Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.
For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].
<!-- Enum types -->
<enum name="AndroidSmsFcmMessageType">
<int value="0" label="Start"/>
<int value="1" label="Resume"/>
<int value="2" label="Stop"/>
<enum name="BooleanDuplicate">
<int value="0" label="Not Duplicate"/>
<int value="1" label="Duplicate"/>
<enum name="BooleanExpected">
<int value="0" label="Unexpected"/>
<int value="1" label="Expected"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthApiCallResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Timeout"/>
<int value="2" label="Network Request Error: Offline"/>
<int value="3" label="Network Request Error: Endpoint Not Found"/>
<int value="4" label="Network Request Error: Authentication Error"/>
<int value="5" label="Network Request Error: Bad Request"/>
<int value="6" label="Network Request Error: Response Malformed"/>
<int value="7" label="Network Request Error: Internal Server Error"/>
<int value="8" label="Network Request Error: Unknown"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthAsyncTaskResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Timeout"/>
<int value="2" label="Error"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthFeatureType">
<int value="0" label="Better Together Host (Supported)"/>
<int value="1" label="Better Together Host (Enabled)"/>
<int value="2" label="Better Together Client (Supported)"/>
<int value="3" label="Better Together Client (Enabled)"/>
<int value="4" label="Easy Unlock Host (Supported)"/>
<int value="5" label="Easy Unlock Host (Enabled)"/>
<int value="6" label="Easy Unlock Client (Supported)"/>
<int value="7" label="Easy Unlock Client (Enabled)"/>
<int value="8" label="Magic Tether Host (Supported)"/>
<int value="9" label="Magic Tether Host (Enabled)"/>
<int value="10" label="Magic Tether Client (Supported)"/>
<int value="11" label="Magic Tether Client (Enabled)"/>
<int value="12" label="SMS Connect Host (Supported)"/>
<int value="13" label="SMS Connect Host (Enabled)"/>
<int value="14" label="SMS Connect Client (Supported)"/>
<int value="15" label="SMS Connect Client (Enabled)"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthSoftwareFeature">
<int value="0" label="UNKNOWN_FEATURE"/>
<int value="1" label="BETTER_TOGETHER_HOST"/>
<int value="2" label="BETTER_TOGETHER_CLIENT"/>
<int value="3" label="EASY_UNLOCK_HOST"/>
<int value="4" label="EASY_UNLOCK_CLIENT"/>
<int value="5" label="MAGIC_TETHER_HOST"/>
<int value="6" label="MAGIC_TETHER_CLIENT"/>
<int value="7" label="SMS_CONNECT_HOST"/>
<int value="8" label="SMS_CONNECT_CLIENT"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthTargetService">
<int value="0" label="Unknown"/>
<int value="1" label="Enrollment"/>
<int value="2" label="DeviceSync"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthV2DeviceSyncResultCode">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Finished with non-fatal errors"/>
<int value="2" label="Error: ClientAppMetadata fetch failed"/>
<int value="3" label="Error: Missing user key pair"/>
<int value="4" label="Error: Could not create group key"/>
<int value="5" label="Error: Could not encrypt device metadata"/>
<int value="6" label="Error: Could not establish group public key"/>
<int value="7" label="Error: No metadata in response"/>
<int value="8" label="Error: All metadata in response invalid"/>
<int value="9" label="Error: No local device metadata in response"/>
<int value="10" label="Error: Missing local device feature statuses"/>
<int value="11"
label="Error: Missing local device DeviceSyncBetterTogether key"/>
<int value="12" label="Error: Could not decrypt group private key"/>
<int value="13" label="Error: Could not encrypt group private key"/>
<int value="14" label="Error (SyncMetadata API call): Offline"/>
<int value="15" label="Error (SyncMetadata API call): Endpoint not found"/>
<int value="16" label="Error (SyncMetadata API call): Authentication error"/>
<int value="17" label="Error (SyncMetadata API call): Bad request"/>
<int value="18" label="Error (SyncMetadata API call): Response malformed"/>
<int value="19" label="Error (SyncMetadata API call): Internal server error"/>
<int value="20" label="Error (SyncMetadata API call): Unknown error"/>
<int value="21" label="Error (BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call): Offline"/>
<int value="22"
label="Error (BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call): Endpoint not found"/>
<int value="23"
label="Error (BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call): Authentication error"/>
<int value="24"
label="Error (BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call): Bad request"/>
<int value="25"
label="Error (BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call): Response malformed"/>
<int value="26"
label="Error (BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call): Internal server error"/>
<int value="27"
label="Error (BatchGetFeatureStatuses API call): Unknown error"/>
<int value="28" label="Error (ShareGroupPrivateKey API call): Offline"/>
<int value="29"
label="Error (ShareGroupPrivateKey API call): Endpoint not found"/>
<int value="30"
label="Error (ShareGroupPrivateKey API call): Authentication error"/>
<int value="31" label="Error (ShareGroupPrivateKey API call): Bad request"/>
<int value="32"
label="Error (ShareGroupPrivateKey API call): Response malformed"/>
<int value="33"
label="Error (ShareGroupPrivateKey API call): Internal server error"/>
<int value="34" label="Error (ShareGroupPrivateKey API call): Unknown error"/>
<int value="35" label="Error: Timeout waiting for group key creation"/>
<int value="36" label="Error: Timeout waiting for ClientAppMetadata"/>
<int value="37"
label="Error: Timeout waiting for local device metadata encryption"/>
<int value="38"
label="Error: Timeout waiting for first SyncMetadata response"/>
<int value="39"
label="Error: Timeout waiting for second SyncMetadata response"/>
<int value="40"
label="Error: Timeout waiting for group private key decryption"/>
<int value="41"
label="Error: Timeout waiting for device metadata decryption"/>
<int value="42"
label="Error: Timeout waiting for BatchGetFeatureStatuses response"/>
<int value="43"
label="Error: Timeout waiting for group private key encryption"/>
<int value="44"
label="Error: Timeout waiting for ShareGroupPrivateKey response"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthV2DeviceSyncResultType">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Non-fatal error"/>
<int value="2" label="Fatal error"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthV2EnrollmentResult">
<int value="0" label="Success: No new keys needed"/>
<int value="1" label="Success: New keys enrolled"/>
<int value="2" label="Error (SyncKeys API call): Offline"/>
<int value="3" label="Error (SyncKeys API call): Endpoint not found"/>
<int value="4" label="Error (SyncKeys API call): Authentication error"/>
<int value="5" label="Error (SyncKeys API call): Bad request"/>
<int value="6" label="Error (SyncKeys API call): Response malformed"/>
<int value="7" label="Error (SyncKeys API call): Internal server error"/>
<int value="8" label="Error (SyncKeys API call): Unknown error"/>
<int value="9" label="Error (EnrollKeys API call): Offline"/>
<int value="10" label="Error (EnrollKeys API call): Endpoint not found"/>
<int value="11" label="Error (EnrollKeys API call): Authentication error"/>
<int value="12" label="Error (EnrollKeys API call): Bad request"/>
<int value="13" label="Error (EnrollKeys API call): Response malformed"/>
<int value="14" label="Error (EnrollKeys API call): Internal server error"/>
<int value="15" label="Error (EnrollKeys API call): Unknown error"/>
<int value="16" label="Error: CryptAuth server overloaded"/>
<int value="17" label="Error: SyncKeysResponse missing random session ID"/>
<int value="18" label="Error: SyncKeysResponse invalid ClientDirective"/>
<int value="19" label="Error: Wrong number of SyncSingleKeyResponses"/>
<int value="20" label="Error: Wrong number of KeyActions"/>
<int value="21" label="Error: Invalid KeyAction enum value"/>
<int value="22" label="Error: KeyActions specify multiple active keys"/>
<int value="23" label="Error: KeyActions do not specify an active key"/>
<int value="24" label="Error: Key creation KeyType not supported"/>
<int value="25" label="Error: User key pair creation instructions invalid"/>
<int value="26"
label="Error: Symmetric key creation missing server Diffie-Hellman"/>
<int value="27" label="Error: Key proof computation failed"/>
<int value="28" label="Error: Timeout waiting for SyncKeys response"/>
<int value="29" label="Error: Timeout waiting for key creation"/>
<int value="30" label="Error: Timeout waiting for EnrollKeys response"/>
<int value="31" label="Error: GCM registration failed"/>
<int value="32" label="Error: ClientAppMetadata fetch failed"/>
<int value="33" label="Error: Timeout waiting for GCM registration"/>
<int value="34" label="Error: Timeout waiting for ClientAppMetadata"/>
<int value="35" label="Error: Failed to create user key pair"/>
<int value="36" label="Error: Failed to create legacy main key"/>
<int value="37"
label="Error: Failed to create DeviceSync:BetterTogether key"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthV2EnrollmentUserKeyPairState">
<int value="0" label="v1 and v2 do not exist"/>
<int value="1" label="v1 exists but not v2"/>
<int value="2" label="v2 exists but not v1"/>
<int value="3" label="v1 and v2 exist and agree"/>
<int value="4" label="v1 and v2 exist and disagree"/>
<enum name="CryptAuthV2InvocationReason">
<int value="0" label="Invocation reason unspecified"/>
<int value="1" label="Initialization"/>
<int value="2" label="Periodic"/>
<int value="3" label="Slow periodic"/>
<int value="4" label="Fast periodic"/>
<int value="5" label="Expiration"/>
<int value="6" label="Failure recovery"/>
<int value="7" label="New account"/>
<int value="8" label="Changed account"/>
<int value="9" label="Feature toggled"/>
<int value="10" label="Server initiated"/>
<int value="11" label="Address change"/>
<int value="12" label="Software update"/>
<int value="13" label="Manual"/>
<int value="14" label="Custom key invalidation"/>
<int value="15" label="Proximity periodic"/>
<enum name="EasyUnlockAuthEvent">
<int value="0" label="Smart Lock success"/>
<int value="1" label="Smart Lock failure"/>
<int value="2" label="(Deprecated) Password entry: No pairing"/>
<int value="3" label="(Deprecated) Password entry: Pairing changed"/>
<int value="4" label="(Deprecated) Password entry: User hardlock"/>
<int value="5" label="Password entry: Service not active"/>
<int value="6" label="Password entry: No Bluetooth"/>
<int value="7" label="Password entry: Bluetooth connecting"/>
<int value="8" label="Password entry: No phone"/>
<int value="9" label="Password entry: Phone not authenticated"/>
<int value="10" label="Password entry: Phone locked"/>
<int value="11" label="Password entry: Phone not lockable"/>
<int value="12" label="Password entry: RSSI too low"/>
<int value="13" label="(Deprecated) Password entry: Phone not supported"/>
<int value="14" label="Password entry: Phone authenticated"/>
<int value="15" label="(Deprecated) Password entry: Tx power too high"/>
<int value="16" label="(Deprecated) Password entry: Easy sign-in failed"/>
<int value="17" label="(Deprecated) Password entry: Pairing added"/>
<int value="18" label="Password entry: No Smart Lock state handler"/>
<int value="19" label="Password entry: Phone locked and tx power too high"/>
<int value="20" label="(Deprecated) Password entry: Forced re-auth"/>
<int value="21"
label="(Deprecated) Password entry: Sign-in with Smart Lock disabled"/>
<int value="22" label="Password entry: Primary user absent"/>
<enum name="EasyUnlockDeviceModelHash">
<int value="-1829584143" label="Motorola XT1097"/>
<int value="-1429808627" label="HTC One"/>
<int value="-1168032746" label="Motorola Nexus 6"/>
<int value="-617422855" label="LGE Nexus 4"/>
<int value="684891985" label="Motorola Moto X"/>
<int value="1286382027" label="Motorola XT1095"/>
<int value="1412446710" label="Motorola XT1096"/>
<int value="1881443083" label="LGE Nexus 5"/>
<enum name="EasyUnlockDidUserManuallyUnlockPhone">
<int value="0" label="Never locked"/>
<int value="1" label="Manually unlocked"/>
<enum name="EasyUnlockRemoteLockScreenState">
<int value="0" label="Unknown state"/>
<int value="1" label="Lock screen disabled, trust agent unsupported"/>
<int value="2" label="Lock screen disabled, trust agent disabled"/>
<int value="3" label="Lock screen disabled, trust agent enabled"/>
<int value="4" label="Lock screen enabled, trust agent unsupported"/>
<int value="5" label="Lock screen enabled, trust agent disabled"/>
<int value="6" label="Lock screen enabled, trust agent enabled"/>
<enum name="FirstSmartLockStatus">
<int value="0" label="Bluetooth disabled"/>
<int value="1" label="Phone not lockable"/>
<int value="2" label="Phone not found"/>
<int value="3" label="Phone not authenticated"/>
<int value="4" label="Phone found but locked and distant"/>
<int value="5" label="Phone found and nearby but locked"/>
<int value="6" label="Phone found and unlocked but distant"/>
<int value="7" label="Phone authenticated, ready to unlock Chromebook"/>
<int value="8" label="Primary user absent"/>
<enum name="GCMClientResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Invalid parameter"/>
<int value="2" label="GCM disabled"/>
<int value="3" label="Async operation pending"/>
<int value="4" label="Network error"/>
<int value="5" label="Server error"/>
<int value="6" label="TTL exceeded"/>
<int value="7" label="Unknown error"/>
<enum name="GCMInstanceIdResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Invalid parameter"/>
<int value="2" label="Disabled"/>
<int value="3" label="Async operation pending"/>
<int value="4" label="Network error"/>
<int value="5" label="Server error"/>
<int value="7" label="Unknown error"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_ConnectionToHostResult_EndResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Internal error"/>
<int value="2" label="User cancelled connection attempt"/>
<int value="3" label="Provisioning failed"/>
<int value="4" label="No cellular data"/>
<int value="5" label="Tethering unsupported"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_ConnectionToHostResult_Failure">
<int value="0" label="Unknown error"/>
<int value="1" label="Tethering timed out"/>
<int value="2" label="Client connection error"/>
<int value="3" label="(obsolete) Tethering unsupported"/>
<int value="4" label="(obsolete) No cellular data"/>
<int value="5" label="Enabling hotspot failed"/>
<int value="6" label="Enabling hotspot timed out"/>
<int value="7" label="No response"/>
<int value="8" label="Invalid hotspot credentials"/>
<int value="9"
label="Successful request but no ConnectTetheringResponse message"/>
<int value="10" label="Unrecognized response error"/>
<int value="11" label="Invalid active existing soft AP config"/>
<int value="12" label="Invalid new soft AP config"/>
<int value="13" label="Invalid Wifi AP config"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_ConnectionToHostResult_Failure_ClientConnection">
<int value="0" label="Timeout while waiting to connect"/>
<int value="1" label="(obsolete) Canceled"/>
<int value="2" label="Internal error"/>
<int value="3" label="Network Connection Handler Failed"/>
<int value="4" label="Network State was null"/>
<int value="5" label="Wifi failed to enable"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_ConnectionToHostResult_Failure_TetheringTimeout">
<int value="0" label="First-time setup was required"/>
<int value="1" label="First-time setup was not required"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_ConnectionToHostResult_ProvisioningFailureRate">
<int value="0" label="Provisioning failed"/>
<int value="1" label="Other"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_ConnectionToHostResult_SuccessRate">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Failure"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_ConnectionToHostResult_UnavoidableError">
<int value="0" label="Other"/>
<int value="1" label="Provisioning failed"/>
<int value="2" label="User cancellation"/>
<int value="3" label="Tethering unsupported"/>
<int value="4" label="No cellular data"/>
<int value="5" label="Feature shut down during connection attempt"/>
<int value="6" label="Cancelled for newer connection attempt"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_FeatureState">
<int value="0" label="Shut down (deprecated)"/>
<int value="1" label="BLE advertising not supported"/>
<int value="2" label="Screen locked (deprecated)"/>
<int value="3" label="No available hosts"/>
<int value="4" label="Cellular disabled"/>
<int value="5" label="Prohibited"/>
<int value="6" label="Bluetooth disabled"/>
<int value="7" label="User preference disabled"/>
<int value="8" label="Enabled"/>
<int value="9" label="BLE not present"/>
<int value="10" label="WiFi not present"/>
<int value="11" label="Suspended"/>
<int value="12" label="Better Together suite disabled"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_HostScanResult">
<int value="0" label="No hosts found"/>
<int value="1" label="Notification shown for single host"/>
<int value="2" label="Notification shown for multiple hosts"/>
<int value="3" label="Hosts found but no notification shown"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_NotificationInteractionType">
<int value="0" label="Notification body clicked: Single host nearby"/>
<int value="1" label="Notification body clicked: Multiple hosts nearby"/>
<int value="2" label="Notification body clicked: Setup required"/>
<int value="3" label="Notification body clicked: Connection failed"/>
<int value="4" label="Notification button clicked: Single host nearby"/>
<enum name="InstantTethering_SessionCompletionReason">
<int value="0" label="Other"/>
<int value="1" label="User disconnected"/>
<int value="2" label="Connection dropped"/>
<int value="3" label="User logged out"/>
<int value="4" label="User closed lid"/>
<int value="5" label="Pref disabled"/>
<int value="6" label="Bluetooth disabled"/>
<int value="7" label="Cellular disabled"/>
<int value="8" label="Wi-Fi disabled"/>
<int value="9" label="Bluetooth controller disappeared"/>
<int value="10" label="MultiDevice host unverified"/>
<int value="11" label="Better Together suite disabled"/>
<enum name="MultiDevice_DeviceSyncService_DeviceSyncRequestFailureReason">
<int value="0" label="Requested succeeded but unexpected result"/>
<int value="1" label="Service not yet initialized"/>
<int value="2" label="Device offline"/>
<int value="3" label="Server endpoint not found"/>
<int value="4" label="Authentication error"/>
<int value="5" label="Bad request"/>
<int value="6" label="Response malformed"/>
<int value="7" label="Internal server error"/>
<int value="8" label="Unknown network error"/>
<int value="9" label="Unknown error"/>
<enum name="MultiDevice_DeviceSyncService_Features">
<int value="0" label="Unknown"/>
<int value="1" label="Better Together Suite"/>
<int value="2" label="Smart Lock"/>
<int value="3" label="Instant Tethering"/>
<int value="4" label="Messages"/>
<int value="5" label="Unexpected Client Feature"/>
<enum name="MultiDevice_DeviceSyncService_ForceCryptAuthOperationResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Service not ready"/>
<enum name="MultiDevice_PostOOBESetupFlow_Page">
<int value="0" label="Unknown page"/>
<int value="1" label="Start page"/>
<int value="2" label="Password page"/>
<int value="3" label="Success page"/>
<enum name="MultiDevice_Setup_HostStatus">
<int value="0" label="No eligible hosts"/>
<int value="1" label="Eligible host exists but no host set"/>
<int value="2" label="Host set locally but waiting for backend confirmation"/>
<int value="3" label="Host set but not yet verified"/>
<int value="4" label="Host verified"/>
<enum name="MultiDevice_VerifyAndForgetHostConfirmationState">
<int value="0" label="Button clicked"/>
<int value="1" label="Completed Setup"/>
<enum name="MultiDeviceNearbyConnectionsInitiatorResult">
<int value="0" label="Connection Success"/>
<int value="1" label="(Obsolete) Timeout Discovering Device"/>
<int value="2" label="(Obsolete) Nearby Api Error"/>
<int value="3" label="(Obsolete) Connection Rejected"/>
<int value="4" label="Connectivity Error"/>
<int value="5" label="Authentication Error"/>
<enum name="MultiDeviceNearbyDisconnectionReason">
<int value="0" label="Disconnection requested by client"/>
<int value="1" label="Failed discovery"/>
<int value="2" label="Timeout during discovery"/>
<int value="3" label="Failed requesting connection"/>
<int value="4" label="Timeout during RequestConnection() call"/>
<int value="5" label="Failed accepting connection"/>
<int value="6" label="Timeout during AcceptConnection() call"/>
<int value="7" label="Connection rejected"/>
<int value="8" label="Timeout waiting for connection to be accepted"/>
<int value="9" label="SendMessage() failed"/>
<int value="10" label="Received unexpected payload type"/>
<int value="11" label="Connection lost"/>
<int value="12" label="Nearby process crash"/>
<int value="13" label="Nearby process Mojo dependency disconnection"/>
<int value="14" label="Received file paylad that wasn't registered"/>
<enum name="MultiDeviceNearbyFileAction">
<int value="0" label="Registered file received"/>
<int value="1" label="Unexpected file received"/>
<enum name="MultiDeviceNearbyFileTransferResult">
<int value="0" label="File transfer success"/>
<int value="1" label="File transfer failure"/>
<int value="2" label="File transfer canceled"/>
<enum name="MultiDeviceNearbyMessageAction">
<int value="0" label="Message Sent"/>
<int value="1" label="Message Received"/>
<enum name="MultiDeviceSetupDialogEntrypoint">
<int value="0" label="Opened from settings page"/>
<int value="1" label="Opened from setup notification"/>
<int value="2" label="Opened from Phone Hub bubble"/>
<int value="3" label="Opened from Phone Hub bubble after nudge"/>
<enum name="MultiDeviceSetupNotification">
<int value="0" label="New user, potential host exists"/>
<int value="1" label="Existing user, host switched"/>
<int value="2" label="Existing user, new Chromebook added"/>
<int value="3" label="Unknown (error case)"/>
<int value="4" label="Wi-Fi Sync Announcement"/>
<enum name="MultideviceSetupNudgeInteraction">
<int value="0" label="Click on nudge"/>
<int value="1" label="Click on Phone Hub icon when nudge is visible"/>
<enum name="MultiDeviceSetupOOBEUserChoice">
Accepted MultiDevice OOBE Setup.
Declined MultiDevice OOBE Setup.
<enum name="NearbyConnectionsStatus">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Error"/>
<int value="2" label="Out-of-order API call"/>
<int value="3" label="Already have active strategy"/>
<int value="4" label="Already advertising"/>
<int value="5" label="Already discovering"/>
<int value="6" label="Endpoint IO error"/>
<int value="7" label="Endpoint unknown"/>
<int value="8" label="Connection rejected"/>
<int value="9" label="Already connected to endpoint"/>
<int value="10" label="Not connected to endpoint"/>
<int value="11" label="Bluetooth error"/>
<int value="12" label="BLE error"/>
<int value="13" label="Wi-Fi LAN error"/>
<int value="14" label="Payload unknown"/>
<int value="15" label="Already listening"/>
<int value="16" label="Connection was reset"/>
<int value="17" label="Connection timed out"/>
<int value="18" label="Unknown failure"/>
<enum name="ProximityAuth_BleWeaveConnectionResult">
<int value="0" label="Closed normally"/>
<int value="1" label="(Deprecated) Timeout: Setting connection latency"/>
<int value="2" label="Timeout: Creating GATT connection"/>
<int value="3" label="Timeout: Starting notify session"/>
<int value="4" label="Timeout: Finding GATT characteristics"/>
<int value="5" label="Timeout: Waiting for connection response"/>
<int value="6" label="Error: Bluetooth device not available"/>
<int value="7" label="Error: Creating GATT connection"/>
<int value="8" label="Error: Starting notify session"/>
<int value="9" label="Error: Finding GATT characteristics"/>
<int value="10" label="Error: Writing GATT characteristics"/>
<int value="11" label="Error: GATT characteristics not available"/>
<int value="12" label="Error: Write queue out of sync"/>
<int value="13" label="Error: Device lost"/>
<int value="14" label="Error: Connection dropped"/>
<int value="15" label="Timeout: Waiting for message to send"/>
<enum name="ProximityAuth_BluetoothGattConnectionResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Error: Auth canceled"/>
<int value="2" label="Error: Auth failed"/>
<int value="3" label="Error: Auth rejected"/>
<int value="4" label="Error: Auth timeout"/>
<int value="5" label="Error: Failed"/>
<int value="6" label="Error: In progress"/>
<int value="7" label="Error: Unknown"/>
<int value="8" label="Error: Unsupported device"/>
<int value="9" label="Unknown result"/>
<enum name="ProximityAuth_BluetoothGattServiceOperationResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Error: Unknown"/>
<int value="2" label="Error: Failed"/>
<int value="3" label="Error: In progress"/>
<int value="4" label="Error: Invalid length"/>
<int value="5" label="Error: Not permitted"/>
<int value="6" label="Error: Not authorized"/>
<int value="7" label="Error: Not paired"/>
<int value="8" label="Error: Not supported"/>
<int value="9" label="Unknown result"/>
<enum name="SecureChannelNearbyConnectionMedium">
<int value="0" label="Connected via Bluetooth"/>
<int value="1" label="Upgraded bandwidth to WebRTC"/>
<int value="2"
label="Disconnected in under 30s without WebRTC upgrade; not provided
enough time to complete bandwidth upgrade process"/>
<enum name="SmartLockAuthEventPasswordState">
<int value="0" label="Unknown state"/>
<int value="1" label="(obsolete) No pairing"/>
<int value="2" label="(obsolete) Pairing changed"/>
<int value="3" label="(obsolete) User hardlock"/>
<int value="4" label="Service not active"/>
<int value="5" label="No Bluetooth"/>
<int value="6" label="Bluetooth connecting"/>
<int value="7" label="Could not connect to phone"/>
<int value="8" label="Phone not authenticated"/>
<int value="9" label="Phone locked"/>
<int value="10" label="RSSI too low"/>
<int value="11" label="Phone authenticated"/>
<int value="12" label="(obsolete) Sign-in failed"/>
<int value="13" label="(obsolete) Pairing added"/>
<int value="14" label="(obsolete) No screenlock state handler"/>
<int value="15" label="Phone locked and RSSI too low"/>
<int value="16" label="(obsolete) Forced Reauthentication"/>
<int value="17" label="(obsolete) Sign-in with Smart Lock disabled"/>
<int value="18" label="Phone not lockable"/>
<int value="19" label="Primary user absent"/>
<enum name="SmartLockAuthMethodChoice">
<int value="0" label="Smart Lock"/>
<int value="1" label="Other"/>
<enum name="SmartLockAuthResultFailureReason">
<int value="0" label="Unlock not allowed"/>
<int value="1" label="(obsolete) Already attempting auth"/>
<int value="2" label="Empty user account"/>
<int value="3" label="Invalid account id"/>
<int value="4" label="Auth attempt cannot start"/>
<int value="5" label="No pending or active host"/>
<int value="6" label="Authentication channel dropped"/>
<int value="7" label="Failed to send unlock request"/>
<int value="8" label="(obsolete) Failed to decrypt sign-in"/>
<int value="9" label="Failed to notify host device that Smart Lock was used"/>
<int value="10" label="Authentication attempt timed out"/>
<int value="11" label="Unlock event sent but not attempting auth"/>
<int value="12" label="Unlock request sent but not attempting auth"/>
<int value="13" label="(obsolete) Login display host does not exist"/>
<int value="14" label="(obsolete) User controller sign in failure"/>
<enum name="SmartLockEnabledState">
<int value="0" label="Enabled"/>
<int value="1" label="Disabled"/>
<int value="2" label="Unset"/>
<enum name="SmartLockFindAndConnectToHostResult">
<int value="0" label="Found and connected to host"/>
<int value="1" label="Canceled, Bluetooth disabled"/>
<int value="2" label="Canceled, user entered password"/>
<int value="3" label="Connection attempt failure with SecureChannel service"/>
<int value="4"
label="Timed out (phone is too far, it or its Bluetooth is off, or a
connection error occurred)"/>
<enum name="SmartLockGetRemoteStatusResultFailureReason">
<int value="0" label="Canceled, Bluetooth disabled"/>
<int value="1"
label="(Deprecated) Timed out could not establish authenticated channel"/>
<int value="2" label="Timed out did not receive remote status update"/>
<int value="3"
label="(Deprecated) User entered password while Bluetooth disabled"/>
<int value="4" label="Canceled, user entered password"/>
<int value="5" label="Authenticated channel dropped"/>
<enum name="SmartLockToggle">
<int value="0" label="Enabled on multidevice page"/>
<int value="1" label="Disabled on multidevice page"/>
<int value="2" label="Enabled on lock screen settings"/>
<int value="3" label="Disabled on lock screen settings"/>