Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.
For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].
<!-- Enum types -->
<enum name="AboutThisSiteInteraction">
<int value="0" label="kNotShown"/>
<int value="1" label="kShownWithDescription"/>
<int value="2" label="kShownWithoutDescription"/>
<int value="3" label="kClickedWithDescription"/>
<int value="4" label="kClickedWithoutDescription"/>
<int value="5" label="kOpenedDirectlyFromSidePanel"/>
<int value="6" label="kNotShownNonGoogleDSE"/>
<int value="7" label="kNotShownLocalHost"/>
<int value="8" label="kNotShownOptimizationGuideNotAllowed"/>
<int value="9" label="kShownWithoutMsbb (deprecated)"/>
<int value="10" label="kSameTabNavigation"/>
<enum name="AboutThisSiteStatus">
<summary>Tracks status of AboutThisSite queries.</summary>
<int value="0" label="kValid">A valid response.</int>
<int value="1" label="kNoResult">No result received.</int>
<int value="2" label="kMissingSiteInfo">SiteInfo is missing.</int>
<int value="3" label="kEmptySiteInfo">SiteInfo is empty.</int>
<int value="4" label="kIncompleteDescription (deprecated)">
kIncompleteDescription - deprecated.
<int value="5" label="kIncompleteSource">Source is incomplete.</int>
<int value="6" label="kInvalidSource">Source URL is invalid.</int>
<int value="7" label="kIncompleteTimeStamp">Timestamp is incomplete.</int>
<int value="8" label="kInvalidTimeStamp">Timestamp is invalid.</int>
<int value="9" label="kUnknown">
User has not opted in to Optimization guide.
<int value="10" label="kMissingDescription">Description is missing.</int>
<int value="11" label="kMissingDescriptionDescription">
Description field in description is missing.
<int value="12" label="kMissingDescriptionName">Name is missing.</int>
<int value="13" label="kMissingDescriptionLang">Lang is missing.</int>
<int value="14" label="kMissingDescriptionSource">Source is missing.</int>
<int value="15" label="kMissingBannerInfo">Banner info is missing.</int>
<int value="16" label="kInvalidMoreAbout">MoreAbout URL is invalid.</int>
<int value="17" label="kMissingMoreAbout">MoreAbout URL is missing.</int>
<enum name="GwpAsanCrashAnalysisResult">
<int value="0" label="The crash is not caused by GWP-ASan"/>
<int value="1" label="The crash is caused by GWP-ASan"/>
<int value="2" label="The ProcessMemory from the snapshot was null"/>
<int value="3"
label="Failed to read the crashing process' memory of the global
<int value="4"
label="The crashing process' global allocator members failed sanity
<int value="5" label="Failed to read crash stack traces"/>
<int value="6" label="The ExceptionSnapshot CPU context was null"/>
<int value="7"
label="The crashing process' bitness does not match the crash handler"/>
<int value="8" label="The allocator computed an invalid slot index"/>
<int value="9" label="Failed to read the process' SlotMetadata"/>
<int value="10"
label="The allocator stored an invalid metadata index for a given slot"/>
<int value="11" label="The computed metadata index was outdated"/>
<int value="12"
label="Failed to read the crashing process' slot to metadata mapping"/>
<int value="13" label="The crash is caused by the Lightweight UAF Detector"/>
<int value="14"
label="Failed to read the crashing process' memory of the Lightweight
UAF Detector metadata store"/>
<int value="15"
label="The computed lightweight metadata index was invalid or outdated"/>
<int value="16"
label="The crashing process' architecture does not match the crash
<int value="17" label="Found conflicting lightweight metadata IDs"/>
<enum name="HttpsFirstModeInterstitialReason">
<int value="0" label="kUnknown">Unknown reason</int>
<int value="1" label="kPref">
The interstitial was shown because the user enabled the UI pref.
<int value="2" label="kAdvancedProtection">
The interstitial was shown because the user is enrolled in Advanced
Protection, which enables HTTPS-First Mode.
<int value="3" label="kSiteEngagementHeuristic">
The interstitial was shown because of the Site Engagement heuristic.
<int value="4" label="kTypicallySecureUserHeuristic">
The interstitial was shown because of the Typically Secure User heuristic.
<int value="5" label="kIncognito">
The interstitial was shown because the user was in Incognito mode and
HTTPS-First Mode in Incognito was enabled.
<int value="6" label="kBalanced">
The interstitial was shown because the user was in balanced mode.
<enum name="HttpsFirstModeNavigationEvent">
<int value="0" label="kUpgradeAttempted">Upgrade attempted</int>
<int value="1" label="kUpgradeSucceeded">Upgrade succeeded</int>
<int value="2" label="kUpgradeFailed">Upgrade failed (for any reason)</int>
<int value="3" label="kUpgradeCertError">
Upgrade failed due to cert error
<int value="4" label="kUpgradeNetError">Upgrade failed due to net error</int>
<int value="5" label="kUpgradeTimedOut">Upgrade failed due to timing out</int>
<int value="6" label="kPrerenderCancelled">
Prerender navigation cancelled
<int value="7" label="kUpgradeNotAttempted">
Upgrade not attempted because not enabled
<int value="8" label="kUpgradeRedirectLoop">
Upgrade failed due to a redirect loop
<!-- LINT.IfChange -->
<enum name="HttpsFirstModeSetting">
<int value="0" label="Disabled"/>
<int value="1" label="(Deprecated) Enabled in Incognito"/>
<int value="2" label="Fully enabled"/>
<int value="3" label="Balanced mode enabled"/>
<!-- LINT.ThenChange(/chrome/browser/ssl/https_first_mode_settings_tracker.h) -->
<enum name="JsonParserExtension">
<int value="0" label="C style comment (/**/)"/>
<int value="1" label="C++ style comment (//)"/>
<int value="2" label="UTF-8 \xNN string escape"/>
<int value="3" label="Vertical tab string escape (\\v)"/>
<int value="4" label="Unescaped ASCII control character [0x00,0x1F]"/>
<int value="5" label="Unescaped newline in string (\\r or \\n)"/>
<enum name="LandlockState">
<int value="0" label="Enabled"/>
<int value="1" label="Disabled"/>
<int value="2" label="Not Supported"/>
<int value="3" label="Unknown"/>
<enum name="NavigationRequestSecurityLevel">
<int value="0" label="Unknown; request was ignored"/>
<int value="1" label="HTTPS request"/>
<int value="2" label="HTTP request"/>
<int value="3" label="HTTP request internally upgraded by HSTS"/>
<int value="4" label="Localhost request"/>
<int value="5"
label="HTTP request internally upgraded by HFM/HTTP Upgrading"/>
<int value="6" label="Non-HTTP/HTTPS request"/>
<int value="7"
label="HTTP allowed by content/enterprise setting (NOT by failing
auto-upgrade or clicking through warning)."/>
<int value="8" label="HTTP request to non-unique host."/>
<int value="9"
label="HTTP request to a fully typed URL with explicit HTTP scheme."/>
<int value="10" label="HTTP request to a captive portal login page"/>
<enum name="NewAcceptedDeviceType">
<int value="0" label="Device which has valid name and id"/>
<int value="1" label="Ephemeral device stored base on IP address"/>
<enum name="PageEndReason">
<int value="0" label="END_NONE">
Page lifetime has not yet ended (page is still active)
<int value="1" label="END_RELOAD">Page was reloaded</int>
<int value="2" label="END_FORWARD_BACK">
Page was navigated away from, via a back or forward navigation
<int value="3" label="END_CLIENT_REDIRECT">
Page was redirected via Javascript or the meta refresh tag
<int value="4" label="END_NEW_NAVIGATION">
Page load was replaced by a new navigation
<int value="5" label="END_STOP">Page load was stopped</int>
<int value="6" label="END_CLOSE">
Page load ended due to closing the tab or browser
<int value="7" label="END_PROVISIONAL_LOAD_FAILED">
Provisional load for this page load failed before comitting
<int value="8" label="END_RENDER_PROCESS_GONE">
Render process hosting the page terminated unexpectedly
<int value="9" label="END_OTHER">
Unknown reason; page load may have finished without comitting
<int value="10" label="END_HIDDEN">
Page became hidden, but is still active.
<int value="11" label="END_APP_BACKGROUND">
The metrics were flushed because the app entered the background.
<enum name="PrivateNetworkAccessCheckResult">
<int value="0" label="AllowedMissingClientSecurityState"/>
<int value="1" label="AllowedNoLessPublic"/>
<int value="2" label="AllowedByPolicyAllow"/>
<int value="3" label="AllowedByPolicyWarn"/>
<int value="4" label="BlockedByLoadOption"/>
<int value="5" label="BlockedByPolicyBlock"/>
<int value="6" label="AllowedByTargetIpAddressSpace"/>
<int value="7" label="BlockedByTargetIpAddressSpace"/>
<int value="8" label="BlockedByPolicyPreflightWarn"/>
<int value="9" label="BlockedByPolicyPreflightBlock"/>
<int value="10" label="AllowedByPolicyPreflightWarn"/>
<int value="11" label="BlockedByInconsistentIpAddressSpace"/>
<int value="12" label="AllowedPotentiallyTrustworthySameOrigin"/>
<enum name="PrivateNetworkDeviceValidity">
<int value="0" label="Device exists"/>
<int value="1" label="New valid device"/>
<int value="2" label="Device ID missing"/>
<int value="3" label="[Deprecated] Device ID invalid"/>
<int value="4" label="Device name missing"/>
<int value="5" label="Device name invalid"/>
<enum name="ProcessPerSiteWithMainFrameThresholdBlockReason">
<int value="0" label="Not blocked"/>
<int value="1" label="Process reuse is disabled"/>
<int value="2" label="DevTools was ever attached"/>
<int value="3" label="Does not require dedicated process"/>
<int value="4" label="Localhost or IP address based host"/>
<int value="5" label="Scheme is not http(s)"/>
<enum name="ReusePendingOrCommittedSiteEnum">
<int value="0" label="Had to create a new RenderProcessHost"/>
<int value="1" label="Could reuse an existing RenderProcessHost"/>
<enum name="SafetyTipInteraction">
<int value="0" label="User dismissed the Safety Tip"/>
<int value="1" label="User left the site with the Safety Tip"/>
<int value="2" label="No action on the Safety Tip"/>
<int value="3" label="User dismissed the Safety Tip with the esc key"/>
<int value="4" label="User dismissed the Safety Tip with the close button"/>
<int value="5" label="User dismissed the Safety Tip with the ignore button"/>
<int value="6" label="User opened help center"/>
<int value="7" label="No Safety Tip was shown"/>
<int value="8" label="User closed the tab"/>
<int value="9" label="User switched to a different tab"/>
<int value="10" label="User navigated away"/>
<enum name="SafetyTipStatus">
<int value="0" label="Safety Tip status unknown/not applicable"/>
<int value="1" label="No Safety Tip"/>
<int value="2" label="Safety Tip for bad reputation (deprecated)"/>
<int value="3" label="Safety Tip for lookalike URL"/>
<int value="4"
label="Safety Tip for a URL with a suspicious keyword (deprecated)"/>
<int value="5"
label="Safety Tip for bad reputation, but the user has explicitly
dismissed the Safety Tip on a previous navigation (deprecated)"/>
<int value="6"
label="Safety Tip for a lookalike URL, but the user has explicitly
dismissed the Safety Tip on a previous navigation"/>
<int value="7"
label="The lookalike URL for the Safety Tip has a Digital Asset Link
match (deprecated)"/>
<enum name="SCTAuditingReportCompletionStatus">
<int value="0" label="kSuccessFirstTry">Succeeded on first try</int>
<int value="1" label="kSuccessAfterRetries">Succeeded after retrying</int>
<int value="2" label="kRetriesExhausted">Failed after exhausting retries</int>
<enum name="SCTLookupQueryResult">
<int value="0" label="HTTP error"/>
<int value="1" label="Invalid JSON"/>
<int value="2" label="Status not OK"/>
<int value="3" label="Certificate expired"/>
<int value="4" label="Log not found"/>
<int value="5" label="Log not yet ingested"/>
<int value="6" label="SCT suffix found"/>
<int value="7" label="SCT suffix not found"/>
<enum name="SecurityLevel">
<int value="0" label="None"/>
<int value="1" label="HTTP with warning (deprecated)"/>
<int value="2" label="Secure with EV certificate (deprecated)"/>
<int value="3" label="Secure"/>
<int value="4" label="Secure with policy-installed certificate"/>
<int value="5" label="Dangerous"/>
<int value="6" label="Warning"/>
<enum name="SiteEngagementHeuristicState">
<int value="0"
label="HTTPS-First Mode got enabled on this site because its HTTPS
score is high and HTTP score is low."/>
<int value="1"
label="HTTPS-First Mode got disabled on this site because its HTTPS
score is low or HTTP score is high."/>
<enum name="SiteIsolationIsDedicatedProcess">
<int value="0" label="Process is not dedicated to a single site"/>
<int value="1" label="Process is dedicated to a single site"/>