
Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.

This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of histograms owned
by the Performance Controls team along with a detailed description for
each histogram. Maybe add here or add a new performance controls one



<histogram name="PerformanceControls.BatterySaver.BubbleAction"
    enum="BatterySaverBubbleActionType" expires_after="2024-12-31">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logged on each battery saver mode bubble close indicating whether the bubble
    is dismissed (either by the user or by the system e.g. closed at shutdown)
    or used it to turn off battery saver mode for current session. This will be
    used to measure the efficacy of the bubble message and the number of users
    that interact with the battery saver toolbar button.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.BatterySaver.IPHOpenSettings"
    enum="BooleanOpened" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logged each time the user opens the settings page through the link on the
    battery saver mode IPH. This will be combined with an existing histogram
    measuring the number of times the IPH is open to measure how the user
    responds to it.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.BatterySaver.SettingsChangeMode"
    enum="BatterySaverModeState" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs the state of the battery saver mode pref when the user makes a change
    to it through the settings page. This will be used to measure the
    discoverability and usefulness of battery saver mode.

    enum="InterventionBubbleActionType" expires_after="2025-02-23">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs each time the performance intervention dialog closes. The enum logged
    indicates the action the user took in order to close the dialog. This will
    be used to measure the efficacy of the dialog message and the overall click
    through rate of the performance intervention feature.
  <token key="ResourceType">
    <variant name="Cpu"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy cpu
                 health level."/>
    <variant name="Memory"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy
                 memory health level."/>

    enum="PerformanceDetectionManagerHealthLevel" expires_after="2025-02-23">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs the resource type's health level a certain duration after the user
    discards tabs suggested by the performance intervention dialog. This will be
    used to evaluate the impact of discarding tabs on the resource health level.
  <token key="ResourceType">
    <variant name="Cpu"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy cpu
                 health level."/>
    <variant name="Memory"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy
                 memory health level."/>
  <token key="Time">
    <variant name="1Min"
        summary="One minute has elapsed since the user chose to discard the
                 suggested tabs."/>
    <variant name="2Min"
        summary="Two minutes have elapsed since the user chose to discard the
                 suggested tabs."/>
    <variant name="4Min"
        summary="Four minutes have elapsed since the user chose to discard
                 the suggested tabs."/>

    units="count" expires_after="2025-02-23">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs daily the number of times the intervention message is shown to users on
    the previous day. This will be used to understand how often a user will see
    the performance intervention message.
  <token key="ResourceType">
    <variant name="Cpu"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy cpu
                 health level."/>
    <variant name="Memory"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy
                 memory health level."/>

    enum="InterventionMessageTriggerResult" expires_after="2025-02-23">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs an enum when the performance intervention message is triggered by the
    Performance Detection Manager. The enum represents result of trying to
    trigger the intervention messaging (i.e it was able to be shown or the
    reason why it was unable to do so). This is used to understand why a message
    is unable to be shown and how often it occurs.
  <token key="ResourceType">
    <variant name="Cpu"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy cpu
                 health level."/>
    <variant name="Memory"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy
                 memory health level."/>

    units="count" expires_after="2024-12-24">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs daily the number of times the intervention message is unable to show
    due to rate limiting on the previous day. This will be used to understand
    how often we supress the message and whether our rate limiting threshold is
    too low.
  <token key="ResourceType">
    <variant name="Cpu"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy cpu
                 health level."/>
    <variant name="Memory"
        summary="Performance messaging was shown because of not healthy
                 memory health level."/>

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.Intervention.Dialog.TabsAfterRemovalCount"
    units="tabs" expires_after="2025-02-23">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs each time the user removes a tab from the suggested tab list in the
    performance intervention dialog. This will log the number of actionable tabs
    after the user removed one from the list. This will be used to learn the
    distribution of number of suggested tabs a user will see.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.Intervention.DiscardedTabCount"
    units="tabs" expires_after="2025-02-23">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs after the user took the suggested action in the performance
    intervention dialog to discard the tabs. The number of tabs the user
    approved to be discarded will be logged. This will be used to learn how many
    tabs are impacted by the performance intervention suggestion.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.Intervention.DiscardedTabsPercentageUsage"
    units="%" expires_after="2024-12-24">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs the total CPU usage of discarded tabs suggested by performance
    intervention right before the discard occurs. This will be used to measure
    the impact of discarding suggested tabs by performance intervention on CPU

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.Intervention.SettingsChangeNotification"
    enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-02-23">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs whether the performance intervention notification pref is enabled,
    whenever the user makes a change to it through the settings page. This will
    be used to measure how many users opt out of seeing performance intervention

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.Intervention.SuggestedTabShownCount"
    units="count" expires_after="2025-02-23">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs each time the performance intervention dialog is shown to users. The
    number of tabs shown in the dialog is recorded. This will be used to learn
    how many tabs a user may take action on.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.MemorySaver.BubbleAction"
    enum="MemorySaverBubbleActionType" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logged on each memory saver mode dialog close indicating whether the user
    opened the settings page or dismissed the dialog. This will be used to
    measure the efficacy of the dialog message and the number of users that
    interact with the high efficiency page action chip.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.MemorySaver.ChipState"
    enum="MemorySaverChipState" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logged the first time a user revisits a discarded tab indicating the state
    of the high efficiency page action chip. This will be used to tune the
    parameters for how often we show the informational and promotional page
    action chips.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.MemorySaver.DiscardRingTreatment"
    enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-05-07">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs whether the inactive tabs appearance pref is enabled, whenever the user
    makes a change to it through the settings page. This will be used to measure
    how many users opt out of seeing the discard ring on inactive tabs.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.MemorySaver.IPHEnableMode"
    enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logged each time the user enables memory saver mode through the link on the
    memory saver mode IPH. This will be combined with an existing histogram
    measuring the number of times the IPH is open to measure how the user
    responds to it.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.MemorySaver.SettingsChangeAggressiveness"
    enum="MemorySaverModeAggressiveness" expires_after="2025-05-07">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs the state of the memory saver mode aggressiveness pref when the user
    makes a change to it through the settings page. This will be used to measure
    the adoption of different memory saver aggressiveness options.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.MemorySaver.SettingsChangeExceptionList"
    enum="MemorySaverModeExceptionListAction" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs whether the user did an add, edit, or remove operation to the tab
    discard exception list for memory saver mode. This will be used to better
    understand how users interact with the list, and to see if we need to
    improve our heuristics for tab discarding.

<histogram name="PerformanceControls.MemorySaver.SettingsChangeMode"
    enum="MemorySaverModeState" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Logs the state of the memory saver mode pref when the user makes a change to
    it through the settings page. This will be used to measure the
    discoverability and usefulness of memory saver mode.

