
# This subdirectory is all metrics definitions and metrics changes should be
# reviewed by a metrics reviewer.
set noparent

# Metrics infrastructure OWNERS are fallback reviewers for everything, but
# prefer more specific owners first. If you are going to use one of these owners
# prefer to send to [email protected] for load balancing.

# Most subdirectories of this should list some more specific owners, and the
# broader METRICS_REVIEWER_OWNERS list as a fallback.
# Becoming a subdirectory owner and being added to METRIC_REVIEWER_OWNERS
# requires completing a training (currently Google-only): go/reviewing-metrics
per-file [email protected]

per-file histogram_suffixes_list.xml=file://tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/METRIC_REVIEWER_OWNERS

[email protected] # For bot updates to expiry.