{%- from 'macros' import hash_bang with context -%}
{%- from 'macros' import make_maximized with context -%}
{{ hash_bang() }}
-- Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-- found in the LICENSE file.
-- This site opens all sites identified in |background_sites| and then waits
-- |delay| on the last tab opened.
tell application "{{ browser }}"
if it is running then
end if
if it is running then
{{ make_maximized() }}
set sites to { {{ background_sites }} }
repeat with site in sites
open location site
-- Wait for the page to be fully loaded.
tell active tab of w
repeat while (loading)
delay 1
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
delay {{ delay }}
end if
end tell