// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Definitions for chrome.idl_basics API
* Generated from: file.idl
* run `tools/json_schema_compiler/compiler.py file.idl -g ts_definitions` to
* regenerate.
import {ChromeEvent} from './chrome_event.js';
declare global {
export namespace chrome {
export namespace idl_basics {
export enum EnumType {
NAME1 = 'name1',
NAME2 = 'name2',
export enum EnumTypeWithNoDoc {
NAME1 = 'name1',
NAME2 = 'name2',
export enum EnumTypeWithNoDocValue {
NAME1 = 'name1',
NAME2 = 'name2',
NAME3 = 'name3',
export interface MyType1 {
x: number;
y: string;
z: string;
a: string;
b: string;
c: string;
export interface MyType2 {
x: string;
export interface ChoiceWithArraysType {
entries: string|string[];
export interface ChoiceWithOptionalType {
entries?: string|string[];
export interface UnionType {
x?: EnumType|string;
y: string|EnumType;
export interface IgnoreAdditionalPropertiesType {
x: string;
export function function1(): void;
export function function2(x: number): void;
export function function3(arg: MyType1): void;
export function function4(): Promise<void>;
export function function5(): Promise<number>;
export function function6(): Promise<MyType1>;
export function function7(arg?: number): void;
export function function8(arg1: number, arg2?: string): void;
export function function9(arg?: MyType1): void;
export function function10(x: number, y: number[]): void;
export function function11(arg: MyType1[]): void;
export function function12(): Promise<MyType2[]>;
export function function13(type: EnumType): Promise<EnumType>;
export function function14(types: EnumType[]): void;
export function function15(switch: number): void;
export function function16(): Promise<number>;
export function function17(): Promise<number>;
export function function18(): Promise<number>;
export function function20(value: idl_other_namespace.SomeType): void;
export function function21(values: idl_other_namespace.SomeType[]): void;
export function function22(
value: idl_other_namespace.sub_namespace.AnotherType): void;
export function function23(
values: idl_other_namespace.sub_namespace.AnotherType[]): void;
export function function24(): number;
export function function25(): MyType1;
export function function26(): MyType1[];
export function function27(): EnumType;
export function function28(): EnumType[];
export function function29(): idl_other_namespace.SomeType;
export function function30(): idl_other_namespace.SomeType[];
export function funcAsync(): Promise<MyType2[]>;
export function funcOptionalArgAndNotPromiseBased(
cb: (arg0?: string) => void): void;
export function funcOptionalArgCallback(): Promise<string|undefined>;
export function funcOptionalCallbackNotPromiseBased(
cb?: (x: number) => void): void;
export function funcOptionalCallback(): Promise<number>;
export function funcWithEntry(entries: Entry[]): void;
export function funcWithArrayObj(entries: Array<{
[key: string]: any,
}>): void;
export const onFoo1: ChromeEvent<() => void>;
export const onFoo2: ChromeEvent<(arg: MyType1) => void>;
export const onFoo3: ChromeEvent<(type: EnumType) => void>;