# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
Implementation for simple validators defined in simple_configs.pyl.
import sys
from cli_tools.tbmv3.validators import utils
CONFIG_FORMAT = ('Config must contain "v2_metric", "v3_metric", and '
def CheckConfig(simple_config):
name = simple_config.name
config = simple_config.config
if 'v2_metric' not in config:
raise Exception('config %s missing "v2_metric"\n%s' % (name, CONFIG_FORMAT))
if 'v3_metric' not in config:
raise Exception('config %s missing "v3_metric"\n%s' % (name, CONFIG_FORMAT))
if 'histogram_mappings' not in config:
raise Exception('config %s missing "histogram_mappings"\n%s' %
def OptionalGetHistogram(histogram_set, name, metric, version):
hists = histogram_set.GetHistogramsNamed(name)
if len(hists) == 0:
return None
if len(hists) > 1:
raise Exception('Multiple histograms named %s found for TBM%s metric %s' %
(name, version, metric))
return hists[0]
def CompareSimpleHistograms(test_ctx, config, v2_histograms, v3_histograms):
v2_metric = config['v2_metric']
v3_metric = config['v3_metric']
metric_precision = config['float_precision']
for v2_hist_name, v3_hist_info in config['histogram_mappings'].items():
if isinstance(v3_hist_info, str):
v3_hist_name = v3_hist_info
precision = metric_precision
elif isinstance(v3_hist_info, tuple):
v3_hist_name = v3_hist_info[0]
precision = v3_hist_info[1]
raise Exception('v3_histogram must be either string of v3_histogram '
' name of (v3_hist_name, precision) tuple.')
v2_hist = OptionalGetHistogram(v2_histograms, v2_hist_name, v2_metric, 'v2')
v3_hist = OptionalGetHistogram(v3_histograms, v3_hist_name, v3_metric, 'v3')
if (v2_hist is None) or (v2_hist.num_values == 0):
if (v3_hist is not None) and (v3_hist.num_values > 0):
raise Exception('v3 metric produced non-empty histogram %s, but '
'equivalent histogram %s is not present or empty '
'in v2 metric' % (v3_hist_name, v2_hist_name))
if v3_hist is None:
msg = ('List of histograms produced by v3 metric %s:\n' % (v3_metric))
msg += '\n'.join([h.name for h in v3_histograms])
raise Exception('Histogram %s not produced by v3 metric\n%s' %
(v3_hist_name, msg))
utils.AssertHistogramStatsAlmostEqual(test_ctx, v2_hist, v3_hist,
utils.AssertHistogramSamplesAlmostEqual(test_ctx, v2_hist, v3_hist,
except AssertionError as err:
message = (
'Error comparing TBMv2 histogram %s with TBMv3 histogram %s: %s' %
(v2_hist.name, v3_hist.name, err.message))
raise AssertionError(message, sys.exc_info()[2])
def CompareHistograms(test_ctx):
config = test_ctx.simple_config.config
v2_metric = config['v2_metric']
v3_metric = config['v3_metric']
v2_histograms = test_ctx.RunTBMv2(v2_metric)
v3_histograms = test_ctx.RunTBMv3(v3_metric)
CompareSimpleHistograms(test_ctx, config, v2_histograms, v3_histograms)