
Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.

This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of histograms related to
feature engagement along with a detailed description for each histogram.

For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see

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<variants name="IPHDatabase">
  <variant name="AvailabilityStore" summary="Availability store"/>
  <variant name="EventStore" summary="Event store"/>

<variants name="IPHFeature">
  <variant name="IPH_AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_AddToBookmarks"
      summary="the add to bookmarks adaptive button in the top toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_NewTab"
      summary="the new tab adaptive button in the top toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_ReadAloud"
      summary="the Read Aloud adaptive button in the top toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_Share"
      summary="the share adaptive button in the top toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_Translate"
      summary="the translate adaptive button in the top toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_VoiceSearch"
      summary="the voice search adaptive button in the top toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AddToHomescreenMessage"
      summary="educating users about adding website shortcuts to their home
               screen (using a message UI)"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AddToHomescreenTextBubble"
      summary="(obsolete) educating users about adding website shortcuts to
               their home screen (using a text bubble)"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AndroidTabDeclutter"
      summary="Shows how to access tabs which have been archived."/>
  <variant name="IPH_AppSpecificHistory" summary="App Specific History action"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutoDarkOptOut"
      summary="educating users about disabling auto dark feature globally"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutoDarkUserEducationMessage"
      summary="message educating users about disabling auto dark web contents
               feature globally"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutoDarkUserEducationMessageOptIn"
      summary="message educating users about enabling auto dark web contents
               feature globally"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutofillCreditCardBenefit"
      summary="message shown in the Autofill dropdown to educate users on the
               existence of credit card benefits."/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutofillDisabledVirtualCardSuggestion"
      summary="message shown along with a disabled and grayed-out virtual
               card suggestion in the autofill suggestion list indicating
               that the merchant has opted-out of accepting virtual cards."/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutofillExternalAccountProfileSuggestion"
      summary="message shown along with the externally created (e.g. in
               Google Pay) profile suggestion option in the Autofill dropdown"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutofillManualFallback"
      summary="message educating users about the possibility of triggering
               autofill on any field from the context menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutofillVirtualCardCVCSuggestion"
      summary="message shown to users that have saved a virtual card on an
               online merchant website to educate users on how to fill in
               their virtual card verification code"/>
  <variant name="IPH_AutofillVirtualCardSuggestion"
      summary="message shown along with the virtual card suggestion option in
               the Autofill dropdown to educate users virtual cards come with
               better security"/>
  <variant name="IPH_BackNavigationMenu"
      summary="educating users about the back navigation menu to navigate
               back more than one page at a time."/>
  <variant name="IPH_BadgedReadingList" summary="badged reading list"/>
  <variant name="IPH_BatterySaverMode" summary="battery saver mode"/>
  <variant name="IPH_Bookmark" summary="bookmark"/>
  <variant name="IPH_BottomToolbarTip" summary="bottom toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_CCTHistory" summary="CCT history action"/>
  <variant name="IPH_CCTMinimized" summary="CCT minimize action"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ChromeDuet"
      summary="notifying users that search accelerator is at the bottom of
               the screen"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ChromeDuetHomeButton"
      summary="notifying users that home button has moved to the bottom of
               the screen"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ChromeDuetTabSwitcherButton"
      summary="notifying users that tab switcher button has moved to the
               bottom of the screen"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ChromeHomeExpand"
      summary="Chrome Home shown on cold start"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ChromeHomePullToRefresh"
      summary="Chrome Home shown after a pull-to-refresh"/>
  <variant name="IPH_CompanionSidePanel"
      summary="prompting users to view the companion feature in the side
  <variant name="IPH_CompanionSidePanelRegionSearch"
      summary="prompting users to use the region search feature in the
               companion side panel"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ComposeMSBBSettingsFeature"
      summary="Prompting users to enable MSBB to use the compose feature."/>
  <variant name="IPH_ComposeNewBadgeFeature"
      summary="New badge shows in Autofill popup entry"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualPageActions_PriceTracking"
      summary="contextual page price tracking action in the top toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualPageActions_PriceTrackingActionChip"
      summary="action chip variant of contextual page price tracking action
               in the top toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualSearchInPanelHelp"
      summary="promoting longpress from within the panel"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualSearchOptIn"
      summary="opting-in to contextual search"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualSearchPromotePanelOpen"
      summary="opening the contextual search panel"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualSearchPromoteTap"
      summary="tap trigger for contextual search"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualSearchTappedButShouldLongpress"
      summary="contextual search to help users that try to trigger the
               feature with a tap to long-press instead"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualSearchTranslationEnable"
      summary="contextual search to help users enable our privacy policy in
               order to get better translations"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ContextualSearchWebSearch"
      summary="contextual search for users who use web search"/>
  <variant name="IPH_CookieControls"
      summary="promo for third-party cookie blocking and controls"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DataSaverDetail" summary="data saver detail"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DataSaverMilestonePromo"
      summary="data saver milestone promo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DataSaverPreview" summary="data saver preview"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DefaultSiteView" summary="default site view info on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DesktopCustomizeChrome"
      summary="customizing new tab page"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DesktopCustomizeChromeRefresh"
      summary="customizing new tab page for refresh"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DesktopNewTabPageModulesCustomize"
      summary="customizing new tab page modules"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DesktopPwaInstall" summary="desktop PWA install icon"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DesktopPWAsLinkCapturingLaunch"
      summary="PWA launch due to link capturing being enabled"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DesktopReEngagement"
      summary="extra help for low-engagement users"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DesktopSharedHighlighting"
      summary="Sharing links with highlighted text"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DiscardRing" summary="Discard ring for tabs"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DownloadEsbPromo" summary="download ESB promo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DownloadHome" summary="download home"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DownloadInfobarDownloadContinuing"
      summary="download infobar informing that downloads are still in
  <variant name="IPH_DownloadInfoBarDownloadsAreFaster"
      summary="download infobar informing that downloads are now faster than
  <variant name="IPH_DownloadPage" summary="download page"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DownloadPageScreenshot"
      summary="download page for screenshot"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DownloadSettings"
      summary="accessing download settings from download home"/>
  <variant name="IPH_DownloadToolbarButton" summary="download toolbar button"/>
  <variant name="IPH_EphemeralTab"
      summary="new label on the context menu for Ephemeral Tab"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ExperimentalAIPromo" summary="Experimental AI promo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ExplicitBrowserSigninPreferenceRemembered"
      summary="Confirmation message that the explicit browser signin
               preference was remembered"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ExploreSitesTile" summary="Explore Sites feature"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ExtensionsMenu" summary="extensions menu opened"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ExtensionsRequestAccessButton"
      summary="extensions request access button shown"/>
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideDefaultBrowserNotificationShown"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide default browser
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideDefaultBrowserPromo"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide default browser promo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideIncognitoTabHelpBubble"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide incognito tab help
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideIncognitoTabNotificationShown"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide incognito tab
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideNTPSuggestionCardHelpBubble"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide NTP suggestion card help
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide NTP suggestion card
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideSignInHelpBubble"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide sign in help bubble"/>
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideSignInNotificationShown"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide sign in notification"/>
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideVoiceSearchHelpBubble"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide voice search help bubble"/>
  <variant name="IPH_FeatureNotificationGuideVoiceSearchNotificationShown"
      summary="(obsolete) feature notification guide voice search
  <variant name="IPH_FeedCardMenu" summary="feed card menu on NTP"/>
  <variant name="IPH_FeedHeaderMenu" summary="feed header menu on NTP"/>
  <variant name="IPH_FeedSwipeRefresh" summary="swipe refreshing feeds on NTP"/>
  <variant name="IPH_FollowWhileBrowsing"
      summary="IPH for following the current site"/>
  <variant name="IPH_GenericAlwaysTriggerHelpUiFeature"
      summary="generic feature to always show help Ui whenever asked"/>
  <variant name="IPH_GlobalMediaControls" summary="the Global Media Controls"/>
  <variant name="IPH_GMCCastStartStop"
      summary="Cast start stop in the Zenith dialog"/>
  <variant name="IPH_GMCLocalMediaCasting"
      summary="Local media cast start in GMC"/>
  <variant name="IPH_GoogleOneOfferNotification"
      summary="show google one offer notification with a visit to Google
               Drive or Google Photo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_HighEfficiencyInfoMode" summary="High efficiency info"/>
  <variant name="IPH_HighEfficiencyMode"
      summary="encourages users to turn on high efficiency mode"/>
  <variant name="IPH_HistorySearch"
      summary="Prompting users to try history search powered by AI."/>
  <variant name="IPH_HomeCustomizationMenu"
      summary="Home customization menu entrypoint on the NTP"/>
  <variant name="IPH_IdentityDisc" summary="Identity Disc"/>
  <variant name="IPH_IncognitoWindow" summary="incognito window"/>
  <variant name="IPH_InstanceSwitcher" summary="instance switcher"/>
  <variant name="IPH_IntentChip" summary="opening a webpage in an app"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSAddressPromoDesktop"
      summary="showing the iOS address promo on desktop"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSChoiceScreenFeature"
      summary="(obsolete) showing the Choice screen on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSContextualPanelPriceInsights"
      summary="contextual panel price insights IPH impression tracking"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSContextualPanelSampleModel"
      summary="contextual panel sample model IPH impression tracking"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSDefaultBrowserBadgeEligibility"
      summary="default browser badge promo eligibility tracking"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSDefaultBrowserOverflowMenuBadge"
      summary="default browser badge promo on the overflow menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSDefaultBrowserSettingsBadge"
      summary="default browser badge promo on the settings menu row"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSDefaultBrowserVideoPromoTrigger"
      summary="(obsolete) notifying that the conditions to show the default
               browser video promo have been met."/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSDockingPromo"
      summary="Showing the Docking Promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSDockingPromoRemindMeLater"
      summary="Showing the Docking Promo (Remind Me Later version) on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSHistoryOnOverflowMenuFeature"
      summary="history item on the overflow menu on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSInlineEnhancedSafeBrowsingPromoFeature"
      summary="Showing the Enhanced Safe Browsing Promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSNewTabToolbarItemFeature"
      summary="the new tab tool bar item (bottom on iPhone, top on iPad)"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSOverflowMenuCustomization"
      summary="overflow menu customization"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPageInfoRevamp"
      summary="(obsolete) showing the Page Info Revamp new badge IPH on the
               overflow menu carousel"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSParcelTrackingFeature"
      summary="showing the Parcel Tracking IPH on the Magic Stack"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPasswordPromoDesktop"
      summary="showing the iOS password promo on desktop"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPaymentPromoDesktop"
      summary="showing the iOS payment promo on desktop"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPostDefaultAbandonmentPromo"
      summary="showing the iOS post-default browser abandonment promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoAllTabs"
      summary="showing All Tabs default browser promo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoAppStore"
      summary="showing the App Store Promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoCredentialProviderExtension"
      summary="showing the Credential Provider Extension Promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoDefaultBrowser"
      summary="showing the Default Browser Promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoDefaultBrowserReminder"
      summary="showing the Default Browser Promo after remind me later on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoGenericDefaultBrowser"
      summary="showing generic default browser promo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoMadeForIOS"
      summary="showing Made for iOS default browser promo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoPasswordManagerWidget"
      summary="showing the Password Manager widget promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoPostRestore"
      summary="showing the Post Restore Promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoPostRestoreDefaultBrowser"
      summary="showing the Post Restore Default Browser Promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoStaySafe"
      summary="showing Stay Safe default browser promo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPromoWhatsNew"
      summary="showing the Whats New Promo on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSPullToRefreshFeature"
      summary="the full screen IPH for pull to refresh"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSReplaceSyncPromosWithSignInPromos"
      summary="account row in settings page"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSSavedTabGroupClosed"
      summary="showing the IPH when closing a saved tab group for the first
  <variant name="IPH_iOSShareToolbarItemFeature"
      summary="the share tool bar item (bottom on iPhone, top on iPad)"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSSwipeBackForward"
      summary="the full screen IPH for edge swipe on page to go backward or
  <variant name="IPH_iOSSwipeToolbarToChangeTab"
      summary="the full screen IPH for swipe on the toolbar to go to the
               previous or next tab in the tab list"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSTabGridSwipeRightForIncognito"
      summary="the full screen IPH for left swipe on regular tab grid to
               browse in incognito"/>
  <variant name="IPH_iOSTabGridToolbarItemFeature"
      summary="the tab grid tool bar item (bottom on iPhone, top on iPad)"/>
  <variant name="IPH_KeyboardAccessoryAddressFilling"
      summary="address autofill suggestions"/>
  <variant name="IPH_KeyboardAccessoryPasswordFilling"
      summary="password autofill suggestions"/>
  <variant name="IPH_KeyboardAccessoryPaymentFilling"
      summary="payments autofill suggestions"/>
  <variant name="IPH_KeyboardAccessoryPaymentOffer"
      summary="payments autofill suggestions that have an offer"/>
  <variant name="IPH_LauncherSearchHelpUi"
      summary="show launcher search chips in the launcher"/>
  <variant name="IPH_LiveCaption" summary="Live Caption"/>
  <variant name="IPH_LongPressToolbarTip" summary="LongPress toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_MicToolbar" summary="the mic button in the toolbar"/>
  <variant name="IPH_NewTab" summary="new tab"/>
  <variant name="IPH_NewTabPageHomeButton"
      summary="(obsolete) new tab page button"/>
  <variant name="IPH_NewTabTip" summary="new tab tip"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PageInfo" summary="opening PageInfo"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PageInfoStoreInfo" summary="PageInfoStoreInfo feature"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PageZoom"
      summary="educating users about the zoom option in the main menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PasswordManagerShortcut"
      summary="Password Manager shortcut."/>
  <variant name="IPH_PasswordSharingFeature"
      summary="educating the users about password sharing when they open
               password details page"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PasswordsManagementBubbleAfterSave"
      summary="educating the users about the password management bubble after
               saving a password"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PasswordsManagementBubbleDuringSignin"
      summary="educating the users about the password management bubble
               during signin flows"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PasswordSuggestions"
      summary="the Autofill password suggestions on iOS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PasswordsWebAppProfileSwitch"
      summary="profile switch in Password Manager web app"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PerformanceInterventionDialog"
      summary="triggering the performance intervention dialog and toolbar
  <variant name="IPH_PerformanceNewBadge"
      summary="New badge shows next to performance item on the app menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PlusAddressCreateSuggestion"
      summary="message shown in Autofill dropdown to educate users on the
               existence of the plus address benefits"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PowerBookmarksSidePanel"
      summary="prompting users to view bookmarks in the side panel"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PreviewsOmniboxUI"
      summary="the Previews UI in the Android Omnibox"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PriceDropNTP"
      summary="the in product help message to inform users that a price drop
               has occurred in a tab"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PriceInsightsPageActionIconLabel"
      summary="price insights page action icon label triggering"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PriceTrackingChipFeature"
      summary="first time user sees the price tracking page action icon"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PriceTrackingEmailConsentFeature"
      summary="An email consent dialog shown after saving a product if a
               decision about receiving email notifications has not been
  <variant name="IPH_PriceTrackingInSidePanel"
      summary="first time user tracks a product to educate them to see the
               price tracking list in side panel"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PriceTrackingPageActionIconLabel"
      summary="price tracking page action icon label triggering"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ProfileSwitch"
      summary="switching profiles using the profile menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_PwaInstallAvailableFeature"
      summary="surfacing the Android PWA install option"/>
  <variant name="IPH_QuietNotificationPrompts"
      summary="the quiet notification prompts feature"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadAloudAppMenuFeature"
      summary="the Read Aloud button in the overflow menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadAloudExpandedPlayerFeature"
      summary="promotes expanded player for Read Aloud"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadingListDiscovery"
      summary="first time a tab is added to reading list"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadingListEntryPoint"
      summary="educating users to click the star icon to add a tab to reading
  <variant name="IPH_ReadingListInSidePanel"
      summary="promotes use of the reading list in the side panel"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadingListMessages"
      summary="the Reading List entry point in iOS tools menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadingMode"
      summary="educating users to click the side panel icon to open reading
  <variant name="IPH_ReadingModeSidePanel"
      summary="promotes use of reading mode in the side panel"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadLaterAppMenuBookmarks" summary="read later app menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadLaterAppMenuBookmarkThisPage"
      summary="read later app menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadLaterBottomSheet"
      summary="read later bottom sheet entry point"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReadLaterContextMenu"
      summary="read later context menu entry point"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ReopenTab" summary="reopening closed tabs"/>
  <variant name="IPH_RequestDesktopSiteAppMenu"
      summary="(obsolete) educating users about using the desktop site app
               menu item to add a site-level exception"/>
  <variant name="IPH_RequestDesktopSiteDefaultOn"
      summary="the in product help message to let users opt out of desktop
               site global settings default-on"/>
  <variant name="IPH_RequestDesktopSiteExceptionsGeneric"
      summary="educating tablet users about using the desktop site per-site
               settings in general"/>
  <variant name="IPH_RequestDesktopSiteOptIn"
      summary="(obsolete) the in product help message to let users turn on
               the desktop site global settings"/>
  <variant name="IPH_RequestDesktopSiteWindowSetting"
      summary="educating users about using the desktop site window setting"/>
  <variant name="IPH_RestoreTabsOnFRE"
      summary="the in product help sheet to let users know they can restore
               tabs from other synced devices on a fresh Chrome install"/>
  <variant name="IPH_RtlGestureNavigation"
      summary="the in product help dialog to educate users on how to do
               gesture navigation in RTL mode."/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphGaming"
      summary="A variant for gaming scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedEight"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedFive"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedFour"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedNine"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedNudge"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedOne"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedSeven"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedSix"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedTen"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedThree"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphHelpAppBasedTwo"
      summary="A variant of help app based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedEight"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedFive"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedFour"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedNine"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedOne"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedSeven"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedSix"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedTen"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedThree"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphTimerBasedTwo"
      summary="A variant of timer based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedEight"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedFive"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedFour"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedNine"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedOne"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedSeven"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedSix"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedTen"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedThree"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ScalableIphUnlockedBasedTwo"
      summary="A variant of unlocked based scalable iph"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SharedHighlightingBuilder"
      summary="the in product help message to notify the user that the share
               action can preemptively share a link-to-text"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SharedHighlightingReceiver"
      summary="the in product help message encouraging users to create
  <variant name="IPH_SharingHubLinkToggle"
      summary="turning on link sharing in the Sharing Hub"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ShoppingCollectionFeature"
      summary="UI that is shown in the bookmark save flow when a page is
               saved to the shopping collection"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ShoppingListMenuItem"
      summary="A text bubble showing that a product can be tracked from the
               overflow menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SidePanelGenericMenuFeature"
      summary="side panel open from menu"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SidePanelGenericPinnableFeature"
      summary="side panel pinnable"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SidePanelLensOverlayPinnableFeature"
      summary="lens overlay side panel pinnable"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SidePanelLensOverlayPinnableFollowupFeature"
      summary="lens overlay side panel pinnable follow-up"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SideSearch" summary="side search discovery"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SideSearchAutoTriggering"
      summary="side search automatic triggering"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SideSearchPageActionLabel"
      summary="side search page action label triggering"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SignoutWebIntercept"
      summary="A message shown after the user signs out of a Google service
               on the web explaining that it does not sign them out of Chrome"/>
  <variant name="IPH_SupervisedUserProfileSignin"
      summary="IPH mesagage shown on supervised user's signininforming them
               about the applied parental controls."/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabAudioMuting" summary="muting tab audio"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsDragAndDrop"
      summary="educating user to drop one tab on another tab to create group"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsQuicklyComparePages"
      summary="long pressing a link to open in a tab group"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsRemoteGroup"
      summary="IPH highlighting a synced tab group"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsSaveV2CloseGroup"
      summary="IPH for tab group closing adding them to a new location"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsSaveV2Intro"
      summary="IPH for tab groups defaulting to saved"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsSurface" summary="IPH for tab groups surface"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsSurfaceOnHide"
      summary="IPH for tab groups surface after hiding a tab group while on
               the GTS"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsTapToSeeAnotherTab" summary="tab strip"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupSyncOnStrip"
      summary="For tab group sync on tab strip."/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabGroupsYourTabsTogether"
      summary="tab switcher cards with multiple tab thumbnails"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabOrganizationSuccess"
      summary="tab organization success"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabSearch" summary="tab search discovery"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabSwitcherButton" summary="tab switcher button"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabSwitcherButtonSwitchIncognito"
      summary="Switch to incognito via tab switcher button"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TabSwitcherFloatingActionButton"
      summary="tab switcher floating action button"/>
  <variant name="IPH_ToolbarManagementButton"
      summary="toolbar management button"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TrackingProtectionOffboarding"
      summary="(obsolete) tracking protection offboarding notice"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TrackingProtectionOnboarding"
      summary="(obsolete) tracking protection onboarding notice"/>
  <variant name="IPH_TranslateMenuButton" summary="translate menu button"/>
  <variant name="IPH_UpdatedConnectionSecurityIndicators"
      summary="updated omnibox connection security indicators"/>
  <variant name="IPH_VideoTutorial_NTP_ChromeIntro"
      summary="Video tutorial card on NTP about introduction to chrome"/>
  <variant name="IPH_VideoTutorial_NTP_Download"
      summary="Video tutorial card on NTP about downloading in chrome"/>
  <variant name="IPH_VideoTutorial_NTP_Search"
      summary="Video tutorial card on NTP about search in chrome"/>
  <variant name="IPH_VideoTutorial_NTP_Summary"
      summary="Video tutorial summary card on NTP"/>
  <variant name="IPH_VideoTutorial_NTP_VoiceSearch"
      summary="Video tutorial card on NTP about voice search in chrome"/>
  <variant name="IPH_VideoTutorial_TryNow"
      summary="Video tutorial Try Now feature"/>
  <variant name="IPH_WebFeedAwareness"
      summary="proactive announcement of web feed on NTP/start surface"/>
  <variant name="IPH_WebFeedFollow"
      summary="proactive Web Feed follow recommendations"/>
  <variant name="IPH_WebFeedPostFollowDialog"
      summary="Web Feed successful follow operations"/>
  <variant name="IPH_WebFeedPostFollowDialogWithUIUpdate"
      summary="Web Feed successful follow operations with UI update"/>
  <variant name="IPH_WebUiHelpBubbleTest"
      summary="testing the WebUI help bubble"/>
  <variant name="IPH_WebUITabStrip" summary="opening the WebUI tab strip"/>
  <variant name="IPH_WhatsNewUpdated"
      summary="educating user that what's new has new content"/>

<histogram name="InProductHelp.Config.ParsingEvent" enum="ConfigParsingEvent"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records if in-product help configuration is parsed correctly, and the
    failure reasons for parsing failures.

<histogram name="InProductHelp.Db.Init.{IPHDatabase}" enum="BooleanSuccess"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records if {IPHDatabase} database initialization succeeds for in-product
  <token key="IPHDatabase" variants="IPHDatabase"/>

<histogram name="InProductHelp.Db.Load.{IPHDatabase}" enum="BooleanSuccess"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records if {IPHDatabase} database successfully loads the data for in-product
  <token key="IPHDatabase" variants="IPHDatabase"/>

<histogram name="InProductHelp.Db.TotalEvents" units="events"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the total number of event records in the database for in-product
    help after the event model is loaded.

<histogram name="InProductHelp.Db.Update.{IPHDatabase}" enum="BooleanSuccess"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records if {IPHDatabase} database update succeeds for in-product help.
  <token key="IPHDatabase" variants="IPHDatabase"/>

<histogram name="InProductHelp.DismissalReason.iOS"
    enum="InProductHelpDismissalReason" expires_after="2025-02-09">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records how the in-product help bubble was dismissed on iOS.

<histogram name="InProductHelp.Gestural.DismissalReason.iOS"
    enum="InProductHelpDismissalReason" expires_after="2025-02-09">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Recorded when a gestural in-product help view is dismissed, with the enum
    signifying the way the dismissal was triggered.

<histogram name="InProductHelp.NotifyEventReadyState.{IPHFeature}"
    enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2025-01-05">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records if the model is ready when in-product help event happens for
  <token key="IPHFeature" variants="IPHFeature"/>

<histogram name="InProductHelp.ShouldTriggerHelpUI.{IPHFeature}"
    enum="TriggerHelpUIResult" expires_after="2025-01-05">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records if in-product help for {IPHFeature} is shown to the user, and the
    failure reasons if in-product help is not shown. Recorded on its own across
    all in-product help features, in addition to being a base name for
    feature-specific histograms.
  <token key="IPHFeature" variants="IPHFeature"/>

<histogram name="InProductHelp.ShownTime.{IPHFeature}" units="ms"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the time duration during which the in-product help for {IPHFeature}
    is shown. The timer automatically starts when the feature engagement system
    says a particular IPH should be displayed. The timer is stopped and recorded
    when the IPH is dismissed.
  <token key="IPHFeature" variants="IPHFeature"/>

<histogram name="InProductHelp.SnoozeAction" enum="InProductHelpSnoozeAction"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the action taken by the user on a snoozable in-product help bubble.

<histogram name="InProductHelp.TextBubble.ShownTime" units="ms"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    The time duration for which the in-product help bubble is shown.

<histogram name="InProductHelp.TextBubble.ShowSnooze" enum="BooleanShown"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records if the snooze button was shown on an in-product help bubble.



All UserEducation.* histograms should go in:

The following are only here because they rely on the `IPHFeature` variants.
In the future, Desktop IPH may be completely moved to the user_education folder.


<histogram name="UserEducation.MessageAction.{IPHFeature}" enum="MessageAction"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <summary>Records what action was taken to close the In-Product Help.</summary>
  <token key="IPHFeature" variants="IPHFeature"/>

<histogram name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.{IPHFeature}"
    enum="PromoFailure" expires_after="2025-02-02">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records what failure prevented a particular In-Product Help from being shown
    to the user. The failure defines the state of the User Education system,
    which can be many varieties (e.g. snoozed, disabled blocked by another
    promo, etc.).
  <token key="IPHFeature" variants="IPHFeature"/>

<histogram name="UserEducation.RotatingPromoIndex.{IPHFeature}" units="Index"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Record the index of a rotating promo when it is shown to the user. This can
    be used to determine how deep in the rotation of rotating promos users are
    going, and also what proportion of users have seen a particular promo from a
    rotating promo set.

    This replaces the deprecated histogram
  <token key="IPHFeature" variants="IPHFeature"/>

