Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.
For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].
<!-- Enum types -->
<enum name="BooleanBringToForegroundReason">
<int value="0" label="Other"/>
<int value="1" label="Notification click (within last 5 seconds)"/>
<enum name="IncognitoForcedStart">
<int value="0" label="No Incognito switch and not forced"/>
<int value="1" label="Incognito switch but not forced"/>
<int value="2" label="No Incognito switch but forced"/>
<int value="3" label="Incognito switch and forced"/>
<enum name="IOSColdStartType">
<int value="0" label="Cold start"/>
<int value="1" label="Cold start with FRE"/>
<int value="2" label="Cold start after device restore"/>
<int value="3" label="Cold start after Chrome upgrade"/>
<int value="4" label="Cold start after device restore and Chrome upgrade"/>
<int value="5" label="Cold start with unknown device restore"/>
<int value="6"
label="Cold start with unknown device restore and Chrome upgrade"/>
<enum name="MobileSessionCallerApp">
<int value="0" label="Google Search"/>
<int value="1" label="Gmail"/>
<int value="2" label="Google+"/>
<int value="3" label="Google Drive"/>
<int value="4" label="Google Earth"/>
<int value="5" label="Other Google Apps"/>
<int value="6" label="Other"/>
<int value="7" label="Mobile Safari"/>
<int value="8" label="Other Apple Apps"/>
<int value="9" label="YouTube"/>
<int value="10" label="Google Maps"/>
<int value="11" label="Information not available"/>
<int value="12" label="Chrome Today Extension"/>
<int value="13" label="Chrome Search Extension"/>
<int value="14" label="Chrome Content Extension"/>
<int value="15" label="Chrome Share Extension"/>
<int value="16" label="Chrome"/>
<int value="17" label="Third Party">
A non-Google application (more precisely an app that doesn't share an app
group with Chrome) launched Chrome with an http or https URL. This can
happen on iOS 14+ when Chrome is set as the default browser and a system app
(f.e. Messages) or an app from a 3rd party developer opens a URL.
<int value="18" label="Chrome Open In Extension"/>
<enum name="MobileSessionStartAction">
<int value="0" label="Open http">
Logged when an application passes an http URL to Chrome using the custom
registered scheme (f.e. googlechrome).
<int value="1" label="Open https">
Logged when an application passes an https URL to Chrome using the custom
registered scheme (f.e. googlechromes).
<int value="2" label="Open file"/>
<int value="3" label="x-callback-url open"/>
<int value="4" label="x-callback-url other"/>
<int value="5" label="Other"/>
<int value="6" label="x-callback-url app-group-command"/>
<int value="7" label="OS opened http">
Logged when any application passes an http URL to Chrome using the standard
"http" scheme. This can happen when Chrome is set as the default
browser on iOS 14+ as http openURL calls will be directed to Chrome by the
system from all other apps.
<int value="8" label="OS opened https">
Logged when any application passes an https URL to Chrome using the standard
"https" scheme. This can happen when Chrome is set as the default
browser on iOS 14+ as http openURL calls will be directed to Chrome by the
system from all other apps.
<int value="9" label="Open widget kit command"/>
<int value="10" label="Open external action URL"/>
<enum name="ProcessCreationReason">
<int value="0" label="Activity"/>
<int value="1" label="Service"/>
<int value="2" label="Content Provider"/>
<int value="3" label="Broadcast Receiver"/>
<enum name="StartupTemperature">
<int value="0" label="Cold startup (mostly hard faults)"/>
<int value="1" label="Warm startup (nearly no hard faults)"/>
<int value="2" label="Lukewarm startup (in between cold and warm)"/>
<int value="3" label="Unable to determine the startup temperature"/>