Call this again
// with |start_time|=nullptr when done with testing.
static void SetChromeStartTimeForTesting(const base::Time* start_time);
// system_logs::SystemLogsSource:
void Fetch(SysLogsSourceCallback callback) override;
void SetMaxReadSizeForTesting(size_t max_read_size);
friend class SingleLogFileLogSourceTest;
// Returns the full path of the log file.
base::FilePath GetLogFilePath() const;
// Reads all available content from |file_| that has not already been read.
// Stores results as a single entry in |response|, with |source_name()| as key
// and the read log contents as value.
// Handles rotation of underlying log file by reading all remaining contents
// of old file and then opening and reading from new file.
// |num_rotations_allowed| limits the number of rotations that can take place
// before the function returns. This avoids this function never returning due
// to indefinitely repeated log file rotation. If this number is exceeded
// during a call, ReadFile() stops checking for log file rotation for the
// remainder of its execution. Any further rotation could result in missed log
// data.
void ReadFile(size_t num_rotations_allowed, SystemLogsResponse* response);
// Continues an in-progress file read.
// |result_string| stores accumulated logs read across file rotations to
// ensure at most |max_read_size_| bytes are read when combining data from
// multiple rotations for a log file into a single read.
// |bytes_skipped| is true when some bytes in the current read were skipped
// to avoid exceeding |max_read_size_|.
// See |ReadFile| for |num_rotations_allowed| and |response|.
void ContinueReadFile(std::unique_ptr<std::string> result_string,
bool bytes_skipped,
size_t num_rotations_allowed,
SystemLogsResponse* response);
// The source type.
const SupportedSource source_type_;
// Path to system log file directory.
base::FilePath log_file_dir_path_;
// The maximum size of a read from |file_|.
size_t max_read_size_;
// Keeps track of how much data has been read or skipped from |file_|.
size_t file_cursor_position_;
// Handle for reading the log file that is source of logging data.
base::File file_;
// File system inode value that was associated with |log_file_path_| when it
// was originally opened for reading.
ino_t file_inode_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<SingleLogFileLogSource> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace system_logs