
Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.


This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.

For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see

Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].


<!-- Enum types -->


<enum name="AddSupervisionEnrollment">
  <summary>Tracks the state of the Add Supervision dialog process.</summary>
  <int value="0" label="Initiated"/>
  <int value="1" label="Completed"/>
  <int value="2" label="Signed out"/>
  <int value="3" label="Closed"/>
  <int value="4" label="Switched accounts"/>

<enum name="BooleanHasConflict">
  <int value="0" label="No conflict"/>
  <int value="1" label="Has conflict"/>

<!-- LINT.IfChange(ClassifyUrlThrottleStatus) -->

<enum name="ClassifyUrlThrottleStatus">
  <summary>Defines throttle interaction type with the navigation flow.</summary>
  <int value="0" label="Continue">
    The classification result is not needed yet so the throttle continues.
  <int value="1" label="Proceed">
    The classification is completed and allows the throttle to proceed with the
  <int value="2" label="Defer">
    The classification result is needed. Navigation is deferred to allow
    classification to complete.
  <int value="3" label="DeferAndScheduleInterstitial">
    The classification is completed and requires the throttle to show an
    interstitial. Navigation is deferred to show the interstitial.
  <int value="4" label="Cancel">
    The classification not needed because the throttle can't proceed.
  <int value="5" label="Resume">
    The classification is completed after the throttle called &quot;Defer&quot;,
    and now the navigation can proceed.
  <int value="6" label="Cancel deferred navigation">
    The classification is completed after the throttle called &quot;Defer&quot;,
    and now the navigation must show the interstitial.

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//chrome/browser/supervised_user/classify_url_navigation_throttle.h:ClassifyUrlThrottleStatus) -->

<!-- LINT.IfChange(FamilyInfoLogSourceFetchStatus) -->

<enum name="FamilyInfoLogSourceFetchStatus">
  <int value="0" label="Ok">
    Recorded when a successful response is received from the fetch.
  <int value="1" label="Failure response">
    Recorded when an unsuccessful completion is signaled by the fetcher. This
    corresponds to the non-successful response codes in the
    SupervisedUserProtoFetcherStatus enum.
  <int value="2" label="Timeout">
    Recorded when no completion is signaled by the fetcher within a timeout.

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//chrome/browser/feedback/system_logs/log_sources/family_info_log_source.h:FetchStatus) -->

<enum name="FamilyLinkFilteringSubdomainConflictType">
  <int value="0" label="Only trivial subdomain conflict">
    Recorded when, for an input host, the matching conflicting entries from the
    blocklist and the allowlist differ only in the the trivial www subdomain.
    This result indicates that if trivial subdomain conflicts were not allowed
    there would be no conflicts for the filtered input host.
  <int value="1" label="Only other conflict">
    Recorded when, for an input host, the matching conflicting entries from the
    blocklist and the allowlist differ in a part other than the trivial www
    subdomain. This result indicates that if trivial subdomain conflicts were
    not allowed there would be still the same conflicts for the filtered input
  <int value="2" label="Both trivial subdomain and other conflict">
    Recorded, when for input host, there are matching conflicting entries from
    the blocklist and the allowlist that have both trival subdomain conflicts
    and other conflicts. This result indicates that if trivial subdomain
    conflicts were not allowed there would be still some conflicts for the
    filtered input host.

<enum name="FamilyLinkManagedSiteList">
  <int value="0" label="Empty"/>
  <int value="1" label="Approved List Only"/>
  <int value="2" label="Blocked List Only"/>
  <int value="3" label="Both"/>

<enum name="FamilyLinkUserLocalWebApprovalOutcome">
  <int value="0" label="Approved by parent">
    Request to allow visiting a host was approved by the parent i.e. the parent
    completed the verification flow and selected the (&quot;Approve&quot;
    button). Available on Android.
  <int value="1" label="Denied by parent">
    Request to allow visiting a host was denied by the parent, i.e. the parent
    completed the verification flow and selected the (&quot;Don't approve&quot;
  <int value="2" label="Parent approval cancelled">
    The user cancelled the local website parent approval, i.e. the parent
    navigated away from the approval widget and did not complete the
    verification flow.
  <int value="3" label="Verification widget unsupported API call exception">
    Feature to support parent verification is missing.
  <int value="7" label="Verification widget unexpected exception">
    An unexpected exception occured during parent verification.

<enum name="FamilyLinkUserLocalWebApprovalResult">
    The result of local web approval request. Reported by the browser once
    platform specific approval flow finishes and returns the result.
  <int value="0" label="Approved">
    Request was explicitely approved after parent verification.
  <int value="1" label="Declined">
    Request was explicitely declined after parent verification.
  <int value="2" label="Canceled">
    Request was canceled at any point (before, during or after parent
  <int value="3" label="Error">An error occured during the request flow.</int>

<enum name="FamilyLinkUserLogSegment">
    Filters family link user metrics into categories of interest.
  <int value="0" label="Other Not Supervised">
    None of the users are supervised. This includes signed out users, and where
    a secondary account is supervised.
  <int value="1" label="Policy Enabled Supervision">
    Users under the age of consent automatically have supervision applied to
    their accounts.
  <int value="2" label="User Enabled Supervision">
    Users over the age of consent can opt into supervision.
  <int value="3" label="Mixed Profile">
    Profiles with different supervision types were in use during the reporting

<enum name="FamilyLinkUserParentAccessWidgetError">
    Error that occurs in the parent access widget. ChromeOS only.
  <int value="0" label="OAuth2 Error">
    Error that occurs when OAuth2 token request fails.
  <int value="1" label="Delegate Not Available">
    Error that occurs when Delegate is not available in ParentAccessUIHandler.
    Likely caused by trying to create WebUI without a dialog.
  <int value="2" label="Decoding Error">
    Error that occurs when parent access result cannot be decoded from base64.
  <int value="3" label="Parsing Error">
    Error that occurs when decoded parent access result cannot be parsed into a
  <int value="4" label="Unknown Callback">
    Error that occurs when an unknown type of callback is provided for

<enum name="FamilyLinkUserParentAccessWidgetShowDialogError">
    Error that prevents the parent access widget dialog from showing. ChromeOS
  <int value="0" label="Unknown Error">Unknown error in ParentAccess UI.</int>
  <int value="1" label="Dialog Already Visible">
    Error that occurs when ParentAccess UI invoked by non-child user. Indicates
    a programming error.
  <int value="2" label="Not a Child User">
    Error that occurs when ParentAccess UI invoked while instance already
    visible. Indicates a programming error.

<enum name="FamilyLinkWebFilterType">
  <int value="0" label="Allow All Sites"/>
  <int value="1" label="Try To Block Mature Sites"/>
  <int value="2" label="Only allow Certain Sites"/>
  <int value="3" label="Mixed web filters on device"/>

<enum name="FamilyUserLogSegment">
  <summary>Filters family user metrics into categories of interest.</summary>
  <int value="0" label="Other"/>
  <int value="1" label="Supervised User"/>
  <int value="2" label="Supervised Student"/>
  <int value="3" label="Student at Home"/>
  <int value="4" label="Regular User"/>

<enum name="LegacySupervisedUserStatus">
  <int value="0" label="Displayed on login screen"/>
  <int value="1" label="Hidden on login screen"/>
  <int value="2" label="Attempted cryptohome deletion"/>

<enum name="ManagedModeBlockingCommand">
  <int value="0" label="Preview"/>
  <int value="1" label="Back"/>
  <int value="2" label="New Tab Page"/>
  <int value="3" label="Remote Access Request"/>
  <int value="4" label="Local Access Request"/>

<enum name="ManagedUserURLRequestPermissionSource">
  <int value="0" label="MAIN_FRAME">Request was made from main frame</int>
  <int value="1" label="SUB_FRAME">Request was made from subframe</int>

<enum name="NewUserAdded">
  <int value="0" label="Other user added"/>
  <int value="1" label="Family Link user added"/>
  <int value="2" label="Regular user added"/>

<enum name="OnDeviceControlsAppRemoval">
  <int value="0" label="Oldest uninstalled blocked app removed">
    Recorded when the oldest uninstalled blocked app was successfully removed.
  <int value="1" label="Oldest uninstalled blocked app not found">
    Recorded when the oldest uninstalled blocked app failed to be removed
    because it was not found.

<enum name="OnDeviceControlsBlockAppAction">
  <int value="0" label="Block app">
    Recorded when a user has blocked an app with on-device controls.
  <int value="1" label="Unblock app">
    Recorded when a user has unblocked an app with on-device controls.
  <int value="2" label="Uninstall blocked app">
    Recorded when a user has uninstalled an app that is blocked with on-device
  <int value="3" label="Block app error">
    Recorded when attempting to block an already-blocked app.
  <int value="4" label="Unblock app error">
    Recorded when attempting to unblock an unblocked app.
  <int value="5" label="Unblock all apps">
    Recorded when a user has unblocked all apps with on-device controls.

<enum name="OnDeviceControlsBlockedAppDialog">
  <int value="0" label="Dialog shown"/>
  <int value="1" label="Existing dialog replaced"/>

<enum name="OnDeviceControlsDialogAction">
  <int value="0" label="Dialog opened">
    Recorded when the user opens the dialog.
  <int value="1" label="Dialog flow completed">
    Recorded when the user completes the dialog flow.

<enum name="OnDeviceControlsPinDialogError">
  <int value="0" label="Invalid PIN format on setup"/>
  <int value="1" label="Incorrect PIN on verification"/>
  <int value="2" label="Forgot PIN link clicked"/>

<enum name="ParentAccessCodeAction">
  <summary>Action resulting from parent access code dialog</summary>
  <int value="0" label="Validation success"/>
  <int value="1" label="Validation error"/>
  <int value="2" label="Validation canceled by user"/>
  <int value="3" label="Get help user action"/>

<enum name="ParentAccessCodeUsage">
  <summary>Context in which parent access code was used</summary>
  <int value="0" label="Time limits"/>
  <int value="1" label="Time change on login screen"/>
  <int value="2" label="Time change user session"/>
  <int value="3" label="Timezone change"/>
  <int value="4" label="Add user"/>
  <int value="5" label="Reauthentication"/>

<enum name="ParentAccessCodeValidationResult">
  <summary>Result of the parent access code validation</summary>
  <int value="0" label="Valid"/>
  <int value="1" label="Invalid"/>
  <int value="2" label="No config"/>
  <int value="3" label="Internal error"/>

<enum name="ParentAccessFlowResult">
  <int value="0" label="Initial screen"/>
  <int value="1" label="Parent authentication"/>
  <int value="2" label="Approval screen"/>
  <int value="3" label="Access approved"/>
  <int value="4" label="Access declined"/>
  <int value="5" label="Error"/>
  <int value="6" label="Requests Disabled"/>

<!-- LINT.IfChange(SupervisedUserExtension2) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserExtension2">
    Tracks the state of a supervised user trying to install an extension.
  <int value="0" label="Extension Approval Granted">
    Incremented when the custodian explicitly grants approval to install an
    extension for the first time. This is not output if the parent configuration
    is set to not require approvals.
  <int value="1" label="Permissions Increase Granted">
    Incremeted when the custodian approves a newer version of an existing
    extension with increased permissions.
  <int value="2" label="Extension Approval Removed">
    Incremented when the supervised user removes an extension (which removes the
    previously granted custodian approval).
  <int value="3" label="Extension Approval Granted by Default">
    Incremented when the supervised user installs an extension, and the parent
    configuration is set to not require approvals. The approval is therefore
    granted implicitly.
  <int value="4" label="Local Extension Approval Granted">
    Incremented when an extension is marked as approved only on this device.
    This happens on Windows/Mac/Linux when a supervised user had
    previously-installed extensions, and the
    SkipParentApprovalToInstallExtensions feature is first released.

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_extensions_metrics_recorder.h:UmaExtensionState) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserExtensionEnablement">
    Tracks supervised user actions to enable or disable extensions.
  <int value="0" label="Enabled"/>
  <int value="1" label="Disabled"/>
  <int value="2" label="Enable attempt failed"/>

<!-- LINT.IfChange(SupervisedUserExtensionInstallDialog) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserExtensionInstallDialog">
    Tracks the actions of a supervised user on the Extension Install Dialog.
  <int value="0" label="Opened"/>
  <int value="1" label="Asked Parent (Deprecated)"/>
  <int value="2" label="Child Canceled"/>
  <int value="3" label="Child Accepted"/>

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_extensions_metrics_recorder.h:ExtensionInstallDialogState) -->

<!-- LINT.IfChange(SupervisedUserExtensionParentApprovalEntryPoint) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserExtensionParentApprovalEntryPoint">
    Tracks the different user flows that lead to displaying the Extension parent
    approval dialog.
  <int value="0" label="Installed from Webstore">
    The approval dialog is shown during a new extension installation from the
  <int value="1" label="Enabled from extensions management page">
    The approval dialog is shown when the user tries to enable an extension from
    the extesnion management page.
  <int value="2"
      label="Enabled a disabled or terminated extension via the extension
             enable flow">
    The approval dialog is shown when the user tries to enable an disabled or
    terminated via the extension enable flow.

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//extensions/browser/supervised_user_extensions_delegate.h:SupervisedUserExtensionParentApprovalEntryPoint) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserFaviconAvailability">
  <int value="0" label="Favicon Available"/>
  <int value="1" label="Favicon Unavailable"/>

<enum name="SupervisedUserFilterTopLevelResult">
  <int value="0" label="ALLOWED">
    Records sites that have been allowed explicitly through the allowlist; when
    SafeSites is enabled and the website is not blocked; and when all sites are
    enabled through parental settings.
  <int value="1" label="BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Sites blocked due to the safe sites filtering.
  <int value="2" label="BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Sites blocked due to being on the blocklist. Includes visits to sites on
    blocklist while &quot;Only allow certain sites&quot; setting is turned on.
  <int value="3" label="BLOCKED_NOT_IN_ALLOWLIST">
    Sites that are blocked when &quot;Only allow certain sites&quot; setting is
    turned on

<!-- LINT.IfChange(SupervisedUserImplicitParentApprovalGrantEntryPoint) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserImplicitParentApprovalGrantEntryPoint">
    Tracks the different user flows that lead to granting an automatic parent
    approval to an extension for a supervised user.
  <int value="0"
      label="Parent configuration Extensions switch is flipped to enabled">
    Recorded when an extension that did not have parent approval is granted it,
    when the Family Link &quot;Extensions&quot; toggle is flipped to On. In this
    mode no explicit parental approval is required.
  <int value="1" label="New extension is installed">
    Recorded when an extension is granted parent approval at the time of its
    installation, when it is installed under the &quot;Extensions&quot; toggle
    set to On. In this mode no explicit parental approval is required.

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//chrome/browser/supervised_user/supervised_user_extensions_metrics_recorder.h:ImplicitExtensionApprovalEntryPoint) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserParentPermissionDialog">
    Tracks the actions of a parent on the Parent Permission Dialog.
  <int value="0" label="Opened"/>
  <int value="1" label="Parent Approved"/>
  <int value="2" label="Parent Canceled"/>
  <int value="3" label="Failed"/>
  <int value="4" label="No Parent Error"/>
  <int value="5" label="Incorrect Parent Password Error"/>

<!-- LINT.IfChange(SupervisedUserProtoFetcherStatus) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserProtoFetcherStatus">
  <int value="0" label="NoError">
    The overall request was successul.

    If this endpoint uses BestEffort credentials mode, it is possible there was
    an access token error, in which case the separate {RequestType}.AuthError
    histogram is also output (but not the AuthError bucket of this histogram).
  <int value="1" label="AuthError">
    The request failed due to an error fetching the access token. The
    {RequestType}.AuthError histogram contains more fine-grained error details.

    This value is not output if the access token fetch failed, but the request
    was still performed due to credentials being &quot;BestEffort&quot; on this
  <int value="2" label="HttpStatusOrNetError">
    The request was performed, but network or http returned errors.
  <int value="3" label="ParseError">
    The request was performed without error, but the response could not be
    processed or was unexpected.
  <int value="4" label="DataError">
    The request was parsed, but did not contain all required data.

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//components/supervised_user/core/browser/proto_fetcher.h:State) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserSafetyFilterResult">
  <int value="100" label="LINK_ALLOWED">Link; Allowed as safe</int>
  <int value="101" label="TYPED_ALLOWED">Typed URL; Allowed as safe</int>
  <int value="102" label="AUTO_BOOKMARK_ALLOWED">Bookmark; Allowed as safe</int>
  <int value="103" label="AUTO_SUBFRAME_ALLOWED">
    Subframe navigation; Allowed as safe
  <int value="104" label="MANUAL_SUBFRAME_ALLOWED">
    Manual subframe navigation; Allowed as safe
  <int value="105" label="GENERATED_ALLOWED">
    Generated from Omnibox; Allowed as safe
  <int value="106" label="AUTO_TOPLEVEL_ALLOWED">
    Automatic toplevel navigation; Allowed as safe
  <int value="107" label="FORM_SUBMIT_ALLOWED">
    Form submission; Allowed as safe
  <int value="108" label="RELOAD_ALLOWED">Reload; Allowed as safe</int>
  <int value="109" label="KEYWORD_ALLOWED">
    Omnibox keyword; Allowed as safe
  <int value="110" label="KEYWORD_GENERATED_ALLOWED">
    URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Allowed as safe
  <int value="199" label="OTHER_ALLOWED">Other navigation; Allowed as safe</int>
  <int value="200" label="LINK_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Link; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="201" label="TYPED_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Typed URL; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="202" label="AUTO_BOOKMARK_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Bookmark; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="203" label="AUTO_SUBFRAME_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Subframe navigation; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="204" label="MANUAL_SUBFRAME_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Manual subframe navigation; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="205" label="GENERATED_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Generated from Omnibox; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="206" label="AUTO_TOPLEVEL_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Automatic toplevel navigation; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="207" label="FORM_SUBMIT_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Form submission; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="208" label="RELOAD_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Reload; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="209" label="KEYWORD_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Omnibox keyword; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="210" label="KEYWORD_GENERATED_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Allowed by default (safety state
  <int value="299" label="OTHER_ALLOWED_UNKNOWN">
    Other navigation; Allowed by default (safety state unknown)
  <int value="300" label="LINK_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Link; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="301" label="TYPED_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Typed URL; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="302" label="AUTO_BOOKMARK_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Bookmark; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="303" label="AUTO_SUBFRAME_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Subframe navigation; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="304" label="MANUAL_SUBFRAME_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Manual subframe navigation; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="305" label="GENERATED_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Generated from Omnibox; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="306" label="AUTO_TOPLEVEL_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Automatic toplevel navigation; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="307" label="FORM_SUBMIT_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Form submission; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="308" label="RELOAD_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Reload; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="309" label="KEYWORD_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Omnibox keyword; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="310" label="KEYWORD_GENERATED_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="399" label="OTHER_BLOCKED_DENYLIST">
    Other navigation; Blocked by static denylist
  <int value="400" label="LINK_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Link; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="401" label="TYPED_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Typed URL; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="402" label="AUTO_BOOKMARK_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Bookmark; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="403" label="AUTO_SUBFRAME_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Subframe navigation; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="404" label="MANUAL_SUBFRAME_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Manual subframe navigation; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="405" label="GENERATED_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Generated from Omnibox; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="406" label="AUTO_TOPLEVEL_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Automatic toplevel navigation; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="407" label="FORM_SUBMIT_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Form submission; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="408" label="RELOAD_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Reload; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="409" label="KEYWORD_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Omnibox keyword; Blocked by SafeSites
    URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="499" label="OTHER_BLOCKED_SAFESITES">
    Other navigation; Blocked by SafeSites
  <int value="500" label="LINK_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Link; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="501" label="TYPED_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Typed URL; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="502" label="AUTO_BOOKMARK_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Bookmark; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="503" label="AUTO_SUBFRAME_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Subframe navigation; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="504" label="MANUAL_SUBFRAME_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Manual subframe navigation; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="505" label="GENERATED_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Generated from Omnibox; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="506" label="AUTO_TOPLEVEL_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Automatic toplevel navigation; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="507" label="FORM_SUBMIT_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Form submission; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="508" label="RELOAD_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Reload; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="509" label="KEYWORD_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Omnibox keyword; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="510" label="KEYWORD_GENERATED_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="599" label="OTHER_BLOCKED_MANUAL">
    Other navigation; Blocked by manual exception
  <int value="600" label="LINK_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Link; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="601" label="TYPED_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Typed URL; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="602" label="AUTO_BOOKMARK_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Bookmark; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="603" label="AUTO_SUBFRAME_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Subframe navigation; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="604" label="MANUAL_SUBFRAME_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Manual subframe navigation; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="605" label="GENERATED_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Generated from Omnibox; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="606" label="AUTO_TOPLEVEL_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Automatic toplevel navigation; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="607" label="FORM_SUBMIT_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Form submission; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="608" label="RELOAD_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Reload; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="609" label="KEYWORD_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Omnibox keyword; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="610" label="KEYWORD_GENERATED_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="699" label="OTHER_BLOCKED_DEFAULT">
    Other navigation; Blocked by global settings
  <int value="700" label="LINK_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Link; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="701" label="TYPED_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Typed URL; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="702" label="AUTO_BOOKMARK_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Bookmark; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="703" label="AUTO_SUBFRAME_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Subframe navigation; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="704" label="MANUAL_SUBFRAME_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Manual subframe navigation; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="705" label="GENERATED_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Generated from Omnibox; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="706" label="AUTO_TOPLEVEL_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Automatic toplevel navigation; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="707" label="FORM_SUBMIT_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Form submission; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="708" label="RELOAD_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Reload; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="709" label="KEYWORD_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Omnibox keyword; Allowed by allowlist
    URL generated from Omnibox keyword; Allowed by allowlist
  <int value="799" label="OTHER_ALLOWED_ALLOWLIST">
    Other navigation; Allowed by allowlist

<!-- LINT.IfChange(SupervisedUserToggleState) -->

<enum name="SupervisedUserToggleState">
  <int value="0" label="Disabled">
    There is at least one supervised profile, and all supervised profiles have
    the toggle disabled.
  <int value="1" label="Enabled">
    There is at least one supervised profile, and all supervised profiles have
    the toggle enabled.
  <int value="2" label="Mixed">
    There are multiple supervised profiles, some with the toggle disabled and
    some with it enabled.

<!-- LINT.ThenChange(//components/supervised_user/core/common/supervised_user_constants.h:ToggleState) -->

<enum name="SupervisionStatusReportEvent">
  <summary>Events that trigger status report for supervised accounts</summary>
  <int value="0" label="APP_INSTALLED"/>
  <int value="1" label="APP_UPDATED"/>
  <int value="2" label="SESSION_ACTIVE"/>
  <int value="3" label="SESSION_LOCKED"/>
  <int value="4" label="DEVICE_ONLINE"/>
  <int value="5" label="SUSPEND_DONE"/>
  <int value="6" label="USAGE_TIME_LIMIT_WARNING"/>

<enum name="TimeLimitPolicyType">
<!-- App Time Limit does not cover blocked apps. -->

  <int value="0" label="No Time Limit"/>
  <int value="1" label="Override Time Limit"/>
  <int value="2" label="Bed Time Limit"/>
  <int value="3" label="Screen Time Limit"/>
  <int value="4" label="Web Time Limit"/>
  <int value="5" label="App Time Limit"/>

