# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from code_util import Code
from model import PropertyType
import cpp_util
from json_parse import OrderedDict
import schema_util
class _TypeDependency(object):
"""Contains information about a dependency a namespace has on a type: the
type's model, and whether that dependency is "hard" meaning that it cannot be
forward declared.
def __init__(self, type_, hard=False):
self.type_ = type_
self.hard = hard
def GetSortKey(self):
return '%s.%s' % (self.type_.namespace.name, self.type_.name)
class CppTypeGenerator(object):
"""Manages the types of properties and provides utilities for getting the
C++ type out of a model.Property
def __init__(self, model, namespace_resolver, default_namespace=None):
"""Creates a cpp_type_generator. The given root_namespace should be of the
format extensions::api::sub. The generator will generate code suitable for
use in the given model's namespace.
self._default_namespace = default_namespace
if self._default_namespace is None:
self._default_namespace = list(model.namespaces.values())[0]
self._namespace_resolver = namespace_resolver
def GetOptionalReturnType(self, typename, support_errors=False):
""" Composes a C++ return type to be used as a return value. Wraps the
typename in an optional, for the regular case, or uses a base::expected for
when it should support string errors.
return (('base::expected<{typename}, std::u16string>' if support_errors else
def GetEnumNoneValue(self, type_, full_name=True):
"""Gets the enum value in the given model. Property indicating no value has
been set.
prefix = ''
if full_name:
classname = cpp_util.Classname(type_.name)
prefix = '{typename}::'.format(typename=classname)
return '{enum_name}kNone'.format(enum_name=prefix)
def GetEnumDefaultValue(self, type_, current_namespace):
"""Gets the representation for an enum default initialised, which is the
typename with a default initialiser. e.g. MyEnum().
cpp_type = self.GetCppType(type_)
return '{cpp_type}()'.format(cpp_type=cpp_type)
def FormatStringForEnumValue(self, name):
"""Formats a string enum entry to the common constant format favoured by the
style guide.
Output examples:
SHOUTY_CASE: kShoutyCase
underscore_case: kUnderscoreCase
dash-case: kDashCase
camelCaseWithLowerFirst: kCamelCaseWithLowerFirst
CamelCaseWithUpperFirst: kCamelCaseWithUpperFirst.
x86_64: kX86_64
x86_ARCH: kX86Arch
'': EmptyString
kConstantSupport: kConstantSupport.
if not name:
return 'EmptyString'
# For cases where the enum entry is something like kValue, an exception is
# made to drop the initial `k` to avoid generating a key that looks like
# kKvalue, which is less readable than kValue.
if len(name) > 1 and name.startswith('k') and name[1].isupper():
name = name[1:]
change_to_upper = True
last_was_lower = True
result = ''
for char in name:
if char in {'_', '-'}:
change_to_upper = True
elif change_to_upper:
# Numbers must be kept separate, for better readability (e.g. kX86_64).
if char.isnumeric() and result and result[-1].isnumeric():
result += '_'
result += char.upper()
change_to_upper = False
last_was_lower = False
elif last_was_lower and char.isupper():
result += char
last_was_lower = False
elif char.isupper():
result += char.lower()
result += char
last_was_lower = True
return result
def GetEnumValue(self, type_, enum_value, full_name=True):
"""Gets the enum value of the given model.Property of the given type.
|full_name| is set to true, producing an enum value with a fully qualified
e.g Enum::kValue
prefix = ''
if full_name:
classname = cpp_util.Classname(type_.name)
prefix = '{classname}::'.format(classname=classname)
# We kCamelCase the string, also removing any _ from the name, to allow
# SHOUTY_CASE keys to be kCamelCase as well.
return '{prefix}k{name}'.format(prefix=prefix,
def GetCppType(self, type_, is_optional=False):
"""Translates a model.Property or model.Type into its C++ type.
If REF types from different namespaces are referenced, will resolve
using self._namespace_resolver.
Use |is_optional| if the type is optional. This will wrap the type either
in an optional, or in a unique_ptr if possible (it is not possible to wrap
an enum).
cpp_type = None
if type_.property_type == PropertyType.REF:
ref_type = self._FindType(type_.ref_type)
if ref_type is None:
raise KeyError('Cannot find referenced type: %s' % type_.ref_type)
cpp_type = self.GetCppType(ref_type)
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.BOOLEAN:
cpp_type = 'bool'
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.INTEGER:
cpp_type = 'int'
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.INT64:
cpp_type = 'int64_t'
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.DOUBLE:
cpp_type = 'double'
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.STRING:
cpp_type = 'std::string'
elif type_.property_type in (PropertyType.ENUM, PropertyType.OBJECT,
if self._default_namespace is type_.namespace:
cpp_type = cpp_util.Classname(type_.name)
cpp_namespace = cpp_util.GetCppNamespace(
cpp_type = '%s::%s' % (cpp_namespace, cpp_util.Classname(type_.name))
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.ANY:
cpp_type = 'base::Value'
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.FUNCTION:
if type_.is_serializable_function:
# Serializable functions get transformed into strings.
cpp_type = 'std::string'
# Non-serializable functions come into the json schema compiler as
# empty objects. We can record these as empty Value::Dict so that
# we know if the function was passed in or not.
cpp_type = 'base::Value::Dict'
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.ARRAY:
item_cpp_type = self.GetCppType(type_.item_type)
if item_cpp_type == 'base::Value':
cpp_type = 'base::Value::List'
cpp_type = 'std::vector<%s>' % item_cpp_type
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.BINARY:
cpp_type = 'std::vector<uint8_t>'
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot get type of %s' % type_.property_type)
# HACK: optional ENUM is represented elsewhere with a _NONE value, so it
# never needs to be wrapped in pointer shenanigans.
# TODO(kalman): change this - but it's an exceedingly far-reaching change.
if not self.FollowRef(type_).property_type == PropertyType.ENUM:
if is_optional:
if cpp_util.ShouldUseStdOptional(self.FollowRef(type_)):
cpp_type = 'std::optional<%s>' % cpp_type
cpp_type = 'std::unique_ptr<%s>' % cpp_type
return cpp_type
def IsCopyable(self, type_):
return not (self.FollowRef(type_).property_type
in (PropertyType.ANY, PropertyType.ARRAY, PropertyType.OBJECT,
def GenerateForwardDeclarations(self):
"""Returns the forward declarations for self._default_namespace.
c = Code()
for namespace, deps in self._NamespaceTypeDependencies().items():
filtered_deps = [
dep for dep in deps
# Add more ways to forward declare things as necessary.
if (not dep.hard and dep.type_.property_type in (PropertyType.CHOICES,
if not filtered_deps:
cpp_namespace = cpp_util.GetCppNamespace(
namespace.environment.namespace_pattern, namespace.unix_name)
for dep in filtered_deps:
c.Append('struct %s;' % dep.type_.name)
return c
def GenerateIncludes(self, include_soft=False, generate_error_messages=False):
"""Returns the #include lines for self._default_namespace.
c = Code()
# The inclusion of the std::string_view header is dependent on either the
# presence of enums, or manifest keys.
include_string_view = (self._default_namespace.manifest_keys or any(
type_.property_type is PropertyType.ENUM
for type_ in self._default_namespace.types.values()))
if include_string_view:
c.Append('#include <string_view>')
# The header for `base::expected` should be included whenever error messages
# are supposed to be returned, which only occurs with object, choices, or
# functions.
if (generate_error_messages
and (len(self._default_namespace.functions.values()) or any(
type_.property_type in [PropertyType.OBJECT, PropertyType.CHOICES]
for type_ in self._default_namespace.types.values()))):
c.Append('#include "base/types/expected.h"')
# Note: It's possible that there are multiple dependencies from the same
# API. Make sure to only include them once.
added_paths = set()
for namespace, dependencies in self._NamespaceTypeDependencies().items():
for dependency in dependencies:
if dependency.hard or include_soft:
path = '%s/%s.h' % (namespace.source_file_dir, namespace.unix_name)
if path not in added_paths:
c.Append('#include "%s"' % cpp_util.ToPosixPath(path))
return c
def _FindType(self, full_name):
"""Finds the model.Type with name |qualified_name|. If it's not from
|self._default_namespace| then it needs to be qualified.
namespace = self._namespace_resolver.ResolveType(full_name,
if namespace is None:
raise KeyError('Cannot resolve type %s. Maybe it needs a prefix '
'if it comes from another namespace?' % full_name)
return namespace.types[schema_util.StripNamespace(full_name)]
def FollowRef(self, type_):
"""Follows $ref link of types to resolve the concrete type a ref refers to.
If the property passed in is not of type PropertyType.REF, it will be
returned unchanged.
if type_.property_type != PropertyType.REF:
return type_
return self.FollowRef(self._FindType(type_.ref_type))
def _NamespaceTypeDependencies(self):
"""Returns a dict ordered by namespace name containing a mapping of
model.Namespace to every _TypeDependency for |self._default_namespace|,
sorted by the type's name.
dependencies = set()
for function in self._default_namespace.functions.values():
for param in function.params:
dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(param.type_,
hard=not param.optional)
if function.returns_async:
for param in function.returns_async.params:
dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(param.type_,
hard=not param.optional)
for type_ in self._default_namespace.types.values():
for prop in type_.properties.values():
dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(prop.type_,
hard=not prop.optional)
for event in self._default_namespace.events.values():
for param in event.params:
dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(param.type_,
hard=not param.optional)
# Make sure that the dependencies are returned in alphabetical order.
dependency_namespaces = OrderedDict()
for dependency in sorted(dependencies, key=_TypeDependency.GetSortKey):
namespace = dependency.type_.namespace
if namespace is self._default_namespace:
if namespace not in dependency_namespaces:
dependency_namespaces[namespace] = []
return dependency_namespaces
def _TypeDependencies(self, type_, hard=False):
"""Gets all the type dependencies of a property.
deps = set()
if type_.property_type == PropertyType.REF:
underlying_type = self._FindType(type_.ref_type)
# Enums from other namespaces are always hard dependencies, since
# optional enums are represented via the _NONE value instead of a
# pointer.
dep_is_hard = (True if underlying_type.property_type == PropertyType.ENUM
else hard)
deps.add(_TypeDependency(underlying_type, hard=dep_is_hard))
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.ARRAY:
# Types in containers are hard dependencies because they are stored
# directly and use move semantics.
deps = self._TypeDependencies(type_.item_type, hard=hard)
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.CHOICES:
for type_ in type_.choices:
deps |= self._TypeDependencies(type_, hard=self.IsCopyable(type_))
elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.OBJECT:
for p in type_.properties.values():
deps |= self._TypeDependencies(p.type_, hard=not p.optional)
return deps
def GeneratePropertyValues(self, prop, line, nodoc=False):
"""Generates the Code to display all value-containing properties.
c = Code()
if not nodoc:
if prop.value is not None:
cpp_type = self.GetCppType(prop.type_)
cpp_value = prop.value
cpp_name = prop.name
if cpp_type == 'std::string':
cpp_value = '"%s"' % cpp_value
cpp_type = 'char'
cpp_name = '%s[]' % cpp_name
c.Append(line % {"type": cpp_type, "name": cpp_name, "value": cpp_value})
has_child_code = False
c.Sblock('namespace %s {' % prop.name)
for child_property in prop.type_.properties.values():
child_code = self.GeneratePropertyValues(child_property,
if child_code:
has_child_code = True
c.Eblock('} // namespace %s' % prop.name)
if not has_child_code:
c = None
return c