
{%- from 'macros' import hash_bang with context -%}
{%- from 'macros' import make_maximized with context -%}
{{ hash_bang() }}

-- Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-- found in the LICENSE file.

-- This script navigates to a Meet meeting (id: |meeting_id|) and clicks the
-- join button.

set myURL to "{{ meeting_id }}"

tell application "{{ browser }}"
    -- If {{ browser }} is already started then just bring
    -- it to the forefront otherwise open it.
    if it is running then
    end if

    {{ make_maximized() }}

    open location {myURL}
    tell tab 1 of window 1
        repeat while (loading)
            delay 1
        end repeat

        execute javascript "b=document.getElementsByClassName('uArJ5e UQuaGc Y5sE8d uyXBBb xKiqt')[0];;"
        delay {{ delay }}
    end tell
end tell