
Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.


This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.

For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see

Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].


<!-- Enum types -->


<!-- LINT.IfChange(AIAPI) -->

<enum name="AIAPI">
  <int value="0" label="ai.canCreateSession"/>
  <int value="1" label="ai.createSession"/>
  <int value="2" label="ai.prompt"/>
  <int value="3" label="ai.promptStreaming"/>
  <int value="4" label="ai.defaultTestSessionOptions"/>
  <int value="5" label="ai.sessionDestroy"/>
  <int value="6" label="ai.sessionClone"/>
  <int value="7" label="ai.textModelInfo"/>
  <int value="8" label="ai.sessionSummarize"/>
  <int value="9" label="ai.sessionSummarizeStreaming"/>
  <int value="10" label="AIWriter.write"/>
  <int value="11" label="AIWriter.writeStreaming"/>
  <int value="12" label="AIRewriter.rewrite"/>
  <int value="13" label="AIRewriter.rewriteStreaming"/>
  <int value="14" label="ai.summarizer.summarize"/>
  <int value="15" label="ai.summarizer.summarizeStreaming"/>
  <int value="16" label="ai.summarizer.create"/>
  <int value="17" label="ai.summarizer.destroy"/>

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ai/ai_metrics.h:AIAPI) -->

<!-- LINT.IfChange(AICapabilityAvailability) -->

<enum name="AICapabilityAvailability">
  <int value="0" label="Readily">
    The model is available on-device and so creating will happen quickly.
  <int value="1" label="AfterDownload">
    The model is not available on-device, but the device is capable, so creating
    the model will start the download process (which can take a while).
  <int value="2" label="No">The model is not available for this device.</int>

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//third_party/blink/renderer/modules/ai/ai_capability_availability.h:AICapabilityAvailability) -->

<!-- LINT.IfChange(AIModelStreamingResponseStatus) -->

<enum name="AIModelStreamingResponseStatus">
  <int value="0" label="Ongoing">
    There response is not fully streamed back yet, and the interface will remain
  <int value="1" label="Complete">
    The streaming responder completes and closes.
  <int value="2" label="ErrorUnknown">
    The execution encounters unknown error.
  <int value="3" label="ErrorInvalidRequest">The request was invalid.</int>
  <int value="4" label="ErrorRequestThrottled">The request was throttled.</int>
  <int value="5" label="ErrorPermissionDenied">
    User permission errors such as not signed-in or not allowed to execute
  <int value="6" label="ErrorGenericFailure">Other generic failures.</int>
  <int value="7" label="ErrorRetryableError">
    Retryable error occurred in server.
  <int value="8" label="ErrorNonRetryableError">
    Non-retryable error occurred in server.
  <int value="9" label="ErrorUnsupportedLanguage">Unsupported.</int>
  <int value="10" label="ErrorFiltered">Bad response.</int>
  <int value="11" label="ErrorDisabled">Response was disabled.</int>
  <int value="12" label="ErrorCancelled">The request was cancelled.</int>
  <int value="13" label="ErrorSessionDestroyed">The session was destroyed.</int>

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//third_party/blink/public/mojom/ai/model_streaming_responder.mojom:ModelStreamingResponseStatus) -->

