
Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.

This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of histograms related to
user education along with a detailed description for each histogram.

For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see

Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].



<variants name="NewBadgeFeature">
  <variant name="AutofillForUnclassifiedFieldsAvailable"
      summary="For address and card field-by-field filling; shown in the
               autofill section of the context menu."/>
  <variant name="Compose"
      summary="For Compose feature; shown in web context menu."/>
  <variant name="ComposeNudge"
      summary="For Compose feature; shown on autofill popup when there is
               saved state to resume.."/>
  <variant name="ComposeProactiveNudge"
      summary="For Compose feature; shown on autofill popup."/>
  <variant name="LensOverlay"
      summary="Lens Overlay entry points in app and web context menus."/>
  <variant name="NewBadgeTestFeature"
      summary="Used for testing purposes only."/>
  <variant name="PasswordManualFallbackAvailable"
      summary="For passwords manual fallback; shown in the context menu."/>
  <variant name="PlusAddressesEnabled"
      summary="For plus address creation; shown in the autofill popup."/>
  <variant name="PlusAddressFallbackFromContextMenu"
      summary="Plus address manual fallback entry point in the context menu."/>
  <variant name="TabOrganization"
      summary="Promotion for Organize Tabs in the app menu."/>

<variants name="TutorialID">
  <variant name="" summary="any tutorial"/>
  <variant name="CustomizeChromeSidePanel"
      summary="the tutorial for the customize chrome side panel"/>
  <variant name="PasswordManager"
      summary="the tutorial for the password manager"/>
  <variant name="SavedTabGroup" summary="the tutorial for the saved tab group"/>
  <variant name="SidePanelReadingList"
      summary="the tutorial for the side panel reading list"/>
  <variant name="TabGroup" summary="the tutorial for tab groups"/>
  <variant name="Test" summary="the tutorial used for testing only"/>

<variants name="WhatsNewModule">
  <variant name="FamilyLink" summary="the module for Family Link"/>
  <variant name="GeminiSiteSearchShortcut"
      summary="the module for Gemini Site Search Shortcut"/>
  <variant name="GenerativeTheming"
      summary="the module for Generative Theming"/>
  <variant name="GoogleLens" summary="the module for Google Lens"/>
  <variant name="GooglePayReauth" summary="the module for Google Pay Re-auth"/>
  <variant name="HelpMeWrite" summary="the module for Help Me Write"/>
  <variant name="SafetyCheck" summary="the module for Safety Check"/>
  <variant name="SaveTabGroups" summary="the module for Saved Tab Groups"/>
  <variant name="SearchBoxSuggestions"
      summary="the module for Search Box Suggestions"/>
  <variant name="SidePanelPinning" summary="the module for Side Panel Pinning"/>
  <variant name="TabOrganizer" summary="the module for Tab Organizer"/>
  <variant name="TestDefaultModule"
      summary="the default module used for testing only"/>
  <variant name="TestModule" summary="the module used for testing only"/>
  <variant name="TranslationSettings"
      summary="the module for Translation Settings"/>

<histogram name="Tutorial.TabGroup.EditedTitle" enum="BooleanSuccess"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records whether the user edited the tab group title during the Tab Groups
    tutorial. During one of the steps, the tutorial asks the user to name the
    new group, but the tutorial will continue if they dismiss the bubble without
    adding a name. We want to know if people follow the instruction or not.

<histogram name="Tutorial.{TutorialID}.AbortStep" units="int"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When {TutorialID} is aborted, the step at which the tutorial was aborted.
    Only logged on desktop platforms. Logged each time a tutorial is aborted.
  <token key="TutorialID" variants="TutorialID"/>

<histogram name="Tutorial.{TutorialID}.Completion" enum="BooleanSuccess"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When {TutorialID} is ended, whether the tutorial was completed or aborted.
    Only logged on desktop platforms. Logged each time a tutorial is ended.
  <token key="TutorialID" variants="TutorialID"/>

<histogram name="Tutorial.{TutorialID}.IPHLinkClicked" enum="BooleanSuccess"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When {TutorialID} button is shown from an IPHLink, whether the user clicks
    to start the tutorial. Only logged on desktop platforms when the user either
    clicks or dismisses the FeaturePromo.
  <token key="TutorialID" variants="TutorialID"/>

<histogram name="Tutorial.{TutorialID}.StartedFromWhatsNewPage"
    enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2025-02-02">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    The count of successful starts of the tutorial when {TutorialID} button is
    clicked on the whats new page (called by the Tutorial BrowserCommand). A
    false value correlates to a failure to start the tutorial.
  <token key="TutorialID" variants="TutorialID"/>

<histogram name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown" enum="PromoFailure"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records what failure prevented an In-Product Help from being shown to the
    user. The failure defines the state of the User Education system, which can
    be many varieties (e.g. snoozed, disabled blocked by another promo, etc.).

<histogram name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.DesktopReEngagement.NoBrowser"
    units="tries" expires_after="2024-12-01">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records when the re-engagement promo is not shown because there is no
    eligible browser. This is recorded on a new User Education session. The
    value is the number of times the promo had attempted to show; typical values
    are low (1-2) as the number of retries is limited.

<histogram name="UserEducation.MessageShown.RotatingPromoIndex" units="Index"
    Deprecated. Replaced by UserEducation.RotatingPromoIndex.{IPHFeature}.
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Record the index of a rotating promo when it is shown to the user. This can
    be used to determine how deep in the rotation of rotating promos users are
    going, and also what proportion of users have seen a particular promo from a
    rotating promo set.

<histogram name="UserEducation.MessageShown.Subtype" enum="PromoSubtype"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records what subtype of In-Product Help was shown to the user. The subtype
    dictates special rules for when it can be shown. It can be normal, per-app
    (shown once each in multiple applications), or a legal notice (must be shown
    until explicitly acknowledged by the user).

<histogram name="UserEducation.MessageShown.Type" enum="PromoType"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records what type of In-Product Help was shown to the user. The type defines
    the behavior of the IPH, which can be many varieties (e.g. toast, snooze,
    custom action, etc.).

<histogram name="UserEducation.NewBadge.{NewBadgeFeature}.MaxShownReached"
    enum="BooleanCompleted" expires_after="2025-02-16">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Recorded when a &quot;New&quot; Badge is shown. Recorded as
    &quot;Completed&quot; if the maximum number of shows has been reached and
    the badge will not show again for this user, otherwise recorded as &quot;Not
  <token key="NewBadgeFeature" variants="NewBadgeFeature"/>

<histogram name="UserEducation.NewBadge.{NewBadgeFeature}.MaxUsedReached"
    enum="BooleanCompleted" expires_after="2024-12-01">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Recorded when the feature promoted by a &quot;New&quot; Badge is used,
    typically via entry point promoted by the badge. Recorded as
    &quot;Completed&quot; if the maximum number of uses has been reached and the
    badge will not show again for this user, otherwise recorded as &quot;Not
  <token key="NewBadgeFeature" variants="NewBadgeFeature"/>

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.ActivePeriodDuration.Min.Under1Hour"
    units="minutes" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the time duration of the Active Period of a User Education Session.
    The timer starts when a session starts. The timer is stopped and recorded
    when the current session is ended. Resolution is in minutes and the maximum
    time recorded in this metric is 1 hour.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.ActivePeriodDuration.Min.Under24Hours"
    units="minutes" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the time duration of the Active Period of a User Education Session.
    The timer starts when a session starts. The timer is stopped and recorded
    when the current session is ended. Resolution is in minutes and the maximum
    time recorded in this metric is 24 hours.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.IdlePeriodDuration.Hr.Under28Days"
    units="hours" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the time duration of the Idle Period of a User Education Session.
    The timer starts when a session ends. The timer is stopped and recorded when
    a new session is started. Resolution in in hours and the maximum time
    recorded in this metric is 28 days.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.IdlePeriodDuration.Min.Under24Hours"
    units="minutes" expires_after="2025-02-10">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the time duration of the Idle Period of a User Education Session.
    The timer starts when a session ends. The timer is stopped and recorded when
    a new session is started. Resolution is in minutes and the maximum time
    recorded in this metric is 24 hours.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.LongTermCount" units="count"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When a new User Education session starts, records the number of recent
    sessions in the &quot;long-term&quot; window, which is 28 days. This helps
    us understand how frequently new sessions are triggered.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.MonthlyActiveDays" units="count"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When a new User Education session starts, records the number of days with at
    least one session in the past month. This helps us understand how frequently
    our product is being used in alignment with standard Google user
    segmentation metrics.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.RecentActiveDays" units="count"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When a new User Education session starts, records the number of days with at
    least one session in the past week. This helps us understand how frequently
    our product is being used in alignment with standard Google user
    segmentation metrics.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.RecentActiveWeeks" units="count"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When a new User Education session starts, records the number of weeks with
    at least one session in the past month. This helps us understand how
    frequently our product is being used in alignment with standard Google user
    segmentation metrics.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.RecentSuperActiveWeeks" units="count"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When a new User Education session starts, records the number of weeks with
    at least four active days in the past month. This helps us understand how
    frequently our product is being used in alignment with standard Google user
    segmentation metrics.

<histogram name="UserEducation.Session.ShortTermCount" units="count"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    When a new User Education session starts, records the number of recent
    sessions in the &quot;short-term&quot; window, which is 7 days. This helps
    us understand how frequently new sessions are triggered.

<histogram name="UserEducation.WhatsNew.ExploreMoreExpanded"
    enum="BooleanYesNo" expires_after="2024-12-03">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records when the user expands or collapses the &quot;Explore More&quot;
    section of the What's New page.

<histogram name="UserEducation.WhatsNew.ModuleLinkClicked.{ModuleName}"
    enum="WhatsNewModulePosition" expires_after="2024-12-03">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records that a link or button in the {ModuleName} module on the What's New
    page was clicked. The value indicates the module's position in its section.
  <token key="ModuleName" variants="WhatsNewModule"/>

<histogram name="UserEducation.WhatsNew.ModuleShown.{ModuleName}"
    enum="WhatsNewModulePosition" expires_after="2024-12-03">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records that the {ModuleName} module on the What's New page was visible to
    the user. The value indicates the module's position in its section.
  <token key="ModuleName" variants="WhatsNewModule"/>

<histogram name="UserEducation.WhatsNew.ScrollDepth" enum="ScrollDepthQuartile"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records when the user scrolls past a quartile threshold of the What's New

<histogram name="UserEducation.WhatsNew.TimeOnPage" units="ms"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the total amount of time the user spent on the What's New page
    before navigating away.

<histogram name="UserEducation.WhatsNew.TimeToLoadContent" units="ms"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the time it took in milliseconds for the embedded What's New page to
    load after the WebUI was created.

<histogram name="WhatsNew.LoadEvent" enum="WhatsNewLoadEvent"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records load events for the What's New page when a load event occurs. This
    tracks how many times loading remote content is attempted, and whether it
    succeeds, fails and results in an error page, fails and redirects to the New
    Tab Page, fails and doesn't open the tab (for preloading), or fails and
    closes the tab. Load is attempted when the page is first opened or on first
    startup after updating to a new milestone. Success or failure will occur
    when the network request completes. Desktop only.

<histogram name="WhatsNew.LoadResponseCode"
    enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2025-02-02">
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records the net error or HTTP response code of the network request for the
    remote content for the iframe in the What's New page. This request is
    triggered when the What's New page is opened. Desktop only.

<histogram name="WhatsNew.StartupType" enum="WhatsNewStartupType"
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
  <owner>[email protected]</owner>
    Records whether the What's New page should try to show, whether it is
    overridden (e.g. by welcome) and whether the user is ineligible (e.g. due to
    being in incognito mode). Recorded when startup tabs are being determined at
    initialization. Desktop only.

