# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generator that produces a definition file for typescript.
Note: This is a work in progress, and generated definitions may need tweaking.
See bug: crbug.com/1203307
This script is currently run manually.
import datetime
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
from code_util import Code
from js_util import JsUtil
from model import *
from schema_util import *
CHROMIUM_SRC = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))
class TsDefinitionGenerator(object):
def Generate(self, namespace):
return _Generator(namespace).Generate()
class _Generator(object):
def __init__(self, namespace: Namespace):
self._namespace = namespace
self._events_required = False
self._js_util = JsUtil()
def Generate(self):
main_code = Code()
body_code = Code()
# Generate the definition first to determine if an import is required.
# Create copyright header.
# Create file overview.
# Create import area.
# Create namespaces.
namespaces_to_close = self._OpenNamespaces(main_code)
# Append definitions.
# Close namespaces.
self._CloseNamespaces(main_code, namespaces_to_close)
# Cleanup a little.
# If events are needed, add the import.
if self._events_required:
{"imports": "import {ChromeEvent} from './chrome_event.js';"})
main_code.Substitute({"imports": ""})
main_code = self._ClangFormat(main_code)
# Final new line.
return main_code
def _AppendChromiumHeader(self, c: Code):
c.Append(f"""// Copyright {datetime.date.today().year} The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.""")
def _AppendFileOverview(self, c: Code):
* @fileoverview Definitions for chrome.{name} API
* Generated from: {file}
* run `tools/json_schema_compiler/compiler.py {file} -g ts_definitions` to
* regenerate.
*/""".format(name=self._namespace.name, file=self._namespace.source_file))
def _AppendImportArea(self, c: Code):
# Assume these declarations will be placed in tools/typescript/definitions.
def _OpenNamespaces(self, c: Code):
namespaces_opened = 2
declare_or_export = "declare"
# If adding an import the definition file becomes a module.
# If that happens we must declare something global specifically.
# Otherwise the definition file is considered global by default.
if self._events_required:
c.Sblock("declare global {")
namespaces_opened += 1
declare_or_export = "export"
c.Sblock(f"{declare_or_export} namespace chrome {{")
c.Sblock(f"export namespace {self._namespace.name} {{")
return namespaces_opened
def _AppendDefinitionBody(self, c: Code):
# Add namespace level properties.
for prop in self._namespace.properties.values():
type_name = self._ExtractType(prop.type_)
# If the ref type has additional properties, do a namespace merge.
prop_type: Type = prop.type_
if (len(prop_type.properties) > 0
and prop_type.property_type == PropertyType.REF):
type_name = self._AppendInterfaceForProperty(c, prop, type_name)
c.Append(f"export const {prop.name}: {type_name};")
# Add types.
for type in self._namespace.types.values():
self._AppendType(c, type)
# Add namespace level functions.
for func in self._namespace.functions.values():
self._AppendFunction(c, func)
# Add Events.
for event in self._namespace.events.values():
event_type = self._ExtractFunctionType(event)
c.Append(f"export const {event.name}: ChromeEvent<{event_type}>;")
self._events_required = True
def _CloseNamespaces(self, c: Code, to_close: int):
for i in range(to_close):
def _AppendFunction(self, c: Code, func):
params = self._ExtractFunctionParams(func)
ret_type = self._ExtractFunctionReturnType(func)
c.Append(f"export function {func.name}({params}): {ret_type};")
# This appends an local only interface to allow for additional
# properties on an already defined type.
def _AppendInterfaceForProperty(self, c: Code, prop: Property,
if prop.deprecated:
prop_type = prop.type_
interface_name = f"{prop.name}_{prop_type_name}"
# The names of these interfaces are not in pascal case.
# They are unexported though which results in the correct behavior.
c.Append("// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention")
c.Sblock(f"interface {interface_name} extends {prop_type_name}{{")
for prop in prop_type.properties.values():
type_name = self._ExtractType(prop.type_)
c.Append(f"readonly {prop.name}: {type_name};")
# Add interface functions.
for func in prop_type.functions.values():
self._AppendFunction(c, func)
# Add Events.
for event in prop_type.events.values():
event_type = self._ExtractFunctionType(event)
c.Append(f"readonly {event.name}: ChromeEvent<{event_type}>;")
self._events_required = True
return interface_name
def _AppendType(self, c: Code, type: Type):
if type.property_type is PropertyType.ENUM:
self._AppendEnum(c, type)
elif type.property_type is PropertyType.OBJECT:
self._AppendInterface(c, type)
elif type.property_type.is_fundamental:
# Type alias
c.Append(f"export type {type.name} = {type.property_type.name};")
elif (type.property_type is PropertyType.ARRAY
or type.property_type is PropertyType.CHOICES):
ts_type = self._ExtractType(type)
c.Append(f"export type {type.name} = {ts_type};")
# Adding this for things we may not have accounted for here.
f"// TODO({os.getlogin()}) -- {type.name}: {type.property_type.name}")
def _AppendInterface(self, c: Code, interface: Type):
c.Sblock(f"export interface {interface.name} {{")
# Add interface properties.
for property in interface.properties.values():
# Add interface functions.
func: Function
for func in interface.functions.values():
c.Append(f"{func.name}{self._ExtractFunctionType(func, ':')};")
# Add interface events.
for evnt in interface.events.values():
event_type = self._ExtractFunctionType(evnt)
c.Append(f"{evnt.name}: ChromeEvent<{event_type}>;")
self._events_required = True
def _AppendEnum(self, c: Code, enum):
c.Sblock(f"export enum {enum.name} {{")
for v in enum.enum_values:
c.Append(f"{self._js_util.GetPropertyName(v.name)} = '{v.name}',")
def _AppendClass(self, c: Code, class_type: Type):
c.Sblock(f"export class {class_type.name} {{")
for property in class_type.properties.values():
# Add class functions.
func: Function
for func in class_type.functions.values():
c.Append(f"{func.name}{self._ExtractFunctionType(func, ':')};")
# Add class events.
for evnt in class_type.events.values():
event_type = self._ExtractFunctionType(evnt)
c.Append(f"{evnt.name}: ChromeEvent<{event_type}>;")
self._events_required = True
def _ExtractFunctionReturnType(self, func: Function):
ret_type = "void"
if func.returns is not None:
ret_type = self._ExtractType(func.returns)
elif (func.returns_async is not None
and func.returns_async.can_return_promise):
ret_type = f"Promise<{self._ExtractPromiseType(func.returns_async)}>"
return ret_type
# Extracts the code required to define a type.
# Uses recursion to get types within types.
def _ExtractType(self, type: Type):
if type is None:
return "void"
if type.property_type in (PropertyType.INTEGER, PropertyType.DOUBLE):
return "number"
elif type.property_type is PropertyType.OBJECT:
return self._ExtractObjectDefinition(type)
elif type.property_type is PropertyType.REF:
return type.ref_type
elif type.property_type is PropertyType.CHOICES:
type_list = ""
for i, choice in enumerate(type.choices):
if i != 0:
type_list += "|"
type_list += self._ExtractType(choice)
return type_list
elif type.property_type is PropertyType.ARRAY:
if type.item_type.property_type is PropertyType.OBJECT:
element_type = self._ExtractType(type.item_type)
# Trying to idenfity non-simple elements to use the syntax:
# Array<string | number>
# Array<{prop: string}>
# Array<() => void>
if '|' in element_type or '(' in element_type or '{' in element_type:
return f"Array<{element_type}>"
# For simple type use like the syntax: string[]
return f"{element_type}[]"
elif type.item_type.property_type is PropertyType.CHOICES:
return f"({self._ExtractType(type.item_type)})[]"
return f"{self._ExtractType(type.item_type)}[]"
elif type.property_type.is_fundamental:
return type.property_type.name
elif type.property_type is PropertyType.FUNCTION:
return self._ExtractFunctionType(type.function)
elif type.property_type is PropertyType.ANY:
return "any"
elif type.property_type is PropertyType.BINARY:
return "ArrayBuffer"
# Added for accounting for unknown objects.
return f"unknown /*TODO({os.getlogin()})*/"
def _ExtractPropertyDefinition(self, prop: Property, terminator=";"):
q_mark = "?" if prop.optional else ""
type_name = self._ExtractType(prop.type_)
return f"{prop.name}{q_mark}: {type_name}{terminator}"
# Extracts the function type as an arrow function.
# The delimiter can be changed so this can be used for interface / object
# members.
def _ExtractFunctionType(self, func: Function, return_delim=" =>"):
params = self._ExtractFunctionParams(func)
ret_type = self._ExtractFunctionReturnType(func)
return f"({params}){return_delim} {ret_type}"
# Extracts an object definition.
def _ExtractObjectDefinition(self, obj: Type):
if obj.instance_of:
return obj.instance_of
# If there are no specific properties on the object then we should expect
# and object of random keys with specific values.
if len(obj.properties) == 0:
value_type = self._ExtractType(obj.additional_properties)
return "{[key:string]: %s,}" % value_type
## Otherwise we will build a definition similar to an interface
obj_code = Code()
for property in obj.properties.values():
obj_code.Append(self._ExtractPropertyDefinition(property, ","))
func: Function
for func in obj.functions.values():
obj_code.Append(f"{func.name}{self._ExtractFunctionType(func, ':')};")
for evnt in obj.events.values():
event_type = self._ExtractFunctionType(evnt)
obj_code.Append(f"{evnt.name}: ChromeEvent<{event_type}>;")
self._events_required = True
return obj_code.Render()
# Extracts parameters from a function as a string representation.
# Example = "p1: string, p2: number, p3: any".
def _ExtractFunctionParams(self, func: Function):
param_str = self._ExtractParams(func.params)
# When the return async isn't a promise, we append it as a return callback
# at the end of the parameters.
use_callback = (func.returns_async
and not func.returns_async.can_return_promise)
if use_callback:
callback_params = self._ExtractParams(func.returns_async.params)
if param_str:
param_str += ", "
param_str += f"{func.returns_async.name} "
if func.returns_async.optional:
param_str += "?"
param_str += f": ({callback_params}) => void"
return param_str
def _ExtractParams(self, params: list):
param_str = ""
required_index = -1
for i, param in reversed(list(enumerate(params))):
if not param.optional:
required_index = i
for i, param in enumerate(params):
q_mark = "?" if param.optional and not i < required_index else ""
type_name = self._ExtractType(param.type_)
# Typescript doesn't allow an optional before a required param.
# In this case append | undefined to the parameter.
if i < required_index and param.optional:
type_name += "|undefined"
param_str += f"{param.name}{q_mark}: {type_name}"
if i < len(params) - 1:
param_str += ", "
return param_str
# Extracts the type from a promise.
def _ExtractPromiseType(self, async_return: ReturnsAsync):
retval = "void"
# Assume that there is at most only one param since functions can only
# return one thing. This includes those that are async and use a promise to
# return a value. It could also be 0 for void return type.
assert len(async_return.params) <= 1
for ret in async_return.params:
retval = self._ExtractType(ret.type_)
if ret.optional:
retval += "|undefined"
return retval
def _ClangFormat(self, c: Code, level=0):
# temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", encoding="utf-8", suffix=".js")
# f_name = temp.name
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w",
delete=False) as f:
f_name = f.name
script_path = self._GetChromiumClangFormatScriptPath()
style_path = self._GetChromiumClangFormatStylePath()
cmd = (f'python3 {script_path} --fallback-style=none '
f'--style=file:{style_path} "{f_name}"')
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
out = p.communicate()[0]
out_code = Code()
return out_code
def _GetChromiumClangFormatScriptPath(self):
return os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC, "third_party", "depot_tools",
def _GetChromiumClangFormatStylePath(self):
return os.path.join(CHROMIUM_SRC, ".clang-format")