#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import logging
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy
from scipy import stats as scipy_stats
def get_diamond_string(diamond_count: int):
if diamond_count == 0:
return "~"
elif diamond_count == 1:
return "◆"
elif diamond_count == 2:
return "◆◆"
elif diamond_count == 3:
return "◆◆◆"
elif diamond_count == 4:
return "◆◆◆◆"
def get_diamonds_count(significance: pd.DataFrame):
This function emulates the "diamond" significance representation
that is familiar to UMA users.
assert (not (significance > 1).any().any())
assert (not (significance < 0).any().any())
# Avoid log10(0) which is undefined.
significance = numpy.clip(significance, 0, 0.999999)
# scipy_stats.norm.cdf(1.96) = 0.975 and we're interested in 2 tail
# test. 1.96 gives a 0.05 p-value. Multiply by 2 here to correct.
p_value = (1 - significance) * 2
# floor() to avoid exaggerating results and to round.
# absolute() to make the result positive.
log_p_value = numpy.floor(numpy.absolute(numpy.log10(p_value)))
# Clip because 4 diamond is the max no matter the p-value.
return numpy.clip(log_p_value, 0, 4)
def compute_mean_and_stderr(summary_path: str):
df = pd.read_csv(summary_path)
# skipna because no line has as all measurements. This is because of the
# different sampling rates of the data sources in power_sampler
# and power_metrics.
means = df.mean(skipna=True)
# Calculate the standard error of each column.
stderrs = df.std(skipna=True) / numpy.sqrt(df.count())
stats = means.to_frame().join(stderrs.to_frame(),
stats = stats.rename(columns={"0mean": "mean", "0stderr": "stderr"})
return stats
def percent_difference(first_value: pd.DataFrame, second_value: pd.DataFrame):
Returns the comparative percentage difference between two
The result is to be read as :
|second_value| is X% smaller/larger than |first_value|.
Ex: percent_difference(20, 10) --> -50
Ex: percent_difference(10, 50) --> 500
return ((second_value - first_value) / first_value) * 100
def compare(data_dir: str, baseline_summary: str, alternative_summary: str):
"""Open two summary files and compare their values. Saves the results
in data_dir.
data_dir: The directory to save the comparison csv in.
baseline_summary: summary.csv for the baseline.
alternative_summary: summary.csv for the comparison.
# Get names of the browsers being compared from the paths.
baseline_name = os.path.basename(
alternative_name = os.path.basename(
all_stats = []
# Extract mean and std values for each column of |summary| into a new
# dataframe.
baseline_stats = compute_mean_and_stderr(baseline_summary)
alternative_stats = compute_mean_and_stderr(alternative_summary)
# Join the calculated values for both browsers into a single dataframe.
comparison_summary = baseline_stats.join(alternative_stats,
# Calculate the difference in percent between the baseline and comparison.
comparison_summary["difference"] = percent_difference(
baseline_stats["mean"], alternative_stats["mean"])
# See https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/statistics/univariate-inferential-tests/two-sample-z-test-for-comparing-two-means
comparison_summary["z_score"] = (baseline_stats["mean"] -
alternative_stats["mean"]) / numpy.sqrt(
pow(baseline_stats["stderr"], 2) +
pow(alternative_stats["stderr"], 2))
# See https://machinelearningmastery.com/critical-values-for-statistical-hypothesis-testing/
comparison_summary["significance_level"] = scipy_stats.norm.cdf(
diamond_count = get_diamonds_count(comparison_summary["significance_level"])
comparison_summary["diamonds"] = diamond_count.apply(get_diamond_string)
# Drop results for which comparing the mean makes no sense.
comparison_summary = comparison_summary.drop([
'battery_max_capacity', 'battery_current_capacity', 'sample_time',
# Display and save results.
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Compares two summary files for analysis.')
help="Directory where to write the comparison file.",
help="Directory containing the baseline benchmark data.",
help="Directory containing the alternative benchmark data.",
help='Print verbose output.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
log_level = logging.DEBUG
log_level = logging.INFO
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=log_level)
baseline_summary_path = os.path.join(args.baseline_dir, "summary.csv")
alternative_summary_path = os.path.join(args.alternative_dir, "summary.csv")
summaries = [baseline_summary_path, alternative_summary_path]
for summary in summaries:
if not os.path.isfile(summary):
logging.error(f"summary.csv missing in {summary}.")
compare(args.output_dir, summaries[0], summaries[1])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Avoid scientific notation when printing numbers.
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.6f}'.format