
Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.


This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.

For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see

Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].


<!-- Enum types -->


<enum name="AsmJsInstantiateResult">
  <int value="0" label="asm.js instantiation succeeded"/>
  <int value="1" label="asm.js instantiation failed"/>

<enum name="GarbageCollectionReason">
  <int value="0" label="kUnknown"/>
  <int value="1" label="kAllocationFailure"/>
  <int value="2" label="kAllocationLimit"/>
  <int value="3" label="kContextDisposal"/>
  <int value="4" label="kCountersExtension"/>
  <int value="5" label="kDebugger"/>
  <int value="6" label="kDeserializer"/>
  <int value="7" label="kExternalMemoryPressure"/>
  <int value="8" label="kFinalizeMarkingViaStackGuard"/>
  <int value="9" label="kFinalizeMarkingViaTask"/>
  <int value="10" label="kFullHashtable"/>
  <int value="11" label="kHeapProfiler"/>
  <int value="12" label="kIdleTask"/>
  <int value="13" label="kLastResort"/>
  <int value="14" label="kLowMemoryNotification"/>
  <int value="15" label="kMakeHeapIterable"/>
  <int value="16" label="kMemoryPressure"/>
  <int value="17" label="kMemoryReducer"/>
  <int value="18" label="kRuntime"/>
  <int value="19" label="kSamplingProfiler"/>
  <int value="20" label="kSnapshotCreator"/>
  <int value="21" label="kTesting"/>
  <int value="22" label="kExternalFinalize"/>
  <int value="23" label="kGlobalAllocationLimit"/>
  <int value="24" label="kMeasureMemory"/>
  <int value="25" label="kBackgroundAllocationFailure"/>

<enum name="LiftoffBailoutReason">
  <int value="0" label="kSuccess"/>
  <int value="1" label="kDecodeError"/>
  <int value="2" label="kUnsupportedArchitecture"/>
  <int value="3" label="kMissingCPUFeature"/>
  <int value="4" label="kComplexOperation"/>
  <int value="5" label="kSimd"/>
  <int value="6" label="kAnyRef"/>
  <int value="7" label="kExceptionHandling"/>
  <int value="8" label="kMultiValue"/>
  <int value="9" label="kTailCall"/>
  <int value="10" label="kAtomics"/>
  <int value="11" label="kBulkMemory"/>
  <int value="12" label="kNonTrappingFloatToInt"/>
  <int value="13" label="kGC"/>
  <int value="14" label="kRelaxedSimd"/>
  <int value="20" label="kOtherReason"/>

<enum name="V8CacheBehaviour">
  <int value="0" label="kProduceCodeCache">
    The compilation produced a code cache
  <int value="1" label="kHitIsolateCacheWhenNoCache">
    The compilation hit V8's isolate's compilation cache when Blink did not
    request a code cache
  <int value="2" label="kConsumeCodeCache">
    The compilation consumed a code cache
  <int value="3" label="kConsumeCodeCacheFailed">
    The compilation tried to consume a code cache, but failed (see
  <int value="4" label="kNoCacheBecauseInlineScript">
    Blink did not request a code cache because this is an inline script
  <int value="5" label="kNoCacheBecauseScriptTooSmall">
    Blink did not request a code cache because this script is too small
  <int value="6" label="kNoCacheBecauseCacheTooCold">
    Blink did not request a code cache because the cached resource is too cold
  <int value="7" label="kNoCacheNoReason">
    Blink did not request a code cache but gave no reason
  <int value="8" label="kNoCacheBecauseNoResource">
    Blink did not request a code cache because there is no resource
  <int value="9" label="kNoCacheBecauseInspector">
    Blink did not request a code cache because the script came from the
  <int value="10" label="kNoCacheBecauseCachingDisabled">
    Blink did not request a code cache because caching is disabled
  <int value="11" label="kNoCacheBecauseModule">
    Blink did not request a code cache because the script is a module
  <int value="12" label="kNoCacheBecauseStreamingSource">
    Blink did not request a code cache because this is a streaming source
  <int value="13" label="kNoCacheBecauseV8Extension">
    Blink did not request a code cache because it is compiling a V8 extension
  <int value="14" label="kHitIsolateCacheWhenProduceCodeCache">
    The compilation hit V8's isolate's compilation cache and produced a code
  <int value="15" label="kHitIsolateCacheWhenConsumeCodeCache">
    The compilation hit V8's isolate's compilation cache instead of consuming a
    code cache
  <int value="16" label="kNoCacheBecauseModuleExtension">
    Blink did not request a code cache because it is compiling a module for an
  <int value="17" label="kNoCacheBecausePacScript">
    Blink did not request a code cache because it is compiling a PAC script
  <int value="18" label="kNoCacheBecauseInDocumentWrite">
    Blink did not request a code cache because it is compiling a script created
    by document.write
  <int value="19" label="kNoCacheBecauseResourceWithNoCacheHandler">
    Blink did not request a code cache because it has a script resource without
    a cache handler
  <int value="20" label="kHitIsolateCacheWhenStreamingSource">
    Blink parsed and compiled the script as it was streamed, but we then hit
    V8's isolate's compilation cache and did not require the streamed result.

<enum name="V8CodeCacheRejectReason">
  <int value="1" label="MAGIC_NUMBER_MISMATCH">
    Reject due to magic number mismatch
  <int value="2" label="VERSION_MISMATCH">
    Reject due to version hash mismatch
  <int value="3" label="SOURCE_MISMATCH">
    Reject due to source hash mismatch
  <int value="4" label="CPU_FEATURES_MISMATCH">
    Reject due to CPU features mismatch
  <int value="5" label="FLAGS_MISMATCH">Reject due to flags hash mismatch</int>
  <int value="6" label="CHECKSUM_MISMATCH">Reject due to checksum mismatch</int>
  <int value="7" label="INVALID_HEADER">Invalid header</int>

<enum name="V8ExternalPointerTableCompactionOutcome">
  <int value="0" label="kSuccess">Table compaction was successful.</int>
  <int value="1" label="kPartialSuccess">
    Table compaction was partially successful: marking finished successfully,
    and so the table was successfully compacted, but some of the entries in the
    evacuated area were already in use again during sweeping, preventing the
    underlying OS pages from being deallocated.
  <int value="2" label="kAbortedDuringMarking">
    Table compaction was aborted during marking because not enough evacuation
    entries (the new entries into which evacuated entries are moved) could be

<enum name="V8SandboxMode">
  <int value="0" label="kSecure">
    Using a default, securely-configured sandbox
  <int value="1" label="kInsecure">
    Using a fallback, insecurely-configured sandbox

<enum name="WasmAllocationResult">
  <int value="0" label="kSuccess"/>
  <int value="1" label="kSuccessAfterRetry"/>
  <int value="2" label="kAddressSpaceLimitReachedFailure"/>
  <int value="3" label="kOtherFailure"/>

<enum name="WasmCodeCaching">
  <int value="0" label="kMiss"/>
  <int value="1" label="kHit"/>
  <int value="2" label="kInvalidCacheEntry"/>
  <int value="3" label="kNoCacheHandler"/>

<enum name="WasmCompilationMethod">
  <int value="0" label="kSyncCompilation"/>
  <int value="1" label="kAsyncCompilation"/>
  <int value="2" label="kStreamingCompilation"/>
  <int value="3" label="kAsyncInstantiation"/>
  <int value="4" label="kStreamingInstantiation"/>

<enum name="WasmStreamingInputType">
  <int value="0" label="kNoResponse"/>
  <int value="1" label="kResponseNotOK"/>
  <int value="2" label="kWrongMimeType"/>
  <int value="3" label="kResponseEmpty"/>
  <int value="4" label="kResponseLocked"/>
  <int value="5" label="kNoURL"/>
  <int value="6" label="kValidHttp"/>
  <int value="7" label="kValidHttps"/>
  <int value="8" label="kValidDataURL"/>
  <int value="9" label="kValidFileURL"/>
  <int value="10" label="kValidBlob"/>
  <int value="11" label="kValidChromeExtension"/>
  <int value="12" label="kValidOtherProtocol"/>

