Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Accessibility histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].
<variants name="BaseCrosAccessibilityFeatures">
<variant name="CaretHighlight"/>
<variant name="ColorCorrection"/>
<variant name="CursorHighlight"/>
<variant name="Dictation"/>
<variant name="DockedMagnifier"/>
<variant name="FaceGaze"/>
<variant name="FocusHighlight"/>
<variant name="HighContrast"/>
<variant name="LargeCursor"/>
<variant name="ReducedAnimations"/>
<variant name="ScreenMagnifier"/>
<variant name="SelectToSpeak"/>
<variant name="StickyKeys"/>
<variant name="SwitchAccess"/>
<variant name="VirtualKeyboard"/>
<variants name="SodaLanguageCode">
<variant name="de-DE" summary="German language code"/>
<variant name="en-US" summary="English language code"/>
<variant name="es-ES" summary="Spanish language code"/>
<variant name="fr-FR" summary="French language code"/>
<variant name="hi-IN" summary="Hindi language code"/>
<variant name="id-ID" summary="Indonesian language code"/>
<variant name="it-IT" summary="Italian language code"/>
<variant name="ja-JP" summary="Japanese language code"/>
<variant name="ko-KR" summary="Korean language code"/>
<variant name="pl-PL" summary="Polish language code"/>
<variant name="pt-BR" summary="Portuguese (Brazil) language code"/>
<variant name="th-TH" summary="Thai language code"/>
<variant name="tr-TR" summary="Turkish language code"/>
<variant name="zh-CN" summary="Chinese (Simplified) language code"/>
<variant name="zh-TW" summary="Chinese (Traditional) code"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ActiveTime" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The amount of time accessibility was enabled and actively used. Reported
when we switch states from active to inactive.
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the amount of time (in ms) that the accessibility engine was
{CurrentState} before {CallType}. This is recorded either at the start of
the onDisabled callback, or immediately before the call to
<token key="CurrentState">
<variant name="Disabled" summary="disabled"/>
<variant name="Enabled" summary="enabled"/>
<token key="CallType">
<variant name="Initial"
summary="the initial call to the onDisable or
reEnableRendererAccessibility methods. Can only be recorded
once per instance."/>
<variant name="Successive"
summary="a subsequent call to the onDisable or
reEnableRendererAccessibility methods. Can be recorded up to
3 times per instance."/>
units="count" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks when the Auto-disable Accessibility feature changes the state of the
accessibility engine by calling {MethodCall}. This is {CallType}.
<token key="MethodCall">
<variant name="Disable" summary="the onDisabled callback"/>
<variant name="ReEnable" summary="reEnableRendererAccessibility"/>
<token key="CallType">
<variant name="Initial"
summary="the initial call to the onDisable or
reEnableRendererAccessibility methods. Can only be recorded
once per instance."/>
<variant name="Successive"
summary="a subsequent call to the onDisable or
reEnableRendererAccessibility methods. Can be recorded up to
3 times per instance."/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.Cache.MaxNodesInCache" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the maximum number of AccessibilityNodeInfo objects that were stored
in the Java-side cache during a single session.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.Cache.PercentageRetrievedFromCache"
units="%" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the percentage of calls from the Android framework to create a new
AccessibilityNodeInfo object that were serviced from the cache rather than
constructing the object from scratch during a single session.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.KeyboardShortcut.{ScreenReaderState}"
enum="KeyboardShortcutsSemanticMeaning" expires_after="2025-08-30">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When a keyboard shortcut is used on Android, tracks the action of the
shortcut, and splits based on whether or not a screen reader is running.
<token key="ScreenReaderState">
<variant name="NoScreenReader" summary="User is not using a screen reader"/>
<variant name="ScreenReaderRunning"
summary="User is using a screen reader"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.OnDemand.EventsDropped" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the number of AccessibilityEvents dropped when the OnDemand
accessibility services feature is enabled. Recorded at the end of a session.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.OnDemand.OneHundredPercentEventsDropped"
units="count" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the number of AccessibilityEvents dropped when the OnDemand
accessibility services feature is enabled, and when the total percentage of
dropped events is 100%. Recorded at the end of a session.
units="count" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the number of AccessibilityEvents dropped when the OnDemand
accessibility services feature is enabled, and the
AccessibilityPerformanceFiltering feature is enabled, and the number of
events dropped is 100%. Tracks for when the AXMode is set to {AXMode}.
Recorded at the end of a session. Updated in M114 to add FormControls
<token key="AXMode">
<variant name="Basic"
summary="kAXModeBasic - Includes only NativeAPIs and WebContents"/>
<variant name="Complete"
summary="kAXModeComplete - Includes NativeAPIs, WebContents,
InlineTextBoxes, ScreenReader, and HTML"/>
<variant name="FormControls"
summary="kAXModeFormControls - Includes only NativeAPIs, WebContents,
HTML, and ExperimentalFormControls"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.OnDemand.PercentageDropped" units="%"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the percentage of AccessibilityEvents dropped when the OnDemand
accessibility services feature is enabled. Recorded at the end of a session.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.OnDemand.PercentageDropped.{AXMode}"
units="%" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the percentage of AccessibilityEvents dropped when the OnDemand
accessibility services feature is enabled, and the
AccessibilityPerformanceFiltering feature is enabled. Tracks for when the
AXMode is set to {AXMode}. Recorded at the end of a session. Updated in M114
to add FormControls variant.
<token key="AXMode">
<variant name="Basic"
summary="kAXModeBasic - Includes only NativeAPIs and WebContents"/>
<variant name="Complete"
summary="kAXModeComplete - Includes NativeAPIs, WebContents,
InlineTextBoxes, ScreenReader, and HTML"/>
<variant name="FormControls"
summary="kAXModeFormControls - Includes only NativeAPIs, WebContents,
HTML, and ExperimentalFormControls"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.PageZoom.AppMenuEnabledState"
enum="AccessibilityPageZoomAppMenuEnabledState" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the enabled state for the Page Zoom option on the main app menu. The
state will be one of the following enumerated states: 0) not enabled, 1)
enabled explicitly by the user on the Accessibility Page Zoom setting, 2)
enabled automatically if the user has an Android OS-wide default font size,
3) disabled explicitly by the user on the Accessibility Page Zoom setting.
Recorded each time the app menu is opened.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.PageZoom.AppMenuSliderOpened"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks whether the user opened the Page Zoom slider from the app menu
option. Recorded each time the slider is opened from the app menu.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.PageZoom.AppMenuSliderZoomLevelChanged"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks whether the user changed the individual page zoom level on at least
one webpage from the app menu slider view. Recorded each time the slider is
dismissed if the user changed the zoom level before dismissal.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.PageZoom.AppMenuSliderZoomLevelValue"
units="%" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
For users who changed the individual page zoom level on at least one webpage
from the app menu slider view, tracks what zoom level has been set on the
page. Recorded each time the slider is dismissed if the user changed the
zoom level before dismissal.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.PageZoom.MainFrameZoomFactor"
units="zoom factor %" expires_after="2025-01-05">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the zoom factor when visual properties of the main frame are updated.
This will be recorded each time the properties change. The value can be
recorded multiple times for a single frame, for example as a user is
changing zoom value with the slider on Android.
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks whether the user changed the default page zoom level from the
Accessibility Page Zoom settings page. Recorded each time the user closes
the Accessibility Page Zoom settings page if the user changed the zoom level
while the settings page was showing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.PageZoom.SettingsDefaultZoomLevelValue"
units="%" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
For users who changed the default page zoom level from the Accessibility
Page Zoom settings page, tracks what default zoom level has been set in the
settings. Recorded each time the user closes the Accessibility Page Zoom
settings page if the user changed the zoom level while the settings page was
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.UpdateAccessibilityServices.DidPoll"
enum="BooleanHit" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Recorded every time the AccessibilityState.updateAccessibilityServices
method hit the criteria to poll. Lower number of hits is better.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.UpdateAccessibilityServices.PollCount"
units="count" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the number of times this sequence of calls to
AccessibilityState.updateAccessibilityServices required polling to get
consistent enabled and running services. Lower count is better.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.UpdateAccessibilityServices.PollTimeout"
enum="BooleanHit" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the number of times the
AccessibilityState.updateAccessibilityServices did not complete polling
before the max timeout. This should be rare. Any instances of this are bad.
Lower number of hits is better, should (almost always) be zero.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.UpdateAccessibilityServices.Runtime"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the amount of time the AccessibilityState.updateAccessibilityServices
method took from start to finish (not counting async wait time). Lower time
is better.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.Usage.A11yAlwaysOn" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the total amount of time that this WebContents spent in the
foreground for usages with the native accessibility engine always
initialized. That is, this is a measure of time spent on the web for users
that always have an accessibility service running. Recorded when an instance
is hidden per WebContentsObserver#wasHidden (e.g. backgrounded Chrome,
opened a new Tab, went to Settings etc), and is equal to the time since the
last call to WebContentsObserver#wasShown. This can be recorded multiple
times for a single WebContents.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.Usage.{UsageType}" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the total amount of time that this WebContents spent {UsageType}.
Recorded when an instance is hidden per WebContentsObserver#wasHidden (e.g.
backgrounded Chrome, opened a new Tab, went to Settings etc), and is equal
to the time since the last call to WebContentsObserver#wasShown. This can be
recorded multiple times for a single WebContents.
<token key="UsageType">
<variant name="Foreground" summary="in the foreground of the app"/>
<variant name="NativeInit"
summary="with the native accessibility code initialized"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.UserFontSizePref.Change" units="%"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the current user font size pref when exiting accessibility settings
if the preference was changed. The font size ranges from 50% to 200% and can
be set in increments of 5%; the default is 100%.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.UserFontSizePref.OnStartup" units="%"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the current user font size pref during deferred startup for
ChromeActivity. The font size ranges from 50% to 200% and can be set in
increments of 5%; the default is 100%.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AndroidServiceInfo.{RunningApps}"
enum="AccessibilityAndroidServiceInfoEnum" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks events, flags, feedback and capabilities of enabled accessibility
services separated into variants based on the types of running accessibility
services. This information would be a subset of the (now deprecated)
Accessibility.AndroidServiceInfo histogram. It will allow us to look at the
same histograms but only for a subset of users (e.g. what are the requested
flags etc of enabled accessibility services for clients running only a
password manager).
<token key="RunningApps">
<variant name="ALL_VARIANTS"/>
<variant name="ASSISTIVE_TECH"/>
<variant name="PASSWORD_MANAGER"/>
<variant name="UNKNOWN"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ATK-APIs" enum="AccessibilityATKAPIEnum"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks usage of ATK APIs on Linux Desktop. Recorded when ATK APIs that are
supposed to trigger AX mode enabled is called.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AutoDisabled.DisabledTime" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The total amount of time accessibility was disabled due to being
auto-disabled, before being enabled again.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AutoDisabled.EnabledTime" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The total amount of time accessibility was enabled before being
<histogram name="Accessibility.AutoDisabled.EventCount" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The number of user input events that were received within one time window,
without any accompanying accessibility API usage, that triggered
accessibility to be auto-disabled.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AXTreeSnapshotter.Snapshot.EndToEndRuntime"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-01-30">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the total end-to-end runtime of the AXTreeSnapshotter flow from
initial Java request to a fully populated Java-side tree. This is recorded
during the snapshot callback after the root node's asyncCommit call. It is
currently recorded only during the snapshot stress test experiments.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AXTreeSnapshotter.Snapshot.Error"
enum="AXTreeSnapshotErrorReason" expires_after="2025-02-02">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The number of times that an AXTreeSnapshot request was not properly
fulfilled, split by error reason. Each individual snapshot request can only
report one failure reason. A page with multiple render frames can have some
snapshots succeed, and others fail. On repeat calls for snapshots, a
previously succeeding call may fail, or vice versa.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AXTreeSnapshotter.Snapshot.NoRestrictions.Nodes"
units="count" expires_after="2024-12-24">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the total number of nodes that are serialized in a AXTreeSnapshotter
call that does not have a max node limit.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AXTreeSnapshotter.Snapshot.NoRestrictions.Time"
units="ms" expires_after="2024-12-24">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the total serialization runtime of a AXTreeSnapshotter call that does
not have a timeout limit.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AXTreeSnapshotter.Snapshot.Request"
enum="BooleanSent" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The number of times that an AXTreeSnapshot has been requested by any client.
Each request is per render frame, so this can be counted multiple times on a
page, and a snapshot can be requested multiple times per page.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Bundle" enum="AccessibilityModeBundleEnum"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks when combinations of mode flags are set. Records when the mode flag
changes and aligns with one of the common (named) flag bundles.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CaptionSettingsLoadedFromPrefs"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-06-27">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether custom caption settings were loaded from the user preferences.
Recorded when WebKit preferences are overridden.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CaptionSettingsLoadedFromSystemSettings"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-06-27">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether custom caption settings were loaded from the system preferences.
Recorded when WebKit preferences are overridden.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ChromeVox.PerformCommand"
enum="ChromeVoxCommand" expires_after="2025-08-08">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records when a user performs a ChromeVox command.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ChromeVox.PerformGestureType"
enum="ChromeVoxGestureType" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
A user can control ChromeVox via a variety of gestures on the touch screen.
For example, swiping right with one finger causes ChromeVox to navigate to
the next object. Track all possible gestures here. Warning: this histogram
was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ChromeVox.StartUpSpeechDelay" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The duration of time from when ChromeVox was first loaded to when the
ChromeVox welcome message was spoken.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosAutoclick.TrayMenu.ChangeAction"
enum="AutoclickActionType" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Recorded when a user has picked a new autoclick action type from the bubble
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosCaretBlinkInterval" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The caret blink interval rate, in milliseconds, chosen by the user, from 12
possible values in chrome os settings. 0ms means "do not blink",
and the default value is 500ms. Logged once, 45 seconds after startup. For
how users adjust the setting from settings, see
ChromeOS.Settings.Accessibility.CaretBlinkInterval, which logs each time the
setting changes.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosColorCorrection.FilterAmount" units="%"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The color correction filter intensity chosen by the user. Logged once, 45
seconds after startup. For how users adjust the setting from settings, see
ChromeOS.Settings.Accessibility.ColorCorrection.FilterAmount, which logs
each time the setting changes.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosColorCorrection.FilterType"
enum="ColorCorrectionFilterTypes" expires_after="2025-02-23">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The color correction filter type chosen by the user. Logged once, 45 seconds
after startup. For how users adjust the setting from settings, see
ChromeOS.Settings.Accessibility.ColorCorrection.FilterType, which logs each
time the setting changes.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.Language" enum="LocaleCodeISO639"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The language used for speech recognition in dictation on ChromeOS. This is
logged each time Dictation is toggled on. From M99 to M104 this was logged
using base::PersistantHash instead of base::HashMetricName; data from that
period can be decoded using a map between the two hashing functions. See
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Duration that the network speech recognition service was listening for
dictation. Recorded each time a user toggles dictation on until dictation is
stopped, either by the user action, error, or timeout.
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Duration that the on-device speech recognition service was listening for
dictation. Recorded each time a user toggles dictation on until dictation is
stopped, either by the user action, error, or timeout.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.MacroFailed"
enum="CrosDictationMacroName" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Recorded whenever Dictation fails to perform a macro. Warning: this
histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.MacroRecognized"
enum="CrosDictationMacroName" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Recorded whenever Dictation recognizes a macro.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.MacroSucceeded"
enum="CrosDictationMacroName" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Recorded whenever Dictation successfully performs a macro. Warning: this
histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.PumpkinSucceeded"
enum="BooleanUsage" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records whether Pumpkin successfully parsed a command. This histogram is
recorded each time Pumpkin is used to parse a command.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.ToggleDictationMethod"
enum="CrosDictationToggleDictationMethod" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records how users invoke Dictation.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.UsedOnDeviceSpeech"
enum="BooleanUsage" expires_after="2025-01-26">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When Dictation was toggled on, records whether on-device speech recognition
was used. If on-device recognition was not used, network speech was used.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.UsedPumpkin" enum="BooleanUsage"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records whether Pumpkin was used to parse a command. If Pumpkin was not
used, then regex parsing was used. This histogram is recorded each time
Dictation parses a command.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosLargeCursorSize2" units="dip"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Cursor size of the Chrome OS Large Cursor (logged once 45 secs after
startup). This replaced Accessibility.CrosLargeCursorSize in M124.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.BackgroundShading"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether Select-to-Speak had background shading enabled when activated.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.BubbleButtonPress"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakAction" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records each action the user selects in the Select-to-Speak bubble.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.BubbleDismissMethod"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakActivationMethod" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When Select-to-speak is active, the user can dismiss the bubble menu in
multiple ways: by clicking the cancel button on the Select-to-speak menu or
using keyboard shortcuts. Track the methods here. Warning: this histogram
was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.EnhancedNetworkVoices"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether enhanced network TTS voices were enabled when Select-to-Speak was
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.NavigationControls"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether Select-to-Speak's navigation controls were on when activated.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.OverrideSpeechRateMultiplier"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The multiplier with which the user overrode the speech rate setting in
Select-to-Speak. By default, the global Text-to-Speech setting is used,
which the user can temporarily override. The override multiplier is stored
as a sparse histogram with values (100 * multiple). For example, a speech
rate multiplier of 1.0 (default) will be seen as 100. Emitted once every
time playback starts, including on resume after pause or change of
selection. Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29,
data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.ParagraphNavigationMethod"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakActivationMethod" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When Select-to-speak is active, the user can navigate between paragraphs in
multiple ways: by clicking the navigation buttons on the Select-to-speak
menu or using keyboard shortcuts. Track the methods here. Warning: this
histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.SentenceNavigationMethod"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakActivationMethod" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When Select-to-speak is active, the user can navigate between sentences in
multiple ways: by clicking the navigation buttons on the Select-to-speak
menu or using keyboard shortcuts. Track the methods here.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.SpeechDuration"
units="seconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the duration that Select-to-Speak is continuously talking. This is
recorded every time a new speech request is completed in Select-to-Speak,
and does not reflect total talking time during a user session.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.SpeedSetFromBubble"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the speed the user selects from the Select-to-Speak speed bubble.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.StartSpeechMethod"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakStartSpeechMethod" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
A user may activate Select-to-Speak by holding down 'search' and clicking or
dragging a region with the mouse, or by highlighting an area and using
search + s to read just the highlighted area. Track the methods here.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.StateChangeEvent"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakStateChangeEvent" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
A user has tapped a button in the tray to change Select-to-Speak's state.
The tap was interpreted by Select-to-Speak as a request to start selection,
to cancel speech, or to cancel selection, depending on Select-to-Speak's
internal state when the tap occured. This tracks when the button was tapped
and the event that it generated.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.TtsEngineUsed"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakTtsEngineUsed" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Which TTS engine was used for making TTS requests from Select-to-speak. This
is recorded every time a new speech request is made in Select-to-speak. Note
that this is only recorded on the start of speech, so it is not recorded,
for example, when the user resumes speech after pausing it.
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks how long the Select-to-Speak {BubbleType} bubble is displayed
<token key="BubbleType">
<variant name="Menu"/>
<variant name="Speed"/>
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-07-27">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The value for shelf navigation buttons setting set by the user during OOBE.
The metric will be reported after the setting has been stable for 10
seconds, or the OOBE screen in which the value can be set is closed (if the
setting changes multiple times in quick succession, only the final value
will be reported).
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-10-25">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The value for shelf navigation buttons setting set by the user in Chrome OS
Settings page. The metric will be reported after the setting change has been
stable for 10 seconds, or the settings window in which the value is set gets
closed (if the setting changes multiple times in quick succession, only the
final value will be reported).
enum="BooleanConnected" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Logged whenever the connection state of a braille display changes between
disconnected and connected.
units="seconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the duration of time that a single Braille display was connected.
This starts when a Braille display connects at startup or due to user input,
and may stop when the user ends their session by turning off the machine, or
when they disconnect or turn off the Braille display.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosStatusArea.{FeatureName}"
enum="BooleanToggled" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when the ChromeOS feature, {FeatureName}, is toggled from the status
area, also known as "Quick Settings".
<token key="FeatureName" variants="BaseCrosAccessibilityFeatures">
<variant name="Autoclick"/>
<variant name="LiveCaption"/>
<variant name="MonoAudio"/>
<variant name="SpokenFeedback"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.AutoScan" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The value of the Switch Access "Auto Scan" setting, logged
immediately after toggling. This will show us how often users are turning
the feature on, and how often they are turning it back off again.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.AutoScan.KeyboardSpeedMs"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Measures the user-set speed for scanning between keyboard keys in Switch
Access, logged immediately after changing the setting. Values range from 1ms
to 10000ms, in 100ms buckets.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.AutoScan.SpeedMs" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Measures the user-set speed for auto scanning between items in Switch
Access, logged immediately after changing the setting. Values range from 1ms
to 10000ms, in 100ms buckets.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.Error"
enum="CrosSwitchAccessError" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Switch Access error occurred. See CrosSwitchAccessError enum for error
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.NextKeyCode" enum="KeyCode"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Which key code user has assigned to the Next Action (e.g. 32 for the Space
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.PreviousKeyCode" enum="KeyCode"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Which key code user has assigned to the Previous Action (e.g. 32 for the
Space key)
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.SelectKeyCode" enum="KeyCode"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Which key code user has assigned to the Select Action (e.g. 32 for the Space
<histogram name="Accessibility.Cros{FeatureName}.SessionDuration"
units="seconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the duration of time that the {FeatureName} feature was enabled
within a login session. This may start when the user logs in or when they
enable the feature, and may stop when the user ends their session by logging
out or turning off the machine, or when they disable the feature.
<token key="FeatureName" variants="BaseCrosAccessibilityFeatures">
<variant name="Autoclick"/>
<variant name="CursorColor"/>
<variant name="FlashNotifications"/>
<variant name="LiveCaption"/>
<variant name="MonoAudio"/>
<variant name="MouseKeys"/>
<variant name="SpokenFeedback"/>
<!-- This set of histograms is recorded once, 45 seconds after startup.
Do not add new variants to this histogram unless they are recorded in the same way,
even if they fit the naming pattern. -->
<histogram name="Accessibility.Cros{SettingType}" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Note: This metric is logged once 45 seconds after startup.
Whether the user has enabled the Chrome OS feature: {SettingType}
<token key="SettingType" variants="BaseCrosAccessibilityFeatures">
<variant name="AlwaysShowA11yMenu"
summary="to always show the Chrome OS Accessibility Menu, regardless
of the state of a11y features. Warning: this histogram was
expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing."/>
<variant name="Autoclick"
summary="- Warning: this histogram was expired 2021-12-31 to
2022-07-07, and 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be
<variant name="CursorColor" summary="colorize the cursor"/>
<variant name="FlashNotifications"
summary="flash the screen for notifications"/>
<variant name="MonoAudio.Enabled" summary="MonoAudio"/>
<variant name="SpokenFeedback.BrailleDisplayConnected"
summary="braille display. An enabled (true) value means that a
braille display is connected to the device."/>
enum="BooleanLoaded" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records whether the dependency parser model file provided by the
OptimizationGuide was valid and was successfully loaded by the
DependencyParserModelLoader. Recorded once per model update by the
<histogram name="Accessibility.DlcInstallerFaceGazeAssetsInstallationDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The FaceGaze assets DLC installation is triggered when one of the features
using the DLC (currently the only feature using FaceGaze assets is FaceGaze)
is enabled. This histogram records the time taken to successfully install
the FaceGaze assets DLC. Note that this histogram is not recorded if the
installation fails.
<histogram name="Accessibility.DlcInstallerFaceGazeAssetsSuccess"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The FaceGaze assets DLC installation is triggered when one of the features
using the DLC (currently the only feature using FaceGaze assets is FaceGaze)
is enabled. This histogram is recorded once when FaceGaze assets
installation finishes with either success or failure.
<histogram name="Accessibility.DlcInstallerPumpkinInstallationDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The Pumpkin DLC installation is triggered when one of the features using the
DLC (currently the only feature using Pumpkin is Dictation) is enabled. This
histogram records the time taken to successfully install the Pumpkin DLC.
Note that this histogram is not recorded if the installation fails.
<histogram name="Accessibility.EventProcessingTime3{Variation}" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The round-trip time to send a set of accessibility mode flags from the
browser process to a renderer and receive and process the first set of
updates and events. Recorded once each time the browser process receives the
first set of updates and events from a renderer following {Variation} call
to RenderAccessibility::SetMode.
<token key="Variation">
<variant name=".First" summary="the very first"/>
<variant name=".NotFirst" summary="all but the first"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ExperimentalModeFlag.FormControls"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records whether the experimental form controls mode flag is set for the
AXMode. Tracked when the experimental form controls mode flag is flipped to
true. This flag is flipped automatically when software communicates with
Chrome via accessibility APIs.
As of M115, this flag should only be flipped on when the
AccessibilityPerformanceFiltering feature is enabled.
This is currently only used on Android OS.
<histogram name="Accessibility.FaceGaze.AverageFaceLandmarkerLatency"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-05-30">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The time it takes for the FaceLandmarker API to process a single video
frame. This histogram is recorded once every 100 frames and represents the
average latency of the FaceLandmarker API on those frames. The reason we use
the average is because there could be potentially thousands of calls to the
FaceLandmarker API during a FaceGaze session and we don't want to clutter
the histograms. Each call to record a histogram also takes work and we don't
want to spam the histograms API multiple times per second.
<histogram name="Accessibility.FocusHighlight.ToggleEnabled"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="never">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The value of the "show a quick focus highlight" setting, logged
immediately after toggling. This will show us how often users are turning
the feature on, and how often they are turning it back off again.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.Android" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the Chrome accessibility image label setting is on for Android.
Logged once 45 secs after profile open, which always happens when the
browser starts.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.Android.DialogOption"
enum="AccessibilityImageLabelModeAndroid" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When a user opens the accessibility image label dialog on Android, records
what option they select on user interaction.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.Android.OnlyOnWifi"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the Chrome accessibility image label setting for Android is set to
only be enabled on a Wi-Fi connection. Logged once 45 secs after profile
open, which always happens when the browser starts.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.ModalDialogAccepted"
enum="BooleanAccepted" expires_after="2024-12-15">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether a user accepts or does not accept a modal dialog enabling the image
labels option. If the user does not accept it this does not track whether
they closed it with the negative button, the close button, or keyboard
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.PageLanguage" enum="LanguageName"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The language of a web page where image labels were requested, as detected by
Chrome (not necessarily what language the page claims to be in).
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.RequestLanguage" enum="LanguageName"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The language that was requested for image descriptions, based on the page
language, the user's accept languages and top languages, and the server
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.{Result}By{Dimension}"
units="pixels" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Counts the number of images that got a certain result from automatic image
labeling (empty, error, or success), as a function of the function of one of
the image's dimensions - either the min or the max dimension.
<token key="Result">
<variant name="Empty"/>
<variant name="Error"/>
<variant name="Success"/>
<token key="Dimension">
<variant name="MaxDimension"/>
<variant name="MinDimension"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.{Result}By{Length}"
units="characters" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Counts the number of images that got a certain result from automatic image
labeling (empty, error, or success), as a function of the function of the
length of the characters in the image's name - either the original name, or
the name after removing stopwords.
<token key="Result">
<variant name="Empty"/>
<variant name="Error"/>
<variant name="Success"/>
<token key="Length">
<variant name="NameLength"/>
<variant name="NonStopNameLength"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels2" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the Chrome accessibility image label setting is on. Logged once 45
secs after profile open. Only logged for regular profiles, Incognito
profiles, and guest off-the-record profiles, as these are the only profiles
that can display web content.
<histogram name="Accessibility.InactiveTime" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The amount of time accessibility was enabled but not actively used. Reported
when we switch states from inactive to active. This histogram will not be
logged if the auto-disable accessibility feature is enabled.
<histogram name="Accessibility.iOS.NewLargerTextCategory" enum="BooleanHit"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
This metric is related to the Preferred Content Size chosen by the user. It
is only recorded once per session. This is hit if the chosen category is not
listed in the map defined in
/ios/chrome/browser/shared/ui/util/dynamic_type_util.mm. In that case, we
should update the code by adding an entry for the new category in that map.
This is logged when the helper to returning the multiplier associated with
the current preferred content size is called.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.CountDetectionAttempted"
units="count" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The number of nodes on this page for which language detection was attempted.
Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.CountLabelled" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The number of nodes on this page for which a detected language was
successfully assigned. Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to
2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.LangsPerPage" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The number of unique languages which were detected to be the most probable
language for at least one node on the page, regardless of whether a detected
language was assigned for that node. Warning: this histogram was expired
2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.PercentageLabelledWithTop"
units="%" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Of the nodes which had a detected language assigned, the percentage for
which the assigned language was the language detected as having the highest
probability. Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29,
data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.PercentageLanguageDetected"
units="%" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Of the nodes for which language detection was attempted, the percentage for
which a language was successfully assigned.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.PercentageOverridden"
units="%" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Of the nodes for which a detected language was successfully assigned, the
percentage where the assigned language differs from the author-provided
language. Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data
might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.AudioPropertyChanged"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the sample rate or channel count of a Live Caption audio stream
changed midstream. This is logged once per audio stream on the destruction
of the Cloud speech recognition client.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.CaptionBubbleError"
enum="CaptionBubbleErrorType" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when the caption bubble displays an error. This is logged once each
time the caption bubble model encounters an error.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.Duration.CaptionBubble{Visibility}3"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Measures how long SODA was running while the Live Caption UI was
{Visibility}. Logged once on the destruction of the
<token key="Visibility">
<variant name="Hidden"
summary="hidden. This might be because it was closed by user or
because there was an error passing transcriptions to the UI"/>
<variant name="Visible" summary="visible and showing transcriptions"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.EnableFrom{Entrypoint}"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when a user enables or disables the Live Caption feature from
<token key="Entrypoint">
<variant name="GlobalMediaControls"
summary="global media controls (Zenith)"/>
<variant name="Settings" summary="chrome://settings"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.ExpandBubble"
enum="LiveCaptionExpandBubbleEvent" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when a user expands or collapses the Live Caption bubble.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.FeatureEnabled2"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the Live Caption feature flag is enabled. This is logged once when
the Live Caption controller is initialized.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.LanguageCount" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The number of languages used to initialize the Speech On-Device API (SODA).
This is logged each time SODA is reset.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.LoadSodaErrorCode"
enum="WinGetLastError" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The error code of a failed attempt to load the Speech On-Device API (SODA)
binary. This is logged once for each media stream if the SODA binary failed
to load on Windows.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.LoadSodaResult"
enum="LoadSodaResult" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The result of an attempt to load the Speech On-Device API (SODA) binary.
This is logged once for each media stream when the SODA binary is loaded.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.MaskOffensiveWords" enum="Boolean"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when a user toggles the "hide profanity" option in
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.PinBubble" enum="Boolean"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records when a user pins or unpins the Live Caption bubble.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.Session2"
enum="LiveCaptionSessionEvent" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Logged when the Live Caption bubble appears and disappears. Stream start
indicates when the bubble appears due to an audio session starting. Stream
end indicates when the bubble disappears due to a tab change, a navigation,
or the audio session ending and the bubble fading out due to inactivity.
Close button clicked indicates when the bubble disappears due to a user
clicking the close button on the caption bubble.
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the verification of the Speech On-Device API (SODA) component failed
due to a mismatch of the component architecture. Logged once during the
verification step of the SODA component installation on Windows only.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.SpeechRecognitionServiceLanguage"
enum="SodaLanguageCode" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The language code used to initialize the speech recognition service. Logged
once when getting the Speech On-Device API (SODA) config path to use with
the speech recognition service.
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the speech recognition session contains any recognized speech. This
is logged once per media stream upon the destruction of the
<token key="SodaLanguageCode" variants="SodaLanguageCode"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption2" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the Live Caption feature is enabled. This is logged once when the
Live Caption controller is initialized on platforms that support Live
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveTranslate.CharactersTranslated"
units="count" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the number of characters sent to the translate service. Records once
per session upon the destruction of the LiveCaptionSpeechRecognitionHost.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveTranslate.EnableFrom{Entrypoint}"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when a user enables or disables the Live Translate feature from
{Entrypoint}. Warning: this histogram was expired from 2024-06-13 to
2024-08-15; data may be missing.
<token key="Entrypoint">
<variant name="GlobalMediaControls"
summary="global media controls (Zenith)"/>
<variant name="Settings" summary="chrome://settings"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveTranslate.SourceLanguage"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the source language of a request to the Cloud Translate service.
Recorded once per call to the Cloud Translate service.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveTranslate.TargetLanguage"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2025-08-19">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the target language of a request to the Cloud Translate service.
Recorded once per call to the Cloud Translate service.
<histogram name="Accessibility.MainNodeAnnotations.AnnotationResult"
enum="MainNodeAnnotationResult" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The result of the Screen2x run to identify a main node in the accessibility
tree. The result could successfully identify a main node; could identify an
invalid node; or could return a result after a previous had already labeled
a main node.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ManuallyEnabled" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether Chrome has enabled accessibility support because the user passed the
--force-renderer-accessibility flag on the command-line (logged once 45 secs
after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.ModeFlag" enum="AccessibilityModeFlagEnum"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether individual accessibility mode flags are set. Tracked when each mode
flag is flipped from false to true. These flags are flipped automatically
when software communicates with Chrome via accessibility APIs. Flags can
only be flipped off by advanced users or for debugging using
chrome://accessibility/ - and that isn't tracked in this histogram.
<histogram name="Accessibility.OOBEStartupSoundDelay" units="ms"
<!-- expires-never: Core metric for monitoring OOBE accessibility status. -->
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Delay between login_prompt_visible and Chrome OS OOBE startup sound
playback. Depends on sound subsystem initialization time.
<histogram name="Accessibility.OOBEStartupSoundEnabled" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the Chrome OS OOBE startup sound is enabled (logged once 45 secs
after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.PDF.HasAccessibleText" enum="BooleanExists"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When a PDF is constructed for accessibility, true if any page of the PDF
contains any accessible text derived from a text run. Note that a PDF
containing a mix of images and text will record true even though the images
may themselves contain inaccessible text.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PDF.IsPDFTagged" enum="BooleanExists"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When a PDF is constructed for accessibility, true if the PDF is tagged as
specified by ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA).
<histogram name="Accessibility.PDF.OpenedWith{A11yFeature}.PdfOcr"
enum="BooleanExists" expires_after="2025-04-18">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Record when PDF is opened with {A11yFeature} with or without PDF OCR.
<token key="A11yFeature">
<variant name="ScreenReader"/>
<variant name="SelectToSpeak"
summary="Select-to-speak enabed (on ChromeOS only)"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.ActiveWhenInaccessiblePdfOpened"
enum="BooleanExists" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When an inaccessible PDF is loaded, true if the PDF OCR feature was turned
on to extract text from images; false if the PDF OCR feature was turned off
and the feature notification was added to a PDF accessibility tree.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.CrosSelectToSpeak.PagesOcred"
units="count" expires_after="2025-07-31">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the number of OCRed pages in the PDF file opened by Select-to-Speak
users on ChromeOS.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.InaccessiblePdfPageCount" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the number of pages in an inaccessible PDF when a PDF accessibility
tree gets created for the PDF.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.MediaApp.ActiveTime" units="seconds"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the time difference between when a ChromeVox user starts reading
OCRed content in MediaApp and when the user reads it most recently.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.MediaApp.MostDetectedLanguageInOcrData"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2025-06-30">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the language that is detected most in each OCR data when MediaApp
(i.e. AXMediaAppUntrustedHandler) receives the OCR data from the OCR model.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.MediaApp.PdfLoaded" enum="BooleanExists"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks how many PDFs were opened in the Media App while the ChromeVox screen
reader is enabled, which causes the PDF to be OCRed.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.MediaApp.PercentageReadingProgression"
units="%" expires_after="2025-06-30">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the reading progression of a11y users in OCRed content in MediaApp
in percentage. The reading progression (RP) is calculated with the following
formula: RP = greatest visited page number / page count * 100.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.MostDetectedLanguageInOcrData2"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2025-06-30">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the language that is detected most in each OCR data when a PDF
accessibility tree receives the OCR data from the OCR model.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.PDFImages" enum="PdfOcrRequestStatus"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the status of PDF OCR request per PDF image. It checks whether a PDF
OCR request is sent to the OCR model or performed by the OCR model.
This metric helps to measure whether the OCR model manages to respond to all
requests successfully or whether the user closes a PDF without waiting for
OCR process to be done.
<histogram name="Accessibility.PdfOcr.UserAcceptLanguage"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records user accept languages when PDF OCR first runs for the always mode
after user login; or whenever the user uses the once mode to extract text
from a PDF file.
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent in
The primary use is to measure the impact of https://crrev.com/c/5410696,
which updates the class to eliminate potential copies.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.AXObjectCacheImpl.Incremental"
units="bytes" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the size of dirty tree serialization from the renderer to the browser
Logged every time the document layout is clean and we need to update the
accessibility tree. Low priority updates may be batched and sent every 150ms
if a change was detected.
units="bytes" expires_after="2025-02-09">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the contribution of {DataType} valued properties to the overall size
of dirty tree serialization from the renderer to the browser process.
Logged every time the document layout is clean and we need to update the
accessibility tree. Low priority updates may be batched and sent every 150ms
if a change was detected.
<token key="DataType">
<variant name="Bool"/>
<variant name="ChildIds"/>
<variant name="Float"/>
<variant name="HTML"/>
<variant name="Int"/>
<variant name="IntList"/>
<variant name="String"/>
<variant name="StringList"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.AXObjectCacheImpl.Snapshot"
units="bytes" expires_after="2025-01-26">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the size of entire tree (snapshot) serialization from the renderer to
the browser process. Snapshots are on demand when the entire a11y tree needs
to be send from the renderer to the browser process.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.AXTree.Destroy2"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent in AXTree::Destroy.
The primary use is to measure the impact of https://crrev.com/c/3937946,
which updates AXTree to internally use a std::map instead of a
base::flat_map. Please see the CL description for more context and a
performance profile.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.AXTreeCombiner::Combine"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent in AXTreeCombiner::Combine.
The primary use is to measure the impact of https://crrev.com/c/5410696,
which updates the class to eliminate potential copies.
units="microseconds" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: vital accessibility performance metric -->
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the browser main thread handling accessibility events
sent from the renderer process and processed by BrowserAccessibilityManager.
Accessibility.Performance.HandleAXEvents can still often record values when
processing is relatively cheap because we exit before handing off the nodes
to BrowserAccessibilityManager for various reasons (e.g. BFCache). This
histogram only measures events which are processed by
BrowserAccessibilityManager and thus should have a better histogram to
understand the cost of doing so, and be used to meaure optimizations.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the browser main thread handling location changes sent
from the renderer process and processed by BrowserAccessibilityManager.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.FinalizingTreeLifecycleStage"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-07-07">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the render process executing the lifecycle stage
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.HandleAXEvents2"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the browser main thread handling accessibility events
sent from the renderer process. Logged each time the method is run without
returning early.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.MergeAXTreeUpdates"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent in ui::MergeAXTreeUpdates.
The primary use is to measure the impact of https://crrev.com/c/5413915,
which updates the function to eliminate potential copies.
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-07-07">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the render process executing the accessibility stage
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the render process sending pending accessibility
events. Logging commences after loading is complete and triggered each time
the method is run without returning early.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.SendPendingAccessibilityEvents2"
units="microseconds" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: vital accessibility performance metric -->
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the render process sending pending accessibility
events. Logged each time the method is run without returning early.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.SerializeLifecycleStage"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-07-07">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the render process executing the lifecycle stage
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.SerializeLocationChanges"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the render process sending pending accessibility
location changes. Logged each time the method is run without returning
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-07-07">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the render process executing all the accessibility
lifecycle stages that run when layout is clean.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.Tree.Unserialize2"
units="microseconds" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time spent on the browser process unserializing accessibility
updates. Logged each time the method is run without returning early.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.WinAPIs.{API}" units="microseconds"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks time taken to execute the public Windows API that {API}. This is
recorded for all Windows users that call into our public APIs.
Warning: This metric may include reports from clients with low-resolution
clocks (i.e. on Windows, ref. |TimeTicks::IsHighResolution()|). Such reports
will cause this metric to have an abnormal distribution. When considering
revising this histogram, see UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_MICROSECONDS_TIMES for the
<token key="API">
summary="finds a node given a point."/>
summary="gets the bounding rectangle of a node."/>
summary="retrieves an object that provides support for the given
control pattern."/>
summary="gets the value of the specified property."/>
<variant name="UMA_API_NAVIGATE"
summary="navigates by one node in the given direction."/>
summary="gets the text range under the given point."/>
summary="compares two text ranges"/>
summary="compares two endpoints"/>
summary="expands or contracts the text range to given unit."/>
summary="searches for an attribute within text range."/>
summary="searches for given text within the text range."/>
summary="gets the value of the given attribute."/>
summary="gets the bounding rectanges of a text range."/>
summary="gets all children within a text range."/>
summary="gets the element that encloses the text range."/>
summary="gets the text within a text range."/>
<variant name="UMA_API_TEXTRANGE_MOVE"
summary="moves the text range by the given amount."/>
summary="moves endpoint by the given unit."/>
summary="moves endpoint by the given range."/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.Color" enum="ReadAnythingColor"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the user-chosen color theme for the Read Anything panel.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.EmptyState"
enum="ReadAnythingEmptyState" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when the Read Anything panel displays the empty state and whether a
user does a selection after it's shown.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.FontName"
enum="ReadAnythingFontName" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the user-chosen font name for the Read Anything panel.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.FontScale" units="em"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the user-chosen font scale for the Read Anything panel.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.Language" enum="LocaleCodeISO639"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the language of the web page shown in Read Anything after the
corresponding AXTree is distilled.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.LetterSpacing"
enum="ReadAnythingLetterSpacing" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the user-chosen letter spacing for the Read Anything panel.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.LineSpacing"
enum="ReadAnythingLineSpacing" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the user-chosen line spacing for the Read Anything panel.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.MergedDistillationTime.{Result}"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the time taken to distill a web page using the merged algorithm that
combines results from the rules based algorithm and the ML model. Refer to
AXTreeDistiller::Distill for details.
<token key="Result">
<variant name="Failure" summary="has failed"/>
<variant name="Success" summary="has succeeded"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.NewPage" enum="ReadAnythingNewPage"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when the Read Anything panel distills a new page and whether the
user uses Read Aloud to play the text aloud for the new page.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.OmniboxIconShown"
enum="BooleanShown" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records when the Read Anything omnibox icon is shown.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.ReadAloud.HighlightState"
enum="ReadAnythingHighlightState" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the user-chosen highlight state for reading aloud in the Read
Anything panel.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.ReadAloud.Language"
enum="LocaleCodeISO639" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records which language the user is using to read aloud text in the Read
Anything panel.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.ReadAloud.SettingsChange"
enum="ReadAnythingReadAloudSettingsChange" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when the user changes a read aloud speech setting in the Read
Anything panel.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.ReadAloud.Voice"
enum="ReadAnythingReadAloudVoice" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records which kind of voice the user is using to read aloud text in the Read
Anything panel. This is recorded when speech stops, either from user action
or when speech completes, to avoid blocking speech.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.ReadAloud.VoiceSpeed"
units="speech rate %" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the user-chosen voice speed for reading aloud in the Read Anything
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.ReadAloud{Action}SessionCount"
units="count" expires_after="2025-02-16">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the count per session of the number of Read Aloud {Action} actions.
<token key="Action">
<variant name="NextButton" summary="next granularity"/>
<variant name="Pause" summary="pause speech"/>
<variant name="Play" summary="play speech"/>
<variant name="PreviousButton" summary="previous granularity"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.RulesDistillationTime.{Result}"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the time taken to distill a web page using the rules based
algorithm. Refer to AXTreeDistiller::DistillViaAlgorithm for details.
<token key="Result">
<variant name="Failure" summary="has failed"/>
<variant name="Success" summary="has succeeded"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.ScrollEvent"
enum="ReadAnythingScrollEvent" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records when a scroll happens.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.SettingsChange"
enum="ReadAnythingSettingsChange" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when the user changes a text style setting in the Read Anything
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.SpeechError"
enum="ReadAnythingSpeechError" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records when a speech error event is captured with Read Anything Read Aloud.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.SpeechPlaybackSession" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the length of time of a speech playback session from play to pause
or from play to speech stopped, either due to reaching the end of content or
an error.
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the time from when opening the Read Anything side panel entry first
triggers the renderer and when the WebUI content has finished loading.
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the time from when opening the Read Anything side panel entry first
triggers the renderer and when the WebUI connects.
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the time from when the Read Anything WebUI content connects and when
the content has loaded.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ReadAnything.TimeFrom{Flow}StartedTo{Method}"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the time from when opening {Flow} first is triggered and when its
{Method} is called.
<token key="Flow">
<variant name="App" summary="read_anything/app.ts"/>
<variant name="AppConstructor"
summary="read_anything/app.ts 's constructor"/>
<variant name="Toolbar" summary="read_anything/read_anything_toolbar.ts"/>
<variant name="ToolbarConstructor"
summary="read_anything/read_anything_toolbar.ts 's constructor"/>
<token key="Method">
<variant name="ConnectedCallback"/>
<variant name="Constructor"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.Reliability.Tree.UnserializeError"
enum="AccessibilityTreeUnserializeError" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks the type of failure that occured when unserializing the accessibility
tree. When an error in unserialization occurs, this is emitted and
unserialization aborts. In the case of a tree with multiple issues, only the
first error is recorded. Refer to AXTree::Unserialize for details. Warning:
this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.Component.Available2"
enum="ComponentAvailability" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records if the component was available or could be downloaded when it was
needed. If not available, it also records if the network connection existed
or not.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.Component.InstallRetries" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the number of times that the component installation has failed as
DLC service was busy and retried before successful install.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.Component.{Action}"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records success or failure of Screen AI component {Action}.</summary>
<token key="Action">
<variant name="Install" summary="install"/>
<variant name="Uninstall" summary="uninstall"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.DlcInstallResult"
enum="DlcInstallResult" expires_after="2025-02-16">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records the result of Screen AI DLC installation.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.LibraryLoadDetailedResultOnWindows"
enum="WinGetLastError" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records a Screen AI library load result on Windows. The result is recorded
after initialization of Screen AI service and loading chrome_screen_ai.dll.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.OCR.ClientType" enum="OCRClientType"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records the client type of each OCR request.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.OCR.Failed.ClientType"
enum="OCRClientType" expires_after="2025-05-01">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Records the client type of each failed OCR request.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.OCR.ImageSize.PDF" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the number of pixels in the passed image to OCR from PDF.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.OCR.ImageSize10M" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the number of pixels in the passed image to OCR request.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.OCR.Latency.{ImageSize}" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the latency for an OCR request in Screen AI service for an image
with {ImageSize} pixels.
<token key="ImageSize">
<variant name="Large" summary="[1000x1000, 2000x2000)"/>
<variant name="Medium" summary="[500x500, 1000x1000)"/>
<variant name="Small" summary="less than 500x500"/>
<variant name="XLarge" summary="2000x2000 and more"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.OCR.LinesCount" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the number of lines that OCR recognized for an image.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.OCR.LinesCount.PDF" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the number of lines that OCR recognized for an image sent from PDF.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.OCR.Time.PDF" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records how long an OCR request in Screen AI service takes for a PDF
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.Screen2xDistillationTime.{Result}"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the time taken to distill a web page for cases where the action
{Result}. It's being emitted each time whenever it distills or fails to
distill a page. for Screen2x. Refer to
ScreenAIService::ExtractMainContentInternal for details.
<token key="Result">
<variant name="Failure" summary="has failed"/>
<variant name="Success" summary="has succeeded"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.Service.Initialization"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records if launching the ScreenAI service was successful or not.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.Service.InitializationTime.{Result}"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records how long it took for the ScreenAI service to {Result}.
<token key="Result">
<variant name="Failure" summary="fail initialization"/>
<variant name="Success" summary="initialize successfully"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.{feature}.InitializationLatency"
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records how long it takes to initialize {feature} in Screen AI service.
<token key="feature">
<variant name="MainContentExtraction"
summary="Main Content Extraction functionality"/>
<variant name="OCR" summary="OCR functionality"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.{Feature}.Successful"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records if a request to {Feature} of ScreenAI service was successful or not.
<token key="Feature">
<variant name="MainContentExtraction" summary="Main Content Extraction"/>
<variant name="OCR" summary="Optical Character Recognition"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenAI.{Step}.Initialized"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records if initialization of {Step} in Screen AI service was successful or
<token key="Step">
<variant name="Library" summary="library general functionalities"/>
<variant name="MainContentExtraction"
summary="Main Content Extraction functionality"/>
<variant name="OCR" summary="OCR functionality"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.ScreenReader.ScrollToImage" enum="Boolean"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether the result of a scroll to make visible accessibility action is
performed on an image node. This roughly corresponds to accessibility focus
on an image. Logged from ChromeVox (ChromeOS) and
BrowserAccessibilityManager (non-ChromeOS).
<histogram name="Accessibility.VTTContainsStyleBlock" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether a VTT file contains an embedded style block. Recorded when a VTT
file is parsed.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WebSpeech.Duration" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Measures the duration of a call to the WebSpeech API. Recorded once per call
to the Open Speech API that powers the WebSpeech API.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinAPIs" enum="AccessibilityWinAPIEnum"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>Tracks usage of all public Windows accessibility APIs.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinAPIs.GetPropertyValue"
enum="AccessibilityWinAPIGetPropertyValueEnum" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks properties requested via UI Automation GetPropertyValue(). Warning:
this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinHighContrastTheme"
enum="AccessibilityHighContrastColorScheme" expires_after="2025-08-30">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Tracks which Windows high contrast theme is set in system settings (logged
once 45 secs after startup). AccessibilityHighContrastColorScheme::None
indicates that high contrast mode is not enabled.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinStickyKeys" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Whether Windows system settings show that Sticky Keys are enabled.
<histogram name="Accessibility.{ScreenReader}{AccessibilityEveryReport}"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
This is logged once, 45 seconds after startup.
Tracks whether {ScreenReader}.
<token key="ScreenReader">
<variant name="Android.ScreenReader"
summary="a screen reader is enabled on Android (e.g. Talkback)"/>
<variant name="CrosSpokenFeedback"
summary="the Chrome OS Spoken Feedback feature is on"/>
<variant name="Mac.ScreenReader"
summary="a screen reader is enabled on Mac (e.g. VoiceOver)"/>
<variant name="WinJAWS"
summary="the third-party JAWS screen reader is running"/>
<variant name="WinNVDA"
summary="the third-party NVDA screen reader is running"/>
<variant name="WinScreenReader2"
summary="the accessibility mode flag shows that a screen reader is
running. In this case, Chrome has detected accessibility
calls that would normally only occur from a screen reader.
See also the more specific metrics such as
<variant name="WinSupernova"
summary="the third-party Supernova screen reader is running"/>
<variant name="WinZoomText"
summary="the third-party ZoomText screen magnifier is running"/>
<token key="AccessibilityEveryReport">
<variant name=""
summary="Note: Prefer the .EveryReport variant when querying for
unique users, as it is logged more frequently."/>
<variant name=".EveryReport"
summary="This variant is sent with every metrics report, and
preferred for computing uniques."/>
<histogram name="DomDistiller.MessageDismissalCondition"
enum="ReaderModeMessageDismissalCondition" expires_after="2023-09-10">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records whether the user accepted or ignored/dismissed the Reader Mode
message prompt in conjunction with the Reader Mode accessibility setting.
Recorded for Android only.
<histogram name="DomDistiller.ReaderMode.EntryPoint"
enum="ReaderModeEntryPoint" expires_after="2023-11-30">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<summary>The method a user used to enter reader mode on an article.</summary>
<histogram name="DomDistiller.ReaderMode.ExitPoint" enum="ReaderModeEntryPoint"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The method a user used to exit reader mode and return to the original
<histogram name="DomDistiller.ReaderShownForPageLoad" enum="Boolean"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records if the panel became visible at any point after a page was navigated.
<histogram name="DomDistiller.Time.ViewingReaderModePage" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Records the amount of time a user spent on a Reader Mode Page.
<histogram name="PumpkinInstaller.InstallationSuccess" enum="BooleanSuccess"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Pumpkin installation is triggered when one of the features using Pumpkin
(currently the only feature using Pumpkin is Dictation) are enabled. This
histogram is recorded once when Pumpkin installation finishes with either
success or failure. Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to
2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="SodaInstaller.BinaryInstallationResult" enum="BooleanSuccess"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Soda Installation is triggered when one of the features using SODA (e.g.
Live Caption, Projector, Offline Dictation) are enabled. Records whether
SODA binary installation succeeded. This is recorded once when SODA
installation attempt finishes with either success or failure.
<histogram name="SodaInstaller.BinaryInstallation{Result}Time" units="ms"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Soda Installation is triggered when one of the features using SODA (e.g.
Live Caption, Projector, Offline Dictation) are enabled. Records the time
taken for the binary installation to complete with {Result}, recorded at the
end of the attempt.
<token key="Result">
<variant name="Failure"/>
<variant name="Success"/>
<histogram name="SodaInstaller.Language.{SodaLanguageCode}.InstallationResult"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Soda Installation is triggered when one of the features using SODA (e.g.
Live Caption, Projector, Offline Dictation) are enabled. Records whether
SODA language pack installation succeeded or not. This is recorded once when
SODA language pack installation attempt finishes with either success or
<token key="SodaLanguageCode" variants="SodaLanguageCode"/>
units="ms" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Soda Installation is triggered when one of the features using SODA (e.g.
Live Caption, Projector, Offline Dictation) are enabled. Records the time
taken for the SODA language pack installation for {SodaLanguageCode} to
complete with {Result}, recorded at the end of the attempt.
<token key="SodaLanguageCode" variants="SodaLanguageCode"/>
<token key="Result">
<variant name="Failure"/>
<variant name="Success"/>
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Event" enum="TextToSpeechEvent"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Events fired by the text-to-speech engine when speaking an utterance.
Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Settings.GetVoiceBytes"
enum="TextToSpeechGetVoiceBytes" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
When the user requests a download of a text-to-speech voice, records the
success/failure result, and service used to download it. Warning: this
histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.FromExtensionAPI"
enum="TextToSpeechFromExtensionAPI" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
Indicates if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech was
triggered by the Chrome TTS extension API or the web speech API. Warning:
this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.HasVoiceName"
enum="TextToSpeechHasVoiceName" expires_after="2025-02-28">
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
True if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech requested a
specific voice by name. Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to
2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.Native" enum="TextToSpeechNative"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
True if an utterance is spoken with native speech provided by the operating
system, otherwise it's spoken via a Chrome extension that implements
text-to-speech support. Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to
2024-02-29, data might be missing.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.Rate" units="count"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The rate of an utterance to be spoken via synthesized text-to-speech.
Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.Source" enum="TextToSpeechSource"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
ChromeOS source that triggered text-to-speech utterance via extension API,
from a few known accessibility clients (Select-to-speak, ChromeVox).
Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.TextLength" units="bytes"
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
<owner>[email protected]</owner>
The length of an utterance to be spoken via synthesized text-to-speech.
Warning: this histogram was expired 2023-11-30 to 2024-02-29, data might be