Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file describes the enumerations referenced by entries in histograms.xml for
this directory. Some enums may instead be listed in the central enums.xml file
at src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml when multiple files use them.
For best practices on writing enumerations descriptions, see
Please follow the instructions in the OWNERS file in this directory to find a
reviewer. If no OWNERS file exists, please consider signing up at
go/reviewing-metrics (Googlers only), as all subdirectories are expected to
have an OWNERS file. As a last resort you can send the CL to
[email protected].
<!-- Enum types -->
<enum name="PwaInstallPath">
<summary>The path taken by the user to reach install point for PWAs.</summary>
<int value="0" label="Unknown metric (error case)"/>
<int value="1" label="Install via Install modal (Ambient Badge)"/>
<int value="2" label="Install via Install modal (App menu)"/>
<int value="3" label="Install via Install modal (API)"/>
<int value="4" label="Install via BottomSheet (shown ambiently)"/>
<int value="5" label="Install via BottomSheet (App menu)"/>
<int value="6" label="Install via BottomSheet (API)"/>
<int value="7"
label="IPH shown, then install via Install modal (shown ambiently)"/>
<int value="8" label="IPH shown, then install via Install modal (App menu)"/>
<int value="9" label="IPH shown, then install via Install modal (API)"/>
<int value="10"
label="IPH shown, then install via BottomSheet (shown ambiently)"/>
<int value="11" label="IPH shown, then install via BottomSheet (App menu)"/>
<int value="12" label="IPH shown, then install via BottomSheet (API)"/>
<enum name="SegmentationResult">
<int value="0" label="Invalid"/>
<int value="1" label="Don't show"/>
<int value="2" label="Show install prompt"/>
<enum name="UniversalInstallDialogActions">
<int value="0" label="Dialog shown"/>
<int value="1" label="Install app"/>
<int value="2" label="Open existing app"/>
<int value="3" label="Create shortcut (regular)"/>
<int value="4" label="Create shortcut (to app)"/>
<int value="5" label="Dialog shown after timeout"/>
<int value="6" label="Dialog cancelled (Back)"/>
<int value="7" label="Redirect to shortcut creation"/>
<int value="8" label="Redirect to install crafted app"/>
<int value="9" label="Redirect to install homebrew app"/>
<enum name="WebApkAppType">
<int value="0" label="Native"/>
<int value="1" label="WebApk"/>
<int value="2" label="Shortcut"/>
<int value="3" label="WebApk (homebrew)"/>
<enum name="WebApkGooglePlayInstallResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Install delegate unavailable"/>
<int value="2" label="Failed to connect to Google Play Install Service"/>
<int value="3" label="Caller verification failure"/>
<int value="4" label="Policy violation"/>
<int value="5" label="Play install API disabled"/>
<int value="6" label="Request to Play install API failed"/>
<int value="7" label="Download cancelled"/>
<int value="8" label="Download error"/>
<int value="9" label="Install error"/>
<int value="10" label="Install timed out"/>
<int value="11" label="Request to Play install API failed - Policy disabled"/>
<int value="12"
label="Request to Play install API failed - User not signed into Play"/>
<int value="13" label="Request to Play install API failed - Network Error"/>
<int value="14" label="Request to Play install API failed - Resolve Error"/>
<int value="15"
label="Request to Play install API failed - Not Google Signed"/>
<enum name="WebApkInstallEvent">
<int value="0" label="Infobar is ignored (deprecated)"/>
<int value="1"
label="Add-to-homescreen dialog dismissed prior to installation"/>
<int value="2" label="Infobar is dismissed during installation (deprecated)"/>
<int value="3" label="Success"/>
<int value="4" label="Failed"/>
<enum name="WebApkInstallGooglePlayErrorCode">
<int value="192" label="STATUS_RUNNING"/>
<int value="194" label="STATUS_WAITING_TO_RETRY"/>
<int value="198" label="STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ERROR"/>
<int value="400" label="STATUS_BAD_REQUEST"/>
<int value="406" label="STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE"/>
<int value="489" label="STATUS_CANNOT_RESUME"/>
<int value="490" label="STATUS_CANCELED"/>
<int value="491" label="STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR"/>
<int value="492" label="STATUS_FILE_ERROR"/>
<int value="495" label="STATUS_HTTP_DATA_ERROR"/>
<int value="907" label="ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INTERNAL_CONDITION_5"/>
<int value="908" label="ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INTERNAL_FREE_SPACE_0"/>
<int value="910" label="ERROR_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE"/>
<int value="919" label="ERROR_INSTALL_APK_VERIFICATION_SIZE"/>
<int value="920" label="ERROR_VOLLEY_AUTH_FAILURE"/>
<int value="922" label="ERROR_VOLLEY_DFE_SERVER_0"/>
<int value="923" label="ERROR_VOLLEY_NETWORK"/>
<int value="924" label="ERROR_VOLLEY_NO_CONNECTION_0"/>
<int value="927" label="ERROR_VOLLEY_TIMEOUT_0"/>
<int value="963" label="ERROR_INSTALL_APK_COPY_FAILURE"/>
<int value="1008" label="ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INTERNAL_FREE_SPACE"/>
<int value="1010" label="ERROR_DELIVERY_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND"/>
<int value="1149" label="ERROR_INSTALLER_TASK_START_FAILED"/>
<int value="1402" label="ERROR_VOLLEY_DFE_SERVER"/>
<int value="1404" label="ERROR_VOLLEY_NO_CONNECTION"/>
<int value="1407" label="ERROR_VOLLEY_TIMEOUT"/>
<int value="5200" label="ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED"/>
<!-- LINT.IfChange(WebApkInstallResult) -->
<enum name="WebApkInstallResult">
<int value="0" label="Success"/>
<int value="1" label="Play install failed"/>
<int value="2" label="Install timed out"/>
<int value="3" label="No installer"/>
<int value="4" label="No server"/>
<int value="5" label="Server error"/>
<int value="6" label="Request timed out"/>
<int value="7" label="Request invalid"/>
<int value="8" label="Not enough space"/>
<int value="9" label="Download icon and hash error"/>
<int value="11" label="Install already in progress"/>
<!-- LINT.ThenChange(/components/webapps/browser/android/webapk/webapk_types.h:WebApkInstallResult) -->
<!-- LINT.IfChange(WebApkRestoreFallbackReason) -->
<enum name="WebApkRestoreFallbackReason">
<int value="0" label="Installing fetched WebAPK (not fallback)"/>
<int value="1" label="Failed to load URL"/>
<int value="2" label="Manifest ID mismatch"/>
<int value="3" label="Fetch result is not WebAPK Compatible"/>
<!-- LINT.ThenChange(/chrome/browser/android/webapk/webapk_restore_task.h:WebApkRestoreFallbackReason) -->
<enum name="WebApkSyncAddOrModifyType">
<int value="0" label="New install on device, and new addition to Sync"/>
<int value="1" label="New install on device, and modification to Sync"/>
<int value="2" label="Launch on device, and new addition to Sync"/>
<int value="3" label="Launch on device, and modification to Sync"/>
<enum name="WebApkUpdateRequestSent">
<int value="0" label="Sent immediately after an update check (deprecated)"/>
<int value="1" label="Sent when WebAPK is moved to background (deprecated)"/>
<int value="2" label="Sent by forcing an update (deprecated)"/>
<int value="3" label="Sent when WebAPK is closed"/>