# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -eu
function SystemProfilerProperty()
local result=$2
local local_result=$(system_profiler $3| grep -i $1 |\
cut -d ":" -f 2 | awk '{$1=$1};1')
eval $result="'$local_result'"
function GetPowerProperty()
SystemProfilerProperty $1 $2 "SPPowerDataType"
function GetDisplayProperty()
SystemProfilerProperty $1 $2 "SPDisplaysDataType"
function CompareValue()
if [ "$1" != "$2" ]; then
echo $3
exit 127
# Query value, remove newlines.
GetPowerProperty $1 VALUE
VALUE=$(echo $VALUE|tr -d '\n')
CompareValue $VALUE $2 $3
# Query value, remove newlines.
GetDisplayProperty $1 VALUE
VALUE=$(echo $VALUE|tr -d '\n')
CompareValue $VALUE $2 $3
function CheckProgramNotRunning(){
if pgrep -x "$1" > /dev/null; then
echo "$2"
exit 127
function CheckEnv()
# Validate power setup.
CheckPowerValue "charging" "NoNo" "Laptop cannot be charging during test."
CheckPowerValue "connected" "No" "Charger cannot be connected during test."
# Validate display setup.
CheckDisplayValue "Automatically adjust brightness" "No"\
"Disable automatic brightness adjustments and unplug external monitors"
# Verify that no terminals are running.
# They introduce too much overhead. (As measured with powermetrics)
CheckProgramNotRunning "Terminal" "Do not have a terminal opened. Use SSH.";
CheckProgramNotRunning "iTerm2" "Do not have a terminal opened. Use SSH.";