
Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.


This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.

For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see

Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].


<!-- Enum types -->


<enum name="QuickStartAbortFlowReason">
  <int value="0" label="User clicked Back"/>
  <int value="1" label="User clicked Cancel"/>
  <int value="2" label="Signin School"/>
  <int value="3" label="Enterprise Enrollment"/>
  <int value="4" label="Error"/>
  <int value="5" label="Add Child (Not supported in MVP)"/>

<enum name="QuickStartAttestationCertificateFetchFailureReason">
  <int value="0" label="Unknown error"/>
  <int value="1" label="Bad request"/>
  <int value="2" label="Device does not support attestation"/>

<enum name="QuickStartAuthenticationMethod">
  <int value="0" label="PIN"/>
  <int value="1" label="QR Code"/>
  <int value="2" label="Automatic Resume After Update"/>

<enum name="QuickStartEntryPoint">
  <int value="0" label="Welcome Screen"/>
  <int value="1" label="Network Screen"/>
  <int value="2" label="Gaia Info Screen"/>
  <int value="3" label="Gaia Screen"/>

<enum name="QuickStartFastPairAdvertisingErrorCode">
  <int value="0" label="Error: Unsupported platform"/>
  <int value="1" label="Error: Advertisement already exists"/>
  <int value="2" label="Error: Advertisement does not exist"/>
  <int value="3" label="Error: Advertisement invalid length"/>
  <int value="4" label="Error: Starting advertisement through a platform API"/>
  <int value="5" label="Error: Reset advertising"/>
  <int value="6" label="Error: Adapter powered off"/>
  <int value="7" label="Error: Invalid advertisement interval"/>
  <int value="8" label="Invalid advertisement error code"/>

<enum name="QuickStartGaiaAuthenticationResult">
  <int value="0" label="Unknown error"/>
  <int value="1" label="Success"/>
  <int value="2" label="Response parsing error"/>
  <int value="3" label="Rejection"/>
  <int value="4" label="Addition challenges on source"/>
  <int value="5" label="Additional challenges on target"/>

<enum name="QuickStartGaiaTransferResultFailureReason">
  <int value="0" label="No account on phone"/>
  <int value="1" label="Failed fetching challenge bytes from Gaia"/>
  <int value="2" label="Connection lost"/>
  <int value="3" label="Gaia assertion not received"/>
  <int value="4" label="Failed fetching attestation certificate"/>
  <int value="5" label="Failed fetching refresh token"/>
  <int value="6" label="Fallback URL required"/>
  <int value="7" label="Error receiving FIDO assertion"/>
  <int value="8" label="Obfuscated Gaia ID missing"/>

<enum name="QuickStartHandshakeResultErrorCode">
  <int value="0" label="Error: Could not read response"/>
  <int value="1" label="Error: Failed to parse message"/>
  <int value="2" label="Error: Failed to decrypt authentication payload"/>
  <int value="3" label="Error: Failed to parse authentication payload"/>
  <int value="4"
      label="Error: Authentication payload role does not match role"/>
  <int value="5"
      label="Error: Authentication payload auth token does not match auth
  <int value="6" label="Error: Invalid error code"/>

<enum name="QuickStartMessageReceivedErrorCode">
  <int value="0" label="Timed out"/>
  <int value="1" label="Deserialization failure"/>
  <int value="2" label="Unknown error"/>

<enum name="QuickStartMessageType">
  <int value="0" label="Wi-Fi Credentials"/>
  <int value="1" label="Bootstrap Configurations"/>
  <int value="2" label="Handshake"/>
  <int value="3" label="Notify source of update"/>
  <int value="4" label="Get Info"/>
  <int value="5" label="Fido Assertion"/>
  <int value="6" label="Bootstrap State Cancel"/>
  <int value="7" label="Bootstrap State Complete"/>

<enum name="QuickStartNearbyConnectionsAdvertisingErrorCode">
  <int value="0" label="Error occurred without any more information"/>
  <int value="1" label="Out of order API call"/>
  <int value="2" label="Already active with another Strategy"/>
  <int value="3" label="Already advertising"/>
  <int value="4" label="Bluetooth error"/>
  <int value="5" label="BLE error"/>
  <int value="6" label="Unknown failure"/>
  <int value="7" label="Connection timed out"/>
  <int value="8" label="Another unexpected error occurred"/>

<enum name="QuickStartScreenName">
  <int value="0" label="Other"/>
  <int value="1" label="None"/>
  <int value="2" label="Welcome Screen"/>
  <int value="3" label="Network Screen"/>
  <int value="4" label="Gaia Screen"/>
  <int value="5" label="QS Screen: Set up Chromebook with Android Phone"/>
  <int value="6" label="QS Screen: Connecting to Wi-Fi with Quick Start"/>
  <int value="7"
      label="Checking for Update and Determining Device Configuration"/>
  <int value="8" label="Choose Chromebook Setup"/>
  <int value="9" label="Installing Latest Update (Consumer Update)"/>
  <int value="10" label="QS Screen: Resuming Connection After Update"/>
  <int value="11" label="QS Screen: Getting Google Account Info"/>
  <int value="12" label="Quick Start Complete"/>
  <int value="13" label="Setup Device PIN"/>
  <int value="14" label="Add Child"/>
  <int value="15" label="(Unicorn) Review Privacy and Terms"/>
  <int value="16" label="Unified Setup"/>
  <int value="17" label="Gaia Info Screen"/>
  <int value="18" label="QS Screen: Wi-Fi Credentials Received"/>
  <int value="19" label="QS Screen: Account Picker"/>
  <int value="20" label="QS Screen: Creating Account"/>
  <int value="21" label="QS Screen: Fallback URL"/>

<enum name="QuickStartWifiTransferResultFailureReason">
  <int value="0" label="Connection dropped while attempting transfer"/>
  <int value="1" label="Empty response bytes"/>
  <int value="2" label="Unable to read as JSON"/>
  <int value="3" label="Wi-Fi network information not found"/>
  <int value="4" label="SSID not found in response"/>
  <int value="5" label="SSID has length of 0"/>
  <int value="6" label="Security type not found in response"/>
  <int value="7" label="Invalid security type"/>
  <int value="8" label="Password found for open network"/>
  <int value="9" label="Password not found on a non-open network"/>
  <int value="10" label="Wi-Fi hide status not found"/>

<enum name="ScreenClosedReason">
  <int value="0" label="Advanced in flow"/>
  <int value="1" label="User cancelled"/>
  <int value="2" label="User clicked back"/>
  <int value="3" label="Setup Complete"/>
  <int value="4" label="Error"/>

