
Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.


This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.

For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see

Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].


<!-- Enum types -->


<enum name="AudioDeviceChange">
  <int value="0" label="Output Device"/>
  <int value="1" label="Input Device"/>

<enum name="AudioDeviceType">
  <int value="0" label="Headphone"/>
  <int value="1" label="Microphone"/>
  <int value="2" label="USB"/>
  <int value="3" label="Bluetooth"/>
  <int value="4" label="Bluetooth microphone"/>
  <int value="5" label="HDMI"/>
  <int value="6" label="Internal speaker"/>
  <int value="7" label="Internal microphone"/>
  <int value="8" label="Front microphone"/>
  <int value="9" label="Rear microphone"/>
  <int value="10" label="Keyboard microphone"/>
  <int value="11" label="Hotword"/>
  <int value="12" label="Post DSP loopback"/>
  <int value="13" label="Post mix loopback"/>
  <int value="14" label="Lineout"/>
  <int value="15" label="ALSA loopback"/>
  <int value="16" label="Other"/>

<enum name="AudioMuteButtonAction">
  <int value="0" label="Muted"/>
  <int value="1" label="Unmuted"/>

<enum name="AudioSelectionBeforeAndAfterDeviceSet">
  <int value="5" label="System boots with internal and 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="6" label="System boots with two internal and 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="17" label="System boots with internal and USB"/>
  <int value="18" label="System boots with two internal and USB"/>
  <int value="21" label="System boots with internal, 3.5mm and USB"/>
  <int value="48" label="System boots with internal and two USB"/>
  <int value="65" label="System boots with internal and bluetooth"/>
  <int value="257" label="System boots with internal and HDMI"/>
  <int value="261" label="System boots with internal, 3.5mm and HDMI"/>
  <int value="273" label="System boots with internal, USB and HDMI"/>
  <int value="513" label="System boots with internal and two HDMI"/>
  <int value="16389" label="Internal PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="16401" label="Internal PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="16417" label="Internal PLUG two USB"/>
  <int value="16449" label="Internal PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="16641" label="Internal PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="16897" label="Internal PLUG two HDMI"/>
  <int value="32774" label="Two internal PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="32786" label="Two internal PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="32834" label="Two internal PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="65556" label="3.5mm PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="81941" label="Internal and 3.5mm PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="81989" label="Internal and 3.5mm PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="82181" label="Internal and 3.5mm PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="98326" label="Two internal and 3.5mm PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="262161" label="USB PLUG internal"/>
  <int value="262164" label="USB PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="262165" label="USB PLUG 3.5mm and internal"/>
  <int value="262224" label="USB PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="262416" label="USB PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="262417" label="USB PLUG HDMI and internal"/>
  <int value="262420" label="USB PLUG HDMI and 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="262672" label="USB PLUG two HDMI"/>
  <int value="278549" label="Internal and USB PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="278561" label="Internal and USB PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="278609" label="Internal and USB PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="278801" label="Internal and USB PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="278805" label="Internal and USB PLUG HDMI and 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="278817" label="Internal and USB PLUG HDMI and USB"/>
  <int value="279057" label="Internal and USB PLUG two HDMI"/>
  <int value="279313" label="Internal and USB PLUG three HDMI"/>
  <int value="294934" label="Two internal and USB PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="344069" label="Internal, USB and 3.5mm UNPLUG USB"/>
  <int value="344081" label="Internal, USB and 3.5mm UNPLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="344149" label="Internal, USB and 3.5mm PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="344341" label="Internal, USB and 3.5mm PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="524324" label="Two USB PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="524384" label="Two USB PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="524832" label="Two USB PLUG two HDMI"/>
  <int value="540689" label="Internal and two USB UNPLUG USB"/>
  <int value="540721" label="Internal and two USB PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="540769" label="Internal and two USB PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="540961" label="Internal and two USB PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="606241" label="Internal, two USB and 3.5mm UNPLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="786736" label="Three USB PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="803121" label="Internal and three USB PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="803377" label="Internal and three USB PLUG two HDMI"/>
  <int value="1048656" label="Bluetooth PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="1065029" label="Internal and bluetooth PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="1065041" label="Internal and bluetooth PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="1065281" label="Internal and bluetooth PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="1130501" label="Internal, 3.5mm and bluetooth UNPLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="1130561" label="Internal, 3.5mm and bluetooth UNPLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="1311056" label="Bluetooth and USB PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="1327121" label="Internal, bluetooth and USB UNPLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="1327169" label="Internal, bluetooth and USB UNPLUG USB"/>
  <int value="1327441" label="Internal, bluetooth and USB PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="4194624" label="HDMI PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="4194816" label="HDMI PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="4210949" label="Internal and HDMI PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="4210961" label="Internal and HDMI PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="4211009" label="Internal and HDMI PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="4211201" label="Internal and HDMI PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="4260164" label="3.5mm and HDMI PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="4260356" label="3.5mm and HDMI PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="4276481" label="Internal, 3.5mm and HDMI UNPLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="4276501" label="Internal, 3.5mm and HDMI PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="4276549" label="Internal, 3.5mm and HDMI PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="4456976" label="USB and HDMI PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="4473089" label="Internal, USB and HDMI UNPLUG USB"/>
  <int value="4473109" label="Internal, USB and HDMI PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="4473121" label="Internal, USB and HDMI PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="4473169" label="Internal, USB and HDMI PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="4473361" label="Internal, USB and HDMI PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="4735249" label="Internal, two USB and HDMI UNPLUG USB"/>
  <int value="4735329" label="Internal, two USB and HDMI PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="4735521" label="Internal, two USB and HDMI PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="5521681"
      label="Internal, USB, bluetooth and HDMI UNPLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="8389124" label="Two HDMI PLUG 3.5mm"/>
  <int value="8389136" label="Two HDMI PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="8389184" label="Two HDMI PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="8405521" label="Internal and two HDMI PLUG USB"/>
  <int value="8405569" label="Internal and two HDMI PLUG bluetooth"/>
  <int value="8405761" label="Internal and two HDMI PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="9175856" label="Three USB and two HDMI PLUG HDMI"/>
  <int value="9454081"
      label="Internal, bluetooth and two HDMI UNPLUG bluetooth"/>

<enum name="AudioSelectionEvents">
  <int value="0" label="Input|System switched"/>
  <int value="1" label="Output|System switched"/>
  <int value="2" label="Input|System didn't switch"/>
  <int value="3" label="Output|System didn't switch"/>
  <int value="4" label="Input|User overrode|System switched"/>
  <int value="5" label="Output|User overrode|System switched"/>
  <int value="6" label="Input|User overrode|System didn't switch"/>
  <int value="7" label="Output|User overrode|System didn't switch"/>
  <int value="8" label="Input|System switched|Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="9" label="Output|System switched|Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="10" label="Input|System didn't switch|Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="11" label="Output|System didn't switch|Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="12" label="Input|User overrode|System switched|Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="13" label="Output|User overrode|System switched|Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="14"
      label="Input|User overrode|System didn't switch|Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="15"
      label="Output|User overrode|System didn't switch|Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="16" label="Input|System switched|Non Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="17" label="Output|System switched|Non Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="18" label="Input|System didn't switch|Non Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="19" label="Output|System didn't switch|Non Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="20"
      label="Input|User overrode|System switched|Non Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="21"
      label="Output|User overrode|System switched|Non Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="22"
      label="Input|User overrode|System didn't switch|Non Chrome restarts"/>
  <int value="23"
      label="Output|User overrode|System didn't switch|Non Chrome restarts"/>

<enum name="AudioSelectionExceptionRules">
  <int value="0" label="Input|Rule#1|Hot plugging privileged devices"/>
  <int value="1" label="Output|Rule#1|Hot plugging privileged devices"/>
  <int value="2"
      label="Input|Rule#2|Unplugging a non active device keeps current active
             device unchanged"/>
  <int value="3"
      label="Output|Rule#2|Unplugging a non active device keeps current
             active device unchanged"/>
  <int value="4"
      label="Input|Rule#3|Hot plugging an unpreferred device keeps current
             active device unchanged"/>
  <int value="5"
      label="Output|Rule#3|Hot plugging an unpreferred device keeps current
             active device unchanged"/>
  <int value="6"
      label="Input|Rule#4|Unplugging a device causes remaining unseen set of
  <int value="7"
      label="Output|Rule#4|Unplugging a device causes remaining unseen set of

<enum name="AudioSelectionNotificationEvents">
  <int value="0" label="Both input+output notification shows up"/>
  <int value="1" label="Input only notification shows up"/>
  <int value="2" label="Output only notification shows up"/>
  <int value="3" label="Multiple sources notification shows up"/>
  <int value="4" label="Both input+output notification clicked"/>
  <int value="5" label="Input only notification clicked"/>
  <int value="6" label="Output only notification clicked"/>
  <int value="7" label="Multiple sources notification clicked"/>

