#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import itertools
import json
import os.path
import pprint
import re
import sys
from json_parse import OrderedDict
# This file is a peer to json_schema.py. Each of these files understands a
# certain format describing APIs (either JSON or IDL), reads files written
# in that format into memory, and emits them as a Python array of objects
# corresponding to those APIs, where the objects are formatted in a way that
# the JSON schema compiler understands. compiler.py drives both idl_schema.py
# and json_schema.py.
# idl_parser expects to be able to import certain files in its directory,
# so let's set things up the way it wants.
_idl_generators_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
os.pardir, os.pardir, 'ppapi', 'generators')
if _idl_generators_path in sys.path:
import idl_parser
sys.path.insert(0, _idl_generators_path)
import idl_parser
def ProcessComment(comment):
Convert a comment into a parent comment and a list of parameter comments.
Function comments are of the form:
Function documentation. May contain HTML and multiple lines.
|arg1_name|: Description of arg1. Use <var>argument</var> to refer
to other arguments.
|arg2_name|: Description of arg2...
Newlines are removed, and leading and trailing whitespace is stripped.
comment: The string from a Comment node.
Returns: A tuple that looks like:
"The processed comment, minus all |parameter| mentions.",
'parameter_name_1': "The comment that followed |parameter_name_1|:",
def add_paragraphs(content):
paragraphs = content.split('\n\n')
if len(paragraphs) < 2:
return content
return '<p>' + '</p><p>'.join(p.strip() for p in paragraphs) + '</p>'
# Find all the parameter comments of the form '|name|: comment'.
parameter_starts = list(re.finditer(r' *\|([^|]*)\| *: *', comment))
# Get the parent comment (everything before the first parameter comment.
first_parameter_location = (parameter_starts[0].start()
if parameter_starts else len(comment))
parent_comment = (add_paragraphs(
comment[:first_parameter_location].strip()).replace('\n', ''))
params = OrderedDict()
for (cur_param, next_param) in itertools.zip_longest(parameter_starts,
param_name = cur_param.group(1)
# A parameter's comment goes from the end of its introduction to the
# beginning of the next parameter's introduction.
param_comment_start = cur_param.end()
param_comment_end = next_param.start() if next_param else len(comment)
params[param_name] = (add_paragraphs(
'\n', ''))
return (parent_comment, params)
class Callspec(object):
Given a Callspec node representing an IDL function declaration, converts into
a tuple:
(name, list of function parameters, return type, async return)
def __init__(self, callspec_node, comment):
self.node = callspec_node
self.comment = comment
def process(self, use_returns_async, callbacks):
parameters = []
return_type = None
returns_async = None
if self.node.GetProperty('TYPEREF') not in ('void', None):
return_type = Typeref(self.node.GetProperty('TYPEREF'), self.node.parent,
'name': self.node.GetName()
# The IDL parser doesn't allow specifying return types as optional.
# Instead we infer any object return values to be optional.
# TODO(asargent): fix the IDL parser to support optional return types.
if return_type.get('type') == 'object' or '$ref' in return_type:
return_type['optional'] = True
for node in self.node.GetChildren():
parameter = Param(node).process(callbacks)
if parameter['name'] in self.comment:
parameter['description'] = self.comment[parameter['name']]
# At the moment all functions in IDL with an asynchronous return are defined
# with a trailing callback in their parameters, but in our schema model we
# represent this with a separate returns 'async_field'. If there is a
# trailing callback, pop it off into the returns asyc property.
# Note: We only do this for interface types of 'Functions' and 'Properties',
# not for 'Events' and IDL callback definitions (specified by the
# |use_returns_async parameter|) or for Function definitions with trailing
# callbacks which are not asynchronous returns (specified by the
# trailingCallbackIsFunctionParameter extended attribute).
# TODO(tjudkins): Once IDL definitions are changed to describe returning
# promises, we can condition on that instead.
if (use_returns_async
and not self.node.GetProperty('trailingCallbackIsFunctionParameter')
and len(parameters) > 0 and parameters[-1].get('type') == 'function'):
returns_async = parameters.pop()
# The returns_async field is inherently a function, so doesn't need type
# specified on it.
does_not_support_promises = self.node.GetProperty(
if does_not_support_promises is not None:
returns_async['does_not_support_promises'] = does_not_support_promises
assert return_type is None, (
'Function "%s" cannot support promises and also have a '
'return value.' % self.node.GetName())
assert not self.node.GetProperty('doesNotSupportPromises'), (
'Callspec "%s" does not need to specify [doesNotSupportPromises] if '
'it does not have a trailing callback' % self.node.GetName())
return (self.node.GetName(), parameters, return_type, returns_async)
class Param(object):
Given a Param node representing a function parameter, converts into a Python
dictionary that the JSON schema compiler expects to see.
def __init__(self, param_node):
self.node = param_node
def process(self, callbacks):
return Typeref(self.node.GetProperty('TYPEREF'), self.node, {
'name': self.node.GetName()
class Dictionary(object):
Given an IDL Dictionary node, converts into a Python dictionary that the JSON
schema compiler expects to see.
def __init__(self, dictionary_node):
self.node = dictionary_node
def process(self, callbacks):
properties = OrderedDict()
for node in self.node.GetChildren():
if node.cls == 'Member':
k, v = Member(node).process(callbacks)
properties[k] = v
result = {
'id': self.node.GetName(),
'properties': properties,
'type': 'object'
# If this has the `ignoreAdditionalProperties` extended attribute, copy it
# into the resulting object with a value of True.
if self.node.GetProperty('ignoreAdditionalProperties'):
result['ignoreAdditionalProperties'] = True
if self.node.GetProperty('nodoc'):
result['nodoc'] = True
elif self.node.GetProperty('inline_doc'):
result['inline_doc'] = True
elif self.node.GetProperty('noinline_doc'):
result['noinline_doc'] = True
return result
class Member(object):
Given an IDL dictionary or interface member, converts into a name/value pair
where the value is a Python dictionary that the JSON schema compiler expects
to see.
def __init__(self, member_node):
self.node = member_node
def process(self,
properties = OrderedDict()
name = self.node.GetName()
if self.node.GetProperty('deprecated'):
properties['deprecated'] = self.node.GetProperty('deprecated')
for property_name in [
'nodoc', 'nocompile', 'nodart', 'serializableFunction'
if self.node.GetProperty(property_name):
properties[property_name] = True
if self.node.GetProperty('OPTIONAL'):
properties['optional'] = True
if self.node.GetProperty('platforms'):
properties['platforms'] = list(self.node.GetProperty('platforms'))
for option_name, sanitizer in [('maxListeners', int),
('supportsFilters', lambda s: s == 'true'),
('supportsListeners', lambda s: s == 'true'),
('supportsRules', lambda s: s == 'true')]:
if self.node.GetProperty(option_name):
if 'options' not in properties:
properties['options'] = {}
properties['options'][option_name] = sanitizer(
type_override = None
parameter_comments = OrderedDict()
for node in self.node.GetChildren():
if node.cls == 'Comment':
(parent_comment, parameter_comments) = ProcessComment(node.GetName())
properties['description'] = parent_comment
elif node.cls == 'Callspec':
name, parameters, return_type, returns_async = Callspec(
node, parameter_comments).process(use_returns_async, callbacks)
if functions_are_properties:
# If functions are treated as properties (which will happen if the
# interface is named Properties) then this isn't a function, it's a
# property which is encoded as a function with no arguments. The
# property type is the return type. This is an egregious hack in lieu
# of the IDL parser supporting 'const'.
assert parameters == [], (
'Property "%s" must be no-argument functions '
'with a non-void return type' % name)
assert return_type is not None, (
'Property "%s" must be no-argument functions '
'with a non-void return type' % name)
assert 'type' in return_type, (
'Property return type "%s" from "%s" must specify a '
'fundamental IDL type.' % (pprint.pformat(return_type), name))
type_override = return_type['type']
type_override = 'function'
properties['parameters'] = parameters
if return_type is not None:
properties['returns'] = return_type
if returns_async is not None:
properties['returns_async'] = returns_async
properties['name'] = name
if type_override is not None:
properties['type'] = type_override
properties = Typeref(self.node.GetProperty('TYPEREF'), self.node,
value = self.node.GetProperty('value')
if value is not None:
# IDL always returns values as strings, so cast to their real type.
properties['value'] = self.cast_from_json_type(properties['type'], value)
return name, properties
def cast_from_json_type(self, json_type, string_value):
'''Casts from string |string_value| to a real Python type based on a JSON
Schema type |json_type|. For example, a string value of '42' and a JSON
Schema type 'integer' will cast to int('42') ==> 42.
if json_type == 'integer':
return int(string_value)
if json_type == 'number':
return float(string_value)
# Add more as necessary.
assert json_type == 'string', (
'No rule exists to cast JSON Schema type "%s" to its equivalent '
'Python type for value "%s". You must add a new rule here.' %
(json_type, string_value))
return string_value
class Typeref(object):
Given a TYPEREF property representing the type of dictionary member or
function parameter, converts into a Python dictionary that the JSON schema
compiler expects to see.
def __init__(self, typeref, parent, additional_properties):
self.typeref = typeref
self.parent = parent
self.additional_properties = additional_properties
def process(self, callbacks):
properties = self.additional_properties
result = properties
if self.parent.GetPropertyLocal('OPTIONAL'):
properties['optional'] = True
# The IDL parser denotes array types by adding a child 'Array' node onto
# the Param node in the Callspec.
for sibling in self.parent.GetChildren():
if sibling.cls == 'Array' and sibling.GetName() == self.parent.GetName():
properties['type'] = 'array'
properties['items'] = OrderedDict()
properties = properties['items']
if self.typeref == 'DOMString':
properties['type'] = 'string'
elif self.typeref == 'boolean':
properties['type'] = 'boolean'
elif self.typeref == 'double':
properties['type'] = 'number'
elif self.typeref == 'long':
properties['type'] = 'integer'
elif self.typeref == 'any':
properties['type'] = 'any'
elif self.typeref == 'object':
properties['type'] = 'object'
if 'additionalProperties' not in properties:
properties['additionalProperties'] = OrderedDict()
properties['additionalProperties']['type'] = 'any'
instance_of = self.parent.GetProperty('instanceOf')
if instance_of:
properties['isInstanceOf'] = instance_of
elif self.typeref == 'ArrayBuffer':
properties['type'] = 'binary'
properties['isInstanceOf'] = 'ArrayBuffer'
elif self.typeref == 'ArrayBufferView':
properties['type'] = 'binary'
# We force the APIs to specify instanceOf since ArrayBufferView isn't an
# instantiable type, therefore we don't specify isInstanceOf here.
elif self.typeref == 'FileEntry':
properties['type'] = 'object'
properties['isInstanceOf'] = 'FileEntry'
if 'additionalProperties' not in properties:
properties['additionalProperties'] = OrderedDict()
properties['additionalProperties']['type'] = 'any'
elif self.parent.GetPropertyLocal('Union'):
properties['choices'] = [
Typeref(node.GetProperty('TYPEREF'), node,
for node in self.parent.GetChildren() if node.cls == 'Option'
elif self.typeref is None:
properties['type'] = 'function'
if self.typeref in callbacks:
# Do not override name and description if they are already specified.
name = properties.get('name', None)
description = properties.get('description', None)
if description is not None:
properties['description'] = description
if name is not None:
properties['name'] = name
properties['$ref'] = self.typeref
return result
class Enum(object):
Given an IDL Enum node, converts into a Python dictionary that the JSON
schema compiler expects to see.
def __init__(self, enum_node):
self.node = enum_node
self.description = ''
def process(self):
enum = []
for node in self.node.GetChildren():
if node.cls == 'EnumItem':
enum_value = {'name': node.GetName()}
if node.GetProperty('nodoc'):
enum_value['nodoc'] = True
for child in node.GetChildren():
if child.cls == 'Comment':
enum_value['description'] = ProcessComment(child.GetName())[0]
raise ValueError('Did not process %s %s' % (child.cls, child))
elif node.cls == 'Comment':
self.description = ProcessComment(node.GetName())[0]
sys.exit('Did not process %s %s' % (node.cls, node))
result = {
'id': self.node.GetName(),
'description': self.description,
'type': 'string',
'enum': enum
for property_name in [
'cpp_enum_prefix_override', 'inline_doc', 'noinline_doc', 'nodoc'
if self.node.GetProperty(property_name):
result[property_name] = self.node.GetProperty(property_name)
if self.node.GetProperty('deprecated'):
result['deprecated'] = self.node.GetProperty('deprecated')
return result
class Namespace(object):
Given an IDLNode representing an IDL namespace, converts into a Python
dictionary that the JSON schema compiler expects to see.
def __init__(self,
self.namespace = namespace_node
self.nodoc = nodoc
self.platforms = platforms
self.compiler_options = compiler_options
self.events = []
self.functions = []
self.properties = OrderedDict()
self.manifest_keys = None
self.types = []
self.callbacks = OrderedDict()
self.description = description
self.deprecated = deprecated
self.documentation_options = documentation_options
def process(self):
for node in self.namespace.GetChildren():
if node.cls == 'Dictionary' and node.GetName() == 'ManifestKeys':
self.manifest_keys = Dictionary(node).process(
elif node.cls == 'Dictionary':
elif node.cls == 'Callback':
k, v = Member(node).process(self.callbacks)
self.callbacks[k] = v
elif node.cls == 'Interface' and node.GetName() == 'Functions':
self.functions = self.process_interface(node)
elif node.cls == 'Interface' and node.GetName() == 'Events':
self.events = self.process_interface(node)
elif node.cls == 'Interface' and node.GetName() == 'Properties':
properties_as_list = self.process_interface(
node, functions_are_properties=True)
for prop in properties_as_list:
# Properties are given as key-value pairs, but IDL will parse
# it as a list. Convert back to key-value pairs.
prop_name = prop.pop('name')
assert not prop_name in self.properties, (
'Property "%s" cannot be specified more than once.' % prop_name)
self.properties[prop_name] = prop
elif node.cls == 'Enum':
sys.exit('Did not process %s %s' % (node.cls, node))
compiler_options = self.compiler_options or {}
documentation_options = self.documentation_options or {}
return {
'namespace': self.namespace.GetName(),
'description': self.description,
'nodoc': self.nodoc,
'types': self.types,
'functions': self.functions,
'properties': self.properties,
'manifest_keys': self.manifest_keys,
'events': self.events,
'platforms': self.platforms,
'compiler_options': compiler_options,
'deprecated': self.deprecated,
'documentation_options': documentation_options
def process_interface(self, node, functions_are_properties=False):
members = []
# Callspec definitions for Functions and Properties with an asynchronous
# return are defined with a trailing callback, but during parsing we move
# the details to a returns_async field. We only want to do this for Function
# and Property definitions, not for Event or IDL callback definitions.
# TODO(tjudkins): Once IDL definitions are changed to describe returning
# promises, we can condition on that rather than this special casing here.
use_returns_async = node.GetName() in ['Functions', 'Properties']
for member in node.GetChildren():
if member.cls == 'Member':
_, properties = Member(member).process(
return members
class IDLSchema(object):
Given a list of IDLNodes and IDLAttributes, converts into a Python list
of api_defs that the JSON schema compiler expects to see.
def __init__(self, idl):
self.idl = idl
def process(self):
namespaces = []
nodoc = False
description = None
platforms = None
compiler_options = {}
deprecated = None
documentation_options = {}
for node in self.idl:
if node.cls == 'Namespace':
if not description:
# TODO(kalman): Go back to throwing an error here.
print('%s must have a namespace-level comment. This will '
'appear on the API summary page.' % node.GetName())
description = ''
namespace = Namespace(node,
compiler_options=compiler_options or None,
nodoc = False
platforms = None
compiler_options = None
elif node.cls == 'Copyright':
elif node.cls == 'Comment':
description = node.GetName()
elif node.cls == 'ExtAttribute':
if node.name == 'nodoc':
nodoc = bool(node.value)
elif node.name == 'platforms':
platforms = list(node.value)
elif node.name == 'implemented_in':
compiler_options['implemented_in'] = node.value
elif node.name == 'generate_error_messages':
compiler_options['generate_error_messages'] = True
elif node.name == 'deprecated':
deprecated = str(node.value)
elif node.name == 'documentation_title':
documentation_options['title'] = node.value
elif node.name == 'documentation_namespace':
documentation_options['namespace'] = node.value
elif node.name == 'documented_in':
documentation_options['documented_in'] = node.value
sys.exit('Did not process %s %s' % (node.cls, node))
return namespaces
def Load(filename):
Given the filename of an IDL file, parses it and returns an equivalent
Python dictionary in a format that the JSON schema compiler expects to see.
with open(filename, 'rb') as handle:
contents = handle.read().decode('utf-8')
return Process(contents, filename)
def Process(contents, filename):
Processes the contents of a file and returns an equivalent Python dictionary
in a format that the JSON schema compiler expects to see. (Separate from
Load primarily for testing purposes.)
idl = idl_parser.IDLParser().ParseData(contents, filename)
idl_schema = IDLSchema(idl)
return idl_schema.process()
def Main():
Dump a json serialization of parse result for the IDL files whose names
were passed in on the command line.
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
schema = Load(filename)
print(json.dumps(schema, indent=2))
contents = sys.stdin.read()
for i, char in enumerate(contents):
if not char.isascii():
raise Exception(
'Non-ascii character "%s" (ord %d) found at offset %d.' %
(char, ord(char), i))
idl = idl_parser.IDLParser().ParseData(contents, '<stdin>')
schema = IDLSchema(idl).process()
print(json.dumps(schema, indent=2))
if __name__ == '__main__':