# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Validation functions for the Meta-Build config file"""
import ast
import collections
import difflib
import json
import os
import re
def GetAllConfigs(builder_groups):
"""Build a list of all of the configs referenced by builders.
all_configs = {}
for builder_group in builder_groups:
for config in builder_groups[builder_group].values():
if isinstance(config, dict):
for c in config.values():
all_configs[c] = builder_group
all_configs[config] = builder_group
return all_configs
def CheckAllConfigsAndMixinsReferenced(errs, all_configs, configs, mixins):
"""Check that every actual config is actually referenced."""
for config in configs:
if not config in all_configs:
errs.append('Unused config "%s".' % config)
# Figure out the whole list of mixins, and check that every mixin
# listed by a config or another mixin actually exists.
referenced_mixins = set()
for config, mixin_names in configs.items():
for mixin in mixin_names:
if not mixin in mixins:
'Unknown mixin "%s" referenced by config "%s".' % (mixin, config))
for mixin in mixins:
for sub_mixin in mixins[mixin].get('mixins', []):
if not sub_mixin in mixins:
'Unknown mixin "%s" referenced by mixin "%s".' % (sub_mixin, mixin))
# Check that every mixin defined is actually referenced somewhere.
for mixin in mixins:
if not mixin in referenced_mixins:
errs.append('Unreferenced mixin "%s".' % mixin)
return errs
def _GetConfigsByBuilder(builder_groups):
"""Builds a mapping from buildername -> [config]
builder_groups: the builder_group's dict from mb_config.pyl
result = collections.defaultdict(list)
for builder_group in builder_groups.values():
for buildername, builder in builder_group.items():
return result
def CheckDuplicateConfigs(errs, config_pool, mixin_pool, grouping,
"""Check for duplicate configs.
Evaluate all configs, and see if, when
evaluated, differently named configs are the same.
evaled_to_source = collections.defaultdict(set)
for group, builders in grouping.items():
for builder in builders:
config = grouping[group][builder]
if not config:
if isinstance(config, dict):
# Ignore for now
if config.startswith('//'):
args = config
flattened_config = flatten_config(config_pool, mixin_pool, config)
args = flattened_config['gn_args']
if 'error' in args:
# Force the args_file into consideration when testing for duplicate
# configs.
args_file = flattened_config['args_file']
if args_file:
args += ' args_file=%s' % args_file
for v in evaled_to_source.values():
if len(v) != 1:
'Duplicate configs detected. When evaluated fully, the '
'following configs are all equivalent: %s. Please '
'consolidate these configs into only one unique name per '
'configuration value.' % (', '.join(sorted('%r' % val for val in v))))
def CheckDebugDCheckOrOfficial(errs, gn_args, builder_group, builder, phase):
# TODO(crbug.com/40189120): Figure out how to check this properly
# for simplechrome-based bots.
if gn_args.get('is_chromeos_device'):
if ((gn_args.get('is_debug') == True)
or (gn_args.get('is_official_build') == True)
or ('dcheck_always_on' in gn_args)):
if phase:
errs.append('Phase "%s" of builder "%s" on %s did not specify '
'one of is_debug=true, is_official_build=true, or '
'dcheck_always_on=(true|false).' %
(phase, builder, builder_group))
errs.append('Builder "%s" on %s did not specify '
'one of is_debug=true, is_official_build=true, or '
'dcheck_always_on=(true|false).' % (builder, builder_group))
def CheckExpectations(mbw, jsonish_blob, expectations_dir):
"""Checks that the expectation files match the config file.
Returns: True if expectations are up-to-date. False otherwise.
# Assert number of builder_groups == number of expectation files.
if len(mbw.ListDir(expectations_dir)) != len(jsonish_blob):
return False
for builder_group, builders in jsonish_blob.items():
if not mbw.Exists(os.path.join(expectations_dir, builder_group + '.json')):
return False # No expecation file for the builder_group.
expectation = mbw.ReadFile(os.path.join(expectations_dir,
builder_group + '.json'))
builders_json = json.dumps(builders,
separators=(',', ': '))
if builders_json != expectation:
return False # Builders' expectation out of sync.
return True
def CheckKeyOrdering(errs, groups, configs, mixins):
# Check ordering of groups within "builder_groups".
group_names = list(groups.keys())
sorted_group_names = sorted(group_names)
if group_names != sorted_group_names:
errs.append('\nThe keys in "builder_groups" are not sorted:')
errs.extend(difflib.context_diff(group_names, sorted_group_names))
# Check ordering of builders within each group.
for group, builders in groups.items():
builder_names = list(builders.keys())
sorted_builder_names = sorted(builder_names)
if builder_names != sorted_builder_names:
errs.append('\nThe builders in group "%s" are not sorted:' % group)
errs.extend(difflib.context_diff(builder_names, sorted_builder_names))
# Check ordering of configs names, but don't bother checking the ordering
# of mixins within a config.
config_names = list(configs.keys())
sorted_config_names = sorted(config_names)
if config_names != sorted_config_names:
errs.append('\nThe config names are not sorted:')
errs.extend(difflib.context_diff(config_names, sorted_config_names))
# Check ordering of mixin names.
mixin_names = list(mixins.keys())
sorted_mixin_names = sorted(mixin_names)
if mixin_names != sorted_mixin_names:
errs.append('\nThe mixin names are not sorted:')
errs.extend(difflib.context_diff(mixin_names, sorted_mixin_names))